This weekend is a repeat of the remastered "The Omega Glory" which originally aired last year (also on the 4th of July weekend). Below is our review plus video and screenshots from last summer.
by Jeff Bond
Once again it befalls me to offer the defense of a not-very-well-thought-of episode of original Trek. When most people bring up “The Omega Glory,” it’s to do their impression of William Shatner’s inimitable (well, actually, VERY imitatable) delivery of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution at the episode’s infamous climax: “WE…THE PEOPLE…of the unitedstates…do ORDAIN and ESTABLISH this Constitution–!!” It’s a groaner of an ending that quantifies Gene Roddenberry’s somewhat flat-footed idea of a rampant biological war between parties on an alien planet that effectively throws them into the Stone Age. That in itself isn’t bad (if having already been done in a sense in episodes like “Miri”), but Roddenberry (who was supposedly inspired to write this episode after viewing the actual Constitution on a trip to Washington D.C.) turns “The Omega Glory” into a Cold War parable that’s strangely racist, with warring “Yankees” and “Commies” descended from yet another culture apparently identical to ours right down to language both spoken and written.
The episode’s “Yangs” are lilly-white, almost Aryan Caucasians, the “Kohms” are Asians, and Kirk can’t help but take the side of the downtrodden Americans, winning them over with the nobility of their ancient words while the evil Captain Tracy appeals to their superstitions and hatreds.
“The Omega Glory” was one of three ideas for Star Trek’s “second pilot,” the other being “Mudd’s Women” and, thankfully, “Where No Man Has Gone Before.” Dissed by the network for making “The Cage” “too cerebral,” Roddenberry was taking no chances with his unprecedented second turn at bat—“Mudd’s Women” was rampantly sexual and “The Omega Glory” was an action-packed western at heart with a core of naked patriotism. While the “Mudd” episode has its pleasures, it’s doubtful either “Mudd” or “Omega Glory” would have made very good demonstrations of Trek’s viability as a science fiction series.
Pick the bad guy
“Omega Glory” winds up as somewhat of an afterthought at the end of season two, ironically butted up against “Assignment: Earth,” itself a pilot for a Trek spin-off series. But while I have cringed along with everyone else at the story’s ridiculous denouement and the revelation that the blonde aliens on the planet are heroic Americans fighting for their land, I’ve always found the bulk of “Omega Glory” to be a fun, exciting outing of classic Trek. This is the episode excerpted on The Tom Snyder Show, which showed the teaser of the Enterprise discovering the U.S.S. Exeter in orbit around planet Omega IV and Kirk, Spock, McCoy and an expendable beaming aboard the ship and finding it abandoned—and just like Tom Snyder, I was hooked as a teen by this opening. In fact, the opening beats of the episode provide everything you’d want from a classic episode. Any time we see more of Starfleet, and in particular another starship, I’m hooked—even though it’s the simplest, cheapest trick in the book to stand the actors on the SAME SETS and have them act like it’s another ship. Another brilliant Trek gimmick is those uniforms lying around filled with what looks like crushed quartz crystals. McCoy’s revelation (“…the crew never left!”) and the idea that all those uniforms contain desiccated human bodies, well, ick is all I can say—it’s almost as good as reducing the crew to Styrofoam dodecahedrons in “By Any Other Name.”
He’s salt Jim
Roddenberry and co. were ingenious to establish right away that there were at least 12 other spaceships like the Enterprise, because if Kirk, Spock and McCoy were such interesting people, who was running these other ships? We met Matt Decker in “The Doomsday Machine” and Bob Wesley in “The Ultimate Computer,” and Ron Tracy immediately lives up to the standards of sheer, magnetic manliness established by those two rugged individualists.
Actor Morgan Woodward is one of my big guilty pleasures and probably the biggest reason I enjoy this episode (I met him at a Trek convention five or six years ago—I was totally unaware he was going to be in the autograph room, I was just standing there actually with my back to his table, turned around and there he was—and I can honestly say it was one of the great moments of my life meeting him. He’s in good shape and looks remarkably similar to the way he did in the Sixties, and he just seemed like a great, fun guy to know). We see him earlier in Trek as Dr. Simon Van Gelder, a wild-haired psychopath with bad skin and eyes like two big poached eggs, and he gives one of the all-time great raving maniac performances. So it’s a little unsettling to see him as the trim, calm and competent Captain Tracy explaining to Kirk about the virus that’s destroyed his crew.
