TOS-R Preview

New Enterprise Premieres In ‘Trouble With Tribbles’ Remastered…See Promo & Sneak Peek

Two weeks ago revealed that the CBS Trek Remastered team were working on a new model for the Starship Enterprise..and it arrives this weekend. CBS Digital was kind enough to let visit their offices and we can say that the new model is a big improvement, here is a little peek. (click for a closer look) 

Remastered Devil in The Dark Airs Today…See the Preview

Week 2 of Trek Remastered gives us Devil in the Dark. Don’t expect much in terms of new space effects with Kirk and a few red shirts hunting Horta. That being said this week will mark a Trek Remastered first with some redone (and possibly animated) versions of the old matte paintings. Check our listings for your station and showime (if your local time is not there then send us a tip to add it).  Promos are already airing, here is one from Chicago (thanks to a loyal reader) will have screenshots and a review up this weekend, and if you see any promos for Trek Remastered let us know. but you don’t need to wait for that to tell us what you think of Devil in the Dark Remastered.

Trailers for Trek Remastered Hit the Web and the Airwaves

In their recent press call, CBS said they would give Star Trek Remastered a promotional push. Well that push has started. At a number of  Con this weekend (more on that soon), CBS showed a new trailer that they have also put up on YouTube. UPDATE: now has a higher res version available as a download   …and stations across the country are also starting to show promos…here are a couple from WWME (Chicago)