Karl Urban was the headliner last weekend at Trekonderoga, the annual Star Trek con put on by Star Trek: The Original Series Set Tour in Ticonderoga, New York. While there, he weighed in on the Star Trek 4 salary dispute with Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth, and gave some info on the status of the movie as well as talking more about the three Trek films he has done, and how his Dr. Leonard McCoy was influenced by the original actor, DeForest Kelley.
Waiting on Star Trek 4 negotiations, reveals film to shoot in U.K.
Early on in his time on stage at Trekonderoga, Karl Urban talked about how excited he was as a fan about what is happening with Star Trek, and that he can’t wait to see the new Picard Star Trek show CBS is developing with Patrick Stewart. He then volunteered some thoughts about what is next for the Kelvin movies crew:
Hopefully, we get back for another movie, or two of them. We are just sort of waiting on negotiations. I’m confident we will.
During the panel Q&A, TrekMovie followed up on Urban’s comment, asking him for details on the status of the film. The actor provided some new information, including revealing where the film is set to be shot:
The status is they have a script and brought on a director, S.J. Clarkson. I have not had the pleasure [to meet her] yet, but others have. I just haven’t been in the vicinity. They plan to shoot in the U.K., which is where she’s based. J.J. is also over there shooting that other space franchise. At the moment. I believe the status of the project is really hinging on the availability and the contract negotiations of the two Chrises.
This would be the first Star Trek film to be produced in the U.K. The first two Kelvin films were filmed in Los Angeles, with Star Trek Beyond filmed in Vancouver, Canada. Urban didn’t say which studio, but it is possible it could be Pinewood, which is where all the Disney Star Wars films have been produced, including the newest film in “that other space franchise” Star Wars: Episode IX, which is being directed by Star Trek 4 producer J.J. Abrams.
Urban’s note on actor availability is also well taken. The cast lined up for Star Trek 4 are all in high demand, each with ongoing projects and more being added all the time. In fact, just yesterday it was announced Chris Hemsworth has signed on for a Russo brothers thriller, which will be shot in India and Indonesia from November this year through to March 2019. Last month after meeting with director S.J. Clarkson (before the Chris salary dispute made the news), Simon Pegg estimated that Star Trek 4 would go into production in early 2019.
Urban says Kelvin cast wants to make Star Trek 4, including Chris Pine
At Trekonderogo, Urban also went into some more details on the Star Trek 4 salary dispute, expressing confidence that things will be resolved:
It’s an interesting one. The last film did pretty well. I think it made about 320 or 350 or 380 globally [Editor’s note: actual Star Trek Beyond global box office: $343 million] But still, for a movie that cost what it cost to make, the profit margins aren’t that great and so particularly Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pine subsequently have done big movies, and their quotes have gone up and so I am pretty confident though that Paramount and those guys, they will figure it out. Because I know Chris. We were all in touch recently and everybody wants to do it and make it happen. So, if Paramount is willing there will be a way to make it happen. So, fingers crossed.
Looking for a good story with Star Trek 4
The thing that seemed to concern Urban more than salary negotiations was what kind of story Star Trek 4 will tell, saying:
I just want to be sure if we do another one that it is good. I was pretty happy with Beyond, after the first two, and just want to make sure we push the envelope and develop these characters and take it somewhere new. That would be my biggest concern. What’s the story. Is it a story worth telling?
This is not the first time Urban has spoken out in this area. Last year at Star Trek Las Vegas, the actor revealed he almost didn’t return for Star Trek Beyond over concerns that the character of McCoy was not developed enough in the second Kelvin film, Star Trek Into Darkness. And at a convention in September last year, Urban said that he would like to see Star Trek 4 explore McCoy’s family.
Fond memories of Beyond
In response to a question about what was his strongest memory making three Star Trek features, Urban pointed to how the cast bonded making Star Trek Beyond:
The last movie we made [Star Trek Beyond] was really special, because we made that in Vancouver and the other two were made in Los Angeles and the great thing was everybody was Los Angeles-based, Chris [Pine] and Zach [Quinto] and Anton [Yelchin]. So, when we were shooting in Los Angeles everyone would socialize with their friends. So, we didn’t hang out that much off-set. But when we were in Vancouver we didn’t know anyone else, so we would hang out with each other and just had a blast. We really kind grew tight, as a group, in a way we hadn’t before. We have only made three films compared to casts out there that made a lot more, but we actually feel like a tight-knit unit and family.