Of course Kirk soon begins to suspect Tracy isn’t telling them everything he knows, that in fact the other Captain has violated the ultimate taboo: the Prime Directive. And this is what always impressed me as a teen and it’s something that still impresses me watching the episode: this is the first and only time we see James Kirk up against another starship captain, an equal in almost every sense of the word. Yes there was Matt Decker but Kirk isn’t fighting Decker, just arguing with him. And Tracy, at least at first, isn’t in Decker’s pathetic, beaten condition—this is a man in his prime and as he proves when they first come to blows, this guy is actually tougher than Kirk! Woodward’s Tracy is big, confident and merciless, and only late in the episode does he become unhinged. The quite terrific revelation of his crimes is a great example of the show’s ability to imply great scope, as well as savagery, with a few well-chosen words: Spock has been scouting the surrounding countryside and reports to Kirk and McCoy in a Kohm house where they’re holed up. He shows Kirk a handful of phaser power packs—actually phaser handles, which were designed to twist off the phaser body and be replaced when drained (a feature which, like many of this prop’s carefully-designed and thought-out working bells and whistles, was for some reason never properly demonstrated on screen): “Captain Tracy’s reserve belt packs. Empty,” Spock says, “Found among the remains of several hundred Yang bodies.”
Tracy himself confirms the facts, in one of the most brutal acts shown on the series, by almost casually disintegrating the wounded redshirt Spock brought back with him from his scouting expedition (in post-TNG Trek, phasers hit people, some sparks fly out of their chest and they fall down; in classic Trek, they disappear in a red haze, which is frankly a hell of a lot scarier). Later Tracy makes one of the great, operatic bad guy speeches in all of Trek as he describes the Yang attack he barely escaped alive from: “They sacrificed hundreds just to draw us out into the open…then they came…and they came…we drained four of our phasers and they still came…we killed thousands of them and they still came!” Check out Jerry Finnerman’s lighting on Woodward—there’s a great tracking shot in on him as he makes this speech, sadly interrupted by a reaction shot of Kirk and McCoy, with the camera moving close to Tracy’s disheveled figure, wide eyes blazing out of his almost silhouetted form in the doorway.
Dr. Van Gelder? No…Capt. Tracy
Oddly with all this blood and horror (“Omega Glory is really the Heart of Darkness of Star Trek), the episode finds ways to be fun—the hallmark of the show’s second season. The fight scenes are energetic as Tracy makes a truly formidable opponent in three scenes, soundly whipping Kirk’s ass in the first and giving him a run for his money in the other two. When Tracy throws Kirk in a cell with Cloud William (ex football player, and memorable Chinatown thug Roy Jenson), the Captain’s rueful banter with Spock (trapped in another cell away from all the fun) is even better than the similar interplay in the prisoner cell in “Patterns of Force.” McCoy, himself trapped replaying his makeshift laboratory scenes from “Miri,” comes up with some good business of his own, especially when Kirk and Spock return from what must have seemed certain death and the doctor is too wrapped up in his studies to offer more than a distracted “Oh, hello Jim…”
I’m busy
The climactic fight scene couldn’t be more standard, but the combination of Woodward’s bullheaded refusal to go down quietly, the typical villain’s move of turning a primitive culture’s superstitions against them, and Spock’s atypical use of Vulcan hypnosis, make for an exciting scene. It’s only at its literally flag-waving ending that the story sheds all its inherent entertainment value and just turns ridiculous.
