Michelle Yeoh’s ‘Section 31’ Looms Over San Diego As Star Trek Heads To Comic-Con 2024

This is the week for San Diego Comic-Con 2024. Preview night opens up at the San Diego Convention Center on Wednesday night. The Star Trek franchise will make its mark at the biggest pop culture event of the year with an official booth and several panels, as well as making its presence known outside, including a giant banner overlooking the convention center.

‘Section 31’ takes center position for SDCC banner

Earlier this week work began putting together a huge banner for the Star Trek TV franchise on Paramount+  atop the Marriott Marquis Hotel adjacent to the San Diego Convention Center. According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Paramount+ banner measures 36,000 square feet, making it the biggest building wrap of SDCC this year. For this year the Paramount+ Trek wrap has Michelle Yeoh at its center, representing the upcoming streaming movie Star Trek: Section 31, where she reprises her Discovery role as Empress Georgiou. The banner shows her wearing what may be a new costume for the streaming movie.

Paramount+ Trek banner for Comic-Con 2024 (Alejandro Tamayo / San Diego Union-Tribune)

Also featured on the banner are Mariner from Lower Decks, Jean-Luc Picard from Picard, Captain Pike from Strange New Worlds, and Michael Burnham from Discovery. On Saturday, Paramount+ is holding a Star Trek Universe panel in Hall H (Saturday, 1:45 pm to 3:15 PM) that will include cast and creatives from Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, Starfleet Academy, and Section 31. While Yeoh takes the center spot on the banner, her name was not included in the official announcement of SDCC celebrity attendees.

Closer look at Paramount+ Trek banner

More Star Trek in Gaslamp and around town

You can also already find more bits of Trek around San Diego’s famed Gaslamp district, across from the convention center. Star Trek can also already be spotted a the Friendship is Universal pop-up gallery at 226 and 230 5th Avenue. This is part of the Star Trek x Doctor Who “Intergalactic Friendship Day” celebration on July 30th which will be previewed at the Star Trek x Doctor Who panel (Saturday, 5:30 – 6:30 PM, Room 6A). Parks and Cons on X spied the Gaslamp gallery being prepared.

Also in the Gaslamp, Hero Within has already set up Energize Lounge II: The Wrath of Con at 332 J Street. The activation offers themed hot and cold beverages along with displays of Star Trek merchandise as well as daily giveaways and contests.

One final bit of Trek can be found as part of the Paramount+ Lodge located at the Happy Does Bar (340 Fifth Ave). Inside they are promoting various movies and shows including Star Trek where you will be able to “step onto a Star Trek starship.”To visit the Lodge you should set up a reservation HERE. On Monday the Unnoffical San Diego Comic-Con Blog spotted the Paramouunt+ Lodge under construction.

One more thing to do outside the con is on the the IMDboat on Saturday (3:45 PM) where they are calling on fans to participate in a cosplay photo op with celebrity guests. Sign up HERE.

More Trek inside

In addition to the panels mentioned above, on Thursday there will be a John Trimble Tribute (1:30 – 2:30 PM, Room 29AB). On Friday you can check out a screening of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (8:10 – 9:55 PM, Grand 5, Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina). On Sunday there will be a Prodigy screening and panel (10:00 – 11:00 AM in Room 6DE) featuring Kate Mulgrew and more. Also on Sunday is the  IDW Star Trek: Exploring The Comics panel (11:00-12:00 am in Room 7AB).

And on the convention floor, Paramount+ is putting together a special Star Trek booth for the show floor (Booth #3529). Here is how they describe it…

Behold the STAR TREK Menagerie booth on the convention floor, displaying creatures across renowned STAR TREK properties. Come one and all to get an up-close look at exciting specimens from STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS, STAR TREK: DISCOVERY, STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS, STAR TREK: PICARD, STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES and more! Become part of the Menagerie yourself as you enter the human display for an immersive photo opportunity.

And of course, there are plenty of Star Trek licensees on the show floor, many of which will have new SDCC exclusives. Here are some booths you may want to check out:

  • Factory Entertainment (#2743)
  • Hallmark (Booth #3348)
  • Hero Within (Booth #1943)
  • IDW Publishing (Booth #2729)
  • Titan Entertainment (Booth #5537)

One of Hero Within’s 2024 SDCC Star Trek exclusives

TrekMovie bringing you SDCC 2024

TrekMovie will be reporting on all the official announcements, releases, and all the big panels as well. Stay tuned for more Star Trek from Comic-Con 2024.

