Early August Virtual Star Trek Events Include ‘Unbelievable!!!!!’ Premiere, InHouse-Con, And More

July’s Virtual Trek Con and Comic-Con@Home are behind us, but there are still more online events coming. Today we highlight the virtual events coming in the first half of August.

Saturday, August 1st: Unbelievable!!!!! virtual premiere/convention

As we reported earlier in the month, the sci-fi parody film  Unbelievable!!!!! featuring over 40 Star Trek actors is holding a virtual premiere on Saturday, August 1st, along with a virtual convention featuring many of the stars of the movie. The premiere at noon (Pacific) will include a Q&A with the team behind the film. The virtual con is also offering an online “lounge” where stars will pop in and out and one-on-one chats with the stars. More info and tickets can be found at bit.ly/UnbelievableTheMovieTix.

Wednesday, August 5: Gates McFadden Masterclass

In July, Dramaversity had Trek-themed Masterclasses with Star Trek: The Next Generation stars Jonathan Frakes and Michael Dorn. In August they will continue the trend with Gates McFadden (TNG’s Dr. Crusher) for a one-night-only hour-long class. The online class will feature Gates sharing her experiences as an actor and movement teacher and fans and acting students will have the chance to ask her questions. Tickets are $39.00. For more information or to get a ticket, visit dramaversity.com.

Sunday, August 8th: InHouse-Con Star Trek event

In May the new InHouse-CON held a virtual Star Trek: Discovery event and now they are doing another. The guests for the August 8th event include three Discovery actors: Sara Mitich (Airiam 1.0, Lt. Nilsson), David Benjamin Tomlinson (Linus), and Hanna Spear (Siranna). Also joining is DS9/Voyager/Enterprise guest star Micahel Krawic (Samuels, Rahmin, Stron). The panel pass costs $3.99 and you can also purchase autographs and video chats with the guests. More information and tickets available at coolwatersprods.com.

Sunday, August 9th: GalaxyCon Klingons panel

GalaxyCon Live continues its virtual summer series of Star Trek events which includes a free panel along with the opportunity to buy group or one-on-one chats with the celebrities. Next week is the Klingon-themed event that was originally scheduled for July. Join J.G. Hertzler (Martok) and Robert O’Reilly (Gowron) on August 9th at 4 pmET. More info and tickets at galaxycon.com.


Keep up with all the Star Trek conventions and event news here at TrekMovie.com.

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Only Semi-Related: I seriously hope Robert O’Reilly gets on cameo.com, because I want to send messages to all of my friends telling them to EXPERIENCE BIJ!!

That film stars all the trek actors who struggle to get an acting job elsewhere, a sad state of affairs

Perhaps Gates can teach us how she stopped time. Always attractive, but honestly- she looks better now than she ever did before.

“Chilly down with the fire gang.”

Unbelievable looks like an odd project. Who would finance such a thing I wonder. I looked up the writer-director: Steven L. Fawcette is a former military contractor for the Department of Defense and a software developer. He attended the University of Miami and holds degrees in communications and psychology. The author of several novels, Fawcette is also a noted research expert on the ancient text of the Archangels and the Roswell incident.

is the klingon panel going to be posted on youtube soon?