LeVar Burton: It “Makes So Much Sense” For ‘Star Trek: Legacy’ To Follow ‘Starfleet Academy’

Since even before the Next Generation-infused third season of Star Trek: Picard wrapped up last year, there was a lot of talk about a Star Trek: Legacy follow-up series coming from the showrunner, the cast, and fans. For now, Paramount+ is focused on its current Star Trek offerings, including more seasons of Strange New Worlds, the upcoming Section 31 streaming movie, and the new series Starfleet Academy, which recently was picked up for a second season before the first has even been completed. But one TNG and Picard star has not given up on the idea of Legacy.

LeVar’s Legacy

LeVar Burton returned to his Next Generation character Geordi LaForge in the final season of Picard, playing a key role in saving the day which included rebuilding the original USS Enterprise-D. Promoting Picard at New York Comic Con in 2022, Sir Patrick Stewart talked about how much he wanted to see the TNG cast continue with more. LeVar Burton was on that stage as well, and in a new interview with TV Line, he talked about how he sees that two years later:

“I think [Patrick] was reflecting, genuinely, the sentiment—then AND now, at least for us, the cast—and the audience, two years on, seem to be just as interested in the idea of Legacy as when Picard was just airing. I’m not close to the brain trust over there, but I see that they are all in on Starfleet Academy. And in this age of cutting back and retrenching in the entertainment space, I imagine they’re going to focus on that until they feel like they might be able to focus on something else. And I would think that given the opportunity and the resources, that they would want to do this. It makes so much sense… It makes so much sense.”

LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge, Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker, and Patrick Stewart as Picard in “The Last Generation”  (Paramount+)

For now, Paramount continues to focus on managing costs for its streaming service. There is also the issue of the availability of Picard showrunner Terry Matalas, who first proposed the Legacy idea, as he is now focused on the Marvel’s Vision series, as well as other projects outside of Paramount. However, Matalas has stated he would still want to return if Legacy were ever given the greenlight. And Paramount+ is still ordering new shows and seasons to remain competitive (albeit not at the same rate as previous years), with Star Trek as one of their key properties. So perhaps there still is some hope for Star Trek: Legacy.

Filling the Nemesis void

Burton also talked to TV Line about how he and the other members of the TNG cast felt being reunited on Picard:

“I think that for all of us, the feeling was overwhelmingly one of gratitude for the experience, for having had the chance to come back and really finish what we started in a good way. When we shot the last movie [Star Trek: Nemesis], we didn’t know it was going to be our last movie. And so there was a sense of incompletion. So to be able to come back and close the circle and perhaps start a new one was really satisfying for all of us… for all of us. It was amazing! I can’t even describe to you what it’s like when we are all together. It’s like the universe is right. When we are in the presence of one another, everything is right with the world.”

LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge, Brent Spiner as Data, Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher, Michael Dorn as Worf, Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi, Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker, and Patrick Stewart as Picard in “The Last Generation” (Paramount+)

LeVar’s Trivial Pursuit

LeVar Burton isn’t just sitting around waiting for Legacy to happen. His latest endeavor is a bit of fulfilling a longtime dream of hosting a game show. After things didn’t work out with Jeopardy!, LeVar turned to another idea and helped develop a new game show based on the popular board game Trivial Pursuit. The show debuted on The CW earlier this month and airs Thursdays at 8 PM.

Keep up with all the news and reviews from the new Star Trek Universe on TV at TrekMovie.com.

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Other than the odd cameo appearance here and there I think it is time to move on from the Berman era shows – which means the Berman era 24th Century cast! Star Trek needs a rest so it can get some writers/producers who a)understand it, and b) can actually write. I hope one day we have a show set say in the 25th Century on the Enterprise but totally new cast and “creative” team. I don’t want a legacy show and it isn’t necessary for the Star Trek universe anyway. If Levar Burton did not think Nemesis was the send off they wanted them fine, but if he thinks Star Trek Picard seasons 1,2 & 3 were better then he is wrong IMO. But time to go forward now. No prequels or reimagining or remakes etc

Perhaps you need to take a rest from Star Trek. Personally I like evey Trek show and movie that is put out there. And all the griping and moaning is just so tiring, if you dont like it then fine thats your right, so then just dont watch it and dont moan and spoil it for others.