Karl Urban in Star Trek Beyond with Zachary Quinto as Spock and Sofia Boutella as Jaylah (Paramount)
Making Bones feel (and sound) Bones-y
The actor also reflected on his time playing Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy in three Star Trek films, including discussing how he approached honoring the original actor:
Taking on the character of McCoy was a daunting challenge because unlike some of my colleagues who hadn’t really watched [The Original Series], I was aware of it and I liked the TV show and was definitely aware of the special legacy and contribution of DeForest Kelley, who I have massive respect for. So, for me, sometimes I felt the pressure to get it right. The challenge was not to do an imitation but at the same time I felt like if I was in the audience I would want to see some semblance of recognizability with the character. I would have felt jipped if I had gone in there and it was nothing Bones-y about Bones. For me it was about identifying the core what DeForest Kelley was doing and that sense of spirit and trying a younger version in an alternate timeline.
Later Urban spoke specifically about how he worked with a dialect coach on finding McCoy’s voice:
For the first couple of [Star Trek] movies I worked with a dialect coach extensively. We looked at DeForest Kelley and that Georgian accent and he sort of toned it down a little bit when he came to Los Angeles to work. You can really hear it when his character Bones got angry. So, we studied that. For me it was about a feel, more than anything. It was tonal and it was feeling. There was irascibility, there was also compassion in the voice and I like to work from that rather than from the outside and try to mimic.
More to come from Trekonderoga
We will have more from Karl’s time at Trekondergo, including what he had to say about Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek project.
Also, check out our earlier report with comments to the press from Gates McFadden, where she talks about her time on TNG and the upcoming Star Trek series with Patrick Stewart as Picard.
Keep up with all the news on the upcoming Star Trek movies at TrekMovie.com.
Special thanks to the Wayward Geeks of Fanboys Radio for their vital assistance with this report. Also, a special thanks to the USS Henry Hudson landing party for their assistance at Trekonderoga.
Phil is not going to like hearing this.
Who is Phil?
The poster here who predicted this movie won’t be out until until about 2022.
2021, at the earliest. Charitably, Christmas 2020.
Like hearing what? Hemsworth is taking other projects? Urban hopes the contract issues are worked out? All this story says is Paramount is in a whole lotta no rush here. Has a set been built in the UK yet?
Sorry, but nothing’s changed.
I don’t see why? It certainly doesn’t seem to affect the guy who predicted this:
“The activity seems to point filming starting much sooner than that [Spring 2019]. I’d say filming starts late summer/earl fall, with a pre-Thanksgiving release date next year — keeping it 3 to 4 weeks ahead of SW ep 9.” — BorgKlingon | May 13, 2018 10:53 am
From the comment chain that keeps on giving:
The cast is in high demand for movies. They don’t need to do a fourth one at all – all of the cast wants to move on. Beyond ended everything for that timeline. No film, no worry about explaining Chekov’s disappearance either. Paramount should just compensate Quinto and Pine, say “We’re sorry we signed you to a deal. Here’s something for your trouble.” I love the Kelvin timeline film series but it is probably for the best to not invest $100 plus million on its cast, even if the demands are met.
Wow, Dr. Crusher and Dr. McCoy together on the bridge that stated it all! Cool.
I see what you’re saying but I do hope they make one more to at least tie it up. If not Beyond ended well enough. But I have a feeling this will probably be the last one anyway because if this one doesn’t do over $400 million since it’s probably too much of a pain with cast demands as Pine and Hemsworth are proving and modest profits.
I do think they will work something out and see Urban play McCoy at least one last time. In fact I have a feeling we will be seeing him and Gates McFadden back in the Star Trek universe soon! ;D
They should redo yesterdays enterprise episode with Kelvin timeline entering into the Prime timeline. The Enterprise D meets Pine/Quinto and have to fight the borg in the best of both worlds episodes and have to stop Locutus and Spocutus to save the federation and the galaxy. Next movie has to be a cinematic event.
2 Crews, 2 Universes, 1 Enemy. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE, Rated R, space sci fi horror.
Poster showing Kirk/Picard with borgified spock/locutus, 2 Enterprises in background with Q and Borg in background.
Holy shit!
Now THAT would be a film that would get Trek fans in droves to watch: TNG crew back, Borg, Q and a big multiverse crossover with the Kelvin characters! Two Enterprises! And we never seen Kirk fight the Borg so that would be even more fun! Spock being a Borg might be a bit too much though lol. But I can imagine that poster!
