Mike McMahan Calls On Fans To Help Keep ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ From Facing The Same Fate As ‘Prodigy’
Work on season 5 is underway, but the showrunner is concerned it could be the last.
Work on season 5 is underway, but the showrunner is concerned it could be the last.
Bring home the rest of the first season on disc.
Tony and Laurie also talk about the end of WGA strike and praise the latest ‘very Short Treks.’
The new short features a total of nine Trek star voices.
The second half of season 1 arrives on home media on Tuesday.
The new season also features ‘Prodigy’ content.
Tony and Laurie also cover Star Trek Day plans, both official and unofficial.
The co-executive producer also talks about chances for a third season.
The new season of the MMORPG arrives on September 12.
Aaron Waltke spoke to TrekMovie at a banner sighting meetup in Hollywood.
More details from the STLV 2023 ‘Prodigy’ panel.
Matt from the ‘Shuttle Pod’ fills in for Tony this week to talk about the big convention in Las Vegas.
The clip was played at Star Trek Las Vegas 2023 for an appreciative crowd.
Tony and Laurie get the latest on ‘Discovery,’ ‘Lower Decks,’ ‘Prodigy,’ and the ‘Strange New Worlds’ musical episode.
It may be gone from Paramount+, but ‘Prodigy’ was not forgotten at SDCC.
The second volume of the first season comes home this fall.
From SDCC also comes the announcement IDW is releasing a special comic honoring ‘Star Trek: The Animated Series.’
Episodes 11-20 were released on Friday ahead of official Star Trek animation panel at SDCC.
Tie-ins for TOS, Strange New Worlds, and Prodigy are all being recognized.
We have an update on the fall home video release and the latest from the #SaveStarTrekProdigy campaign.
Tony and Laurie also gives updates on ‘Prodigy’ and Star Trek’s upcoming departure from Crave in Canada.
We also have an update on fan efforts to save the show.
Tony and Laurie also talk about the removal of ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’ from Paramount+.
#SaveStarTrekProdigy is gaining momentum.
Season 2 will be completed, but not shown on Paramount+.
Tony and Laurie also give an update on the WGA Strike and a new Star Trek game.
Tony and Laurie also take a look at the new ‘Strange New Worlds’ trailer.
Tony and Laurie break down what they know and speculate on the rest, from ‘Strange New Worlds’ to “Starfleet Academy.’
New products include an EXO-6 Harry Kim figure and a Bishoujo Vulcan statue.
Anthony and Laurie also talk about the latest renewals for ‘Strange New Worlds’ and ‘Lower Decks’