Star Trek is headed back to San Diego Comic-Con, and CBS is going big, announcing today they are doing a panel in the famed Hall H. They are also doing a number of other promotions around Comic-Con for Star Trek: Discovery.
Discovery Panel
The Star Trek: Discovery panel will be held on Friday, July 20 at 1:30 pm in Hall H. Cast members scheduled to appear include Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Shazad Latif, Mary Wiseman, Anthony Rapp, Wilson Cruz, Mary Chieffo and Anson Mount, alongside executive producers Alex Kurtzman and Heather Kadin. The panel will be moderated by series guest star Tig Notaro, who will appear as Chief Engineer Reno in Season 2.
Star Trek: Discovery Mirror Universe Gallery Takeover
CBS is creating a fully immersive Star Trek: Discovery Mirror Universe experience at the Michael J. Wolf Fine Arts Gallery (363 Fifth Avenue, San Diego); Comic-Con badges are not required for entry. The exhibit, scheduled to run from Thursday, July 19 through Sunday, July 22, features a photo opportunity with Emperor Georgiou’s Throne and showcases props and costumes from the series’ Terran Empire. The gallery will also house an official Star Trek shop with Comic-Con exclusives.
Exhibit Hours: Thursday (11:00 AM to 9:00 PM), Friday (11:00 AM to 9:00 PM), Saturday (11:00 AM to 9:00 PM) and Sunday (11:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
Pedicab Promotion
From Thursday, July 19 through Sunday, July 22, CBS will offer free “intergalactic” rides throughout San Diego’s Gaslamp District in pedicabs inspired by the design of the U.S.S. Discovery’s captain’s chair. The pedicabs will feature the chair’s distinctive stitched black seats as well as video monitors built into its armrests, which will screen trailers for the highly anticipated second season. As an added touch, each vehicle will display an illuminated U.S.S. Discovery delta shield on the back.
Hall H is significant
Holding a capacity crowd of 6,500 people, Comic-Con’s Hall H is described as the “most important room in Hollywood.” During Comic-Con the 65,000 square foot space is often used by major film studios to promote upcoming tentpole movies. CBS used Hall H in 2016 for their 50th anniversary panel, which is where they first previewed Discovery.
Hall H does feature some major TV show panels, but more often TV show panels are held in Ballroom 20, which is another well known large venue at Comic-Con with a capacity of 4,800. CBS is using Ballroom 20 this year for two TV show panels (Tell Me A Story and Charmed), as well as the smaller Room 6A for three other events (Magnum PI and Crazy Ex Girlfriend panels, as well as a classic Twilight Zone marathon). Last year Ballroom 20 is where CBS held their Discovery Season 1 panel.
While there are no guarantees, the fact that CBS is using Hall H for this year’s panel indicates that they may have more than just Discovery to talk about. With the news that CBS is developing multiple Star Trek TV projects, they may be ready to make some announcements and show off some of what they have in store for Trek on TV. Alex Kurtzman has been tapped to oversee the expansion of Star Trek on TV and he will be at the Hall H panel.

Bryan Fuller with William Shatner, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, Jeri Ryan and Scott Bakula at 2016 Star Trek 50th anniversary panel in Hall H
As for Discovery itself, there is plenty that could end up being revealed. A big one is the actual release date for the second season, as the only word so far is it will be some time in 2019. Since the show will have been in production for three months by the time of the panel, it is quite plausible we could get a trailer or clip, possibly showing the USS Enterprise and Anson Mount’s Captain Pike. It’s also possible there could also be news regarding the future of After Trek, which CBS promised they are “reimagining” for season two.
UPDATE: Mount is looking forward to some footage too, more cast reactions
I’ll be there. Looking forward to seeing some footage!
— Anson Mount (@ansonmount) July 2, 2018
It’s gonna be FUN. And Hall H is apparently HUGE! So exciting!!! Who among you will be there to watch us do our thing? @startrekcbs @Comic_Con
— Anthony Rapp (@albinokid) July 2, 2018
Squee!! As someone who grew up going to @Comic_Con and dreamed of one day being on a panel there, I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am to be on one, especially with this group of beautiful and inspiring artists. #StarTrekDiscovery #SDCC2018 #geekingout @startrekcbs
— Mary Chieffo (@marythechief) July 2, 2018
Come see us at @Comic_Con !
— Mary Wiseman (@may_wise) July 2, 2018
TrekMovie will be there
TrekMovie will have a team in San Diego, ready to report all the news about Star Trek on TV and more, so stay tuned to the site as well as our Twitter and Instagram accounts to keep up with all the news.
