The first four original series movies have been newly restored and released in Ultra High Definition; here’s our review of the 4K UltraHD Blu-ray boxed set.
The movies
The classic Trek movies hold a special place in the hearts of many Trekkies—this was the only Star Trek we had until 1987, when The Next Generation premiered. This boxed set features the theatrical editions of The Motion Picture, The Search For Spock, and The Voyage Home. The Wrath Of Khan disc follows the blueprint of the excellent 2016 standard Blu-ray of the Director’s Cut, and includes both the theatrical and director’s cut on the disc, thanks to seamless branching.
The Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock, and The Voyage Home making an unofficial “Genesis Trilogy,” are considered by many to be fan favorites. From the return of Khan to the loss of Spock, the crew stealing the Enterprise and getting Spock back, and finally redeeming themselves by saving the future by going to the past to get a pair of humpback whales, the three movies are filled with action, adventure, and a lot of heart, which helped the films cross over to include mainstream audiences.
The Motion Picture of course started it all in 1979, and while it’s cerebral style and more quiet pacing make it stand apart from the three Genesis Trilogy movies, it also has its admirers, myself included. And due to the grand scale and scope of Robert Wise’s film, it probably benefits the most from this new 4K transfer. It should be noted again that this set includes only the theatrical edition of TMP. There’s a separate project by Paramount+ and the folks who worked with Wise back in 2001 to make a new 4K version of the Director’s Edition that is expected to be released for streaming in 2022.
The Ultra HD Blu-ray set
The boxed set comes with two 4-disc cases inside of it. One has the Ultra HD Blu-ray versions of the movies, and one has standard HD Blu-ray discs. The Blu-ray discs feature the same newly restored versions of the films, just in 1080p. These new versions of the 1080p Blu-ray movies will also be sold separately for those who haven’t made the leap to 4K/HDR.
Video Quality
The short version: These four movies look amazing. They look like films again, far less processed than the previous releases, and that alone makes the set worth getting. The wider color gamut of Ultra HD allows for richer colors; for example, the “monster maroons” are a shade of rich deep red. The films also benefit from a restrained HDR grade that helps retain details in the brighter scenes.
Nitty-gritty details: Without a doubt the films look much better than they ever have on home video. The previous versions of the films which were released back in 2009 and then repackaged ever since had a number of shortcomings. They were overly processed, which meant the natural look of film was often scrubbed out. The biggest symptom of this over-processing is that faces looked waxy: The Voyage Home was one of the worst offenders. So these new versions of the films may at first appear “soft,” but that’s not correct; what this new scan of the movies did was restore a natural filmic look to the movies (film grain), and finer details are more visible now.

Zoom on the 2021 version, shadows blend naturally on the faces and everyone’s jaw lines aren’t traced out like a bad drawing.
NOTE: The screenshots included in this article are from the standard Blu-ray 1080p release. The 4k HDR versions look even better. Staring at still frames of a motion picture isn’t exactly how a film is intended to be watched, so take these as general demonstration of the changes.
Another noticeable aspect that has been corrected with this new set is that the 2009 versions fell prey to the popular style at the time of making everything more steely blue (or teal). This has been corrected, and the films now look much like they used to (on DVD releases, theatrical prints, etc.).
Another flaw the 2009 releases had was that bright scenes were blown out, which was never supposed to be the case. This is fixed in this new release.

The Enterprise bridge explodes in the 2021 version. Notice the details behind the Klingons can be seen, including smoke, sparks, and parts of the bridge.
There is one notable oddity with TMP and it must be called out: The drydock sequence appears to have been sloppily edited to try and “fix” something that really didn’t need fixing. There is a support arm for the Enterprise model that is briefly seen. It was covered in black fabric and quite frankly is hard to see, I’ve never once found it distracting in all my years of watching TMP and TWOK (where the footage is reused); it didn’t need fixing. The “fix” has been detailed by the Twitter account TMP Visual Comparisons for readers who want more details and includes a video. What may be most irksome is that this is the theatrical version and should be preserved as-is; any changes should be left to the Director’s Edition team that’s working on a new version right now. Ultimately, this amounts of about five seconds of the movie, so it can be overlooked, but one wonders why it was done at all.

