Tomorrow IDW continues telling the stories of the final voyages of the U.S.S. Enterprise in the Star Trek: Year Five series. In issue 16 writer Jody Houser (Stranger Things, Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy) and artist Silvia Califano (The X-Files: Case Files) wrap up their two-issue storyline bringing back Gary Seven and Harry Mudd. TrekMovie will have a full review of the comic, but for today you can check out a preview of the first five pages.
Synopsis for Star Trek: Year Five #16:
Election season is in full swing across the Federation, and even though it seems ridiculous, Harry Mudd is rising to the top of the polls! The crew of the Enterprise suspects that there’s more to Mudd’s game than just wanting to do his civic duty, and their investigation will uncover a rot that threatens the entire Federation from the inside.
5-page preview
Available tomorrow
The 32-page Star Trek: Year Five #15 will be available on Wednesday, October 28th. You can pre-order it at Comixology.
You can catch up on the series with the most recent trade paperback Star Trek: Year Five Vol. 2: The Wine-Dark Deep which collects issues 7-12. It was released in July and is available on Amazon for $15.69.
Keep up with all the latest inked Star Trek in TrekMovie’s Comics Category.
Wow. This looks fantastic.
If this is a TOS story line (not Kelvin) why does Mudd look like Rain Wilson. Shouldn’t he look like Roger C. Carmel?
Rainn Wilson’s Mudd — and all of Star Trek Discovery, for that matter — aren’t part of the Kelvin timeline.
There may be a problem with rights to Carmel’s image. I know that a Batman 66 comic story featuring his villain had to work around that.
They misspelled IMPERIAL on the cover!
Is that Scotty rigging the election machines for the good of the Federation? lol
Why do we need this story? We are living this every day. I want Trek to escape this shithole we’re living through.
I don’t get the Evil Gary Seven concept. It doesn’t jibe with the established character.
Yeah, I don’t agree with this storyline either. Not the depiction of the Gary Seven character I’ve always wanted to see. But that seems to be the way things go these days.
“The Moons of Andoria”? Is not Andoria itself a moon? 🤔
Moons can have moons. Moonmoons.
Still have crescent wrenches in the 23rd century, I see. And Harcort Fenton Mudd bears a resemblance to Rainn Wilson – good.
Best part of this issue? We get to see a Tholian wearing the Season 3 Starfleet space suit! Now that was awesome.