7 Quintessential Jean-Luc Picard Episodes Of ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’
A walk through all seven seasons of TNG explores Jean-Luc’s most character-defining moments.
A walk through all seven seasons of TNG explores Jean-Luc’s most character-defining moments.
At NYCC we talked to Alex Kurtzman and Heather Kadin about what’s next for ‘Discovery.’
At NYCC We pressed the pair for details, even asking what Culber will be wearing in season two.
At NYCC, they told us about the look, language, and life on Qo’noS for L’Rell and Tyler.
At NYCC, Doug Jones told us that Mary’s hair ‘might be a giveaway’ to when her Short Trek takes place.
At New York Comic Con, Peck shared the advice he got from the Nimoy family, and showed us some classic Spock eyebrow action.
At New York Comic Con, Martin-Green talked about Burnham’s redemption, and the challenge of working with different directors.
TrekMovie spoke to Alex Kurtzman and Heather Kadin about the new Picard show at New York Comic Con.
‘Other people may accept death peacefully; not me, when I go I’m going kicking and screaming.’ says Star Trek’s original Captain Kirk.
The Deleted Scenes section alone makes the book a must-have for Star Trek fans.
New info on ‘Star Trek V,’ his complicated relationship with Leonard Nimoy, and a trip via magic mushrooms.
The ’10 Things I Hate About You’ vet is the newest cast member to join ‘Discovery.’
The writer of ‘The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay’ is excited to be part of Star Trek.
Captain Pike, Number One, Saru’s backstory, and more will all get some time in the ‘Discovery’ spotlight.
‘The Future is Definitely Female’ was the panel’s theme, with a discussion about everything from female leadership to underwear equality.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s Kira Nerys stopped by The Alpha Quadrant webcast to talk about her audition, walking like John Wayne, and the role that got away on ‘The Orville.’
Scott Mantz was the first to break the good news.
The actor also talks about creating the role of Charles “Trip” Tucker for Enterprise, and returning to the Stargate franchise.
The Star Trek community mourns the loss of a great inspiration, and onetime guest star.
Star Trek has had some pretty fancy people in front of its cameras.
Ira Steven Behr’s Star Trek: DS9 doc ‘What We Left Behind’ announced some changes today.
Can Michael Burnham really be Spock’s sister? Absolutely.
Get a close-up look at the wardrobe and weapons of a Klingon warrior.
We can also expect a ‘more grounded’ Harry Mudd, and some retro-looking tech.
Number One of ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ will be taking command for an episode of ‘Discovery.’
The ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ star spoke to the legacy of Star Trek, and cited diversity as the reason for its longevity.
Ever since producer Alex Kurtzman mentioned he’d been fielding celebrity requests for cameos, we’ve been placing our bets on who they might be.
Turns out Harry Mudd is going to stick around for a bit.
His 18 Oscar nominations included one for ‘Star Trek: The Motion Picture,’ and he won an Emmy for the ‘Star Trek: Voyager’ theme.
From snipping chest hairs to hyperventilating, Westmore has given it his all.