Robert Picardo Promises Paul Giamatti’s “Super-Villain” On ‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’ Will Be Memorable

Production on the first season of the upcoming series Star Trek: Starfleet Academy has been underway in Toronto since August. The cast features a number of Star Trek vets as well as some high-profile stars new to the franchise. Two of them were paired up on the streets of New York for a selfie.

Bob and Paul in Manhattan

Star Trek: Voyager’s Robert Picardo is reprising his role as the Holographic Doctor as a series regular for Starfleet Academy. And he took some time out catch the nightlife in New York with co-star and Oscar-nominee Paul Giamatti, who has a recurring role as the main bad guy for the first season. Today he shared a post on Threads with a selfie of the pair of them around Times Square in Manhattan, with the message: “Of the many pleasures I am enjoying revisiting my “The Doctor” character – – that debuted 30 years ago on Star Trek: Voyager — there is none greater than meeting and working with Paul Giamatti. He is an actor’s actor and will be memorable, I assure you, as our Season 1 super-villain on Star Trek: Starfleet Academy on Paramount+… Stay tuned!”

No details have been provided about Giamatti’s role on the series, but it appears he has a beard. Nabbing a role in Star Trek is a longtime dream for Giamatti, who has often spoken of his goal to play a Klingon or other Star Trek alien. According to co-showrunner Alex Kurtzman, Giamatti cried during during his first call with the producers. Co-showrunner Noga Landau revealed Giamatti was given a choice of roles and they were surprised that instead of picking a single-episode guest star role he signed up for the whole season as the villain.

Giamatti is joined by Oscar-winner Holly Hunter, as the captain and chancellor of Starfleet Academy as well as Emmy-winner Tatiana Maslany in an unnamed recurring role. In addition to Picardo as The Doctor, the new series will also feature several familiar Discovery stars reprising their roles: Tig Notaro (Jett Reno), Oded Fehr (Admiral Vance) and Mary Wiseman (Sylvia Tilly). They are all joined by the young actors playing cadets: Sandro Rosta, Kerrice Brooks, Bella Shepard, George Hawkins, Karim Diané and Zoë Steiner.

Earlier this month Picardo talked about returning to Trek for the new series, saying:

They’ve taken me out of holographic mothballs. The character is an artificial intelligence. He’s now several hundred years old, but it is set in the more distant future that Star Trek: Discovery propelled itself into. So in that future that my character is now several hundred years old, maybe 900 years old. Remarkably, I don’t look that much older. But I’m having a ball working on it, revisiting the character.

Academy cast and producers at table read (Paramount+)

Paramount+ has not set a release date for Starfleet Academy but it has been estimated to be arriving in early 2026.

Keep up with all the news and reviews from the new Star Trek Universe on TV at

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Why does there need to be a super-villain? Such lazy modern day writing

You have NO idea if the writing is lazy since you haven’t seen even a single frame of it.

The only lazy writing we can verify right now is yours.

Fanrasric burn :D

Gul Dukat was a super villain. Anything can be well realized or Dumb. It also seems They Are going for „romp“ with this show, and some of the Best Star Trek were romps. Personally I miss the More „a day in the life“ Kind of Star Trek, where we really were just shown living aboard a starship in the 23rd or 24th Century was Like, as well as Great character drama- two fabulous actors in a room with a Great script Like DS9 „Duet“ or „Walz“.

but I am also on Board for a good romp.

Dukat was during most of the run a worthy antagonist, someone whose motives were understandable to a degree. When they pushed things and him beyond that, he became massively less interesting and more like a plot tool to serve the overall arc.

If by super-villain, it is meant to be hinted at that the baddie is on the level of Hearst in DEADWOOD (or his son in real life, or our current monster-in-charge), then I can see the point and purpose. But otherwise I’d side with Harry on this one.

At least they haven’t defaulted to their usual moronic complaints about “fan service” and “legacy characters”. Got to give Emily that, I guess.

For the most part , alot of modern-day television writers do not have the creativity to pull off a good science fiction storyline without villains. Conversely, many television viewers do not have the attention span or investment to dwell on a storyline without an x-marks-the-spot villain. It is what it is. Doesn’t mean it can’t still be good. But in general, I agree with the premise it would be nice to see more storylines without an obvious antagonist these days. Or at the very least, refrain from the tired marketing angle of “you gota see our new show .. it has a bad ass bad guy!”

My favorite season of Discovery was Season 4, with nary a moustache-twirling villain in sight. My recollection is that people still found a reason to complain.

