Mental Health in Star Trek is More Than Seeing a Counselor

In part two of my editorial on mental illness and Star Trek, being published on World Mental Health Day 2016, I will focus on two other examples of Star Trek portraying mental health issues that depict a positive future where illnesses are understood and the people around our characters help. I also suggest that we work together to break down stigmas, and be there for those we love when they struggle with mental illness.

EDITORIAL: Why I Embraced Brannon Braga’s Star Trek After Years of Unfairly Blaming Him

During the last golden age of Star Trek on television from 1993-2005, fans became ever more connected due to the internet, and specifically fan sites dedicated to Trek and message boards. While this was wonderful in bringing us together, every episode and series was analyzed, criticized, and the writers sometimes vilified. Of the many who faced the ire of Trek fans during the respective runs of Voyager and Enterprise, none received as much vitriol as Brannon Braga despite him being responsible for some of the most celebrated Star Trek episodes in the entire franchise.

Bryan Fuller’s Top 5 Star Trek Episodes

As unusual as it is for the Internet, Trek fans seem to be reacting very positively to the news that former DS9 and Voyager writer Bryan Fuller will be the showrunner for the new series (which we’re just calling Star Trek: All Access for the time being). Bryan has 22 writing credits for Trek, which will probably get rewatched more in the next six months than they might otherwise. To help hone in which ones to rewatch (or at least which ones to start with!) we present our Top 5 Bryan Fuller episodes.

Propworx VI auction arrives at Star Trek Las Vegas

  Propworx will be holding the next installment of their Star Trek Auction series this weekend as part of Creation Entertainment’s Star Trek Las Vegas convention. With interest in Star Trek as keen as ever by both serious collectors as well as first time buyers, and happening in the midst of Creation’s flagship annual event, bidding is expected to be fast and furious this weekend.

Urban Talks Star Trek 2016, Ryan Talks Joining Voyager Jitters + More DST3 Panel Highlights & Photos

Today we have more highlights and photos from some of the panels held over the weekend at Destination Star Trek 3 in London, including Karl Urban talking more about the next Star Trek movie, William Shatner not talking about it, Jeri Ryan talking about her trepidation on joining Voyager, Nick Meyer talking Star Trek II themes, Nichelle Nichols talking about her time on TOS and more. Plus lots of additional photos from DST panels.

DST3: Sirtis Calls Star Trek Nemesis Director ‘Idiot’ + Crosby & Ryan Talk Proposed Nemesis Roles

With most of the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast in London at Destination Star Trek this weekend, conversation inevitably turned to their last feature film, 2002’s Star Trek: Nemesis. Some interesting things were said by Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Denise Crosby and even Jeri Ryan.

STLV: Kate Mulgrew Talks Jeri Ryan Relationship + More From Voyager Cast + Dancing Ferengi

Continuing with our Saturday Star Trek Vegas Con coverage we bring you pictures and details from the Voyager cast panel, where Kate Mulgrew got very diplomatic when talking about Jeri Ryan, Tim Russ admitted playing a Vulcan is easy when you have no emotions, Ethan Phillips gets patronizing, and Garrett Wang tries to explain social media to Kate. All that plus more Saturday panels wrap-up, including dancing Ferengi.

STLV: Brannon Braga Misses Working On Star Trek + Talks Frankly About Voyager, Enterprise + More

On Saturday veteran writer/producer Brannon Braga was set to appear with Manny Coto – his fellow executive producer from the last two seasons of Star Trek Enterprise – but Manny was stuck in traffic so Brannon went solo. He covered a lot of ground discussing his time with Star Trek: The Next Generation, Voyager and Enterprise. He also talked about how his recent Cosmos series had a little bit of Trek in it and how he now “misses” working on Star Trek. Details and photos below.

TrekInk: Review of Ultimate Star Trek Doctor Crossover ‘Flesh and Stone’ + Preview

When attendees of a Starfleet medical conference are infected by a terrifying contagion, Beverly Crusher, Julian Bashir and Katherine Pulaski, ably assisted by the Doctor, race against time to find a cure, discovering answers in the memory and experience of Leonard McCoy and Phlox. Prepare for spoilers in our review of the new “Star Trek: Flesh and Stone” comic, STAT.

Preview Of Star Trek Novels and E-book Novellas For Rest of 2014 + 2015

Missing a regular dose of Trek in your life? Thankfully the Star Trek novel line continues to keep the Star Trek universe alive, with new adventures every month set after, and amongst, the events of the TV and film series. On top of that, the recently revived and expanded ebook line gives us an episode-feel novella every other month. So today TrekMovie takes a look at what is coming up in Star Trek fiction over the next year.

MerchUpdate: TNG S2 Blu-ray & TOS Music Box Released + New Posters & more Announced + Watch TNG S3 Promo

In addition to all the news about Star Trek Into Darkness there is some new merchandise news to report. First a reminder that today some new items have been released today, plus some new cool items have just been announced including new retro posters and a new Seven of Nine statue. There is also a brand new Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3 Blu-ray promo.