But I’m guessing Paramount figures a story involving Kirk’s dad who died ten minutes into the first movie is going to excite the fanbase everywhere just like Beyond did. /S
I do like these films for what they are but you really have to wonder how they squandered away all the cool possibilities in just two sequels and with all the money they had?
ya, that would be insane, sorta like star treks version of the avengers
Trek fans, and Trek fans only. Fan service extrodinaire….
But how did Beyond exactly attract non Trek fans? Was Krall the key lol.
Let’s be honest, it didn’t. I doubt very many fans in general was interested in that movie though.
I get your point but I mean what exactly would a non-Trek fan will want to see then??? Yes, I do get if the story itself is too narrow or a lot of back story that will scare people away but you can still tell the story wide enough where a non-Trek fan can like it just like First Contact did and why that film was so successful. That was the first time my non-Trek films cared about that film because they all knew who the Borg were and because they look intimidating as hell. And it’s going to get people more interested instead of Kirk’s dad showing up again for petes sakes.
Or they could include him with the Borg somehow I guess. THEN I will finally care about kirk’s dad! ;)
Meant my non-Trek friends cared.
But then, similar logic led to Khan in the KU sequel. So I don’t see how going back to the Borg, yet AGAIN, is going to translate into non Trek fans going to see a 4th KU Trek feature.
any star trek film is fan service, so why not take the best episodes and make it killer cinematic movie with out of this world special effects, story, and a awesome new borg design and make up.
The average moviegoer would want to see a nice space movie, good vs evil, with high stakes. Team up vs Star Treks greatest and most awesome Borg and tag lines, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE
Also the best star trek movies has always tapped into their best episodes. Wrath of Khan ie space seed, First Contact ie best of both worlds
They need to tone down the budget and actually concentrate on making a movie which actually works as a Star Trek film and not something which is akin to Star Wars.
I’ve said it many times; real Star Wars is already being made, and Star Trek must be its own thing. The recent Han-Solo film did poorly in comparison to the last three Star Wars films because it probably was too safe and familiar to what we have seen, and frankly probably a bit lazy and tired (although I haven’t seen the film yet so, I might change my mind once I do see it eventually).
Action and excitement can still be had while also making a film which also has something to say to its audience and has some great characters arcs.
“Solo” wasn’t really all that familiar. It was a VERY different movie than any of the other Star Wars features. I liked it, but Alden Ehrenreich is no Harrison Ford.
Solo had to follow on the worst film in the history of the star wars franchise between that and solo disney lost over a billion dollars of potential box office dollars. For Star Trek to do that bad Paramount would have to make a star trek film where Kirk is a coward just to subvert expectations. Then undermine the very premise and idealism star trek has always been about.
Wes: “all of the cast wants to move on.”
Urban: “We were all in touch recently and everybody wants to do it and make it happen.”
Wes, no offense meant, but one might suggest that you could use a refresher grade school course in reading comprehension. :-)
@BorgKlingon lol!
Everytime the cast says they want to do more movies, people here and elsewhere claim they are over trek..
Lol, Exactly. In these days of Trump, there seem to be a lot more people on the Internet like Wes who think they can just get away with making stuff up, in complete ingorance of the facts.
Adam West still thought he had some Batman left in him. None of this cast will turn down a contract a different to keep their calendars open on the chance Paramount finally greenlights another Trek project. Urban said it himself, the project hinges on the availability of Pine and Hemsworth, and they are not available.
I have a question for you Phil but if Pine and Hemsworth just walk away do you think there will be another movie? I think I know the answer to this though but I’m curious.
Personally I think the film can lose Hemsworth but I just have a hard time believing they will make it without Pine. For some reason I just don’t see it happening. I don’t think Pine adds a lot to the box office but I have a feeling they will lose more without him and the next film is already shaky enough profit wise.
Very broadly, Paramount or some future studio will make more Trek. It still is a money maker.
Regarding this cast, Paramounts first best solution is to work something out with Pine. Hemsworth can be recast. While not ideal, so can Pine. Granted, War Machine is an ensemble character in the Marvel Universe, but the character was recast after the first movie. This is just speculation on my part, as I don’t think this production is as far along as others, there’s little lost if they just go back to the drawing board and create a new Trek project from scratch.
I mostly agree with you. I have been saying I think the film will get made, but I don’t think there are any guarantees either. The fact is the Kelvin films have not really pulled their weight like the past Star Trek films. But mostly because they cost so much to make.
I think if they can’t get Pine, they may just cancel it completely. Could be wrong, hope I AM wrong but I don’t think Paramount is that attached to these films anymore. And I just have a feeling they are on their last legs in general because they stretch them out to a ridiculous level. Meanwhile the actors just get more older, expensive and busier.