Every version has it’s up and downs, nothing is perfect, basically all shows take a while to find their footing, some better or quicker than others. And every generation thinks their Trek was better, someone is always going to think the writing isnt good etc etc.

Just walk away, or as our elders have always said “if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing”

I don’t disagree that they have really yet to find a good writing team or even story for any of the new Trek stuff, save bits of SNW (for which I have to consider a new timeline for my own sanity and to give it a fair shake) and Prodigy.

While (imo) Lower Decks’s humor is the lowest common denominator intelligence dreck most of the time, I can at least acknowledge that they seem to enjoy Trek and its history.

Filming the Destiny or Cold Equations book trilogy would have been a far better post-TNG / Legacy option than what we have been given.

I see the claim “They should have turned novel X into a movie instead” a lot.

Maybe, maybe not, but come on, let’s put this to rest: For a million reasons, they will *never* film a novel.

SNW is hampered by the episodic format, which means that they constantly need to come up with one-off gimmick episodes that haven’t been done 12 times before by Star Trek. So the results are either very imaginative or very stupid.

The way out of this trap is to start developing serialized storytelling skills. Not entirely, just for 1/3 to 1/2 of the episodes.

the whole point of SNW was to go back to the episodic format of OS and TNG.

They’ve done that, and it’s been okay but it’s starting to show the limitations of the format and it’s time to take the next step.

And all the griping and moaning is just so tiring

So don’t read comments sections, because criticism (what you melodramatically call “griping and moaning”) is absolutely welcome here.

“Just walk away, or as our elders have always said, if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing”

…says a guy who just finished needlessly insulting anyone who has legitimate complaints about some of the shows

The lack of self-awareness is amazing.


Prodigy, Picard season 3 and Strange New Worlds are solid additions to the Star Trek franchise

Picard season 3? Even “You’ve killed us all!”. Garbage television, popular purely for nostalgia and nothing else.

Give it a rest.

It wasn’t as bad as S1-2, which isn’t saying much. They pretty much destroyed both the Dominion and the Borg. By the end, I was thoroughly sick of every character except for Seven and Worf. Nobody ever gets sick of Worf.

They should try a bit harder to adopt the serialized format (and charismatic guest characters/villains/antiheroes) that made DS9 so great. But for that, they don’t need to bring back TNG/DS9/VOY etc characters.

I love the idea of Legacy, but ultimately, I just want to see a guy like Matalas, at the very least, helming a Trek show of any kind. He just gets it. But if we’re talking about Legacy, I want the focus to be on the crew of that ship, not the TNG characters. Use them and any from that era that you can, on occasion… totally fine with having them pop in.. but I love the sendoff we got for the TNG crew as a whole, and I don’t want to see that diluted or diminished. I don’t think that’s what Terry would want to do.. I think he’s said as much in post PICs3 interviews, so that’s good.

I feel like we already saw Legacy in the last three minutes of the finale. What more would there be? What more is there to interestingly explore about Seven, Raffi or even Jack Crusher? I’d watch it — but I wonder if there’s much left in that well (BTW, I felt that about Voyager and Enterprise when they originally aired).

I get that some folks really want it. And I’d be happy to be proven wrong,

Well, if it’s character development you want out of new Trek… then why bother with anything that doesn’t have established characters? (to me, Discovery is essentially a soap opera, which is nothing more than character development, and that’s part of why I don’t like it). My enthusiasm for this is around the showrunner. I don’t really care what show they give to Matalas, as long as they give him one. I don’t care if it’s a brand new ship and characters. He has expressed a desire to do Legacy and I’m all for it for that reason.. not that I care about the setting or any specific characters. What I appreciate is that we had a show runner that got Star Trek, and treated it with reverence. And he’s also a pretty damn good storyteller. That’s my why.

developing characters on screen does not make a show a ‘soap’.
it didn’t make DS9 a soap when it was on the air.

