Watch 4 New Clips From ‘Star Trek: Section 31’

Star Trek: Section 31 arrives on Friday, but if you can’t wait, we have four new clips from the streaming movie starring Michelle Yeoh to share.  [WARNING: SPOILERS]

One last mission for Georgiou

A scene featuring Alok Sahar (Omari Hardwick) trying to bring Phillipa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) back into Section 31 for one more mission.

Zeph gets a nickname

Alok introduces Georgiou to the team and she seems fascinated by Zeph (Rob Kazinsky) and his mech suit

Rachell explains Starfleet

Rachell Garrett (Kacey Rohl) explains the Starfleet rules to the unruly Section 31 team.

Meet Dada Noe

Phillipa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) and Alok Sahar (Omari Hardwick) press Dada Noe (Joe Pingue) for answers.

“Give me the case”

This scene (which Yeoh shared earlier this week on Late Night With Stephen Colbert) features Georgiou and a mysterious masked assailant fighting over a case.

Star Trek: Section 31 will premiere on Friday, January 24, 2025, on Paramount+ in the U.S. and international markets where the service is available. It will debut in SkyShowtime markets in Europe on February 7.

Read more Section 31 news and interviews from this week:

Keep an eye out for more interviews, and our full review and additional analysis.

Keep up with news about the Star Trek Universe at

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I really hope it does well with audiences and they turn it into a series as originally intended.

Even six episodes a season would do.

*Points a crooked finger and cackles*

Be careful what you wish for young one..

I’d be all for it, heh.

Oh dear lord. Why release THOSE clips when the movie’s advance word is so bad? That isn’t helping matters any. All four of those clips came off like a bad fan film riffing on Suicide Squad.

You’ve got to double down on it if you’re trying to sell it. And yeah, Star Trek isn’t Suicide Squad. WTF were they thinking?

Do a prequel with Yeoh as the cool captain that we saw in the DSC premier episode.

YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES! The Phillipa Georgieu we met in the Disco pilot was lightyears more interesting than this camp cardboard character we were given.

But enough kicking a dead horse…

I really liked the Prime Caption Georgieu…as much I hated the Space Hitler

I would so watch an entire show of Captain Georgiou

The first 15 minutes seemed like a cross between HungarGames and Mission Impossible. Borderline embarrassing..

dear lord this looks bad

I’ve seen 45 seconds of Sepf and already annoyed with him and his magic suit.

The line to Garrett about becoming a captain – too much foreshadowing. We know who she is.

Everything here I keep thinking, “We’ve seen this before in so many movies and tv shows.”

It just seems SO cliche. SO many tropes here.

Blandly going where everyone has gone before?

I’ll still watch it, mind you. But I wouldn’t sign up to P+ for this.

“Does that come with fries?”

Oh boy, now I see why the reviews are so dire. This line right here is just beyond cringe and there is probably a whole lot of that in this thing.

Yeah, that line was painfully bad–and extremely anachronistic. CBS really went with some bad script writers on this one. Oh, man. I kept holding out hope and promising myself I’d hold off on judging the movie until I see it… but it’s clear at this point that this is a bomb.

This movie is awful, god awful. I can’t wait to post my full review. I’m embarrassed for everyone involved. Why can’t we have good things anymore :( is this the darkest timeline? Sure feels like it.

Yes, awful. And I thought the BBC Dr Who scriptwriters were bad……………

Star Trek always was a bit campy, it was part of its charme. But never before have the producers decided to INTENTIONALLY create camp content. This does a disservice to the franchise. Why? Because even when Star Trek was campy, it was never ironic. It really believed in the future as a time of positivity…

No spoilers but it’s a weird mix of the odd Star Trek bits and bobs in a movie where they seem to be actively trying to hide the fact it’s Star Trek. Apparently the future of Star Trek is being ashamed of Star Trek but trying really hard to be a Marvel movie.

I still don’t understand the point of this current take on Section 31. “They bend the rules and operate outside of Federation space”. That’s what Star Fleet Intelligence does. Section 31 were meant to be the bad guys, the existential threat to the ideals of the Federation. They were basically a rogue agency that was hated not a plucky band of misfits who made quips.