Find more Trek conventions and events news.

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Won’t be attending the con itself but will be wandering the downtown area on the 25th, taking pictures and making fun of the nerds. See you there!

Have a great time either way. It’s still fun to watch the cosplayers.

Sounds like a great plan

I’ve never been anywhere near CC much less want to go. The entire experience just sounds exhausting…and expensive. I’m more than happy to watch all the panels on my phone or TV.

They keep trying to push Mariner as the face of Lower Decks, when everyone knows Boimler is much more popular / actually likeable.

Mariner is the MOST popular Star Trek character ever!

‘Boimler is much more popular / actually likeable’ Strongly disagree with you there as i find Boimler to be the most annoying character on Lower Decks and Mariner to be the best of the main characters.

wow, ok.

Agreed! Mariner is my least favorite of the Lower Decks crew, but I still like her. I think she’s a great character, but I’m not a fan of her backstory in S4.

I love Boimler, but Rutherford and Tendi are my favorites.

In your opinion maybe, but personally I find Boimler rather annoying. He’s a follower, afraid of his own shadow, boot licker… Mariner is by far my favorite.

The Mariner vs Boimler debate It’s bringing me back to the Kirk vs Spock debate of the 70s! 😆

I can’t decide, I like them both equally. I know it’s a cop out answer but it’s the truth. And they were both amazing on SNW.

Same here. Both together, are amazing.

LOL sure

I have absolutely zero interest in that character or Section 31….but I am sure I will watch it….

I’m a huge huge fan of Michelle Yeoh but I hate the mirror Georgiou. I’m conflicted. I’m probably going to pass though. S31 doesn’t excite me.

I’m with you guys on this.. I would say I’m slightly intrigued by this. At this point, they have full license to ham it up so why not go all in on that? I’m hoping of gloriously, deliciously bad and campy… if it’s just bad, I’ll be pissed.

I still hate MU Georgiou with a passion but curious how they will handle her now.

Genocidal maniacs leading Star Trek projects is really a turnoff for a lot of fans out there.

Except when they are dukat.
Or garak

No I wouldn’t want those either and I love both characters. I’ve also made it very clear over the years I always hated the idea of a Khan show (ugh) for those very same reasons and I love that character as well.

Call me nuts but I like my main characters to represent Star Trek values and be more aspirational but that’s just me. You want to stick those other guys in the story somewhere, fine, but being the lead is a very different issue.

As far as others I always see things like fans wanting a Janeway, Archer or Sulu TV movie or show, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone shouting for a Garaek or Dukat project but maybe others have. My guess is that’s still the vast minority compared to actual Starfleet characters as mentioned.

Even Section 31 itself, many would love it more if Bashir was the lead in it because he out of most represent what Starfleet and the Federation aspires to so it would be interesting to see how he ran it.

ST has had many characters who hold to those principles but just as many intriguing characters who are at odds or even do not share those values.

‘space hitler’ is just one of them.

No one is disagreeing with that but how many of them was the lead in their own show or movie previously? Zero

I’m not saying having a Space Hitler is a bad thing (for a TV show lol), I just don’t want that the head of a Star Trek show either. And many fans felt the same way and a big reason why I think the show never happened. Section 31 on its own was already controversial enough but a character like that who bragged about bombing species off their planets was probably too much.

When people wer begging for boyscout Pike to get his own show, that’s an indication of what most people expect in Star Trek shows.

The first ‘trek’ TV movie is a big deal.
The first of many more?

Just to be a contrarian. I love Michelle Yeoh AND Mirror Georgiou. I’m SO excited for this movie!

Hopefully we’ll get the 2 movie announcements for Trek Origins and 4th Kelvin. Release dates, director of ST4, and cast announcements

That would only happen if either of them were ar the event this week. 😉

I mean the origin movie apparently has both a writer and director so you would think maybe it would be a great idea to start promoting a movie that is supposed to be out in two years time.

I know you really want a movie to happen but unfortunately Paramount hasn’t been in a rush to make the next one for 8 years now…and counting.

Don’t hold your breath we will get any real news for either this year.

As far as I know, the only panels that have been announced are for the shows on Paramount+ and a separate panel for Prodigy. Nothing for the movie studio side of things.

Yeah and they would have their own separate and distinct panel as well since the two are being made by completely different entities.

What’s more sad is the last time a Star Trek movie was represented at CC was back in 2016 to premiere Beyond…and its been a dead zone since.