Because plot still mattered to the creatives back then, and treated as just as important. In modern Trek, characters come first.

character mattered more to TNG and DS9 and that why they were and still are the best of ST tv.

My point is, they still focused more on plot than they do now. Plot in NuTrek is a device to serve Character Development. it was the opposite of that in the TOS and Berman eras.

It needs a premise full of potential that shakes things up a la DS9 and Voyager. I genuinely don’t know what that could be to stop this from just being SNW or TNG in the 25th century. Prodigy already kinda covered revisiting the Delta Quadrant, which is what would make a little sense for a show led by Seven. A long term mission led by the Enterprise, or stopping an existential threat to the Alpha Quadrant (not loving that one considering how bad those tend to be developed) are the most obvious tracts to me. A time travel show would have real potential, though I know what everyone likes about Legacy as a general concept is the chance to check up on what’s happened to Berman era characters and geopolitics in the decades since Nemesis.

Seven as the captain of a new ship with new characters would be cool.

But don’t include Raffi or Jack. I usually don’t blame actors so much as writers when things go wrong but I’m sorry, those two actors are too grating.

I can see Legacy going the same route as s31, from proposed series to stream movie for late 2026, with the TNG cast and some of the other Berman era casts maybe even ENT (and TOS via AI/OTOY)


Maybe. And there was a rumored Picard movie for a hot minute that Stewart himself mentioned… I’m guessing they were in the discussion phase but it never got greenlit. I’m not opposed, but I think I’d rather see it as a series.

Strikes, general decrease of spending on streaming, and Paramount’s focus on getting a buyer probably all were factors in stopping all this stuff from getting greenlit.

Honestly I do think that’s the plan, make a Legacy TV movie first, see how that does and if there is more appetite from Paramount to make a show then they will go forward.

But I think Legacy will probably end up as a TV movie since it’s cheaper and less commitment.

Would be nice to make it for the Anniversary. The Multiverse story you have mentioned in the past would be fun and appropriate for that celebration. The issue is the more cast and guests the higher the budget

Yeh it’d be good for the anniversary to get a Legacy movie on P+ esp since s31 is now slated for Jan 25 so plenty enough gap to do one for late 26/anniversary. Wouldn’t necessarily have to be multiverse, just timetravel (ala Generations or that fun ‘Bring Back Kirk’ fan trailer from years ago or any of the IDW crossovers) and no need for too many cast members from each series to keep costs manageable. Could be the majority of TNG (as I imagine Par would want it to be centred around them in light of Pic s3 success), and 2-3 cast members from each series DS9 (Sisko, Bashir, OBrian) Voy (Janeway, Seven) Ent (Archer, Tpol) and TOS (Kirk, Spock via AI/CG), and maybe Q. plus there’s be the potential for a kelvinverse cameo (e.g. Quinto) like when the movie Flash appeared briefly in the TV Crises on Infinite Earths (which could help reignite interest in Kelvin ST4) , so yeah would cost/scheduling issues, but then they sometimes all appear at conventions at same time so why not lol (plus if they not making any theatrical movie anytime soon like the Origins film we’ve heard nothing about recently or ST4 then some of the money that would’ve been used for those can go on Legacy)

I think eventually having Legacy alongside the other shows would be a nice balance of old and new.


Agreed as well.

You mean new shows like Lower Decks which reference old Trek every 3 and a half seconds, Prodigy which is basically just an excuse for a Voyager reunion and Strange New Worlds which is literally the Enterprise crew? And of course, not forgetting Picard season 3 which was embarrassing in how creatively bankrupt it was.

Discovery is a poor show but at least it’s pushing the franchise forward.

Yes Discovery pushed (past tense) something forward, but it’s not the Star Trek franchise.