Star Trek: Discovery is available exclusively in the USA on CBS All Access. It airs in Canada on Space and streams on CraveTV. It is available on Netflix everywhere else.
Keep up with all the Star Trek: Discovery news at TrekMovie.
So very exciting. I love that my childhood obsession continues to crank out new shows and films. Live long and prosper indeed 🖖🏾
This objectively illustrates the relative popularity of the series to each other among genre fans — the Comicon organizers spend a lot of time calculating the fan interest of their events and assign appropriate sized rooms accordingly.
That’s not how it works. CBS paid for Hall H.
Do tell. How much? Comic Con International is non-profit corporation, so it should be tax deductible.
Comic Con may be a non-profit but the venue itself is not so the larger the space the steeper the price.
;-) Of course! My post was intended to be humorous satire in taking the fan competition between the two shows to an extreme…hence the over-the-top 2 sentences of ALL CAP’s.
Now, after you explained it, I still don’t find it funny. But that of course might be due to the fact that I’m German.
I’m not German and I didn’t get it either. Think perhaps he needed to add Spicer-style “PERIOD!!” at end of statement to really get any attempted humorous point across.
Re: “PERIOD!!”
If he did that, then he’d be MJ, who used that particular form of punctuation in a myriad of personalities to stifle discussions and bully his positions. None of which were the least bit funny to anyone, save himself, in his private performances of variations of a PUNCH AND JUDY show.
I’d have rather dealt with a hundred of MJ’s personnas than keachick.
Oh, how I miss MJ!!! sniffle-sniffle.
OK, now THAT’S funny.
No, it’s not that you are German. Generally, all caps for entire sentences do not denote humor. That means yelling. When used for one word it denotes an emphasis.
When I exaggerate, I do so to emphasize points.
It’s not just me. That is the typical use of exaggeration. Just as the typical use of all caps is yelling. Not humor.
Lol, now you missed “irony” as well.
Then by all means… Enlighten me to where I missed it.
Those were actually your own words:
“When I exaggerate, I do so to emphasize points.”
Please pay closer attention. I did not dispute the quote. I asked you to enlighten me to where the irony was missed.
Well, I think you fully get this and are “messing with me,” but I will nevertheless respond…
By using ALL CAPS I was exaggerating, for satiric purposes, how people here will spin doctor any point to try to put down either series in favor of the other.
And the irony was that you had used this explanation in your previous post where I didn’t really get the application of it that you were proffering.
Nope. Not messing with you. I did not see any irony whatsoever in what you were saying. Hence, asking you to enlighten me.
So it seems that the problem was your use of all caps. I don’t consider myself an expert on internet lingo but I do know that all caps is considered yelling in the internet message world. I have never once seen it used to denote sarcasm or exaggeration. Hence the confusion. And lack of irony.
Actually, you can google “Caps lock anger or sarcasm MMO champion” and see a recent poll of the most common reason to use ALL CAPS for online gamers. Anger (i.e. shouting) did lead with 27% of people saying it was the most common reason (so I give you that!), but sarcasm nearly tied it, with 23%.
And here is a response to the poll, which puts this is the context I was intending:
“Sarcasm totally. Usually to imitate other people’s CAPS behaviour in a silly way”
Yep! That is exactly what I was doing, and obviously I am not alone in this use of it as you tried to suggest.
You fell into your “overstated proclamation mode” once again here when you said, “I have never once seen it used…” I’ve tried to throw you a bone in the past in suggesting that you back off of the the “it’s 100%” or “it’s 0%” type of comments. I realize you will fall back and say, “well I meant that I personally have not seen it used once,” but that would still be pretty lame. Sigh!
Regardless of your personal justifications, I have still never (not an exaggeration, btw) seen it used that way until you did. I suppose it is possible I just bucked the odds over the years but I’m going to go with that being unlikely. Therefore, until such usage becomes more prevalent I think it prudent to continue to see all caps as yelling. Sarcasm can be difficult to convey in text but in most cases the reader can figure it out by the context. Personally if I don’t think it obvious I will point out that the comment was indeed sarcasm. I suspect this is not the first time people have been confused by your use of it in that form and that in the future confusion will still be the result of it. So do as you will.
But to be worth attempting at all, sarcasm must have the bite of humor and as Carson would say many times: if you have to explain it, then it isn’t funny, i.e. it becomes something sad, like when Biff blows his puns.
