Bryan Fuller’s Top 5 Star Trek Episodes

As unusual as it is for the Internet, Trek fans seem to be reacting very positively to the news that former DS9 and Voyager writer Bryan Fuller will be the showrunner for the new series (which we’re just calling Star Trek: All Access for the time being). Bryan has 22 writing credits for Trek, which will probably get rewatched more in the next six months than they might otherwise. To help hone in which ones to rewatch (or at least which ones to start with!) we present our Top 5 Bryan Fuller episodes.

Propworx VI auction arrives at Star Trek Las Vegas

  Propworx will be holding the next installment of their Star Trek Auction series this weekend as part of Creation Entertainment’s Star Trek Las Vegas convention. With interest in Star Trek as keen as ever by both serious collectors as well as first time buyers, and happening in the midst of Creation’s flagship annual event, bidding is expected to be fast and furious this weekend.

Urban Talks Star Trek 2016, Ryan Talks Joining Voyager Jitters + More DST3 Panel Highlights & Photos

Today we have more highlights and photos from some of the panels held over the weekend at Destination Star Trek 3 in London, including Karl Urban talking more about the next Star Trek movie, William Shatner not talking about it, Jeri Ryan talking about her trepidation on joining Voyager, Nick Meyer talking Star Trek II themes, Nichelle Nichols talking about her time on TOS and more. Plus lots of additional photos from DST panels.

STLV: Enterprise Boys Talk Xindi Arc & Series Finale + Westmore Transforms Farrell Into Dax

Our last coverage of Saturday Star Trek Las Vegas events was a couple of interesting panels – one with castmembers of Star Trek Enterprise talking about the Season 3 Xindi arc, and another with make-up wizard Michael Westmore demonstrating how he did Terry Farrell’s Dax spots…and then she got into her Klingon dress! Check it out below

STLV: Kate Mulgrew Talks Jeri Ryan Relationship + More From Voyager Cast + Dancing Ferengi

Continuing with our Saturday Star Trek Vegas Con coverage we bring you pictures and details from the Voyager cast panel, where Kate Mulgrew got very diplomatic when talking about Jeri Ryan, Tim Russ admitted playing a Vulcan is easy when you have no emotions, Ethan Phillips gets patronizing, and Garrett Wang tries to explain social media to Kate. All that plus more Saturday panels wrap-up, including dancing Ferengi.

STLV: First Details On Star Trek TNG S7 Blu-ray + Hope for DS9 in HD? + Okuda Resists Inner George Lucas

Today at the Las Vegas Star Trek convention some of the team behind the Star Trek: The Next Generation in HD project held a panel where they talked about the project and revealed some details on the Season 7 Blu-ray release. They also answered questions about the possibility of Deep Space Nine and Star Trek The Animated Series getting remastered in HD. Get the full report below, including Mike Okuda talking about how Gene Roddenberry ensured he didn’t switch teams to go work for George Lucas. [UPDATED panel photos]

TheCollective: Custom TOS Mini-Figs + Mirror Beach Towel + Sheldon Spock + Enterprise-A + more

Whether you like to play Trek, display Trek, or even lay out on the beach with Trek, the good people at CBS are always finding new ways to bring Trek into your life. Continue below for all the latest Star Trek stuff, fresh from 3D printers, the mirror universe, shipyards, and the office of Doctor Sheldon Cooper.

TrekInk: Review of Ultimate Star Trek Doctor Crossover ‘Flesh and Stone’ + Preview

When attendees of a Starfleet medical conference are infected by a terrifying contagion, Beverly Crusher, Julian Bashir and Katherine Pulaski, ably assisted by the Doctor, race against time to find a cure, discovering answers in the memory and experience of Leonard McCoy and Phlox. Prepare for spoilers in our review of the new “Star Trek: Flesh and Stone” comic, STAT.

Preview Of Star Trek Novels and E-book Novellas For Rest of 2014 + 2015

Missing a regular dose of Trek in your life? Thankfully the Star Trek novel line continues to keep the Star Trek universe alive, with new adventures every month set after, and amongst, the events of the TV and film series. On top of that, the recently revived and expanded ebook line gives us an episode-feel novella every other month. So today TrekMovie takes a look at what is coming up in Star Trek fiction over the next year.

See Deep Space Nine in HD from TNG Season 6 on Blu-ray + Will We See DS9 Series on Blu-ray?

Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 6 on Blu-ray last Tuesday gave fans an exciting glimpse at the Deep Space Nine station (setting for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) in high definition. You get to see the station inside and out, even Morn! See below for the DS9 in HD images, plus a discussion about what the future holds for DS9 in HD.

TrekInk: Star Trek Comics Summer 2014 Preview – NewTrek Meets Q & More

Summer 2014 is shaping up to be a fine time for Star Trek comics from IDW Publishing and elsewhere. In addition to Harlan Ellison’s City on the Edge of Forever five-part adaptation, the monthly Star Trek series will begin a six-issue story arc featuring Q, the new crew, time travel, and some niners. We’ll also see another John Byrne photocomic and a one-shot special issue featuring the doctors. No, not the Doctors, the other ones, the Starfleet doctors. But what about the Doctor?

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Music Collection Coming Next Week From La-La Land

La-La Land Records is continuing their series of great Star Trek music releases. Today they officially released details for a new 4-CD collection of music from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The set includes selected music from all all seven seasons along with some previously unreleased music. The DS9 music collection comes out next week. We have full details and an image of the cover below.    

Michael Dorn Looking To Fans To Fund Romantic Comedy With Star Trek Actors

In May TrekMovie broke the news that Michael Dorn, Star Trek’s Worf, was planning to launch a production company and Kickstarter campaign to help fund a romantic comedy starring other Trek actors including his TNG co-star Marina Sirtis. Now Dorn has launched the campaign and announced his cast. You can watch his intro video and get more details blow.        

Watch: Entire 5 Star Trek TV Captains Panel From Philadelphia Comic Con

A couple of weekends ago, all five Star Trek TV captains appeared together at a convention, at Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con. For the first time ever, William Shatner, Sir Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew and Scott Bakula were on the same stage together. Watch the full thing (almost one hour) below.

Book Review: Star Trek Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History

Lucsly and Dulmur are running out of time in the fast-paced new novel from Christopher L. Bennett. Once again the Department of Temporal Investigation is on the case in the new Star Trek novel, “Forgotten History,” and for this outing they are dealing with the guy who has the biggest time travel rap sheet, James T. Kirk. The TrekMovie review follows.

All 5 Star Trek TV Captains To Appear Together For First Time At Philadelphia Comic Con

Last month we reported that all five of Star Trek’s TV captains will gather for the first time ever at Destination Star Trek London in October. However, with the addition of Patrick Stewart to their line-up it turns out that Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con being held May 31 – June 3rd will get the honor of first collection of five Trek captains. Details below.

Remembering The Collectibles Of Star Trek Deep Space Nine

January 3, 1993, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine premiered with the two hour television movie “The Emissary.” Today, TrekMovie celebrates by remembering some of the variety of collectibles available during the past 19 years, which allowed fans to make Star Trek “deep space mine!” Time travel with us through the decades to see some of the items made based on DS9 and its amazing characters.     

Book Review: Star Trek Mirror Universe: Rise Like Lions

Building on his previous Mirror Universe novel "The Sorrows of Empire", as well as the three MU anthologies ("Glass Empires", "Obsidian Alliances", and "Shards and Shadows" ), David Mack brings an entertaining and captivating story to life for fans of Star Trek’s darker side. Find out how it turns out the TrekMovie review of "Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Rise Like Lions".