The TMP blurry shot with small “fix” errors in the left of the drydock and deflector dish of the Enterprise.
Audio Quality
The audio mixes are the same excellent lossless 7.1 Dolby TrueHD mixes released with the Blu-rays previously. I will say I’m slightly disappointed they didn’t remix the movies in Dolby Atmos, but that isn’t a deal killer by any means. The mixes are great and sound really good on a modern surround system. I’m going to quote myself from previous reviews.
From the 2009 boxed set review:
The Motion Picture benefits the most from a new mix. Finally TMP feels like the big epic movie it is. The dialogue intelligibility is good and is better than any other version. Surround use is plentiful: the excellent Jerry Goldsmith musical score fills the room, transporter sound effects swirl around you, the engine room throbs with power, etc.
And from The Wrath of Khan DC:
This time around I have a Dolby Atmos enabled setup (5.1.4 for those interested), so I was able to hear how the standard surround mix was “up-mixed” into a pseudo-Atmos height enhanced version. The results are generally quite good, the classic James Horner soundtrack swells to fill all around as expected. Other atmospheric noise (ex: bridge noises, ships warping by, and the stormy Mutara nebula) is often heard from the heights giving a bigger more natural/fuller sense of the environments.
Special Features
As is common practice, the Ultra HD Blu-ray discs have minimal special features to allow maximum space for the 4K video. The majority of the extras are found on the standard Blu-ray discs.
This set carries over pretty much all of the special features from the 2009 versions of the movies, which in turn carried over most of the DVD features from before. I recommend you check out our review for more.
Rather than recap all the extras, I’m going to point out what’s new and what’s missing from this set.
What’s new
The only new feature for this set is for The Motion Picture, both the UHD and standard Blu-ray feature an isolated score track in stereo. Goldsmith’s music is iconic, so it seems fitting to offer this as a new option.
What’s missing
There are two features worth mentioning that aren’t included. The first is “The Captain’s Summit,” made for the original 2009 boxed set and not released again. We can hope that since the summit includes the Next Generation cast, this might re-appear in a hypothetical future boxed set of 4K TNG movies.
The other feature that would have been great to see is the multi-part documentary by Roger Lay Jr. (who did the excellent documentaries on the TNG-R and ENT Blu-ray sets) commissioned for the 50th anniversary boxed set in 2016.
It’s understandable why these two features aren’t there, as they were separate documentaries that were included as a separate disc in their respective boxed sets, but it would be nice to get them into a new set at some point.
Full list of features:
Star Trek: The Motion Picture 4K Ultra HD
- Isolated score in Dolby 2.0—NEW
- Commentary by Michael & Denise Okuda, Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens and Daren Dochterman
Star Trek: The Motion Picture Blu-ray
- Isolated score in Dolby 2.0—NEW
- Commentary by Michael & Denise Okuda, Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens and Daren Dochterman
- Library Computer (HD)
- Production
- The Longest Trek: Writing the Motion Picture (HD)
- The Star Trek Universe
- Special Star Trek Reunion (HD)
- Starfleet Academy SCISEC Brief 001: The Mystery Behind V’ger
- Deleted Scenes
- Storyboards
- Trailers (HD)
- TV Spots
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 4K Ultra HD
- Commentary by Director Nicholas Meyer (Director’s Cut and Theatrical Version)
- Commentary by Director Nicholas Meyer and Manny Coto (Theatrical Version)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Blu-ray
- Commentary by Director Nicholas Meyer (Director’s Cut and Theatrical Version)
- Commentary by Director Nicholas Meyer and Manny Coto (Theatrical Version)
- Text Commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda (Director’s Cut)
- Library Computer (HD)
- Production
- Captain’s Log
- Designing Khan
- Original Interviews with William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, and Ricardo Montalbán