Now, that was obviously sarcasm. But there was no need to yell. The point would have still been made.
“Now, that was obviously sarcasm.”
Yep, exactly.
(I know this characterization of what you said is wrong, but I am providing it to you as an example of how it is to be on the other end of one of your mischaracterizations of others’ posts here)
“I know this characterization of what you said is wrong,”
Soooo…. You are saying it WASN’T sarcasm? OK then. But it sure read as sarcasm. And again, yelling it didn’t help. Or was there a reason for the screaming that I did not pick up?
LOL. Nice try.
Let the record show that in this case of his successful use of sarcasm, BorgKlingon did not have to explain it.
Nor did he scream it.
LOL. But you love David Hasselhof, right?
Come on, who doesn’t love Hasselhoff? I practically grew up with Knight Rider, watching it as a 4 year in Dusseldorf, Germany when the wall was coming down.
I agree! I loved that show.
Are you telling me that a franchise that has lasted over 50 years, across 31 seasons, 13 movies, etc. will attract more people than a show that has only been on for 1 season? Mind = blown.
Well its Star Trek lol. This isn’t exactly a shock. This is a franchise that can still sell out conventions even when no new show or film is being promoted. SDCC is made for people like Trek fans. Its nice CBS is making a big deal about it though and rented out a big space.
“THE COMICON ORGANIZERS HAVE ASSIGNED” “the Comicon organizers spend a lot of time calculating the fan interest of their events and assign appropriate sized rooms accordingly.”
Lol! Are you for real?
As Mr. Drew said, studios pay for the space.
LOL. I was satirizing the out-of-control fan competition debate between the shows.
Hey I love Star Trek Discovery and have yet to watch more than a couple of episodes of the Orville, but no need to develop a hate on for the show or to belittle it. From everything I’ve read, it is a half decent show and it won the recent Saturn Prize for TV Sci-Fi so it must have something going for it. I know it is easy to have an “us vs them” scenario but not really needed. If the Disco naysayers like The Orville, so be it, that doesn’t mean we need to hate it or them.
Its really funny to me how there are so many people who claim to love DIS here and almost come off offended anytime someone says something critical of the show (even when its valid) but then have no problem slagging off Orville (and I’m not suggesting the OP is doing that just speaking in general).
I use to have one poster always whining that I was critical of DIS and seemed bothered of what I said about the show. OK, fine, I get it. But then that SAME poster would go on and on about how Orville sucks, which again, is fine. I don’t have a problem with that. Thats what a message board is for. But you can’t tell people to stop judging the show YOU like but then turn around and dog the ones you don’t over and over again.
Neither Orville or DIS is perfect but they are quality shows IMO. Now how much you want to question the level of that quality is clearly up for debate. And it doesn’t mean you have to still like either show of course. Its ok for people to be critical of any of them but don’t be a hypocrite about it and stop making it an ‘us vs them’ thing. Some of us do watch both!
I watch and enjoy both shows for different reasons. But there’s definitely lots of people who only like one of them, who attack people who like the other show or the idea that anyone would like the other show. It definitely isn’t limited to Discovery fans hating on Orville.
Of course agreed. It all just needs to stop, period. If you don’t like one show, fine. If you don’t like the other show, also fine. But stop turning it into a silly competition or pretend only one is worthy. They are TV shows, there is no right or wrong, only what you personally like. That’s how art works.
And the fact that they BOTH won for best shows in the Saturn awards, even if others might personally disagree, proves there are people out there who actually think they are both quality shows.
My post was intended to be humorous satire in taking fan the competition between the two shows to an extreme.
But in responding to your post, I would say that for my part, I enjoy the fan competitive discussion and disagreements in assessing both shows. I think maybe “what needs to stop” is all of you that get so hypersensitive every time those of us who only like one of the shows post about it — why is this so upsetting?
As you yourself, said, “They are TV shows, there is no right or wrong, only what you personally like.” Exactly, so that fact a number of us here who enjoy debating the differences in both shows, and like the competition, should be no issue with you then…no right and wrong as they are just TV shows, right?
You drew the right conclusion, but made the wrong implementation decision (“this has got to stop”) based on your conclusion.
I have no issues if people hate Discovery OR Orville. And obviously you are going to compare them. Thats fine, its when it becomes a grudge match of which is the ‘better’ show to the point people begin disparaging others and over their preference. You can say which one you think is the better show without degrading or belittling fans who like the other one, right?
