Articles by Jared Whitley

For Star Trek: Discovery, A Romulan By Any Other Name Would Smell As Treacherous

Star Trek fans are eagerly awaiting any news about the upcoming series Star Trek: Discovery. With the recent announcement that the Original Series episode “Balance of Terror” will be a “touchstone” for the new series, we thought it prudent to take a look back at the history of Romulans in Star Trek. We noticed an odd pattern and have to ask: why are so many Romulans nameless? Could Discovery retcon some key commanders with names? And we found one bit of Trek lore that -no one- else on the Internet has spotted.

50 Star Trek Moments That Still Make Us Raise An Eyebrow

At this point, we’ve all been lured at one or another by the clickbait headline that says something like: “10 things you never knew about Star Trek!” If you’re a Star Trek fan or have just spent any time on the Internet, you’ve pretty much heard every story there is to hear and seen every meme. But with almost 1,000 hours of canonical material, there is probably something about the phenomenon’s storied history you haven’t heard, or at least haven’t realized. Here are 50 of them, one for each year of the franchise, to help celebrate its birthday today.

Garak’s Tailor Shop Helps Cosplayers With Costume Problems From Across The Galaxy

“Please state the nature of the costume emergency.” That’s the greeting you’ll get from Brooke Wilkins if you visit her at Garak’s Tailor Shop, where she and her team of volunteers repair costume problems both big and small for cosplayers at the Creation convention in Las Vegas. Services are provided completely free to guests.

Declare Your Independence With These Classic Episodes

Today is the 4th of July, America’s birthday. Now Star Trek represents a future where divisions based on nation states have disappeared in favor of a unified government where all of human kind is united in peace and harmony. But with the exception of one particularly notable Frenchman, all of Starfleet’s future captains seem to hail from America, so we thought it would be important to help ‘Murrica blow out a few space candles this year. So with that, here are our five top episodes to help you declare your independence.

Zoe Saldana Beaming Onto So Many Magazines You’d Think She’d Been Duplicated

It was an interesting choice by JJ Abrams and crew to elevate the role of Uhura from bit player to center stage – or rather, center bridge – a choice doubtless made easier because of the dynamic Zoe Saldana. This month, as we go into the real publicity blitz for Star Trek Beyond, CNET Magazine, features Zoe Saldana on the cover of its summer issue, which hit newsstands today.

Top 10 Twilight Zone Episodes For Star Trek Fans

The Twilight Zone and Star Trek both occupy a special place in science fiction history. But, perhaps more interesting is the surprising amount of crossover between the two shows (and I’m not just talking about the more well-known instances a la Captain Kirk screaming on an airplane). Hit the jump to read my top 10 Twilight Zone episodes that every Trekkie should see.