Articles by Staff

Video of the Day: Klingons Take Over San Diego Trolley Station

Is the Klingon invasion real? A few days ago we reported that a sculpture on a mountain bike trail in Scotland warned of the Empire taking over Earth. And yesterday the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System claimed that they have "met the demands" of a Klingon invasion force and replaced all the signage at one of their trolley stations for signs in Klingon. Check out video and photo below.  

William Shatner Reveals More Details On “Captains” Documentary + Talks Star Trek V

Star Trek’s original Kirk attended the London Comic Con over the weekend and in between autograph signings yesterday he did a Q&A to a group of around 500 enthusiastic fans. His talked included some interesting details on his new "The Captain" documentary as well as some discussion of Star Trek V. Details below.

ShatWatch: London Comic Con Pix + Lifetime Achievement Video + Nick Cage On Shatner’s Greatness

It is time for a new ShatWatch. Star Trek’s William Shatner has spent the weekend at the London Comic Con and we have pix of Bill from the event. We also have some recently uploaded Shatner videos, including the Banff Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony, a recent con where he talks about De Kelley and his pitch for wild salmon. All that plus Nicholas Cage talking about how Bill is a ‘Great Man’.

George Takei to Perform with Indianapolis Symphony in “Sci-Fi Spectacular” Concerts July 16-17

If you are looking for something to do in the Indianapolis area this weekend, you may want to take in some culture with the original Sulu. The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra will be performing a concert of music from Sci-Fi TV and movies (including Star Trek), with special guest George Takei who will be proving a "dramatic narration"…oh my. More details below.

Details On William Shatner’s New ‘Aftermath’ Show Coming In August

Proving that he is the hardest working man in show business, we have a second press release today related to Star Trek’s William Shatner. The Bio Channel has released details on their second Shatner show, Aftermath, which has Bill taking a look into the famous and infamous in the ‘aftermath’ of coming to notice. The show is coming in August, more details below 

JJ Abrams & Joss Whedon Doing ‘Visionaries’ Panel At San Diego Comic Con + More Thursday Trek-related Panels

The Thursday schedule for this year’s San Diego Comic Con has been released and it includes a number of panels that could be of interest to Trekkies, especially an Entertainment Weekly hosted discussion with geek gods Joss Whedon and JJ Abrams. See below for details on that and other Trek related panels and guests for Thursday.

Video of the Day: Leonard Nimoy Accuses William Shatner Of Stealing His Bike

If you have ever had the pleasure to see original Star Trek icons Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner together at a Trek convention you may have heard the infamous bike stealing story. A fun video of a telling of the story from a con from the past has gone viral and is worth checking out, watch it below.