Just as they debuted the second episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks season three, Paramount Plus put the first up on YouTube for free.
Watch “Grounded”
The episode will be available to stream on YouTube (in the USA) for free for one week.
New episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks stream Thursdays in the USA on Paramount+ and CTV Sci-Fi in Canada (where it’s also available to stream on Crave). It streams on Fridays on Amazon Prime Video in international territories around the world. In Latin America, Lower Decks debuts (both seasons 1 and 2) in September.
Keep up with all the news and reviews from the new Star Trek Universe on TV at TrekMovie.com.
Isn’t this the kind of thing a network does when the show numbers on a new season aren’t meeting expectations?
Discovery, Picard and SNW all did the same thing and had their opening episodes premiere on Youtube for free. They been doing this since the second season opener of Discovery. My guess is so Paramount+ can hook new viewers with their most hyped shows.
Prodigy has also streamed the premiere for free.
Yeah I assume it did, I just couldn’t remember directly.
Fair enough. Thanks.
Discovery even premiered on television.
I did remember that, but TV is supported by ad revenue.
I guess that means SNW isn’t reaching expectations either. ;)
Lol, got it!
Don’t get your hopes up buddy, LDS is going to last 7 seasons and a MOVIE!!
It’s pretty much Paramount’s standard practice for the new Trek shows. I think it has a lot more to do with wanting to entice subscribers to the whole service than with the ratings for any one particular show.
Star Trek: Lower Decks began doing this back with the first season, and it’s been renewed until at least Season 4. If it is some sort of strategic response to low numbers, it appears to have worked in getting viewers to support the show, but I think it’s likelier it was planned for each season before it even launched.
Ha ha. I’ll bet there are high jinks and pratfalls galore in this one. Ha.