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Shatner Cameo Scene Revealed + Monday Box Office + TOS Stars Talk ST09 + More Tidbits

We have been talking about it for year’s and now Bob and Alex have finally explained how they would have fit William Shatner into Star Trek. We also have the latest on Trek’s good box office performance, TOS stars talking about ST09 stars, and more tidbits, including a new augmented reality site and a Star Trek parody comic strip .

Star Trek’s $112M Global Opening Weekend + Quinto,Nimoy & Pine on SNL + More Tidbits

Judging by our current poll and the reader reviews Star Trek has has a great opening weekend for the fans, but it looks like that elusive mainstream audience are also on board. We have the numbers below [UPDATE: w/ Int’l returns] Plus there is video of Quinto, Pine & Nimoy on SNL and more interviews and opening weekend tidbits, including ‘Star Trek The Sneakers’ and much more.

ST09 Tidbits (T-1): Fringe Clues + New Reviews + Pegg Moves Scotty + Interview Vids + more

Just one more day until the early showings in the US (and Star Trek is actually opening in some countries in Europe today). First tidbit is from last night’s Fringe which had some Trek moments you will want to see. Plus there are more reviews (including Ebert and Wheaton), and lots of interviews below (including JJ on Charlie Rose). And Simon Pegg is playing with Scotty’s geography. All that and more.

ST09 Tidbits (T-3): New Pics & Interviews + BK Klingon site + EW Covers + Richter FedCon Animation

It has been a couple days since our last Tidbits and they are piling up. We’ve got a new pictures (including behind the scenes), a new BK Klingons website, JJ Abrams talking box office, an EW cover story, update on IMAX, more reviews, more interviews and much more. We also have the FedCon intro animation from Tobias Richter featuring the USS Enterprise meeting the USS Kelvin.

ST09 Tidbits (T-7): Trek is Critics Choice + Behind the scenes pics + Talk Show vids + Watch Shat Watch Trailer

One week to go folks, are you ready? Today’s Tidbits has the latest on the good critics buzz and some small but intriguing behind the scenes photos. We also have some news of a Mexican delay, videos from Trek celebs on talk shows, and much more, including video of Shatner watching the Star Trek trailer!.

ST09 Tidbits (T-9): Greenwood To Vulcan + Private Screening Auction + Baseball Trek + Sneak Peeks + more

The Tidbits is now in single digits! And today we have more news on that Vulcan premiere, which we have learned will have a special guest. Also how would you like a private screening next Thursday?…you can have one (if you win an auction). We also have reports on the Star Trek night at yesterday’s Giants game and the French premiere on Sunday. All that plus more Tivo alerts and even more.

ST09 Tidbits (T-10): BK Toys First Look + US Premiere Details + Talk Show Blitz Starts Tonight + more

10 days and counting, the new Star Trek movie is coming fast and the blitz is headed your way. We have the first look at the Star Trek toys and food coming to Burger King, details on the US premiere, the latest box office buzz, another Star Trek comic prequel, your Tivo schedule for the talk show celebrity appearances and more.

ST09 Tidbits (T-12): MSM Takes Notice + Riverside, IA Early Show + More $ Buzz, Interviews, & Posters

You can really feel the buzz for the new Star Trek movie building. Today we have a look at how some big media outfits are taking a new look at Trek. Plus there is more box office buzz, more interviews, more international posters, and just more more. Check it all out in this less than two week to go Tidbits. 

ST09 Tidbits (T-13): Online Sales Strong + ET Sneak Peek Tonight + New Interviews & Reviews + more

Star Trek is now two weeks away (less than that for the those going to Thursday early shows), and the buzz keeps on building. Today we have the first indications of ticket sales (going well), a DVR notice for an ET exclusive tonight, more interviews, some interesting review perspectives, and more. Plus, did Nathan Lane get cut from Star Trek?

ST09 Tidbits (T-15): Variety Review Love + Interview-o-rama + ST: The Spork!

Another day and another flood of news related to the new Star Trek movie. Firstly there is an imporant new review from trade pub Variety, that bodes well. Plus we have all the new interviews of the day (both text and video) and some new images. Also have a fun new ‘Enterprise Morph’ video, and  the mos important news of all: Star Trek: The Spork!

ST09 Tidbits (T-16): Star Trek Cereal + Scoring Pics + More Biz Buzz + More Interviews & pics

It has been only four days since our last tidbits and even with all the other news about Star Trek, there still are a few things that fell between the cracks, until now. Today we have photos for the Star Trek scoring session, new updates on the business and marketing buzz around Star Trek, lots of interviews, clips and pictures…oh and ‘Star Trek The Cereal.’ 

ST09 Tidbits (T-20): Tix On Sale + Sony PS Event + More Media Tie-ins + ST v Wolverine prediction + more

After all the early premieres and early shows on Thursday the big opening day for Star Trek in the US and many countries around the world is exactly three weeks from today. In a quick Friday morning tidbits we have news on a special event at Playstation Home, more details on Trek marketing tie-ins, early box office predictions from Ad Age, and news on an Irish early premiere. 