It would make sense for Mr. Burton’s wallet, that’s for sure. But honestly, I don’t think Legacy will happen. Matalas has moved on to likely more lucrative, actual opportunities with management who appreciate his talent. I’m just happy we received proper TNG closure with PIC s3. Going forward, I would hope for new writers (actually sci-fi writers who ‘get’ Trek), and please, no more prequels. I like SNW generally, but am happy it’s in another timeline with the way they’ve pretty much given the finger to canon. Time to move on from Kirk, Spock the Enterprise and all my old favorites. Make new strong interesting characters, make new adventures. New showrunners would be a good place to start, imo.

But honestly, I don’t think Legacy will happen.

It has never been something CBS has even been considering.

Again we don’t KNOW that. Yes, I get your point, it’s never been in development. But that’s not the same as saying it’s never been considered. I’m guessing it’s been discussed or being discussed as long as they are considering where to go next in the future and this is the ONE idea that keeps popping up over and over again. But it may not ever go farther than that obviously, as an idea.

I can’t disagree with this at all but I still have faith something will eventually come of it because honestly it still seems to be the one project most of the fans are united over. No one talks about or seems that excited about the next movie these days (for obvious reasons) and both Section 31 and SFA feels so divided in terms of interest. Of course we haven’t seen either yet and may be great but honestly I don’t see the groundswell of fan enthusiasm over either of them like what we got when Picard and SNW was announced.

But if a Legacy show was announced, yeah, that would get huge enthusiasm for sure. Certainly more than SFA lol. And as you know, I’m one of the dozens of people who has been excited over that idea since it was announced.

But I have always been clear I’m completely fine if they decide not to do a Legacy project, just really want more stories in the 25th century. If they decide to do that with both completely new characters and a setting I’m totally fine with that. I’ve always said I think most fans just want a show in that setting again but like SNW, of course when you throw legacy characters on an Enterprise, it will pull in fans more. That’s just reality.

Which again why it’s shocking it’s not green lit now, but as said it’s probably more about just being able to produce more Trek shows in general. And I think contrary to what a lot of us thought, SFA sounds like it’s going to be a very expensive endeavor itself now.

Matalas is a one trick pony. Season 3 of Picard was awful.

Not as awful as Picard S1-2. Matalas can write a serialized season, which is a skill Star Trek needs. But he’s gone, no sense bemoaning it.

They just need to do the obvious thing – continue the TNG/DS9/VOY timeframe by showing us what’s next. A cameo here and there with Janeway or Garak wouldn’t be unwelcome but don’t use them as a crutch.

If Legacy isn’t what’s next, then come up with a different premise. Something set in the still-rebuilding Cardassian area of space maybe.

To be honest, I think Legacy would make NO sense at all. These casts are old now. it’s time for new casts to take over.

Ratings, Awards, and Critics say the opposite. Picard Season 3 was very well received. Totally surprised by the amount of positive press it generated.

Look, I loved it and thought it was very well done. But when you go back and look at it, it’s not complicated, it’s not revolutionary. It just gives a much more natural extrapolation of where these characters could be based on what has been established in canon, and does so in a compelling, interesting and entertaining way. It doesn’t try to change who they are, or play with the past in a way that retcons much of anything. Trek lore and the characters are treated with reverence. That’s all. And that’s all that is needed.

That sounds pretty boring.

and does so in a compelling, interesting and entertaining way.”

All of these are actually adjectives that describe the viewer and tell you nothing about the show itself.

LOL. No.

You don’t think it got good ratings, awards recognition and plaudits from critics? I mean, setting aside our opinions, those are pretty objective facts, no?

Terry himself has said, the focus would not be on the TNG characters. They might pop in every now and again, but it would be about the new crew of the ENT – G.

True, but even then, I don’t think Raffi or Geordi’s daughters could carry a TV show. Seven could, sure, but another show about Raffi would be such a grind to sit through. I’d rather never see that character again.

Seven would be the star of the show. I don’t think anyone ever suggested Raffi would be the star.

Seven is the only one of the proposed cast I’m interested in seeing. The other are bland or actively annoying. They should give Seven a whole new cast.

Fair enough.