And yes you also can’t get upset when someone puts down the show you adore but then freely trash the other one. If you’re going to do that then at least be a big boy (or girl) and realize everyone here has the right to say how they feel regardless. IE, if you’re going to give it then you have to take it too. Again this is’t directed at you obviously just in general.
Debate is fine, that’s why I come here. I have NO issues stating the issues I have with DIS but I don’t put down others who disagree with me. I have also said I like DIS over Orville overall (the fact I still haven’t even watched all the episodes of season one of that show should make that clear). I’m on the fence with both of them frankly, hate neither but love neither. Maybe why I (oddly) can get along with most people here lol.
But people hating them is not a problem for me. Its when that opinion puts down others because their opinion differ from theirs. And it happens a lot here.
I don’t really fund much to disagree with you in your post here. But in general, I do feel that some people here (not referring to you) are overly thin-skinned and stress an ruminate way to much over what I find to be enjoyable banter with folks who have different opinions than I.
Of course there are exceptions, as a certain person here who continually insists that others behave differently than he himself behaves, and another poster who has this silly bad-ass shtick which is designed to bully people into accepting his POV.
I watch both shows. To me, there is no competition. I’m still going to watch both and judge each against itself. Not the other. At least not directly. :)
But the Orville is pretty much crap. No one will miss it when it’s cancelled.
Because you speak for everyone right? Hint, you don’t.
This is exciting. I was already hoping we get maybe a small trailer for season two. But now with all the new shows coming we may get some info about those as well. Some concrete information at least.
And I know it won’t happen but I would LOVE for Patrick Stewart to pop out with a surprise appearance announcing he’s coming back as Picard. That would send shock waves through fandom. Its all we will be talking about for months. C’mon CBS, make it so!
“And I know it won’t happen but I would LOVE for Patrick Stewart to pop out with a surprise appearance announcing he’s coming back as Picard.”
Actually I believe that might be why they moved to Hall H.
Yeah I’m hoping so Ahmed but I don’t want to disappoint myself either. If we all start telling each other its going to happen only for it not to is going to make that day really suck lol.
I notice though there has been a complete word of silence about Patrick Stewart coming back to Trek. It may not mean anything but I do believe since he hasn’t refuted any of the rumors then maybe something is going on behind the scenes. We still may not hear anything about it this month but its possible at least.
Yeah, I assume if Patrick Stewart coming back wasn’t happening, someone would have come out and said it’s not happening. Otherwise, whenever they do make an announcement, it would be a monumental letdown if Patrick Stewart coming back isn’t something they announce.
I guess the reason they moved from Ballroom 20 to Hall H is the anticipated news about the new Trek shows.
Let’s hope so!!!!
Although the article noted Hall H is where they did the 50th anniversary celebration in 2016 and we got zero info about DIS at the time other than that very bad first image of the ship. Of course we will get something about DIS second season but it may not mean we will get any information about the other shows. It could just be a DIS thing.
In the Deadline article about the new Trek shows, they speculated that we might hear more at SDCC:
Per Deadline:
there is talk that one of the first shows would be an eight-episode limited series spinoff, and there is speculation about a series starring Star Trek veteran Patrick Stewart reprising his character. Kurtzman and Co. may reveal some details at the upcoming Comic-Com convention.
That’s good news! It does sound like we may get at least an acknowledgement they are indeed working on them if nothing else. That honestly would be enough for me but we know most people want to know if we are getting Picard again or not. If we do get a confirmation on that anything else beyond that is just gravy.
That 50th anniversary panel was terrible and Bryan Fuller was a really bad moderator. A random assortment of actors who barely knew each other (besides Spiner and adorn) or each other’s shows. The hastily thrown together teaser for Discovery was essentially an afterthought as the panel was ending.
Last year’s panel in Ballroom 20 was significantly better.
Unfortunately, I think everything about the 50th anniversary was terrible. They couldn’t really do one proper thing to honor the franchise except for hastily getting Beyond out to theaters, with horrible advertisements. I mean you only get 50th anniversary once, they should have went all in with Trek, but they treated it like nothing but afterthought.
Agreed — what a wasted opportunity. Hopefully I will be alive still for the 75th.
Hopefully I will be alive for the 100th anniversary at the ripe old age of 81.
Andy Dick would make a great host for the new After Trek. It would be the first talk show where the host gets beat up by the guests.
Okay this is cool but Discovery panels have a way of disappointing me sometimes, particularly thinking about early ones like the lame CGI reveal and the Mission NY 50th convention where they didn’t really say anything interesting despite all the hype. I also don’t necessarily care about panels though so hey maybe this winds up being great.
