Star Trek ARG

Star Trek ARG Ends + Nimoy Announces Winner (a TrekMovie community member)

Through the last month an alternative reality game related to the new Star Trek movie has been leaving clues on websites and in the real world, leading to a story of Romulans running around Earth and a desperate warning to Vulcan. Today the game has come to a close with a video message from Leonard Nimoy thanking participants announcing a winner from the finalists (all of whom are TrekMovie community members).

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New Clues In Star Trek Viral ARG [UPDATE: More Clues]

Over the weekend TrekMovie reported on a Viral ‘Alternative Reality Game’ for the new Star Trek movie with clues being left in images and on various websites. Although we think we solved one of the clues, it appears there is more to this game than originally thought. Today we have some more found clues, which only lead to more questions about the scope of the overall game. [article updated with more clues found by TM community members]

New Star Trek Viral Campaign [Update: Game Clue Solved?]

Back in January of 2008 Paramount put up a viral site (, but since then it has been quiet on the viral marketing front from for Star Trek, but that appears to have changed, and in fact we seem to have missed it as it has been out there for a couple of weeks. It all starts with those Star Trek dance parties we reported on a couple of weeks ago.