With its well-designed Kohm village exteriors, stark film noir interior lighting and interesting footage of the Exeter set dressings, “Omega Glory” has always looked good with the exception of the Yang’s bushy wigs. The new transfer makes a good thing look even better, at least after the initial Exeter and beamdown sequences, which suffer from a little of the drab brown caste that “Friday’s Child” exhibits. I’m partial to the original angle of the Enterprise approach to the Exeter in orbit—for all its technical shortcomings, there was a linear “we are here and that’s what we’re looking at right over there” graphic quality to the reuse of prior miniature elements and the new shots of the ships from the side, while obviously far more ambitious in terms of movement and execution, lack a little of the drama of the originals (the pull-in on the Exeter’s primary hull and its registry numbers is nice and well-suited to the dramatic musical sting used there, although bulletin boards all over the net are afire with arguments about the registry number). Sulu’s first magnification of the Exeter is interesting in that we see the ship as a small blip in orbit instead of the stock shot from the original episode, but this subtlety works against the big music cue here. It makes sense to make Omega IV more Earth-like but that IS starting to drain the variety and color from a lot of these episodes; too bad it’s so hard to reconcile the blue sky location footage with the magenta planet footage from the original because it could have been seen as after-effects from the planet’s war.
what’s that number?
There are three phaser shots in the episode: Tracy’s execution of the wounded security guard, his destruction of the computer Spock is about to use to contact the ship, and his shot at a barrel Kirk dives behind in the outdoor chase prior to the Yangs’ takeover of the village. If there’s any enhancement of these shots it’s extremely subtle; frame by frame the details look pretty much exactly like the originals. The shot of the computer being disintegrated in front of Spock has always been problematic—it’s an interesting effect showing the square outline of the computer expanding into a green vapor, but Nimoy’s physical reaction is more appropriate for an explosion and the problem isn’t solved by CBS Digital here. Some have remarked about the Enterprise leaving orbit without the Exeter but it’s explicitly stated that Sulu leaves the other starship behind earlier in the story to go into a different orbit.
“Omega Glory” will never be remembered as a great Trek episode, but taken on its own terms it’s an entertaining hour, and Ron Tracy will always be one of my favorite characters from the show. I think he gets a bad rap because he became the prototype for a particularly overused type of Trek character, the “mad general”—meaning that any time a Trek hero comes up against a highly-placed figure from Starfleet, they’re likely to be secretly deranged. But Tracy did it first and in my view did it best.
nice shot of the E leaving another (not as) strange new world
by Matt Wright
by Matt Wright
Remastered v Original
Spock’s eyes make the ladies melt
Bonus Video: Kirk has a constitutional
By popular demand…here is the Shat doing it father of the country style.
Seasons One and Two discounted at Amazon
The Season Two box set is now available at Amazon for pre-order, discounted to $63.99 (Amazon has a low price guarantee that if they drop the price before ship date of August 5th you will get that lower price). The Season One DVD / HD DVD combo disk is available now for $110.49 (retail is $194.99).
Seasons One and Two of TOS-R ($110.49 and $63.99 respectively)
Hope everyone had a great 4th!
yeh not one of the best ones,but still,,,classic Trek
you just have to smile as Shatner reads the episode’s infamous climax: “WE…THE PEOPLE” speach with ,,
God I love this Shatner add,,, :o )
Captain Tracy was one cool, dark dude!
So, what happened to the exeter? Was it blown up because it was contaminated? or what?
OK, NOW it’s the 4th of July!
Love this episode. I even love the credulity-crackin’ final scene, although I admit that if they tried it today, it would kill the series.
Thanks, Anthony — and Jeff.
Hmm… I looked at the screencaps of this one at Trekcore to check out those lovely closeups of Spock’s eyes. Know what I found? Five o’clock shadow on Leonar’ds eyebrows! Now, part of me said, “They KNEW they were doing these extreme close-ups. Why didn’t they shave those off?” But then, I looked at my own, sad, shaggy brows and realized that those stragglers made Spock’s eyebrows more realistic.
Yeah, it’s too hot here to do anything like make a coherant thought (or spell coherent correctly, it seems!)
So, back to the ep–After Tracy blasts the computer Spock is working on, and wounds Spock in the process, McCoy and Kirk look like they are rendering some kind of medical aid to our fallen Vulcan. I always wondered if Kirk was doing some kind of Vulcan CPR on Spock. Thoughts?
Great review. Super! Hits many things I’ve always thought of this ep. I care not what people say….when these first started being offered on video almost 20 yrs ago this and “Patterns of Force” were the first two I bought. Loved them then. LOVE them now!