From a practical standpoint, there is literally no element that, by its mere inclusion, will impact the quality of a show in any direction. The only thing that matters is execution.

We literally have no idea what the plotline is. This reaction makes “pre-emptive” look late.

I would not read much into an informal social media post by Picardo as opposed to official publicity material.

Trek is always at its best without a “villain”. This current crop of writers has never understood.
I still enjoy most of it, but the Great Bird’s vision is one of inner quest. The adventure is only beginning….

Why not? A terrific villain can really make a story.

Right now it looks like they have a strong cast of known older actors and a bunch of unknowns playing the cadets. Well that’s half the battle anyway.

I’ve been pretty supportive of this production so far, but super-villain? Does that mean this one wins??

“…and a new enemy that threatens both the Academy and the Federation itself.”

That was literally in the official press release when they announced the show over 18 months ago. We knew this literally on day one.

And they confirmed Giamatti was playing the main villain when he was announced to be on the show. So how is ANY of this a surprise now?

The faux outrage over “super-villain” is so silly. Picardo is clearly using that term because Giamatti is playing a villain. It doesn’t mean he’s Lex Luthor, for crying out loud.

which – if the character doesn’t die and is a multi-season threat then that would be pretty great

Seriously, the outrage around every little bit of information is so tedious. I can’t read an article on anything I’m interested without seeing a rage baited drone in the comments.

I’m really looking forward to this show. It’s a very different concept in a time period that has so much room for exploration.

Hmm outrage?..depends on your definition. For me outrage would be complaining in all caps threatening to boycott the show. Not seeing that at all. People have the right to make observations like ” do we really need a super villian” ? . ” This does not sound interesting to me so far” and so on. If anything I see more overreacting on negative feedback . Negative Feedback is fair game along with giving positive feedback based on what we’ve been hearing so far. Otherwise why even open up comments on future projects at all in a news site?

Your analysis of negative feedback is more thoughtful and substantive than most of the negative feedback. That’s why not all comments are treated equally.

even if he is Lex Luthor, there are plenty of Great Versions of the character – such as Clancy Brown‘s animated Version, or the Tragic Michael Rosenbaum version.

But how else will the haters know when to come out en masse like worms on the sidewalk after the rain? You expect them to just say their peace once and move on like well-adjusted people? /s

Some people are not happy unless they are complaining.

Actors know the value and import of words; after all it is their business to interpret them. Picardo should know better than to be imprecise when describing Giamatti’s character, but I certainly hope he is imprecise in this instance. Giamatti is an excellent actor, but when he goes really high (like DUPLICITY, and if I remember correctly, SHOOT ‘EM UP), he can come across a lot less effectively.

Out for revenge or to bring the Federation to heel?

If it’s like the last four films, it’s probably.

And yes there have been both in the new shows as well, specifically Picard season 3 and Prodigy season 1 an 2. Oddly I had no problem with those vs the films.

Meant to say probably both.

Everyone calm down

I will most likely have passed from this mortal realm by the time this show is released. New productions seem to take an eternity before we see anything. I am tired of waiting.

If I may ask, are you just joking or are you actually ill?
But yeah, modern streaming shows resemble more 8-10 Hour movies in their Production rauher Thai the traditional series.

Antagonist would be a better word – even if he is a “villain” the word is just so dumb in a show with 40 years of intelligence behind it (I dont count the last 20), the fact some of the more annoying characters from Discovery are being carried over to this show is ringing alarm bells for me.

I am prepared to give every new show or movie a chance because of how low the bar is now in Star Trek (Nu-Trek) but with the trailer for S31 and the soundbites from this show, I am not getting a nice warm feeling inside like I did back in say 1992 when they announced a new Star Trek “spin-off” show called Deep Space Nine.

We get it. You don’t like “Nu-Trek” and you think it’s beneath you. You really dont need to remind everybody on every article.

There was a lot of dumb stuff in the first 40 years. “Brain….what is brain?”

I’m so stoked to see these guys hanging out and just being awesome. I’m hoping we get a few scenes of them together on the show but sounds like we will.

For me, all I can is SO FAR not one bit of news about this show has been a negative or red flag IMO. Of course I literally said the same thing about Picard season one so take that as you will lol.

But if you can get amazing talent like Picardo and Giamatti on this show, that’s a positive either way! :)

More than these two, I actually want to see a scene with Picardo and Tig Notaro. The crankiness and one upmanship there would be out of this world.