- Where No Man Has Gone Before: The Visual Effects of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
- James Horner: Composing Genesis (HD)
- The Star Trek Universe
- Collecting Star Trek’s Movie Relics (HD)
- A Novel Approach
- Starfleet Academy SCISEC Brief 002: Mystery Behind Ceti Alpha VI (HD)
- Farewell
- A Tribute to Ricardo Montalbán (HD)
- Storyboards
- Theatrical Trailer (HD)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 4K Ultra HD
- Commentary by director Leonard Nimoy, writer/producer Harve Bennett, director of photography Charles Correll and Robin Curtis
- Commentary by Ronald D. Moore and Michael Taylor
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Blu-ray
- Commentary by director Leonard Nimoy, writer/producer Harve Bennett, director of photography Charles Correll and Robin Curtis
- Commentary by Ronald D. Moore and Michael Taylor
- Library Computer (HD)
- Production
- Captain’s Log
- Terraforming and the Prime Directive
- Industry Light & Magic: The Visual Effects of Star Trek
- Spock: The Early Years (HD)
- The Star Trek Universe
- Space Docks and Birds of Prey
- Speaking Klingon
- Klingon and Vulcan Costumes
- Star Trek and the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame (HD)
- Starfleet Academy SCISEC Brief 003: Mystery Behind the Vulcan Katra Transfer
- Photo Gallery
- Production
- The Movie
- Storyboards
- Theatrical Trailer (HD)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 4K Ultra HD
- Commentary by William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy
- Commentary by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Blu-ray
- Commentary by William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy
- Commentary by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman
- Library Computer (HD)
- Production
- Future’s Past: A Look Back
- On Location
- Dailies Deconstruction
- Below-the-Line: Sound Design
- Pavel Chekov’s Screen Moments (HD)
- The Star Trek Universe
- Time Travel: The Art of the Possible
- The Language of Whales
- A Vulcan Primer
- Kirk’s Women
- The Three-Picture Saga (HD)
- Star Trek for a Cause (HD)
- Starfleet Academy SCISEC Brief 004: The Whale Probe (HD)
- Visual Effects
- From Outer Space to the Ocean
- The Bird of Prey
- Original Interviews
- Leonard Nimoy
- William Shatner
- DeForest Kelley
- Tributes
- Roddenberry Scrapbook
- Featured Artist: Mark Lenard
- Production Gallery
- Storyboards
- Theatrical Trailer (HD)
Final thoughts
The first four movies have never looked better. Is this set perfect? No. But it’s pretty darn close. As fans who enjoy these films and want to have them in the best possible format, this is a must buy. Fans need to vote with their wallets. Remember, there’s more at stake here than just these four movies. If we want the rest of the Trek movie franchise available on disc, the studio needs proof that there’s a demand for it.
Releasing the movies only to digital is relatively easy and low cost for Paramount, but physical media requires time and effort since it is a physical product. Many of us are anxiously awaiting the new 4K version of The Motion Picture: Director’s Edition, but as of right now it has only been announced for streaming on Paramount+ next year. There’s no word yet on if or when there will be a release on disc. So showing the studio that fans want Trek movies on physical media is important.
If people don’t buy these on disc, it sends the message that streaming-only is okay. Streaming rights come and go and vary by region, so the only surefire way to collect these movies in 4K to keep as your own is on disc. And at least for the US version of the set, it comes with a code for a digital copy of each movie, so you can have your handy digital version while also showing your support for the disc format.
Available now in the USA (and Canada)
4K Ultra HD Blu-ray boxed set
Individual standard Blu-ray movies
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Available soon in Europe
International dates seem to have slipped a week. From what we can know currently, it will be released Monday, September 13 in the UK, and it should also be available around that time in Germany and France as well.
Keep up with all the home video and streaming news, reviews, and analysis at
Can’t wait!