You met Morgan Woodward?! That’s too cool! He lives just down the road from me in a gated community (and street named after him) just 12 minutes from me; in walking distance of Six Flags and I’ve never met him! Would love to. Drove past it once but can’t even get in to see the house. Probably just as well. One of my all time favorite Star Trek characters.
I totally agree on how this episode showed a whole other dimension to the Fleet and just how dynamic and superior people who populate the upper echelon of Star Fleet . I still say he’s the all time greatest villain ever. And this is coming from someone who loves Montalban. Show me a better set of fight scenes in all the episodes. That crazy old Ron (Woodward) Tracy appears to be doing all his own stunts. Great voice. Great presence!
I had the VIEW MASTER [ remember those? ] of this episode. I’d sit in my room back when I was 10 or so and study each frame. Not the best example of Trek, but Captain Tracey is so out-there he should have been a COMMODORE!
What the heck is “tronquility?”
Holy crap, I never even rocognized Roy Jenson as Claude Mulvihill in “Chinatown”! It’s one of my very favorite films and have seen it dozens of times yet never made the connection. Another Trek alum in Chinatown is Perry Lopez who plays police Lieutenant Lou Escobar. He played Rodriguez in “Shore Leave”. Noble Willingham has a small part in Chinatown as one of the city councilmen (he played Texas in TNG’s “The Royale”).
Re: #4
I’d like to know the answer to that one myself. I wonder if they couldn’t have just vented the ship’s atmosphere out into space, & then repressurized it after the contaminants were sucked out. I think I remember a TNG episode where Geordi, & Beverly did this in the cargo bay. It worked, but it was tough getting to the controls to close the door again, & repressurize the bay. I was hoping that the TOS, or TOS-R team wouldn’t have left us hanging. I’d like an “official” Okuda/Rossi interpretation, please.
Trek captains never fulfilled their five year mission, and Tracy was more of the rule and Kirk was the exception.
That was Roddenberry’s vision.
I can’t remember which “making of Trek” book that came from, but that was the idea.
It would have been cool if they kept that going. Many “wagon trains” never made it either.
As I probably said when this review was originally posted, Morgan Woodward is by far the best part of this episode. This is a guy you believe is commanding a starship: the stature, the presence, the intelligence, the charisma. And he’s yet another wonderful example of the quality character actors that helped make the original series *so* memorable. Mr. Woodward made a very creepy guest appearance on an episode of “The X-Files” about ten or twelve years ago and he was just terrific.
“Tronquility” apparently comes out of the same dictionary as “sabotaaajz”.
Likewise, in the Shatnerverse, “Cardassians” is pronounced “Cardashians” (at least in the audio books).
I don’t know why people think the ending is ridiculous. Maybe someone could explain it instead of just making sure to sound cool by copying what everyone else says? This episode was always one of my favorites.
And surely I’m not the only person who gets goosebumps every time they see “The Scene” where Kirk reads the Preamble. He puts so much of the patented Kirk emotion, passion, and soul into it, it’s just amazing.
no’s 4 & 11
I took command afterwards. Capt. A. J. Garibaldi, first Italian to command a starship class vessel. AND I did finish my 5 year mission….
#12 On a more serious note… Roddenberry envisioned Starfleet captains as being a ‘cut above’ regular people. The Commodore’s comment to Kirk in ‘CourtMartial’… “You and I have done what very few can do… commanded a starship”. Obviously the Commodore completed his mission, why wouldn’t any of the other Connies have not come home also? Pike completed 2 – 5 year missions and possibly even part of a 3rd, April completed the E’s first 5 year mission, Garth, who was held in high regard by Kirk, completed his mission though we donot know what type of ship he commanded but it was obviously one on the frontier for Kirk to have ‘studied his missions’ at the Academy. I know the book you are referring to but I think that was not written 100% in stone as far as the tone of the series went.
My problem is, well, the potential story of how the Yangs received their “US flag and Constitution” kit, and why it applies at all to a group of Indo-Europeans battling Mongol hordes, or the Chinese, or whatever.
Also, Cloud William is written as a moron, and to have him be the central Yang character is ridiculous.