Season Three wasn’t as much a story as it was “let’s see how much TNG we can pack into ten hours of broadcasting”. How do you build a future series around Jack Crusher sticking around Starfleet Academy just long enough to get fitted for a spiffy uniform, dealing with a Starfleet that was way to easily compromised, and the rest of the Federation wondering if they really need Earth in it? Oh, wait, they buffed all the phaser fire out of earths defenses, rounded up a few shapeshifters, and magically pulled a new fleet out of its collective ass. Reset button magic, at its best.

I mean, Star Trek Picard has basically hit the reset button every season and mostly ignored what happened in its previous seasons. Most fans would probably be happy if Legacy just did the same. Many are even asking that characters who died are brought back.

Picard S3 wasn’t good so much as just not mind-bendingly terrible. I think they should set their sights higher.

I just want decent writers and good stories. That’s why Picard Season 3 was good. And lets not kid ourselves, it wasn’t brilliant. The Borg. Again. And the ending was a bit weak.

But, I cared about the characters and what happened to them. I couldn’t have cared less in Season 1 and 2. But in season 3, I cared about what happened to everyone, new cast and old.

Exactly. This was a meaningful exploration of nearly every TNG character, the best work for Seven in the series, and we got the likes of Shaw as well. And I liked Jack, so sue me.

Decent writers ‘that agree with you’. Why do you omit that part?

Agree with me how?

They dragged both the Dominion and the Borg back into the story and wrecked them. The writers didn’t understand the Dominion and wrecked the only interesting aspect of the Borg, the thing that made them different from every run of the mill space villain.

Sure. But they also did right by most of the characters, save for the villains. That’s more important in the end.

Although I’m not really sold on the setup for Legacy, I just want to see Matalas running a show set in the era. Many of the writers from the two animated shows would make great producers for a 25th century show! But I suspect the Executives want to leave the era behind because it’s so treacherous and impenetrable to navigate in a way that satisfies fans and newcomers alike. I’m okay with what we got so far with Lower Decks, Prodigy, and Picard S3. Shows like Discovery still managed to callback to the 24th century a ton in its final season, so I’m hoping the new shows will continue to build upon the universe I originally fell in love with. I once was a new fan enchanted by TNG back in the 90’s, I hope the same for others!

“But I suspect the executives want to leave the era behind because it’s so treacherous and impenetrable to navigate in a way that satisfies fans and newcomers alike.”

This statement really confuses me since currently the stuff fans have been raving about the most outside of SNW are the 24th/25th century shows. You stated it yourself, but LDS, Prodigy and Picard season 3 are all critic and audience hits. Prodigy season 2 and Picard season 3 currently has the highest audience score ratings for NuTrek season on IMDB. And ironically the biggest reasons people seem to love Prodigy and LDS is because of how well they captured 24th century canon. Some people may not like those shows specifically, but I never hear complaints that they have a hard time telling new stories while being as canon accurate as possible with what came before, unlike say Discovery and SNW even if people do like those shows.

Now that said we know the animated shows, and especially Prodigy, doesn’t get the same views as the live action stuff, but that’s mostly due to their format, not their settings. I think if LDS and especially Prodigy were live action, the interest for them would be way higher. Maybe not at Picard/SNW level, but probably no worse than Discovery.

To me I look at it the opposite and that we have proof that there are great and passionate Trek writers (Matalas, McMahan, Hageman brothers, Walkte, etc) who really loves this era and indeed can create tons of new and satisfying stories in it again; something that fans are still salivating for more. It really goes against the once silly argument some fans used to say before Picard premier that you can’t tell anymore great stories in the 24th century because it’s all been done. Well Prodigy and LDS begs to differ in a huge way. And Prodigy is my favorite modern show because of how creative it is with new characters but still keeps the heart of what makes Star Trek great.

Malalas is absolutely the key.. and I don’t care what show they give him either, Legacy or something completely new.. doesn’t matter. But if they can find another person to run a show with his approach? I’m all for that, as well.