I agree with Matt — restorations of films shouldn’t concern themselves with fixing “bloopers” in the SFX — they should be concerned with restoring the film as it was shot. Save that kind of thing for Director’s Editions, etc.
I’m curious as to why Kirk and Spock are wearing the TMP uniforms and McCoy is wearing the TWOK-and-after uniform.
There’s also a Phase II Enterprise in there and the background is the primary hull of the 1701-A, so clearly not a whole lot of research was done.
I like the more character based collage, I am just glad they are starting to release the films in 4K and I hope the content outweighs the aesthetics when it comes to getting the rest of the movies, I want the rest in 4 K as well.
Has Sulu’s Kobayashi Maru scene been corrected in the TWOK DE? Or does he still face front the whole time?
That was fixed right away in 2016.
Tons of stock of the uncorrected version are still out there. The only thing that was different was a sticker on it to tell them apart. They had the same cover.
And one of those landed at my house.
Thank you for the link. I was not aware.
Edit: never mind!
Regarding TMP, I’m wondering if they went to the original 65mm VFX elements as the source material as opposed to upscaling a print of the movie. I was reading a July ’21 interview with Doug Trumbull where he says he was involved with 2001’s and Blade Runner’s transfers as he knew where they were (the 65mm vfx elements) having worked on them.
My memory of the theatrical release in theaters was the vibrant burnt orange fabric material used in the crew corridor scene and the sparking blue eyes Stephen Collins had when he had his close ups. Vulcan had a hue to it that gave it a hell-ish appearance. In my mind, it was like a visualization of Jupiter’s Io moon’s surface(sans active volcanos). The color vibrancy and scene contrasts, for me anyway, made the movie special and memorable.
I’m recalling Michele Small’s comments in the recent TMP Making of book where she claims much detail in the Vger cloud drawings done with 70mm in mind but diminished in the final print.
As many times I have seen the movie, I can’t believe I found something ‘new’ or didn’t realize before. On a recent tv viewings and in one of the later scenes, the Alien Boy, was in a corner shot that I didn’t remember from before. It could’ve been the way the movie was cropped for tv but it definitely wasn’t pan and scan.
For the Director Edition 4K release, I hope they get the surviving cast for NEW reflections on this movie while they are still around. Although, I’m hearing Nichelle Nichols may be suffering from dementia. All we have left are Shatner, Takei, Koenig, Nichols and Collins. I say, get them now before they’re gone. :)
I doubt anyone will be offering an interview invite to Collins, but agree – our time with these people is brief. We need to be capturing their thoughts and recollections while we can!
I did an interview with Trumbull a couple of years ago where he talks about the 65mm elements.
Yeah he was very vague. He never mentioned if what he wanted to do was recomposite the original 65mm negative, which of course would now be done digitally. But it still would be crossing into Star Wars Special Edition territory. You would get much sharper images from the larger size negative. But you’d also get more grain. I’d still like to see it.
I reread your article. Great job. I found I made the same comments back then. I guess we need to hear from the current restoration production team as to how they are proceeding for the 4K DE. I would hope for some kind of Trumbull consultation. Trumbull is right to ask if Paramount kept the original source material. It would be horrible if they didn’t.
As an aside, Trumbull reportedly underbid for the VFX for TWOK but Paramount chose ILM. While not to detract from ILM, one would think Paramount really owed it to Trumbull for helping the production make TMP and deliver it on time. TWOK done by Trumbull would’ve maintained consistency with its visuals and look far superior in 70mm assuming they used the 65mm elements in the final print without reducing and blowing it up again. Having seen TWOK in 70mm its original theatrical run, I can remember detractable grain in the print but the soundtrack was quite spatial, full and dramatic!
The shot of the Enterprise approaching Spacedock is better, the composite plates were visible on the 2009 blu rays but not on these new transfers. It was great to see this thing fixed up.
There’s a weird black dot crawling leftward across the neck of the Enterprise from about 1:17 to 1:29. I’ve never noticed that before on this movie.