I think, for many of us, OG holds up on the nostalgia factor, and the Ron Tracy main plot.
Also, Kirk’s speech at the end is laughably bad, and adds to the nostalgia factor. Compare it to his speech at the end of “Mirror, Mirror.” No comparison.
This is the episode that Red Dwarf used partly as inspiration for its pilot episode. Remember Lister getting out of stasis and then running around the Dwarf, seeing all these piles of white powder, even tasting some of them, and wondering where the crew went?
I got chills listening to Kirk read the preamble to the Constitution.
“And surely I’m not the only person who gets goosebumps every time they see “The Scene” where Kirk reads the Preamble. He puts so much of the patented Kirk emotion, passion, and soul into it, it’s just amazing.”
Hey brother. I’m with you. I always used to get chills from it. A big Kirk scene for sure as a kid. I bought every bit of it. But then again, I’m still the same guy who bought every bit of Batman as a kid. and I’m also the same guy, as I’ve said many times, never thought of the effects of TOS as anything but what they were. Great to me.
Am I the only one who, on first viewing this episode, half-expected Captain Tracy to be a Supermarionette?
I dunno, the original shots look better to me here. I guess I’ll have to wait until next Saturday and see how it looks on the TV screen.
Just watched the “bonus” video up above of Kirk reading the preamble to Cloud William — and was struck for the first time by how much Cloud William looks and sounds like Carl Sagan. Seriously.
21. Maybe he”s a descendant of Jeff Tracy or one of the boys. He does look a little bit like Virgil. ;)
Hey you bunch of baboons!! Trek III is being shown in HIGH F-ing Def right now on Univeral HD. I am looking at High Def Shatner on my 65″ DLP right this minute!!!!! Can’t believe there was not a post on this. I think they will show First Contact this weekend as well. Can’t believe there was no heads up or post on this. All I can say is as beautiful as it looks they better scrub the grain for the Blu-Ray release it looks like it’s covered in fine sand. But High Def Shatner and the seen where the E enters the space dock in HD!!!!! Wow!!!!!
#14. Re: “sabotaaajz”
I always thought that “saboTAAJZ” was the French-Canadian pronunciation of /SAH-bo-taz/. Valeris used Kirk/Shat/s pronunciation in ST6, so he’s not alone.
Always loved this one.
There is a radio commercial in the NY area fro pre owned BMWs, and I could swear it is Morgan Woodward’s clone reading it. Anyone ever hear those/notice the similarity? I mean, it is scary close to his voice’s tone, pronunciation, everything.
Back in the 7th grade History class we had to learn and recite the Preamble. I had this episode tape recorded and listened to Kirk over and over again until I got it down pat. I don’t think my “Kirk-esque” delivery came over well, but I passed. Geezz…that’s been over 30 years ago! Lol!
# 19 and 20 :
Great!! Glad I’m not the only one who reacts that way to that scene. It’s also nice to know that there are other people out there who actually appreciate the scene – instead of ragging on it for being “ridiculous” or whatever, just to look cool and not geeky (heaven forbid!) for saying something positive about something TOS-related.
Keep it real!!
The Bear
A man after my own heart. “In another life I might have called you friend”
Yay brother!
I would just like to ask and you are probably going to think I am dumb but what was so stupid about the Flag Scene? It showed Patriotism and what the Yangs believed in. And the thing that always confuses me is that almost every episode I see reviewed here people say Sucked or “Wasn’t that great.” Yet Those same people are saying that TOS was the Best of All of them. Isn’t that a contradiction in terms?
Another thing about TOS that sometimes got to me was the computers. I know that it was made during a time when computers were huge, but it never occured to anybody at the time that, maybe in the future, they would have smaller computers and be able to put a lot more information in a small space? I mean today they have computers that can fit in the palm of your hand, Was that a rediculous thought of the future?
About the episode, was there any other time when Spock Neck-pinched a female?
No, they better had NOT scrub the grain when the films make it to BD. Grain is PART of the film image. It’s the particles that the image is recorded upon. When you “scrub the grain” you remove alot of high frequency picture info. as well.
Try reading this and learning a bit about what you’re asking for.