ST09 Tidbits (T-22): Soundtrack Clips + 5/7 7:00PM + Cast Interviews & Mag Covers + more

We have three weeks and a day to go until everyone can see this new Star Trek, and for today’s tidbits we have some fun stuff. Firstly you can now hear some clips from Giacchino’s score, also the whole 7:00 PM May 7th is definitely happening. There are also new magazine covers (with snippets) with Chris Pine, Eric Bana, and Zoe Saldana. Plus a new Simon Pegg interview. Lastly: Berlin ‘Dance Party’ pictures, a Photoshop contest and more.

ST09 Tidbits (T-24): Movie Coming (bit) Early? + Russia Premiere + New Interviews + Pine to A-Team? + more

According to the Official TrekMovie countdown timer, we are currently at 24 days and 2 hours to the first Midnight shows of Star Trek (on the west coast), but our first Tidbit of the day says it might be a few hours earlier. In other bits we have photos from the Moscow stop for the JJ Tour, interviews with Quinto, Pine and Abrams, new casting news for Pine, and more.

Abrams and Stars Show Star Trek To Troops in Kuwait – Report & Pics + More ST09 Tidbits

JJ Abrams Star Trek promotional tour took a side-step from the red carpet gala premieres and press events, to stop in Kuwait and give some lucky US service people an early look at the Star Trek movie. We have pictures and details from the event, plus some more Tidbits, inlcuding Pine in Vanity Fair, interviews with Cho and Urban and more.

ST09 Tidbits (T-27days): More Cast Interviews + Jumping on ST Bandwagon + Kuwait Premiere Details + more

Today’s tidbits has more cast interviews from Salda, Pine, Quinto and also Capt. Robau (Faran Tahir). We also have more details on the Star Trek showing for the troops in Kuwait, and some examples of how others are jumping on the Star Trek bandwagon. All that and more, including a notice on the upcoming review of Star Trek.

ST09 Tidbits (T-28): Trek To Troops + More Cast Interviews & Pics + Trek Yourself (and your stuff)

We are now inside the last month of waiting for the new Star Trek movie (except for a lucky few who have or will attend one of those cool premiere events). As for the rest of Trekdom, you can still feast on Star Trek tidbits and today’s menu has more from the red carpet in Sydney, Chris Pine talking about bringing Trek to the troops, Zoe Saldana looking yummy, and more.

ST09 Tidbits (T-31): Surprise TX Guests + Sydney Prepares + Make-up Details + Pine On Kirk Flirt + more

The week just started and we have a ton of Tidbits for you, starting off news on surprise guests at tonight’s Austin, TX preview. Plus we have pics of preparation for the Sydney premiere, comments from Pine on Kirk’s flirting, some new details on movie make-up, first images of billboards, and more.

ST09 Tidbits (T-34): Hi-res images w/ TNG ref? + Pine, Abrams & Quinto comments + Sports promo + more

Another day and another Tidbits. Today we have Quinto and Abrams talking about Spocks, Pine winning an award and talking sequel, Abrams (again) talking IMAX. Plus we have yesterday’s new images in high res, including some intriguing details. And Esurance have a cool sports promotion coming up. All that and more below. 

ST09 Tidbits (T-35 days): Bob & Alex On Fans & Books + Quinto Talks Sequels + New Images + more

The Tidbits are now a daily feature at TrekMovie (assuming we can find enough stuff to talk about). Today we have a video interview with the writers, another interview with Quinto, a couple new movie images, Star Trek celebrity casting news and more. Also there is a new Star Trek commercial, but we don’t have video yet.

ST09 Tidbits (T-36 days): 10 min TX Preview + Trek April Fools + Pine Award + more [UPDATED]

Another day, another bunch of tidbits about the new Star Trek movie. Lucky fans in Austin TX have a chance to see 10 minutes next week (even before the world premiere in Australia). Plus Star Trek was the subject to a few April Fools pranks today [UPDATE: including a fake ‘leak’]. And Chris Pine isn’t letting his pre-superstardom go to his head.

ST09 Tidbits (T-37 days): Quinto and Pine Interviews + Trek Popcorn + Esurance Commercial + more

For the last day people have been talking and thinking about the sequel to the new Star Trek, but we still have to get through that one in May, so the Tidbits brings you European interviews with Kirk and Spock, plus we have some ST09 concession stand goodies, a new Esurance commercial, and a bit on that sequel as well (or how it is playing in the media).

ST09 Tidbits (T-38 days): Lindelof On TNG, Runtime & Sequels + Pine Buzz + NYC Party + more

We kick off another week in Star Trek with more movie Tidbits, starting off with new comments on TNG cameo rumors, Courage’s theme in ST09, sequels, and runtime from Star Trek producer Damon Lindelof. We also have pictures from the latest Star Trek Dance party, a look at the buzz around the new Kirk, and  more.  

Tidbits Extra: Countdown Dates Update + Soundtrack Update + TrekMovie on Mancow

We have an unprecedented second Tidbits in the same day. Firstly we have an update on dates for Countdown, it is actually not early. Plus we have some more info on the Star Trek soundtrack. Lastly, a couple of folks are going to be on the Mancow show this week (tomorrow and Friday).