Can I ask why it’s the first four and not all six? What’s the point??
It takes time to do the remasters for one, so putting them out in sets as they are done allows the initial ones to be released.
The other reason given is that putting them all out in one massive set would have been an expensive box for folks to buy all at once. By splitting them up (3 sets total I believe plus the separate TMP DE) it makes it affordable to buy over time.
Nicely explained.
Because they can sell you the rest separately…. and then release them as a set yet again of all 6 in 2023 with a bonus collector’s pin or some crap. For sale again, and again and again.
It was fun buying each TNG season re-release at $70 each… and then all 7 seasons were released as a box set 2 years later for 1/10th the price.
Since you’re the first person to make this kind of comment, I’ll reply to you. Hopefully others read this too.
What you’re referring to is the behavior of companies at the height of the DVD format (which as it turned out was also the height of all home video discs). DVD was a gold mine. This is not the case today. Physical media sales have been in slow decline for about 10 years. The realities of that have taken quite a toll on the home video departments of the studios. The home entertainment division of most studios exists in name only. A skeleton staff is usually folded up into a marketing department. There is now a single replication plant (the factory that stamps out the optical discs for all studios/labels) for all of North America. Discs have to be scheduled out well in advance and there’s still often stock issues. For example, many people are getting shipment delayed messages for this TOS movies set because of the limited disc production capacity.
Today studios are much more inclined to do fewer, but significant, releases, knowing that this may very well be the final disc version. So yes, these four movies may eventually get re-packaged into a new boxed set in a few years, but it also may not. If these initial waves of movies don’t sell well enough, you won’t see the rest of the Trek films released on disc to make that hypothetical “double-dip” boxed set.
I’m well aware of the changes on the media landscape, likely the same as everyone else here. My snarky comment stands.
Paramount has double dipped ten fold with these movies. And now there is the balls to suggest that consumers purchased a *substandard* visual release on Blu-Ray ten years ago due to trendy colour timing and over-zealous grain reduction?
This is not to suggest a 4K release isn’t welcome. It’s going back to the well over and over in a way to soak every last cent out of paying fans. And that’s capitalism, and that’s fine. But it’s not being done as a “favour” to fans or consumers.
Your comments suggest that consumers should be taking *pity* on the home video departments? The studios have cannabalized themselves in favour of embracing streaming.
Studios have bent over backwards competing to make streaming services as lucrative to consumers as possible…. and consumers should feel BAD that physical media sales take massive hits? Ridiculous.
“So yes, these four movies may eventually get re-packaged into a new boxed set in a few years, but it also may not.”
Would you like to make a friendly bet that they absolutely… without question… will be re-packaged together as a complete set? We’ll both obviously be here in the next 36 months.
And why physical media releases at all? Why not 4K with direct access only through Paramount+ like the upcoming TMP release?
fans waiting to buy the TNG seasons in one cheap box set is why Deep Space Nine and Voyager will never be in HD.
But whose fault is that? The consumer? No. The producer? Yes. If media companies spend the last 40 years keeping consumers accustomed to that type of product release, what is expected to happen?
That’s completely unsubstantiated since it’s not 2014 anymore.
The tired argument parroted from many years ago that VOY and DS9 won’t be updated to HD because of sales of TNG BD which ENDED in 2014, does not hold water in 2021.
Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+ has proven that sales of physical media has no bearing on future projects directed for streaming services only.
The 4K releases of pre-existing Star Wars and Marvel content on Disney+ would clearly suggest their is a huge financial model to investigate (or clearly already being investigated) for projects like VOY and DS9 being revitalized for the new world of streaming.
Fixing vfx is not changing the creators intent, so it’s absolutely ok with me. I even love it, because every time I see mistakes in vfx/movies in general, it takes me out and destroys the “in-movie-realism”.
I ordered the box first day! Can’t wait to get the TNG movies on 4k Blu-ray!!!!