Common guys. There is an audience for everyone. Picard Season 3 was everywhere on the news. Excellent Ratings and Reviews. Many truly enjoyed the return of all of these beloved characters.

Always, the story could be better. The script should have added certain elements. Sure. Many other things. But so grateful we got a live action follow up after Nemesis.

We had all these shows at once. And I’m sorry, from all of these productions, Season 3 was the big hit in terms of positive ROI.

I truly like all Star Trek productions . And I like some more than others. I watch everything, but you can clearly tell when a production is well liked by the audience and critics or be well liked by the executives.

Legacy would have a green light if the show is produced with new actors, in Toronto. Unfortunately, this is not the case. This is why it’s difficult.

In the other hand, Strange New Worlds and Starfleet Academy have the perfect recipe. And this is why these two productions are moving forward.

Really hope Picard Season 3 excellent results leave the door open to bring back Legacy, I think some executive producers are still interested in moving forward with Matalas. Not now. Perhaps at a later date.

Picard S3 is probably the only time that Trek really broke into the cultural zeitgeist beyond the launch of Discovery. That’s a good marker for how well it did. I think we’ve heard some rumblings from behind the scenes, and it’s not on Kurtzman’s radar. The calls for it may get too loud, but he was never going to upend Academy in favor of Legacy. I think it was too far underway, and I also think he doesn’t have the money to start another show right now. It’s going to be interesting to see how new oversight within Paramount will go on this. But this purchase is clouding everything and anything new.

I wonder if including the VOY holographic doc is a kind of compromise , like OK we get it you want Legacy, but we can’t do that right now for various reasons, so heres the VOY doctor ..

I tend to think no, but you certainly could be on to something. They are doing all they can to bring in all the target audiences they can on this. Hired some top level talent that hasn’t done Trek before.. but they also have not shied away from using legacy characters and even actors where they could.. they worked with Picardo on Prodigy, and I’d think that would have more to do with it than anything.. he was on the radar. But bigger than that, I don’t see that one detail satiating anyone’s appetite with Legacy, though.

The new show runner for SFA stated she had the idea to bring the Doctor on the show when she pitched it because he was one of her favorite characters growing up.

That said, it’s obviously a big marketing tool to bring more fans in so I don’t think there was any push back to the idea and especially once Picardo agreed to do it.

And now listening to even McMahan, he wanted to bring the Doctor back for LDS as well, but Prodigy basically had a much bigger plan in mind with him so he went there. And we also know there were talks to bring him on Picard in season 2 but I’m guessing there was a very different story line planned then.

It is ironic because many fans were a bit confused that all these other legacy characters were showing up everywhere and yet The Doctor, one of the most obvious characters to bring back being so popular was left in the cold. Where now we know the opposite, that has been considered for multiple shows, it was just a matter of where (and when) he would ultimately be used.

I don’t think that’s remotely it. It sounds like the Doctor came about organically for SFA because the new show runner said he was her favorite character growing up watching Voyager and just wanted to find a way to include him.

And since he was never in Picard, I’m not sure how that would be a compromise to no Legacy show. Now if they found a way to include Seven…

TNG also broke into the zeitgeist in way the other Berman shows didn’t.

It’s still ironic people were suggesting TNG had become old hat and would fade into the background once we got new iterations of Star Trek in the future. And now here we are talking about it more than ever since basically three of the new shows revolve around that era. Even Discovery found a way to use one of its story lines for its last season. In fact, I point out Discovery season 5, LDS season 4 and obviously Picard season 3 were all tied to specific TNG episodes and storylines. Just more proof how much NuTrek tries to pull in that audience 30+ years later.

Nothing in Star Trek ever dies these days but TNG still has the biggest pull in popular culture in general; especially since most fans today became fans in the Berman era.

I actually meant to type ‘since the Berman shows’… TNG most of all, of course. Thanks for bringing that up.. I just botched it. lol.

I don’t have deep thoughts about Legacy. However, I really enjoyed Geordi in Picard, and his family. Focusing on those characters could have the next Next Generation – right there….. Perhaps with Lower Decks characters?