I also don’t expect any movie-related announcements from the Paramount+ panel unless it’s for more streaming movies. But even that seems unlikely before they know how well the Section 31 movie will perform.

With new Star Trek TV content incoming (at some point in the future) right now i sadly am not as hyped up as i usually would be. Since Discovery (still the best modern Trek show made) ended i don’t feel the sense of excitement for Trek as i did in the past.

Honestly i don’t enjoy SNW much (it’s still better than having no new Trek content) and i find the last 2 seasons of Lower Decks to not be as funny as the first 2 seasons which were great.
Prodigy S2 was good but i still enjoyed S1 more.

I do have hopes for the Section 31 movie to give me that excitement for Star Trek that Discovery gave me and i also hope the TV movie is a success so we can get more TV movies.

I’m glad somebody else doesn’t buy into the SNW hype! It’s such a soulless series that doesn’t really have anything to say.

As much as I would like to love SNW, “soulless” describes this show well. It has no substance, if that makes any sense.

Nope it describes the show completely well. Still better than Discovery by multiple lightyears but it feels empty and just destroys canon with poor writing.

In your opinion.

Whose other opinion do you think I’m discussing, the Pope’s?

So by “Nope” you meant “Yup” ?


That’s what I should’ve said haha.

That makes perfect sense! It’s all very bland. I get that the show is there to appease those fans who don’t care for Discovery or Picard, but in doing so they have made a conscious decision to play it extremely safe (even with all the talk of “big swings”) and it just doesn’t work imo.

It is a beautiful show to look at, but if you look beyond the gorgeous sets and incredibly CGI, SNW is a show that doesn’t know what to do with itself and doesn’t know what it wants to say. It’s very surface level.

Nailed it.

I really like SNW but I have always said it feels a bit generic and bland so I get the complaints from others here.

I’m hoping it will be a little more bold in third season and I don’t mean another musical.

I am hoping the Section 31 movie is a huge hit to give us more movies and hopefully one will be a Legacy movie.

I’m looking forward to some new trailers and excellent analysis from Trekmovie.com.

Hoping for a Picard Season 3 in 4k announcement.

OR: Star Trek Legacy! (yeah, I know it probably will not happen).

Quite funny the space nazi is in the center and most of the other characters are on shows that are now canceled minus SNW. And Prodigy which is the best new show IMO isn’t even represented although it will be there too.

Shows the real state NuTrek is in right now.

It is a real shame Prodigy now feels like the red headed step child and now forced to eat at the kids table alone.

But the good news is it will get the most time out of any other show with its own panel and excited to see Mulgrew there.

Prodigy may not be on Paramount but Netflix is arguably a much better venue for it. It has more content directed towards kids and a larger global footprint. In that regards, I think they really lucked out with their new home. As for section 31…..I am not a huge fan of Yeoh’s character but I do hope the movie does well. Its success could translate to more Trek movies I might like more. Then again I could really enjoy the section 31 movie. It’s a least set in a time period we don’t know a whole lot about. Who knows until we watch it?!

You get no argument out of me over any of that. It’s just unfortunate it’s now separated from the other shows in terms of promotion and makingit clear it’s part of the same universe as all of those. But I’m sure way more people have been exposed to the show on Netflix, especially abroad where Netflix thrives and Paramount + is basically non existent outside of a few dozen countries.

I’m hoping Section 31 will surprise everyone.

If Starfleet Officers aren’t wearing the monster maroons, we riot!!!

So on this banner from left to right we have. Cancelled, finished, TV Movie, current, cancelled. Paramount are shameless.

Let’s face it Paramount will never not be shameless! From a marketing perspective though I get it. All of those Star Trek shows have dedicated fan bases. I could see why they want to put them front and center. Some of them have even appeared on the top streaming shows lists. It would be nice to get even more Star Trek content but I am just trying to be happy with what we got.

Hopefully we will get a few good trailers and clips. Can’t wait. And I think LDS has something big up its sleeve for season 5.

Yes I can’t wait to see S31 trailer. 🫨

She’s the center of that Star Trek universe. Without Section 31 there would be no Star Trek.

If anything Captain Pike should be in the center of the banner.

Odd that three of the 5 characters in the banner have their shows ended.

Michelle Yeoh is an A list movie star and is the star of the forthcoming new star trek movie. which is being promoted at this event

Id say its accurate in terms of importance of the moment . Obviously a couple years ago it’d be Pike or Picard at the centre

You have a problem with a woman being in the center?