It also depends on if people could see these mistakes on original 35mm prints. I don’t think the wires holding Superman up were as visible on general release prints, or you could see the Cowardly Lions tail where it was sewn or pinned on. But when you do an HD scan every little thing you never noticed is very visible like Qui Gon’s fake pasted on beard. Every little stitch in clothes is revealed, every pore on a person’s face. There is removing something that isn’t intended to be seen like the matte lines and garbage mattes in Star Wars, or complete revisionism where does one draw a line.
I still can’t begin to care about TMP. Rewatched it again after nearly 20 years for my grand rewatch and can wait for another 20 years to watch it again. Maybe it will be 16000 K by then…but still just as dull and bland for me.
I agree Tiger. I will use the disc as a coaster when I get around buying this set lol
The next set based on the rumors we have to buy the coasters Final Frontier and Generations to get Star Trek VI. And finally for the last one two more coasters to get First Contact we have to buy Insurrection and Nemesis.
You are repeating yourself dude, you said this in another thread.
I’m with you. The last 15 minutes are when the movie really gets into gear when they discover the true nature of Vger. It’s a long slog until that point though.
Revisionist critics praise the film as a visionary cerebral film on the level of 2001. No.
Reivisionists Time Travellers?
“The Enterprise, perhaps deliberately, looks a lot like other spaceships we’ve seen in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” “Silent Running,” “Star Wars,” and “Alien.” Kubrick’s space odyssey set a visual style for the genre that still seems to be serviceable. But the look of the other spaceship in “Star Trek” is more awesome and original. It seems to reach indefinitely in all directions, the Enterprise is a mere speck inside of it, and the contents of the alien vessel include images of the stars and planets it has passed en route, as well as enormous rooms or spaces that seem to be states of a computer-mind. This is terrific stuff.
Such reservations aside, STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE is probably about as good as we could have expected. It lacks the dazzling brilliance and originality of 2001 (which was an extraordinary one-of-a-kind film). But on its own terms it’s a very well-made piece of work, with an interesting premise. The alien spaceship turns out to come from a mechanical or computer civilization, one produced by artificial intelligence and yet poignantly “human” in the sense that it has come all this way to seek out the secrets of its own origins, as we might.
There is, I suspect, a sense in which you can be too sophisticated for your own good when you see a movie like this. Some of the early reviews seemed pretty blase, as if the critics didn’t allow themselves to relish the film before racing out to pigeonhole it. My inclination, as I slid down in my seat and the stereo sound surrounded me, was to relax and let the movie give me a good time. I did and it did.” — Roger Ebert, December 7,1979
I’m still happy with my DVD Special Collectors Edition. But, interesting review.
I wish Star Trek VI had been remastered but i’ll take the first 4 films. Its better than nothing. Just wish it had the original theatrical audio. Where someone else wants an Atmos mix i want the original stereo audio track that was seen in the general theatrical release. TMP stereo mix hasn’t been available since Laserdisc and VHS. Since the first dvd was the directors cut which was a remix and the theatrical dvd also a 5.1 remix of allegedly the 70mm mix, but i can’t speak if that is accurate.
Trek VI will be in the next set. Hang in there.
Thanks for the review , Matt Wright . The extras look impressive . And I’m sure the Original Movie Series latter 5+ Set will be coming soon enough too . Hopefully something in there for the stereophiles as well ? Not everyone can run an expensive 5.1 + sound system , without losing household power . To run these sound systems ($3000-$10K+) , you need to put in a $30K-$50K Solar backup ?!
These are actually only the same extras that have been available for years , only the isolated score is new.
Thanks DataLore ! It looked new , maybe I’m wrong .
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but for TVH photos shown here, I actually find the 2009 comparisons looking like a sharper, better picture. For example, look at the better details on the background office buildings. But thanks for the work on this article.
Yeah. I agree. It’s weird though isn’t? I don’t understand why that would be the case.
At the end of the day I suppose It’s best to see the film in motion for a definite conclusion.