Oh yeah for sure. It’s going to be a lot of fun to see the Doctor and Jett Reno mixing it up with the barbs. And it’s fun to see Discovery and Voyager characters brought together on a completely new show. Who would’ve ever thought that would happen?

It’s almost a shame that there have to be kids in it, when the cast of adults is so good.

Well, even if the show is bad, the real Starfleet Academy are the friends Paul Giamatti made along with way.

I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, however I’m not a fan of Giamatti. I find he has a tendency to ham it up too much, especially in villain roles. If they have him as a Klingon I’ll be expecting more ham than an Italian butchers.

Other than that, the Academy idea has been gestating for a very long time and I am, on the whole, looking forward to seeing what they do with it.

Picardo is giving me Doctor vibes and I’m loving it!!!!

These two will probably be great together. And while the show still hasn’t convinced me it will be good (I question anything connected to Discovery) anything Voyager related is already a huge plus!

And Michelle Paradise isn’t part of this show, easily the worst Star Trek show runner ever! So that will always be a plus after the dumpster fire of Discovery.

Maybe I have you mixed up with someone else, but didn’t you like the last season of Discovery? Of course you can still enjoy a season and think a show is bad if you hated all the others.

But yeah, loving seeing these guys together as well. Even if people are not sold on the show yet, the casting for it is amazing! And more Voyager connections, the better. ;)

By some miracle I actually did!

For me, I would rate it around what I did Voyager season 2, which I liked but still flawed in many ways. I think having the Breen back, it’s connection to The Chase and Burnham doing about 70% less crying made it actually tolerable to watch even with some still ridiculously bad episodes. And I actually liked the finale for once lol.

Still a pretty bad show and my worst easily overall, but went out decently enough IMO. This is all high praise when it comes to Discovery lol.

Yeah, I thought so.

My view of the last season is about the same as yours and I liked it too if you recall. It’s still not great TV or anything, but a decent turnaround at least IMO. I really wanted to love this show obviously but sadly it never got there for me. But it did go out well enough even if others still disagree with that.

But that’s why message boards are fun when you can talk to rational people like yourself and have a civil and honest conversation without being triggered over random strangers having a different opinion about a TV show or movie than you do. I know you hate the Kelvin movies while I like them and we still get along just fine lol.

Anyway, I’m happy you are coming around at least a little to SFA. I am more positive about it, but yeah, it can still turn out bad like I felt Discovery was. I’m just hopeful it will go another way.

Bro totally!

I obviously love Star Trek as much as everyone else, but I don’t take it that seriously either. I come to message boards to have fun and geek out with other Trekkies. I don’t have a problem saying what I think sucks, but I don’t have any problems if someone thinks something I like sucks too. Most of us understands that’s how it works. And that was always the problem with the former resident lunatic, always triggered when someone said something bad over anything he likes, especially over Discovery. It’s a message board and people think the show was horrible, stop acting like a hurt little baby over it and grow up already.

I still think ‘Justice’ is a great episode and I will defend it to my grave! But you don’t see me crying about it because 99.5% of fans disagrees (actually it’s 99.8%, my girlfriend kind of tolerates it, but I feel she is only saying that not to hurt my fragile feelings).

And you’re wrong, I don’t hate the Kelvin movies…I loathed them lol. See, that’s me being silly again. ;D No, I think they are fun for dumb action popcorn movies. But I just don’t take them very seriously as Star Trek movies. And I always said I liked Beyond because it at least felt the most Trek-y. And I know most people seem to like them like yourself. I totally respect that regardless of my personal feelings. And I used to feel I was in the minority, especially after the first one, but that has changed a lot over the years.

And I want to like SFA. But as you know I never been very excited about the premise or being in the 32nd century. And I’m just really worried it will go like Discovery and become another CW melodrama instead of a more serious science fiction show. I love LDS, but I want another Picard season 3. And it doesn’t help the new show runner mainly makes CW shows like Michelle Paradise did. Why can’t we get people who at least made great science fiction shows before like Terry Matalas or Bryan Fuller (OK, I guess not that guy lol)? But hopefully she will be great for the show, I’m just skeptical until we see at least a trailer.

But the cast has made me more excited about it for sure. And it was her idea to bring back the Doctor too and she grew up with Voyager! She’s obviously a Trekkie, so that’s a big plus at least even if that’s no guarantee it will be a good show. I think Michelle Paradise said she was a big TNG fan too and Discovery was nowhere close to the same hemisphere of TNG quality lol.