I would LOVE when the day comes they come up with something new and more daring on the big screen. Take a chance! I certainly think it was smart to redo TOS on the big screen but honestly I don’t think it matters that much, especially when so many TOS fans hated how they are portrayed like many do with the Kelvin films. Or they might try it again with a different cast. I just hope they do something more original whatever it is.
Sorry but changing Rhodes in the 2nd Marvel movie would be more like recasting Anton in the 4th KU movie. Recasting Pine would be like recasting RD Jr for Iron Man 3.
Well, Bond gets recast from time to time, and Jack Ryan has been played by several actors. It hasn’t hurt those franchises any.
Why not add Dr. Who to the list? It’s not the same circumstance. Kirk ages. Bond doesn’t. Ryan gets recast when they want to restart the series. Kirk has been recast the one time they restarted the series.
Re: Dr. Who
Oddly enough, STAR TREK with its time travel, regenerative resurrections and recastings is a lot closer to WHO than one might originally think.
Wow that photo of Bones with Crusher is indeed, very cool!!
As for the movies, I know some are not enamored with them, but they did help bridge the gap between Enterprise and Disco and more importantly, MAY have kept the franchise stay relevant, allowing CBS to reinvest. They also brought us some great moments including Nimoy’s last appearances as Spock. I hope the cast can do at least 4 and hopefully the Tarantino movie – maybe even back in the prime universe.
he must read the fan boards.
While I do get the love for DeForest, and I get the pressure, I really do (and trek fans are the worst sometimes) – I think his Mccoy is too much an imitation while the others made the characters more their own. Compared to their Kirk, Spock, Uhura and even Chekov and Sulu, nothing new is added to Mccoy (Scotty isn’t different as much as Pegg simply plays himself).
I think being a trek fanboy probably is a disadvantage more than anything in this case, so I hope he’s not implying it’s the other cast members that failed because they aren’t trek fans thus decided to not play their characters as impersonations too.
Quinto studied Spock as well and he had the help of Nimoy himself, yet the point is neither of them wanted Spock to be an imitation of tos Spock. They saw an opportunity for the character that maybe it isn’t seen for Mccoy and others. Some here may not be fans of him precisely because his Spock isn’t a copy of tos, but he did a great job for me and I can see his portrayal influencing future Spocks more than Urban may influence new versions of Mccoy.
That’s a non-sequitur since there will probably be more new Spocks than McCoys in the future. Urban made his character as much his own as any of the cast did. His performance, especially in STB, was as good an example as any of how to respect the spirit of the original character within the context of modernizing it for a new actor and a new audience. The only cringeworthy “imitation” moments were due to the writing, especially in STiD. I don’t blame him for being frustrated with his role and advocating for something else.
Agreed! Urban is one of the best things in these films. He definitely has some of the McCoy ticks but they are NOT played the exact same way.
And I said this before, I DON”T want the actors to just copy what the original actors did with a character, what’s fun is to see another interpretation of it. Of course it doesn’t mean just being different will be good but he does a great job of making McCoy his own while feeling like his version zeroed in on what people love about the original character.
I realize too when I watch those movies the scenes I usually love are the ones he’s in. I would’ve hated if he wasn’t in Beyond.
@Holden — I respectfully disagree. That’s your opinion. I think Urban’s McCoy is a blatant imitation of Kelley, and not only that, the worst tropes of it, and I wish he’d back off. I doubt that will happen now having read this, in which he seems to have worked hard to make it this way. To each his own. I don’t care for it, and I’d rather not see it. That said, I’d rather see McCoy done this way as not at all.
Holden, I disagree with your assertion that beyond is a great example of modernizing the character. Had his McCoy been a more contemporary version of the character, he wouldn’t still play the stereotype of the racist southern dude who hates everything that is different just for the laughs.
His racism/xenophobia with Spock may have been funny in the 60s to many but it works quite differently nowadays. Especially if exacerbated by the fact this narrative keeps him exactly the same he was in the 60s, all the while making Spock more contemporary instead – meaning, he genuinely does nothing to deserve McCoy’s faux hatred. He doesn’t even deny his human side and feelings.
Adding to the point is that every time I read Urban’s comments about McCoy, including his complains, it is never about wanting something new to explore for the character. He’s fixated on the old stuff and original trio nostalgia, like there is nothing else to do with his character than a tos homage. He wants to be that.
