Articles by Staff

Viral Video: Robert Picardo & Tim Russ in “Chad and the Alien Toupee” + Picardo Talks Voyager

Following in the footsteps of Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana, Star Trek Voyager stars Robert Picardo and Tim Russ have a new Funny or Die video – a sci-fi spy spoof called "Chad and the Alien Toupee". Check that out below, plus some excerpts from an interview where Picardo talks about the Voyager finale and the notion of a Voyager reunion.

Watch Patrick Stewart’s Family Guy Cat Cameo + New Car Rental Commercial V.O.

Last night the 9th season of the animated FOX comedy Family Guy premiered, and the special 1-hour episode "And Then There Were Fewer" contained a cameo from Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Sir Patrick Stewart, as a cat. Watch it below, plus the new National Car Rental commercial featuring Stewart’s voice over. 

Shatner Jokes About Lobbying For Star Trek Sequel Role + Video of Bill Singing For Genie Award

We are now in the second round of the "will William Shatner be in the new Star Trek movie" saga. Bill is out promoting his new CBS sitcom $#!* My Dad Says and the actor is again being asked about the next Trek. In today’s excerpt we have Bill joking about getting sushi with JJ Abrams. Excerpts below, plus some new video previews of Bill’s sitcom and Bill singing for Canadian Genie special.

TrekInk: Preview of Star Trek: 5-page preview of Star Trek Burden of Knowledge #4 + Cover & Details for Khan #3

This week IDW finishes off their four issue TOS era comic book series from the Tipton brothers: "Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge". We have a five page preview of issue 4 below, plus a look at covers and details for the December IDW Star Trek solicitations, including “Star Trek: Khan: Ruling in Hell #3”. 

Klingon Shakespeare Extra Casting Call Tomorrow in DC + More Klingon Opera Video

We have a follow-up on last weekend’s story on how Klingons are hitting stages around the world. Tomorrow the Washington Shakespeare Company is holding an open casting call for extras for their Shakespeare in Klingon event next weekend. We also have another video feature on last weekend’s Klingon opera in the Netherlands.

Sirits, DeLancie, Picardo, Roddenberry and Masterson Set Sail For Star Trek Cruise 2010 + TrekMovie Readers Get $100 Discount

The Star Trek Cruise takes the idea of combining a Star Trek convention with a Caribbean cruise. This year the cruise embarks in December with Trek celebrities Marina Sirtis, John de Lancie, Robert Picardo, Rod Roddenberry and Chase Masterson on board. See below for details, plus info on how you can get a special discount.

Star Trek Celebs Pegg, Nichols, Burton & Ryan Join Twit Change Celebrity Auction For Haiti

Today a new sort of celebrity auction was launched on the web, including some Star Trek celebrities. TwitChange is a charity for building homes for victims of the Haiti earthquake with dozens of celebrities involved by auctioning off becoming your friend on Twitter. Trek celebs Jeri Ryan, Nichelle Nichols, Simon Pegg and Levar Burton are involved. Details below.

Watch Funny Video Trailer For Night of the Living Trekkies + Video Preview Of Star Trek 365

The publishers of two new Star Trek related books have released video promos worth checking out. We have a funny "book trailer" for the zombie/Trek mashup "Night of the Living Trekkies". Plus there is a new video preview/promo for the photo book "Star Trek The Original Series: 365". Check them both out below.

VIDEO: Watch Zoe Saldana’s New Calvin Klein Underwear Commercials

Zoe Saldana is the latest Star Trek star to appear in a TV commercial campaign. But unlike other Trek vets, she is only wearing underwear – which is what she is pitching. Below we share the three new Zoe Saldana Calvin Klein underwear commercials and a behind the scenes video as well. Zoe also talks about how she is no wilting flower in a new interview, excerpts of that below as well.

Star Trek Sequel Update: Abrams, Orci & Kurtzman Talk Khan, Klingons & more

We all want to know what is up with the Star Trek sequel, which is currently being written. The new special 200th issue of the UK’s SFX Magazine has an extensive section all about Star Trek that includes interviews with JJ Abrams, Roberto Orci, and Alex Kurtzman. They talk sequel possibilities, Khan, Klingons, humor and more. See excerpts below.

KirkWatch: William Shatner Talks Career & Trek Co-stars + Chris Pine On Unstoppable

Star Trek’s original Kirk William Shatner is the subject of an extensive feature interview in this weekend’s New York Times Magazine. The actor speaks frankly about his career and a bit about his Star Trek co-stars. Excerpts below, plus some bonus Bill videos as well. And Chris Pine, Star Trek’s new Kirk, is also the subject of a new interview, talking about his new film. Excerpts of that below too.  

Big Star Trek Celebs Fill Trek Trak Schedule For Dragon*Con 2010

This weekend Atlanta, GA is host to the the annual Dragon*Con, a huge fan friendly pop-culture convention. As usual there will be an extensive "Trek Trak" with a nubmer of events and celebrity appearances, including Jonathan Frakes, Scott Bakula, Avery Brooks, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Marina Sirits and more. The Trek Trak is hosted by Voyager’s Garrett Wang, and there will be a Trek costume record attempt as well. Full schedule below.