I actually agree with this to a certain degree, I will say watching the actual movies makes it slightly different, these are cases where the latest transfer looks better and then other times where 2009 looks more impressive.
Is the new release od TWOK the same master as the 2016 release? I’m sticking with standard Blu ray and have ordered the standalone discs for the others.
Its the same transfer only available in 4K UHD disc for the first time with HDR. The blu ray will be the same transfer as the 2016 corrected disc. The ones that are new are Star Trek I which is the theatrical only, Star Trek III and IV.
Thanks bud.
For the Trek II Blu-ray, that’d be not just the same transfer, but the same whole actual disc, right (with the same menus, extras, etc.), differing only in the packaging and the label printed on the disc?
It’s not exactly the same disc. The menus are different. And the 2016 version includes part of the Roger Lay documentary I mentioned in my review titled “The Genesis Effect: Engineering The Wrath of Khan”, this new version drops that.
So there is not the Directors Cut of the 1st Movie included?
No. That is going to be reserved for Paramount+ in 2022. I’m deeply disappointed that there will be no 4K relase of that to 4k dvd.
As I mentioned in my review, keep voting with your wallet. Show Paramount you want physical copies on disc. It’s likely that after an exclusive window on Paramount+ the new Director’s Edition will be released on disc, but fans have to demonstrate they want it.
I wonder if the 4K release is a good opportunity to do the original Home video edit of Star Trek VI that had always been released up till the DVD release, which included Rene Auberjonois as Colonel West as well as a few other extra scenes along with the original theatrical version. Given the aspect ratio difference prob not as easy for seamless branching but if both cuts of Wrath of Khan are available, then maybe they can do both for The Undiscovered Country, is it possible?
I ordered this from Amazon, but it hasn’t shipped and seems to be in some kind of limbo. Must be selling well!
Its backordered everywhere i’ve tried to get it from two different retailers and no dice. Even had it preordered on Amazon for months. Its a travesty they shouldn’t allow a preorder if they don’t have the actual item.
I ordered a new one through Walmart. They say I will have it by 9/15. We’ll see!
Personally – didn’t want to wait for a shipment. Drove down to my local BestBuy today – 11 copies on the shelf. Any big box stores near you?
Yeah, and I’m thinking I might shoulda done that same thing — no sign of this thing shipping. But I don’t even have a 4K television yet (that’ll change next week), so I’m not in that big a rush.
Have been watching these, often they look really good , other times there are cases where the 2009 looks better.
Personally II-IV look fantastic, The Motion Picture , I really love The Motion Picture by the way, the effects, sets, and costumes look really great but it is too dark at several points.
Thanks for the review. Does TVH set contain the “International Prolog” that was attached to the film outside of the US and appears just before the dedication to the Challenger crew? I’m sure most will have seen it; a collection of clips from TWOK and TSS with narration from William Shatner. This is the version that played in UK cinemas and later on home video and for me, the movie always seems incomplete without it.
As far as I know, no. It’s the US theatrical version. They stopped including that prolog with the 2009 Blu-ray version.
Thanks Matt. I had hoped it might have been included in the extras.
no dolby atmos? which penny pinching exec made this stupid decision? what a wasted opportunity. Im so disappointed. Wont be buying this set after all. Having gone to all the effort of upgrading to 4k and not upgrading the sound to the latest and best format is just a travesty imho.
Sadly, shipping is taking a hit right now. Don’t know when I’ll receive my pre-order.
Star Trek Genesis Arc = Star Trek looking its best, at its best.
For those who love that series check out the DC comics at the time with lots of movie era adventures.
Will make you long for ST:TNG to have been a movie era series.
Not me. But I do love those movies.
Not yet available in Canada. Or in scarce quantitites if any.
I finally had a chance to drive to my local BestBuy – they had multiple copies on the shelf.
That said, I hope you were able to find yourself a copy!
It be cool if the next set was out for Christmas, but will probably be early next year.