That should be 99.9% of ‘Justice’ haters. 99.5% is too high for low IQ knuckle draggers who don’t appreciate the quality of an underrated episode with little to no taste. And Roddenberry was just into orgies, so what?? It was still a very strong story and that’s how we got Risa. Stop judging and get over yourselves. No, I’m not bitter at all.

No, you’re definitely not bitter lol.

I know you’re joking but I don’t think Justice is THAT hated. It’s nowhere close to the level of Code of Honor or Shades of Grey are but a reminder why so many hated the first two seasons I guess. I still remember my mother originally didn’t want me to watch it because there was way too much flesh and kissing happening in that episode lol. Such innocent times back then.

But we all have them. I’ve stated many times Move Along Home and A Night in Sickbay are some of my favorite episodes as well. And I found others here and other places who (bravely) admitted to being big fans of those too. It’s nice to go against the grain sometimes. ;)

Also all true. And I like A Night in Sickbay as well lol. Never been a huge fan of Move Along Home but I still watch it.

Of course it’s mostly tongue in cheek, I know Justice is not a great episode but I do really like it. But the point still remains, even if you personally think something is the greatest thing ever made, no one has to agree with it; especially when the majority of people simply don’t like it. So suck it up already! That’s just how opinions work.

And I know I keep giving the former resident lunatic crap even though he’s thankfully banned, but I seen his toxic nonsense on two different sites and every time I think of how much he attacked, bullied and harrassed people over the years, I literally get angry. Someone even brought him up on Reddit a few months ago That’s how infamous he is lol. But yeah it’s time to stop talking about him now and move on. And I put that joker on ignore in the other site even though, I kid you not, he made yet ANOTHER sock puppet, his 20th one, there and tried to talk to me again like everything was just cool again between us. As if I wouldn’t figure out it was the same weirdo who can’t stop arguing over the same nonsense I known for over 5 years now. I have no idea what is wrong with that psycho but I should stop referring to him on these boards now. But it was fun lol.

But always a fun convo talking to you my friend. Take it easy until next time.

No, I get it obviously. Message boards are made to vent lol. And that was the problem in the first place, it just became too much venting about the posters themselves instead of just debating their opinions about the show because how triggered they were about those opinions. So everything became ridiculously personal when most people here just want to discuss the freaking topic and not each other.

This is common on many boards obviously. The biggest problem here is it’s just too small of a board and you can’t get away from it once people start attacking or harassing other people. And yeah no ignore buttons sadly. And it was done incessantly. Again, all the people I have asked to ignore me here did this over and over again.

And I am guilty too of making it personal since I’m talking about it now. Although I realized I kind of unknowingly started this with my second reply to you. But I wasn’t actually alluding to this specific site. I got frustrated talking to someone on YouTube a day ago who got on my case because I had the nerve to be positive about the Discovery finale lol. The most innocuous and minuscule things that bother other human beings on the internet to the point of rage are astonishing, scary and weird. And why it’s so tiring to talk to certain personalities online because it’s always all or nothing. I say I have my issues with a show, but want to like it, I’m accused of being a hater at all cost. I say something positive about it, but still acknowledge my issues with it and now I’m apparently a blind apologist with no critical thought in my head. You can’t win man lol.

People like this are truly exhausting to talk to. And I have been accused of this on both sides not just with Discovery but Picard and SNW as well. Some here for sure, but yes mostly on YT because that’s where all the real cranks hang out I guess.

But that’s why I say message boards are fun when you can just talk to rational people as I mostly do here these days and just have a well rounded conversation without triggering someone over some of the most inoffensive takes a person can have. Because I guess saying ‘I liked where they left Burnham and Book in the finale and thought how they wrapped up the Congenitor storyline made sesne’ deserves a response like “LOOK, A SECRET HIDEOUT EMPLOYEE JUST ENTERED THE CHAT!! DO ALEX PAY YOU EVERY TIME YOU SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT THIS STUPID SHOW? OR YOU’RE JUST A NUTREK SHEEP?” That was literally the response I got from a moron a day ago and it only got worse from there lol.

I guess the moral of the story is to just stop commenting on Youtube. ;)

As far as the other guy, I think this line says it best, ‘Let the past die! Kill it if you have to.’ I’m pretty sure that’s a quote from Einstein. He’s a smart man, listen to him. And you have him on ignore in the other place, so you’re set.

