Funko has announced another wave of their wildly popular vinyl “Funko Pop” figures, with eight figures all styled around Star Trek: The Original Series.
Funko TOS
Funko Pops are uniquely styled 4.25″ tall vinyl figures featuring designs from all sorts of fandoms, including Star Trek. And Funko has just announced their latest set of figures which include eight styled after TOS. And most of these new figures are available to pre-order now.
Mirror Universe Funko Pops
Coming in June 2021, these four figures are based on the classic episode “Mirror, Mirror.” The new wave includes Mirror Universe versions of Kirk, Spock, Uhura and Sulu. Each figure can be pre-ordered now at Entertainment Earth for 10.99.
Kirk and Khan
Also coming in June 2021, is a brand new Captain Kirk in captain’s chair. And Funko is releasing their first ever figure based on Khan Noonien Singh, from the episode “Space Seed.” Both figure can be pre-ordered now at Entertainment Earth for 10.99.
The Gorn
Another first for Funko is their new Gorn figure, from the episode “Arena.” The figure will be released in July as a Target exclusive and can be pre-ordered for $8.99.
Spock with cat
The final new figure announced was of Mr. Spock with cat. This figure will be available later this year as an exclusive at
Box art
If you are really into Funko Pops, we also have a look at the packaging for the new Star Trek Funkos.
Announcement video
The new figures were first revealed on Wednesday on Funko’s mock gameshow Funko Fun TV on YouTube. You can check that out below.
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Am not a Funko Pop collector (have received a couple as gifts) but these do look pretty cool, to be fair. Some of the best I’ve seen…especially the Gorn!
As a collector, I’m disappointed with the choice to give us the mirror crew before the prime crew, but that Gorn makes up for it!
Sweet pops. Already have a mirror Spock from a previous series.
I am not into Funko Pops, but I’m a total sucker for anything Gorn. I think they’ve gotten to me!
Wow, they really did great work with these!! I love Khan crushing a phaser, Kirk looks perfect in the chair [reminds me of a promo portrait the way he’s almost leaning on his hand] and the MU figures are solid. I have 2 of these things and I’m liable to collect way too many way too quickly, so I best not get any of these…oh heck maybe the captain’s chair one…
Update, I bought 3: Kirk chair, Spock beard, Gorn bby
LOL My sister gets me these for my birthday. They are pretty funny, kids like them.
I am pretty sure that’s how they first found out who Kirk and Spock are (followed by the awesome TOS Golden Books that appeared in the bookstore randomly like 2 years ago)
I KNEW that the Mirror Universe would take over one day!