On September 8th, 1966, television changed forever. 50 years later we find ourselves looking for new ways to celebrate the Star Trek franchise. Each day during Trek’s “anniversary week”, a member of the TrekMovie staff will take to the @TrekMovie twitter to live tweet one of our favorite TOS episodes, plus a special live tweet of For the Love of Spock on September 10th. Hit the jump for the complete schedule so you can follow along.
TrekMovie’s Live Tweet Schedule (all times Pacific)
TrekMovie staff will be live tweeting from the official @TrekMovie account.
All times are approximate, they’re subject to delays from day jobs, etc.
- Sunday, September 4th: 12:00pm PDT – Jared Whitley (@whitleypedia) to live tweet “Conscience of the King”
- Monday, September 5th: 6:30pm PDT – Rich Schepis (@realschepdog) to live tweet “City on the Edge of Forever”
- Tuesday, September 6th: 7:15pm PDT – Laurie Ulster to live tweet “Wink of an Eye”
- Wednesday, September 7th: 8:00pm PDT – Brian Drew (@bdrew73) to live tweet “Space Seed”
- Thursday, September 8th: 5:30pm PDT – John Duchak (@xthisisawar) to live tweet the episode that started it all, “The Man Trap”
- Friday, September 9th: 6:00pm PDT – Christine Rideout (@starfleetmom) to live tweet “Devil in the Dark
- Saturday, September 10th: 7:00pm PDT – Kayla Iacovino (@kaylai) to live tweet “For The Love of Spock” documentary
Watch along with us by following @TrekMovie on twitter! You can watch Star Trek The Original Series on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and CBS All Access. You can pre-order “For The Love of Spock” now on iTunes (for the release on September 9th).
I’m not seeing the point of this. What am I missing here?
Way to make a shitty drive-by comment
No, seriously, though. I just don’t see why reading what people are tweeting while watching a TV episode would appeal to anyone. I’m genuinely perplexed by this.
Because it’s not a passive experience, you tweet back to the people “hosting” the episode showing, with your thoughts and comments. You start your copy of the episode when they do, and then call things out. It’s a bit like going to one of those Rocky Horror showings where everyone gets up and takes part in it, but on social media.
Even without a lot of tweeting back and forth, it’s kind of like having a friend in the room to chat about the episode.
As Kirk’s son David Marcus said “This is just to give us something to do”
I’m really disappointed that in the anniversary week we’re having to find our own ways to celebrate. I really think that so far CBS and Paramount have dropped the ball. If you look at how Doctor Who celebrated, with a dedicated TV special, a documentary drama, a TV event the evening of the anniversary and so on – all loaded with nostalgia – it just felt like they really wanted to look back and honour what had come before.
Sure, I know we had Beyond. I know the new TV show is coming soon and we have stuff like “For the Love of Spock”, Roddenberry Vault and so on. But none of these are really things that feel like they are specifically there to celebrate the 50th in the manner that, say, Trials and Tribbleations and the Star Trek 30 Years Beyond events did for the 30th. The Vegas convention and other conventions just felt like they do any other year in terms of guests, etc and I just personally don’t feel even aware that it’s the 50th Anniversary this coming week.
Yep, I think we all feel that way. If you were around for the 25th anniversary in 1991, it was a huge time, Trek was big in general then, Trek was everywhere with lots of casual fans. There were TOS and TNG Slurpee cups, there were 25th anniversary magazines, etc. etc.
Yeah, there are magazines (Time, Newsweek, EW, and TV Guide), but beyond the honestly kinda crappy History Channel doc, there isn’t much hype.
Apparenlty the CBS run DECADES OTA network will be running “rare” Trek documentaries according to their broadcast promos. Didn’t they make a new THROUGH THE DECADES episode for Apollo’s moonlanding? I wonder if they came up with something new for Trek?
“Decades will celebrate the big anniversary on Thursday, September 8, with a day of retrospectives, spanning from The Original Series to the franchise’s more recent endeavors. ”
HEROES & ICONS is kicking off its Trek Anniversary OTA programming this sunday Sept. 4th airing a bunch of classic trek documentaries and the start of their animated STAR TREK episode play:
CBS THIS MORNING, SATURDAY just did a 50th anniversary piece ending with DSC using a bit of the Fuller trailer for a visual while they talked about STAR TREK’s future.
They even mentioned how Trek’s fans brought its fiction into reality and in a first brought that reality back to its fiction.
I’ll be watch all 72 episodes of TOS & Movies for the 500th time and still never get bored with it.
So which seven episodes do you skip, lol? Someone had to ask it.
Typo, we can’t edit these post once posted.
But since you asked:
Spocks Brain, Conscience of the King, Turnabout Intruder, Way to Eden, And the Children Shall Lead, Spectra of the Gun, and Mudds Women (I just can’t stomach that episode)
Also I’d likely skip Star Trek V, but will listen to the sound track.
I was just busting your Space Seeds, Khan.
“Brain, brain, what is brain?” “Shut up, Stella.”
Can’t wait to see the articles from Mission New York! The ENT panel today was LITTT! #leprechaun5
Looks like STB made $30.1 million over the three day weekend in China. STID opened with $26 million, so it’s unlikely STB is going to do much better than the $57 it earned on STID. It definitely won’t put STB into the black. Keep in mind Paramount will only get around 25% of that total BO anyway.
What’s going to hurt Trek in the short term is not STB’s performance so much as this:
Total worldwide box office including China is $285,393,322
Budget $185 million
Marketing $120 million
Box Office $142 million (Less Theater take $142)
Total remaining to break even $163 million
Paramount is expected to earn another $8-13 million of a $15-25 million BO, which means they will close with a loss of over $150 million, before home video and TV deals, which are not likely to immediately put this film into the black, much less be considered profitable.
Why isn’t the IMAX re-release this weekend being covered by TrekMovie?
Anyone know if this is still happening? No activity on either twitter account. It’s 3:15 on the East Coast (12:15 Pacific)
Started a little late at ~12:30PM… Gotta cut people some slack.