Just random thoughts about Disco but:
-I thought it was underwhelming
-The promotion was kinda bad in the beginning as usual
-Why was it so dark, like visually? It all blurs together to me
-I forgot Burnham got the medal at the end. Does every sci-fi adventure series need an awards ceremony at the end of it? Are the writers, in a way, congratulating themselves? Cuz I know the show picked up some great awards but like…I still feel like it was a bit of a whiff in Season 1
Can’t wait for season 2 tho.
“Does every sci-fi adventure series need an awards ceremony at the end of it?”
How many others have done this?
If you really think about it you can probably come up with a few.
There’s Star Wars and Star Trek (2009) that come to mind immediately, but I can’t really think of any other right now.
There’s a ceremony just before the last sequence in THE LAST STARFIGHTER but I don’t recall if there are awards or not. At least an award is merited in that one, but even there it is not as important as the finale, where the girl comes with him after a kiss that even Gene Siskel was impressed with.
Okay not *every* sci-fi story, I guess just the fact that Star Wars did it three times [ANH, ROTJ with a huge party, PM] and then ST09 and now Disco just makes me think these star franchises have patted themselves on the back just one too many times
Underwhelming is how I would put it too, but they can improve it with much tighter and naturally flowing stories in season 2. Also I agree with you about the visuals, especially the space shots. I want to be awed by the ships and space shots of Trek, instead Discovery’s shots looked like a jumbled mess of color. Sometimes simplicity is the best approach, now need to conquer America again.
Agreed – the Mushroom Drive jump effect was particularly awful. I don’t want to hear anything other than bad things about the spores in season two. I’m also alarmed by Mary Chieffo’s presence and L’Rell’s chamber set design… I was hoping that the abomination that was the Klingon War story arc (and the Klingons altogether) wouldn’t be touched again.
Hopefully, they can turn it around. I’m not holding my breath though. They said they’d reconcile DSC with canon by the end of season one… they didn’t to a satisfactory standard in my humble opinion.
Warning for trolling. This thread has been closed.
But seriously, I thought the spore drive was very Trek and while a bit goofy on the face of it, fits very well with what has come before.
As Arthur C Clark said, if you’re ideas about the future are believable than they can’t possibly be accurate.
Which is to say any realistic science fiction will almost certainly be laughable to some.
We weren’t really talking about the concept of the spore drive, I think as a concept it is solid, I think we were not satisfied with the visual representation of it. There was a certain finesse with the warp jumps, not so much with the spore drive. Personally, I wasn’t satisfied with any of the space shots of Discovery.
I agree with this. I personally LOVE the spore drive idea. That was the one thing that got me more involved with the show since I didn’t like the Klingon war arc much. So its fun to see some of the things they did with it.
But yes how it was done visually wasn’t that appealing. I think they went too far with it. But I’m happy its coming back in season 2 because the potential is there to do a lot of crazy stuff with it lol.
For people like me who WANTS to see Trek go post 24th century is because of stuff like this. Its the ‘magical’ technology others cry over that Star Trek does a lot. Of course, its Star Trek, most of the franchise deals with magical things. If its not the actual technology, then its the aliens themselves from the Organians to Q. Thats why a lot of us love it in the first place.
Spore drive is classic Star Trek to me. Maybe feel out of place in this period but very much in line with Trek.
So sorry that I can’t be there this year,
Well finally the news got here as well! lol! God knows why my post asking about it got deleted. I was commenting on the Qunto thread about the movies and also asked if the Comic-Con Hall H news would be coming soon,lol! This is great news though,and I always do Comic-Con every year. I just don’t do panels anymore. Did do the exhibit last year though,and it was fun!
I’ve never been to a panel or convention. Does anyone ever raise their hand at these things and ask the writers why their writing is bad? I’m not saying this to be a pain. I just want to know if the creatives are ever held to task during these things, or is it just a lovefest?
It’s a lovefest. The same people who will spend months griping and complaining about the cast, writers, producers etc. will cheer, hoot and holler along with everyone else. When it’s time to ask a question it’s usually some fluff about the show or showering everyone with praise and that’s fine, it’s supposed to be fun. Some of the most vocal critics who visit here, if given the chance to ask a question, would likely get caught up in the moment and shelve any criticisms they may have had to simply ask generic, painfully polite, questions.
As Joe Biden would say – “This is a big F-deal!”
Super-excitement! It doesn’t NOT get any hotter than THIS!!!!!