After Lower Decks finishes, I’m done with the franchise. I’ll come back if Legacy with Terry happens. Star Trek has nothing to offer or has anything to say about the world. It’s no longer allegorical science fiction. It’s a parody of itself. It’s junk entertainment.

AND Jean-Luc Picard is dead and was replaced with a robot or something? So is not even the same “legacy” character we all love blah-blah-blah. You are right, no allegorical science fiction stories anymore,but loads of profanity and beheadings, characters replaced with robots then unnecessarily killing off legacy characters that actually were well respected (Ro Laren). I actually am prepared to give Starfleet Academy show a chance because at least it could be something original,but everything else has been tarnished and contaminated IMO. Levar Burton has been complaining about Star Trek Nemesis since it was released, but I am wondering if he had a personal problem with Stuart Baird. If the movie has problems and I admit it has many, then it is the story and script likely to be at fault. Baird is a competent director but a lot of the good Star Trek scenes were left on the cutting room floor.I think Nemesis is the one Trek movie that would benefit most from a directors or extended cut

Stuart Baird would not called LeVar by his name and insisted on calling him Laverne. It was a repeated microaggression all through filming.

It is a shame that happened and if Baird was disrespectful to these actors then that is unprofessional, I hope he apologises one day. Levar Burton is good in Nemesis, he does not have particularly much to do other than mainly exposition but he is reliable and I like he is on the bridge in the scenes where the Scimitar ambushes the Enterprise. It is a scene repeated countless times in the TV show I am sure, but it strikes me that Geordie LaForge is the only crew member who i feel is playing the same character but that has developed over time whereas with the exception of Data and Worf, I feel by Nemesis Riker and Picard were completely different. Michael Dorn as Worf is completely underused, but seeing as he became a regular on DS9 there was no need for Dorn to be in the movie (he was brilliant in First Contact). Unfortunately for a cast that large, the movie is a Patrick Stewart/Brent Spiner with Jonathan Frakes in a supporting role and the rest of the TNG cast effectively make guest appearances BUT as I say LeVar Burton gives a good performance, by this point he really was believable as a Scotty type character who had been with the ship for years and knew it like no-one else (even though the Enterprise -E was only a relatively new ship at the time of the events of Star Trek Nemesis. I am glad Burton got more to do in series 3 of Picard because for a while Geordie was an odd character who hung around with an android and dated holographic creations in the holodeck and perhaps needed to “get out a bit more” but by the end of TNG the character was redeemed and Burton seemed more mature in the role. But Picard was still awful. Seasons 1&2 were horrendous, season 3 was made for people who are easily entertained/ have low expectations In my humble opinion 😇😇

Longer scenes and reinstated scenes from that Logan script are in no way beneficial to NEM … it needed a different writer. He didn’t even take advantage of stuff that was in his script to use in effective echo/callbacks. He has that ‘data shut up’ moment from Picard at the beginning, to no particular gain … but if he had had Data say, ‘captain, shut up’ just after slapping the dingie on him at the end, THAT would have had resonance. Instead he tries for resonance with other movies, like the impalement thing that very badly echoes EXCALIBUR.

A different director as well, because Baird has no visual storytelling sense at all (true for maybe half the editor-turned-director IMO), plus clearly zero affinity for the material in this case (though to be honest, all three of his turns behind the camera absolutely sucked … must be the only director ever to have all his films scored by Goldsmith and still not be able to turn out something even mildly worth watching.)

Both of them share the blame for Scimatar just backing up to dislodge the -E, which makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER, since going in reverse would just pull the two ships along together since there is no resistance. You’d need to be firing forward thrusters one way and reverse thrusters the other to un-wedge your way out of the ramming, over and over again, and that would have been far more visually interesting as well as being the only credible way to portray such a maneuver.

Now I’m flashing back on the damn dune buggy with rubber wheels … geez, maybe this movie is worse than I remembered! Just erase the wheels in post at the very least. But noooo ….