Always great to run into you too! :)

I do like the Kelvin movies, but I have always said I see them more as fun distractions instead of serious Star Trek fare as well. But they are well made fun distractions if nothing else. But yeah, it is a little hard to take a movie series that seriously that promoted a cadet into captain after being in space for a week lol. But same time Seven is now a captain of Enterprise G and she didn’t even spend a day at the Academy (but a hundred times more qualified than Kelvin Kirk was regardless). Unfortunately this is how modern Trek rolls for better or for worse.

And yes I also agree Beyond was the best movie out of the three, but unfortunately being too Trek-y is probably what kept a lot of people away as well.

And I understand everyone’s hesitation over SFA; especially if you don’t like Discovery. But to me it’s like saying just because I think DS9 sucks, then I think Voyager will too. Yeah, obviously when something is made by the same people and you don’t like their previous work, then it’s human nature to be skeptical. But I have always taken every show as its own personally. Even when (at the time) I wasn’t the biggest DS9 fan, I was still super excited for Voyager because they would be two very different shows and they were. But again, I get It, I know for most people they have to see something first to feel they are actually getting something different. And I guess being a direct spin off is different with SFA since VOY wasn’t really a direct spin off of DS9 obviously, but just part of the same universe.

But it is great to see people at least a little less apprehensive about it. Yeah it can royally suck for sure, but I have faith all the actors will be amazing at least. I can’t wait to see how different the Doctor’s life will be in the 32nd century as well. He will probably have his own house and maybe even be married to another hologram. Because it’s the 32nd century, maybe other holograms live just like people do? Maybe not all but maybe many are considered sentient now and treated as such. We have seen most holograms treated as nothing more than just software in the 24th century and why the Doctor had such a great arc because he defied that perception by the end. And now he could just live like everyone else.

That’s why going forward is just more fun, you can expand on both characters and the universe in ways you just can’t in a prequel. And this is why the 32nd century intrigues me, because we can see just how differently things are 800 years into the future…if done right. And because it will take place on Earth (at least more so than previous shows) we will get a good insight into how life really is like there now.

So yeah really looking forward to this. But if this is just an excuse to just have CW type teen romance stories, yeah, I will be bitterly disappointed. BTW, I don’t think Fuller has actually ever done a science fiction show outside of Star Trek although yeah he made some amazing shows. Could be wrong though. I guess he came closest with American Gods, but that was more supernatural. And yeah sadly I think he’s done for good with Star Trek.

And yes, agree majorly with your other point. And the boards have been practically serene in terms of posting. About 90% less infighting these days lol. It’s nice to just have people disagree on things without turning everything so personal or attacking others over it. It’s nice to just talk to rational adults.

Yeah as bad as I think those movies are, they are certainly not the only culprits of ridiculous writing in NuTrek. We spoke about Discovery way too many times to count but all of NuTrek has done some pretty head scratching stuff too, especially when it comes to positions and rank. And as much as I love both Seven and season 3 of Picard, her being a captain is as nonsensical as twenty-something Silly Tilly being a professor in the 32nd century.

Jack is now an ensign after just a year at the Academy and serving on the Enterprise. Una has been outed as an augment on SNW and caught lying about it, but for some odd reason still has a job even though augments are still banned in Starfleet. Cry Baby Burnham shouldn’t be captain at all since she’s a freaking mutineer and been demoted multiple times. Even Mariner finally got promoted (but a very small one lol). And in Prodigy, Admiral Janeway basically made the kids Starfleet officers and gave them a brand new state of the art ship just to go exploring in at the end of season two at a time their shipyards were literally destroyed on Mars. And also after the Protostar helped destroy a large part of the fleet at the end of season one which I think was six months ago in the timeline. So they are down quite a few ships ATM, but I guess Starfleet was 100% OK with that decision lol.

As you said before, you can still like something but still criticize it when it’s dumb. And I don’t have an issue with all these things, most I’m fine with it. But it still makes little sense compared to the old Starfleet at least. At least when Trek was run by people who took rank and chain of command much more seriously but I digress.

But I never thought about how the Doctor would be portrayed beyond just being a Starfleet professor. But that is a great point, we don’t really know how holograms are looked at in this period.. They did show a few in the third season of Discovery but those were just basic ones. We don’t know if they have full fledged ones like the Doctor who is now completely independent. Maybe he would still be very unique but probably by that point not at all. Maybe holograms even have their own society in the 32nd century. You’re right that would be interesting to see.