And I like him. I’m just tired of the impersonation, but even more tired of the trek fans who claim him as the best and suggest it’s the rest of the cast that is failing bc they don’t do what he does.
“His racism/xenophobia with Spock may have been funny in the 60s to many but it works quite differently nowadays. ”
This has been analyzed and more often than not the result is that McCoy is NOT a racist. And I agree. There is respect between the two that seems to be mutually understood but not necessarily said. McCoy and Spock are obviously very good friends.
The speculations about the next movie say everything and nothing at this point. I’m glad to hear him say that Chris and everyone wants to be back, but I also know it’s agents that make deals. Right now I’m a bit disappointed by the lack of official announcements and more sure informations, as well as all the drama about the two Chris. Honestly, I feel like these actors and the reboot isn’t in good hands with this studio so I’ll just wait and see setting my hopes to low.
If this were the last one, it would be fitting to shoot in UK, as that was the plan in the late 70s for what would have been the first feature, that PLANET OF TITANS thing developed by Phil Kaufman. And it was going down that way for the same financial reason – that SW had shot there and gotten more bang for its buck as a result.
Just read that Urban has a new series, hope there is no conflict time-wise.
It would be fitting to film the last non-original cast Kelvin movie in the same place where the never-made Kaufman film might have been made…?
That’s some truly staggering logic–as in, you’d have to be staggering drunk to think that’s logical!
Logic has nothing to do with it, just a full-circle aspect, which is the way I look at things in life, much like the ‘lattice of coincidence’ notion put forth in REPO MAN.
Also, if this film doesn’t happen and the Kelvin series ends, it will mean UK-shot-Trek failures have bookended the film series, which is a mildly interesting notion in and of itself.
There’s nothing full-circle about filming a spinoff series’ last film in the place where a never-made version of the first Trek movie might have been made, but wasn’t.
That’s just…gibberish. It doesn’t make sense on ANY level.
IF the Kaufman film had been made, and IF it had been made in the UK, you’d have something, but…nope…this is just gibberish thinking on your part.
Glad you admit that logic has nothing to do with it. Of course, that means your comments are not worth reading from now on, which will save time. LL&P!
Re:Re: Logic
I don’t think you’ve thought this through. You, a fan of STAR TREK, with its narrative tales rife with alternate histories and gibberish, are dunning for logic from a fellow fan who chose to honor the full circle of an alternate production that might have been?
Besides, it’s not as if there’s absolutely no connecting threads:
For something to come full circle, it must return to the point of origin. Otherwise, it is not a circle. That’s the entire point of “full circle”–you come all the way around the circle back to the start.
It’s like saying “Well, folks, we started from New York and ended in Cairo. We’ve come full circle!” Uh…no, that’s not how any of this works.
Kaufman’s film never happened, so there is no place to come full circle to. There is no beginning there, so this end cannot return to it to finish the circle.
Connecting threads do not matter. There is no circularity to this at all.
Re: Full Circle
Concepts go full circle without realizing a film all the time in Hollywood. Often endlessly so, it’s called development hell.
“Concepts go full circle without realizing a film…” is utter nonsense. It is a meaningless string of words, especially in this discussion.
A film being in development hell has nothing to do with something going full circle. Coming full circle implies a completion, while development hell is literally the opposite concept–something that is never completed.
Perhaps you do not understand the terms “development hell” and “full circle.” I explained the latter already; the former may involve projects “going around and around in circles” but that’s not the same as “coming full circle.”
Again: “going around in circles” means getting nowhere, no completion, never coming to fruition/to an end. “Coming full circle” means something returns to where it started (either physically or conceptually), bringing it to completion/connection/fruition.
kmart is expressing his concept of a past situation’s plans which the OED says the phrase encompasses “return to a past position OR situation, esp. in a way considered to be inevitable.”
The development can return to the concept of filming there which brings its situation full circle for him. The fact that it actually goes into production is irrelevant but welcomed as inevitable on his part too.
There is NO return to the past position or situation involved here! NONE! The Kaufman movie NEVER HAPPENED. It is a NONEXISTENT position or situation.
Sorry, but you’re simply wrong. Your logic and use of language are faulty here.
FULL CIRCLE implies completion. A film in development hell doesn’t come full circle. It goes around in circles…
Seriously, this is basic logic and language. You either get it or you don’t. You don’t. LL&P
If I understand you correctly, then one can not come full circle from a defeat, as in the case of a failed production start, because one needs a win, as in the case of a movie actually being produced to come full circle?