This episode is definitely in the bottom five of the original series. The only episodes worse than this are The Apple (76/79), Patterns of Force (77), That Which Survives (78), and The Alternative Factor (79). But it is still TOS and therefore a good episode to watch. Star Trek is like pizza; it’s still good even when its bad. I got goosebumps when Shatner read the Preamble.
I saw Trek 3 tonight as well and the grain is not as bad as I thought. Overall the image was okay. This was not a “healthy” scrub as said before in a previous article. The flicker, white and black flecks were there too; as were some very light film wobbles and light and dark inconsistencies.
Purists can go too far too. Although I do not believe that this was the case, just this was a cheap rescan and little more. Believe it or not, I am glad they did not touch the old opticals because I shudder at the thought of what they would have replaced them with.
To clarify, I am glad these films were not sterilized and the grain added to the nature and overall look of the picture.
I really liked the ending too. I think it was a comment on people believing things that they don’t really understand. Blindly following something without question.
Kirk (Shatner) does a great job reading to the people. He is always trying to teach people on the planets some kind of lesson. This episode also had kind of a Twilight Zone feel to it.
I love all of the wacko alternate earth’s they always find. I wish they would have found a bunch of them on Next Gen.
To each his own but I say thee nay.
#14 –
That makes me think of a new Star Trek spinoff “Keeping up with the “Cardashians””!
In response to the reviewers remarks about phasers:
Yes, I prefer “vaporization” over the “sparks” thing. However, I wish they would have done something to update the vaporization, and changed that it was just a simple, even fade-out. Something that starts from the center and works its way out would be great. Heck, they could still keep the original looking “glow.” (I’m not versed in film terms, so I hope I am understandable).
Now, to get nerdy, I’m going to give my theory as to why TNG-era shows don’t vaporize as much. I think there are different levels of kill settings. You have your low-level kill, which simply puts a hole through someone and causes the sparks, and your high level kill settings, which of course, vaporizes. And of course, you’re going to get more shots off on a lower setting than a higher setting. Tracy, after all, only got off 3 shots before his phaser was out of power.
I also think that the differences in “vaproize” verses “sparks” were also indications as for the purposes of firing the phaser. In TNG era shows, phasers were often used in combat situations, where you needed to get off as many shots as possible. The vaporization was used either in extreme circumstances. However, I also think it was used in extreme circumstances in TOS as well. I don’t think our HEROES in either era used the vaporization very often.
I think Starfleet officers see using the phaser to vaporize someone is seen is inhumane. There is always that “cringe” reaction whenever we see it done.
But yes, while I agree I muc prefer to see things vaporized (perhaps becuase I’m kind of sick like that, lol) keep in mind exactly who is firing the phaser and why.
Great review, Jeff. It mentions all the reasons why I like this episode, and many more.
Being German, I first heard the words of the Preamble spoken by Kirk in this very episode in one of the re-runs. Must’ve been about 10 years old then, but I do remember it very well. Although I didn’t understand everything, didn’t know about its background, it struck me right away. I was impressed with the words, the meaning, and the passionate delivery. I knew Shatner/Kirk was talking about something very important and significant. Although much time has passed, it still has that effect on me.
Hmmm. An average human (male/female) weighs about 155 pounds. Take away 3-4 pounds of chemicals and you’ve got about 18 gallons of water. Assume 430 crew members on the Exeter (minus one captain) and you get about 7,725 gallons of water. Where did all that go? Starships must have really good dehumidifiers.
In defense of Shatner’s reading of The Preamble to the Constitution,” he really only emphasizes “We…The…People” for effect. How else could you read that? The rest of the pauses in the preamble are grammatical, separating ideas. If anything, the words are tumbling out of his mouth (probably because it takes so long to read The Preamble at a normal pace) – not at all like each…word…is…a…sentence.
The music is the same, so maybe hearing this speech, rising to its crescendo, one harkens back to Kirk’s “That’s…why…were…aboard…her!” speech from “Return To Tomorrow.”
Nice review, I always loved this episode. I have no problem with the parralel development angle. If I can buy into it in Miri I can buy into it here. Lots of good moments, moody lighting and the best fight ever, maybe the only fight that didn’t incorporate the use a bad stunt double. Or, at least, I never detected one. Shatner and Woodward both must have scrapped a knee or two staging that whole fight tied to the wrist. Good stuff.
