Articles by Staff

ST09 Trailer Countdown: Taking A Look At STV: The Final Frontier’s Trailer

A week from tonight millions of film goers across North America will be seeing the first theatrical trailer for JJ Abrams new Star Trek movie, and some might even stay for the new James Bond movie Quantum of Solace. To bide our time we continue our trailer countdown, today looking at the trailer for William Shatner’s 1989 film Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.

ShatWatch: Raw Nerve Nimoy Clip & Pics + Shatner Talks Kirk Fight Moves

In just a month William Shatner’s new talk show Shatner’s Raw Nerve finally premieres on the Bio Channel. The Bio Channel has now launched, which includes some clips from his interview with Leonard Nimoy. [UPDATE: Bio has sent over some exclusive images of Shatner and Nimoy]. Plus The Shatner Project has a new video of Bill talking about some of his classic Shat Fu fight moves.

Countdown To New Trailer: Look Back To TMP Trailer

As first reported here on, on Friday November 14th the first theatrical trailer for JJ Abrams Star Trek hits theaters in front of the new James Bond film Quantum of Solace. Over the next week and a half, TrekMovie will countdown to the big event each day by taking a look back at the previous Trek movie trailers, starting today with Star Trek The Motion Picture from 1979.

Quinto: Entry Point For Spock Rooted To Relationship With Nimoy

How did Zachary Quinto prepare for his role as Spock in the new Star Trek? Apparently he learned more by hanging out with the original Spock, Leonard Nimoy, than he did watching the Original Series episodes. In a new interview with Wizard Universe, the actor talks about his prep, working with Nimoy, and what it was like meeting other Original Series stars.

10 Favorite Star Trek Characters In Costume

While the crews of the Enterprises, Defiant, and Voyager may not celebrate Halloween on screen, they certainly did like to dress in costume for their adventures. To celebrate Halloween, Trekmovie provides this list of the "Best Costumes" from various episodes. As a bonus, for collectors, each entry lists whether or not there has been an action figure of the characters in costume.

Pine: Kirk Is An ‘Everyman’ who ‘Saves The Earth’

A year after he was cast we are finally hearing more and more from Star Trek’s new Kirk. Chris Pine opens up in the new official Star Trek Magazine about why he took the part, how it was ‘scary’ to take on the iconic role of James T. Kirk, what he thinks of the script and more. In a couple of excerpts below, Pine talks about Shatner and how we will see Kirk start off his ‘saving the world’ career early.

Pine Talks Kirk + Abrams Talks Secrecy

Of the main new Star Trek cast, the one we always want to hear more from is Chris Pine, the new James T. Kirk. Variety profiles the up-and-comer as one of their ‘10 Actors to Watch‘ and talks about his process of bringing back an iconic character. There is also a new interview with JJ where he talks about how he doesn’t like to talk about things, yet.

‘New’ Star Trek Location Photos Discovered

Back in February we reported when a local traffic helicopter flew over location shooting for the Star Trek movie, which was followed up soon after by some paparazzi photos. Apparently there were more photos from that shoot online since February, but were only just discovered by a German Trek site, and it looks like these are all related to one of the new official images released by Paramount

More from Orci, Kurtzman and Quinto On New Star Trek Images + New Sulu Image

In addition to speaking to TrekMovie (see interview), Star Trek writers Orci and Kurtzman also talked to UGO and to Yahoo about the new Star Trek movie and the new photos (plus Yahoo has a new image of John Cho as Sulu). Plus there is a new interview with the new Spock (Quinto), and he too talks about the number one subject of the week.  

EW Star Trek Cover Story Online – Lots Of New Info & Spoilers

As reported yesterday, Entertainment Weekly has a cover story all about the new Star Trek in this week’s issue. That story is also now online at the EW website and includes behind the scenese info, plot details and interviews with cast and crew. This is a must read article for any Trekkie so go check it out. We have a quick summary (including some spoilers) and a high res version of the cover below.

Quinto Talks Ears, Abrams and Nimoy

We previously reported some of Zachary Quinto’s comments on Star Trek from his promotion of the new season of Heroes. A newly posted interview seems to contain some of the same comments from a conference call with the actor, but has some more, including comments on the ears, Nimoy and Star Trek director JJ Abrams. Plus a Quick video promo of Quinto looking Spockish.

Alternate Realities DVD & Book Giveaway Trivia Contest – Day 10

Today is the last day of the DVD & Book Giveaway contest, in conjunction with CBS Home Entertainment and Pocket Books, and today’s trivia question takes us into the alternative time line of a fan favorite TNG episode. Goto the CONTEST PAGE to read the question and enter. Remember you can enter once for every day of the contest