
TrekInk: Review of Star Trek Motion Picture Trilogy and Trek Flick Comic Book Retrospective

IDW Publishing's new "Star Trek Motion Picture Trilogy" collection combines their recent Star Trek II: The wrath of Khan adaptation with the 1980's DC Comics adaptations of the third and fourth Star Trek films into a single trade paperback collection. We review that collection, plus take a retrospective look at all the other Star Trek comic book adaptations. It’s time to go to the TrekMovies.

TrekInk: Review of Star Trek: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor #3 + More Trek Comic Previews

The third issue of John Byrne’s mini-series, Star Trek: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor arrives in comic shops this week, courtesy of IDW Publishing. Byrne begins weaving threads from some of his other Star Trek comics into McCoy’s story. Spoilers ahead in this week’s review. Plus we have some previews of upcoming Star Trek comics.

TrekInk: 5-page Preview Of Star Trek Movie Adaptation #4 Comic – Includes Movie Easter Egg

This week IDW pass the half-way mark for their adaptation of the 2009 Star Trek movie with the fourth issue out of six. TrekMovie has a 5-page preview below, and if you look closely, you will spot a certain movie easter egg (from a Galaxy Far Far Away) has also worked its way into the comic.

TrekInk: Review of ‘Star Trek: Captain’s Log: Harriman’ + Details On Rest Of Series

Recalled to active duty for a medical emergency, McCoy confronts his grief and the man many hold responsible for the death of Jim Kirk, captain of the Enterprise-B, John Harriman. IDW Publishing releases the second one-shot in their Captain’s Log series this week. Find out Harriman fares in our review below. Plus we have exclusive details on the final three issues in this series. Spoilers ahead.

IDW Brings Star Trek Comics To The iPad

Apples new iPad (or if you prefer iPADD) is the hot thing in tech right now. And IDW, the publisher of Star Trek comics, has just announced they will be taking advantage of the device Steve Jobs calls ‘magical’. As of today all the IDW iPhone applications (including the Star Trek comics application) are available optimized for the iPad. See below for press release, screenshots and demo videos.

LeVar Burton Writing Dark Horse Comic + Pic of Burton and Nichelle Nichols At MegaCon

Star Trek The Next Generation’s LeVar Burton continues to grow in his new found online stardom. The latest is the announcement of a new web comic for Dark Horse, that is yet another project spawned from his popular Twitter account. Details below, plus a photo of Burton from MegaCon with Star Trek’s Nichelle Nichols.