Great Links

Great Links: Star Trek meets Storage Wars + Chief O’Brien Comicstrip + Picard Facepalm Cookies + more

The Great Links column is back again with tons of Star Trek in the zeitgeist fun, including showing up in this week’s episode of Star Wars. Watch a clip of that plus learn how to make Picard Facepalm cookies, experience the comicstrip ennui of Chief O’Brien’s boring job, listen to Philly morning drive DJ’s talk Trek, see Klingon Ballerinas (really) and much more.

Canadian Town Of Vulcan Seeking $2 Billion To Start Building Actual USS Enterprise (OK, not really)

The people of Vulcan, Alberta Canada are hoping to build Star Trek’s USS Enterprise. Not a model, but the real thing. There is even a $2 Billion crowdfunding effort to "Help Vulcan Alberta Build the USS Enterprise." TrekMovie talked to the people behind the effort to find out what is going on here.

Great Links: Zach Quinto in Xbox One Ad + Picardo Tweets + NSFWorf + Victoria’s Trek Secret + Ode to Spot Art + More

The great thing about the internet is that there’s always more new stuff to see, laugh at, or be disgusted by. This week’s Great Links brings you some of the best Trek stuff floating around the interwebs this week. Read Robert Picardo’s tweets (with pics of his Trek co-stars), a comic that redefines the meaning of NSFW, see Victoria’s Secret’s new line of Trek-inspired tops, and buy your very own sleeveless Trekkie innuendo tee shirt.

Great Links: Spock Advice For 60s Troubled Teen + Uhura v Slave Leia + Google Making Trek Real + more

TrekMovie’s column looking at Star Trek in the zeitgeist has returned. This week’s Great Links has Leonard Nimoy offering Spock-ish advice to a "teenage outcast in 1968, Google inspired by Star Trek (again), The Big Bang Theory getting early Trek toys, Uhura taking on Slave Leia, Star Trek fighting for Best Sci-Fi TV show, and more. Check it all out below.  

Star Trek Trailer Fuels New Speculation + Watch Into Darkness/TOS Mashup + New Villain Poll

The new Star Trek Into Darkness trailer has sparked a lot of comments and speculation here and across the web. Some of that speculation has already morphed into the first mashup of the trailer. Some sees clues in wardrobe and even hairstyles. See below for a breakdown of some of the bigger recurring themes of the Star Trek Into Darkness Speculation Game around the web – and watch the new Gary Mitchell Mashup.

Watch: Daily Show & Colbert Report Go Star Trek (Again) + Futurama Too

Colbert and Stewart are Trekking again. Over the last couple of nights both of Comedy Central’s late night shows have thrown out Star Trek references. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart seems to have Wrath of Khan on their mind, while the Colbert Report sees the president as a Vulcan. Watch the clips below (if you live in the USA). Also this week’s episode of Comedy Central’s Futurama had a brief Trek reference, a screenshot of that below as well.

Watch: Sherlock’s Star Trek II Homage + Nick Meyer’s Reaction

Mad Men wasn’t the only drama that aired this week that went Star Trek. The PBS series Sherlock (featuring Star Trek sequel’s Benedict Cumberbatch) also had what appeared to be an homage to a key scene in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. You can watch that below, and also get an the exclusive reaction for Star Trek II writer/director Nicholas Meyer.

Shuttle Enterprise To Buzz Manhattan Next Week + USS Enterprise Carrier Deployed On Final Mission

The Enterprise is about to buzz Manhattan – the Space Shuttle Enterprise. Next Monday the shuttle named by Star Trek fans moves from Washington DC to its new home in New York and on its way it will be making a low pass over the city. More details on the new home of Shuttle Enterprise and an update on the final voyage of the Navy’s USS Enterprise. 

First Pix & Video Of Leonard Nimoy’s Episode Of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ + UPDATE: Wil Wheaton Returning To TBBT

The nerdy CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory finally got their Vulcan. Next Thursday’s episode features Leonard Nimoy voicing Mr. Spock, who is haunting Sheldon. And today CBS has released a video preview and pictures of Nimoy with the cast. Check them out below. [UPDATE: Wil Wheaton reveals he is also returning to the Big Bang Theory]