Personally I think the premise to Nemesis is one of the best in the franchise, it just did not materialize on screen. Maybe the story was unfilmable like Shatner’s original story we got for TFF. So what we are left with is 2 divisive movies that failed to live up to their potential. BUT…. They are still “Star Trek”. Which the NuTrek is not. At first I thought the problem was the creators producers and writers of NuTrek did not get what Star Trek is about, which is true,but now I think about it I just don’t think they care anymore. I would have no problem with any NuTrek so long as they removed the “Star Trek” from the titles. They could leave everything else, but it does not deserve to be called Star Trek when it is not really “Star Trek” if you get my point 🤪

So maybe DS9 is an abomination to you also as it is nothing like TOS it is as far from Trek as any Star Trek but it is Sci fi at it’s best. Jeez Star Trek is a show set in the future. Not every series has to be the same premise. Also the story for Nemeses was filmable but was a poor story and poorly directed. Season 3 of Picard was much better than Nemesis in every way. That was one of the worse Star Trek movies until the awful reboots slash Guardian of the Galaxy Trek arrived in 2009.

WRONG ,DS9 still had great writing, characters etc and is allegorical sci-fi, so no I do not hate DS9 I only hate “Nu-Trek”. Picard series 3 fans are very easily pleased that is all I am going to say here. There was Brilliant TREK in Picard S3 but that was only because it recycled ideas all the way back to basically the start of the franchise. The story was unoriginal, the music was unoriginal, it also blatantly ripped-off the reimagined Battlestar Galactica etc etc you must be VERY easily pleased and like your Trek pre-digested

All true… pretty much like any corporate IP these days. Monetized, not authentic.

After Lower Decks finishes, I’m done with the franchise.

NARRATOR: “He isn’t.”

Has anyone watched Trivial Pursuit? Any good?

I have no interest in Boomer Trek. It’s over LeVar, move on.

Legacy should go straight to CBS as a 26 episode order. Let the broadcast network side pay for it, not the streaming side.

It would get cancelled though. Broadcast is dying, network shows have smaller budgets, and CBS has the highest threshold for ratings success, meaning a series needs at least 5 million viewers to be renewed there.


That’s about as realistic as Trump becoming an ambassador to Puerto Rico.

I have pointed this out many times, but today every space opera show is no longer on linear TV, network or cable. They have gone to streaming now probably due to costs and not enough ratings to keep them around.

And they did air the first season of Discovery and the first two episodes SNW on the network before and both got very low ratings. There’s no way they would take that kind of gamble with a Trek show.

Won’t Happen. There is, no good business reason to do it. The numbers simply aren’t there.

I think the best way to approach Legacy is to make each season about a certain legacy character. I mean it can be like an anthology approach to the legacy idea and it could include all legacy characters from all the shows. I mean one season could be about Captain Sulu with Takei or John Cho in the roles while another might be about Worf another about Crusher or Major Kira. And each season could have a different subtitle like Star Trek Legacy: Janeway or something like that. What they could also do is use the Legacy brand to bring in the older characters and use the other shows to create new and original characters.

Star Trek: Legacy is the only new show that make sense, Academy is already DOA.

Academy has a surprisingly strong cast at least among the grownups. If they want to make it the story of Hunter, Giamatti and Picardo’s characters, and have the students be a rotating cast (because classes change each year after all), that could be interesting.

I’m intrigued about Academy in a way I wasn’t, once Giamatti was announced. They’ve done some very interesting moves with this cast, so I’m quite curious. I’ll always give Trek a shot, and I’d love to see them knock it out of the park. I’m still concerned, but we’ll see what happens. I certainly don’t think it’s DOA at this point.

I think without a doubt, it would be the most popular for sure (assuming its good of course).

But I think people should still give SFA a wait and see. I am looking forward to it personally but yeah I don’t doubt I’m in the minority lol. And I would take Legacy over the Academy show if I had my druthers. But at the same time I do think it’s better to try something completely new and different too.

A “new” “legacy” show sounds like a contradiction in terms to me