DS9 Documentary ‘What We Left Behind’ Preview Stream For Backers Announced
Backers of the documentary will be able to preview it on April 25.
Backers of the documentary will be able to preview it on April 25.
Mark your calendars for May 13th.
A quick update brings exciting news for the project.
We have a quick update on the highly anticipated documentary.
Work on the remastering of clips from the TV show is the final phase.
John Eaves has designed a new starship for the imagined eighth season of DS9.
The first screening of the DS Doc was held on the Paramount lot.
Sound editing and HD remastering are final steps leading up to screenings and world premiere later this month.
Producers are also looking for people to ‘sponsor a clip’ to expand the amount of remastered material.
The team behind the ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’ doc offered up details as they finalize the release.
Watch and update on the DS9 documentary from Ira Steven Behr.
The team says DS9 in HD is ‘gosh-darn beautiful,’ and will show exclusive clips in Germany later this month.
The team behind the new Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Doc give an update on progress, and when it will be released.
The crowdsourcing campaign to fund the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine documentary What We Left Behind ends today, and has already passed its final stretch goal. This morning the team behind the doc released one last video to thank the fans, and provided TrekMovie with some details on the status of the project.
The “What We Left Behind” producers are doing what no one has done before.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine showrunner Ira Steven Behr today revealed that he has been working on a documentary on DS9 for several years that explores what the show was really about and its lasting impact on the Star Trek franchise and culture. After the announcement, TrekMovie secured an exclusive interview with Behr to further discuss the project, which he hopes will be out in 2017.