Earlier today TrekMovie.com posted a supposed ‘leaked design sketch’ of a reimagined Enterprise for Star Trek XI. Word of this sketch spread around the Internet like wild fire. It is being discussed on StarTrek.com, TrekWeb, TrekBBS, SomethingAwful, WordForge, Bethesda, and even in the TreksInSciFi podcast. After thorough research TrekMovie.com has learned that this sketch is indeed an Apirl Fool’s Day joke. The scheme was hatched by TrekMovie.com owner Anthony Pascale who was unavailable for comment but was seen walking the streets of Los Angeles giggling maniacally. We have also learned his accomplice was artist Jason Lee (who also goes by the name ‘Vektor’) who actually created the so-called leaked sketch. When questioned Mr. Lee would only say "we just thought it would be kind of funny." Funny indeed.