If SFA is done like a true science fiction show and not a melodrama with just science fiction elements like Discovery felt a lot of times in the later seasons then it can be good. But the second they defined it as a YA show, it just sucked all the interest out of me since ironically it’s so many bad science fiction YA movies around that gave that genre such a bad name. I actually think Hunger Games was really good for what it was. but so much of the stuff that followed was just crap. I don’t want SFA to follow that trend. Hopefully you’re right and we’re getting something more ambitious and thought provoking.

But the cast is definitely a big positive. I even like most of the Discovery cast that is coming back as well…and don’t even completely hate Tilly (hey I’m trying!). I’m hoping Dainels/Kovich shows up eventually.

LOL, yeah that’s a lot of examples of people being promoted to questionable positions. And yeah I agree most I don’t care about, we all get it’s a TV show and you go with it. But I would never believer Burnham could ever be in Starfleet again, much less captain once you are convicted of mutiny. Yeah how the mutiny was done on Discovery itself was ridiculous (usually it’s more than a conspiracy of one), but that’s what she was convicted of. But once you jump 900 years into the future and you are giving credit with ending the Burn, it’s probably real easy to forgive and forget I guess.

I never thought about the Prodigy example. Sure it was a bit ridiculous giving the kids their own ship but it is even a bit more crazy knowing the Protostar attack they were (partly) responsible for wiped out a fleet of ships already. And now after the Mars attack, the last thing Starfleet would do is give way literally one of their newest ships in the fleet to a bunch of quasi cadets to go joy riding through the galaxy. I can only imagine what Admiral Jellico had to say about it, but I guess he was overruled lol.

As far as SFA, these things like are holograms citizens in the 32nd century and so on were things I was thinking about back in Discovery season 3. My little geeky brain imagined way more than I think one TV show could fill lol. There were so many theories about things on Reddit and so on. Unfortunately we didn’t get a lot of it. Of course I understand why, there is probably a fear they didn’t want to put too much of a stamp of the 32nd century too soon. They probably did want to take their time and define the setting over multiple seasons. And the other problem was since every season was more ‘save the galaxy’ story lines, they couldn’t just slow down and show us more about what living in that period was like outside of the Burn mostly.

Or it could just be that they didn’t really think that hard about it either and just laid out things when it was important to the story. And of course that’s very common. We actually learned very little about the 23rd century in TOS for example and how people lived in it unless it related to the story somehow. We learned tons about the 24th century but that’s what happens when you have multiple shows and movies in the same setting for literally 21 seasons. And there is still lots of things we don’t know even now with new shows airing.

But now because of the Academy premise, it kind of forces them to think about these things more because they aren’t zipping off to a new planet every week. In some ways, SFA could be the most grounded show Star Trek has produced in a while or at least it could be and just show people in their every day lives. If it was a movie, they could just pull off a Star Trek 09 and go off to an adventure to fight the villain thirty minutes in. But being a show specifically about cadets it should talk about life on Earth or at least the Academy more (yes even though we know a villain will show up in this too).

But how they will pull it off is the real question. Will the show feel like a true Trek show or what other people like you fear and it’s treated more like a contemporary teen drama just set in the far future. It could be the latter for sure but I have a hard time believing that Holly Hunter and Paul Giamatti signed up for a show that rivals Riverdale and not part of something that has some grit or compelling drama. Then again, even Oscar winners sign up for bad projects all the time too. I’m just hoping this is not the case.

Man I can ramble lol. Sorry, day off ;)

I hope there is some kind of Voyager flashback. Yes, I want the nostalgia!

That would be awesome. Don’t expect it but love to be surprised! Yeah give me the nostalgia, even if it’s 800 years in the future. I don’t hide the fact I have no problem with as much fan service as they can throw at me, as long as it’s good. And NuTrek is basically mostly fan service anyway.

I know the chances are very slim, but I’m hoping for a holographic Janeway to show up, even just for an episode. Hey, it worked in Prodigy. ;D

I would love to see that! If Prodigy ends up not getting renewed (not wishing it doesn’t), then maybe she could show up for an episode.

I would love that too!

But even if Prodigy gets renewed (which sadly I don’t think it will either), that show would be years away because animation is so much slower since they would have to start up from the beginning again. SFA could even be off the air before we get it again. So she would have plenty of room to do both.

Yeah true. I too unfortunately don’t think we are getting a third season (but fingers still crossed). But even if one was announced tomorrow, I don’t even think production would start for another year at best. It probably wouldn’t premiere until 2027 the earliest.

But sadly it will still probably get here sooner than another movie does lol.


Why is every new villain cast hearlded as the new super villain…yet few are…

He attacks Picard Winery for making merlot.