Then could you explain why Merriam-Webster’s cites this:
“For Gulati, too, Wednesday’s win allowed him to come full circle from the Qatar defeat—though not without its own tinges of bittersweet.” — Grant Wahl, SI.com, “World Cup 2026 Vote Provides the Jolt U.S. Soccer Sorely Needed,” 13 June 2018
as an example of coming full citcle?
I see the point you are trying to make but losing out on 2022 only to be be a shared host in 2026 is hardly a win for Gulati. At all. In fact I find it pretty embarrassing.
Disinvited, you are tedious. No, you do not understand me correctly. No, your SI.com quote doesn’t prove anything since it doesn’t match the use of “full circle” you keep trying to defend here.
1) The Kaufman film NEVER HAPPENED. It was nothing but an idea and a story, a barely begun project. There is nothing there to come “full circle” to. Gulati had a previous failed World Cup bid, so this recent bid brought him “full circle.” (using the term EXACTLY as I have used and defined it repeatedly)
2) Your example is about Gulati’s failed World Cup bid and how he came back around to win it this time. For this to be analogous to Star Trek, Kaufman would have to be making a Star Trek film now in the U.K. as he originally wanted. But Kaufman isn’t involved, and there was no Kaufman/U.K. film in the first place, so your quoted example is irrelevant.
3) In your example, Gulati lost a bid and then Gulati came around to win a bid. Full circle. This is NOTHING like the Star Trek productions being discussed.
It cannot be made any more simple, clear, and basic.
You are utterly wrong here, on every level. Stop trying. You are 100% wrong, and nothing you do can alter that. Words have meaning, and logic is consistent, and NEITHER is on your side.
Feel free to keep wasting time. I am done with you. You seem to be ineducable.
The Kaufman film not happening is part of Trek history, and is in no small part why TMP happened when and where it did. The fact that the UK locale was chosen owing to SW exploiting it is also a ‘connection’ to the current developing situation, whether you think so or not.
I am really sorry that DIS spent so long trying to reason with you, because he certainly had better things to do, and for that I apologize … to him.
kmart, Disinvited wasted time because he didn’t reason. He’s wrong. Period.
There is no connection except the one you’re creating in your head and that Disinvited is defending because…I don’t know why.
There is NO connection, NO coming full circle. You already admitted logic has nothing to do with your position, so stop trying to act like it does.
Now, feel free to have your silly thoughts about this next film connecting to a previous possible film that never even came close to happening at all…
Seriously, what color is the sky in your world?
Thanks Paul, I thought the Adam connection was so obvious as to not be worth mentioning, given how much play it got a couple years back, but maybe you have a point there …
As did I, but then I may be influenced by reading all those articles you wrote for various publications like CINEFEX that I read. I suspect that may have led to me knowing where you were going in fewer words than a green reader might require. Possibly even why it was so easy for you to help me understand what I wasn’t getting about Wise’s work on TMP when we first met in these comment chains.
And thanks Paul, even though you found me tedious I certainly appreciate you hanging in there long enough to cause some understanding to develop.
While PaulB may find fault in your not loving STAR TREK too wisely, I find no fault in your loving STAR TREK too well.
Wow … a tear … (gulp)
I visited the Ticonderoga set in July, and it was amazing — a truly accurate re-creation of the original.
Ticonderoga is this little, tiny town in FAR upstate New York, and the set is housed in a building that used to be a dollar store, so it seems like an unlikely location for magic, but once you go in, it’s like a shrine to TOS.
I told the woman who took our tickets that we were pilgrims, come to worship at the shrine. She thought I was kidding. :-)
Say, did you have a chance to visit the revolutionary war fort while you were there?
The weather was beastly hot, so my husband and I decided it wasn’t the right time for wandering around outside. The Enterprise, of course, is air conditioned.
One day I’d LOVE to head there myself. The key will be to talk Mrs ML31 into it! LOL
I think the stature of this line of Trek movies will only grow over time, owing to the camaraderie and charm of the cast, which will outshine any shortcomings of plot and production, much like with the original crew of the starship Enterprise.
I think ST09 will forever be hailed as a classic, and continue to draw people to the franchise for a long time. The rest of them, idk. They’ll be beloved to me at least. The new SW, not so much. Even Disco not so much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ time will tell!
I think Hemsworth could be good for these movies. They could use a box office draw after the somewhat muted response of the last film. He isn’t just ‘handsome man’, he shows excellent comic timing in Ghostbusters and the latest Thor. How can you not like Chris Hemsworth?