Podcast: All Access Star Trek Goes To New York Comic Con And Starts ‘Lower Decks’ Season 5

All Access Star Trek podcast episode 201 - TrekMovie - NYCC 2024

[Lower Decks reviews start at 23:32]

Anthony and Laurie have two new episodes of Star Trek: Lower Decks to review! Season 5 has finally begun. Before they can do that, they talk through all the news from the panels and interviews at New York Comic Con about the streaming Section 31 movie, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, Strange New Worlds season 3, and Lower Decks. They wrap up with a way to have a Star Trek experience on the Enterprise-D bridge built for Picard season 3 and LeVar Burton’s latest and much-deserved honor at the White House.


NYCC: ‘Star Trek: Section 31’ Streaming Movie To Debut In January 2025

NYCC Panel And Character Posters Reveal More About ‘Section 31’ Movie And How It Fits In With Star Trek

NYCC: ‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’ Renewed For Season 2; Tatiana Maslany Joins Cast

NYCC: Captain Pike Makes A Big Decision Battling The Gorn In ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Season 3 Clip

‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ NYCC Panel Drops Hints About Dancing, Murder, Atari, And More For Season 3

Interview: Mike McMahan Talks ‘Lower Decks’ Tearful Finale, Season 5 Star Trek Cameos, And Future Hopes


Anthony: Universal Fan Fest Nights Event To Feature USS Enterprise-D Bridge Set From ‘Star Trek: Picard

Laurie: LeVar Burton Awarded With National Humanities Medal At White House Ceremony

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Completely agree with Laurie. Pike was very decisive and a leader in the second season of Discovery. He took opinions into account. But he was confident and made decisions. And I’m getting tired of these captains being nervous or shaken when for a majority of Star Trek history we are told that the captain must be seen as strong by the crew or they lose faith in their leader. You see it in TOS. You see it in Generations when Picard’s family dies. He buries that solely for ready room and quarters time and not on duty. Same goes for Sisko, Janeway, and even Archer. Lorca was evil so we don’t know what he’d do. Burnham was a field of emotions. And Freeman is played as incompetent.

Obviously Pike is now aware of his mortality. So maybe they are going to play into the fact that he froze at the end of season 2. So, maybe Pike is going to begin seeking his “replacement.” So, you may see Kirk take a test mission with the Enterprise to see how he handles this crew.

Regardless this indecisive Pike better have a good arc or he is going to become IMHO a weak captain.

Burnham was very decisive as a captain! She had emotions but she did what she had to do and made tough calls. Freeman hasn’t been incompetent for a while… and she is definitely decisive (to a fault sometimes). I really want to see Pike be a leader too.

I don’t see Pike as at all indecisive. It’s a massive battle space (conditions, options, timing) that he has to contend with so soliciting options is a good way to go. As the captain he sees the big picture, can sort among the options and pick the best/only one that will work in the situation. That is a captain and Pike does it well.

As for his depiction at the end of season 2, I think the writers did a little tiny bit of “Best of Both Worlds, part 1” where they wrote themselves into a moment and didn’t know where they were going with it. They ramped up the tension as much as they could in the closing shot, but I think of it as a little creative license that it stretched so long. Then the writers “took the summer” to think about it and came up with the next step and made a couple of minor retcons. Hopefully this second part is a better episode than BOBWp2 (not that that episode is bad, its just not as amazing as p1).

As for Lower Decks, I am so glad it is back. I hope all the wishing about it not being truly done are correct, and that it will come back. I could do with 5 more seasons on Paramount+ or Netflix, but if I have to I could live with some direct-to-streaming movies.

Already this season has created a favorite Trek line for me. “We’re dunking into the rift like a big ol’ cookie!” O’Connell’s delivery is perfect.

I love it. Right up there with “Vulcan as a M-Fer” and “Let’s make sure history never forgets the name Enterprise.”

Just seen on Brannon Bragas instagram page that Jeri Taylor has passed away.

I’ve seen that, but not 100% it’s been confirmed yet….nothing on the entertainment press as of a few minites ago.