And yes, phasers that create sparks are lame andbelong in Star Wars. Phasers that make things, including people, glow and disappear, are very scary indeed.
This is still pound for pound the third worst tos episode number 1 is Spock”s Brain and number 2 Is And the children shall lead.
I think this is a pretty good episode… UP TO THE POINT when the Yangs overrun the village. What a cool finish this would have been: Captain Tracy, disillusioned, a broken man, is taken home by Kirk to be court-martialed, the inhabitants of Omega are left behind with their stupid tribal conflicts – Prime Directive and all that.
But no, the episode isn’t over and what follows thereafter is among the worst pieces of Trek ever. Not only that we have another highly dubious case of completely parallel developments on different planets (compare ‘Miri’ and ‘Bread and Circuses’), including such minutiae like the design of a flag and the exact wording of the constitution; no, in addition to that we get that ridiculous imposed fight between Kirk and Tracy. What a piece of trash!!
I always press the stop button on my DVD-player remote as soon as the Khom villagers are defeated. But up to that point: Far better than ST: Insurrection.
One of my favorite moments in trekdom is when Cloud William suddenly perks up and says, “freedom?”
Way cool!
Im sorry I could take cloud Williams seriously or could this episode seriously. Come on, Tribal barbarians on planet light years away with a copy of the Constitution and the Flagg? There is no logic backing episode ,what so ever its thats just plain bad everything. Yeah New effects are improvement but a pig in the poke is still a pig in a poke. If this had been a third season episode it would been one the best easily and thats not a compliment..
Hodgkin’s Law of Parallel Planetary Development rules !
Yankees and Communists, Christians and Romans (throw in Greek Gods, Nazis and Gangsters — imports from Earth)….
Jeff makes a great point –“there was a linear ‘we are here and that’s what we’re looking at right over there’ graphic quality to the reuse of prior miniature elements and the new shots of the ships from the side, while obviously far more ambitious in terms of movement and execution, lack a little of the drama of the originals” .
The establishing shot of the Exeter in orbit around Omega IV seems to be be too distant. You can’t tell that it is a starship (maybe with a big plasma screen and HD you could…)
I also agree that the episode gets off to a rousing start and maintains it until the American flag shows up. Althought the fight sequence was nice, interspersed with Spock’s telepathy with the Yang woman. Good juxtaposition of action with calm, the soundtrack adeptly following along.
Too bad they didn’t make the last act more subtle with a flag that resembled an American one and Kirk’s historical rememberances just being similar enough to the Yang’s to get him off the hook.
Miscellaneous items: Morgan Woodward was great, good to see another starship, good to see another starship insignia (interesting — the rectangular patches were pulled off a purse. The command and science emblems cut from Enterprise insignias and glued into the rectangles — at least this is what the close up picture of the original looked like to me.)
I wonder why the Okudas decided to go with the registry number 1672 instead of the Franz Joseph designation of 1706?
#47 The odds of another planet having an exact word of word duplicate of the Constitution and an stitch for stitch copy of the Flagg zero.
I’ve always thought this was an episode that could’ve been great, but instead came across laughable. It’s another example of the heavy-handed, beat-you-over-the-head with the message (Yankees and Communists! Get it? Get it?) methodology employed in some of the more embarrassing eps. I’d have loved to have seen this done more subtly. Could have still had two warring factions, and could have made Tracy less of a scheming, greedy b****rd. Maybe, instead, he could have been truly conflicted about breaking the Prime Directive, and offered up a defense to Kirk. Kirk could have been sympathetic, but still required to do his duty. Shades of gray, instead of that moralistic me right, you wrong.
But that’s just me.
With all its flaws it still a pretty good episode. It being one of the pilot episodes not chosen by the network one could imagine what this would have looked like in the first season. I think it worked for the time it was produced. If the production had more time and money per episode when the shows were originally filmed many of the shows would be better. These episodes were filmed on a budget that wouldn’t buy catering for most shows now. Star Trek holds up while other series filmed at the same time are so dated they are barely watchable.