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Digital?=Simulcast on Satellite or Digital Cable Channel
* first episode only
out of date data? help us fix it
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TOS-R is on at 1:30am Mondays in Pittsburgh, PA on WPXI (For now).
In San Diego it ‘s on XDTV Ch.13 Sun 5:00 pm. I went to zapit and found the time has been changed to 6pm
guys thanks for input. It is important that data is for the weekend of 9/15 and forward
It was never right for Pittsburgh. The channel is correct…WPXI…the time has been listed as Sunday at 2:30 pm. Wishful thinking! It’s been pushed back from 1:35 am MONDAY morning to a half hour later at 2:05am. No respect for the show!
The current info for the Seattle, WA area is wrong (according to zap2it). The correct info is KVOS, Saturday, at 5 PM. (It says Channel 12, but that can’t be right, because that’s PBS!)
Albuquerque — KASY, Saturday, 3:00 pm. Unsure yet about the repeat.
Sioux Falls, SD — KSFY, Saturday 11:35 p.m. (9/15 “The Galileo Seven”.) Digital simulcast of analog broadcast (no HD).
Re #5 and Seattle: The station is correct, it is on KSTW, channel 11, according to both zap2it and The regular airtime last “season” was 6:00 pm on Saturdays, but I’m not sure if that’s changing, since KSTW also carries Mariners games occasionally and 9/15 is one of those times. For that date, the listings show “Galileo Seven” on Sat night/Sun Morning at 1:30 am, which was the standard show time when there was a conflict with a Mariners game. Since the listings don’t go until the following weekend, it’s unclear whether the standard airtime has changed.
Parkersburg, WV — WTAP Channel 15.3 Sundays at 8pm. It is only on
15.3 which is a MyNetwork tv affiliate and not on the main channel 15.1 their NBC affiliate. – Digital
Charleston, WV — WSAZ Sundays at 1 am- Digital
Wheeling, WV — WTOV Saturdays at 12:30 pm
Also concerning KWGN Denver, CO I have this station on Dish Network in the superstations package and the 12 am time is when it is on here in the East. In Denver it is 10 pm Saturday (Mountain Time).
Cedar Rapids, IA — KFXA 28 and KFXA 28.1 Digital: New episodes air early on Monday (9/17) at 12:30 AM and repeat the following Sunday at 1 AM.
Double post, sorry.
Des Moines, IA — KCCI seems to be moving their showing forward one hour to 1:35 on Sunday.
Tulsa, OK: Moving to KQCW, which is also known as CW12, CW19, and KOTVDT2, at 9:00 pm on Saturdays.
WTTE (Fox 28)
Time: this page says 1:00am, but lists 1:30am (monday, september 17 for the first episode of the new season)
TV is also listing:
Time: 2:05am Monday, however the weekend of the start of the new season, tvguide says they’re running Amok Time, which isn’t the one before The Galileo Seven, so maybe they’re going to air it the following weekend (I think they’ve been a week behind in the past) but then again they could be generally messed up.
Bottom line, if you get WTTE and WSYX, watch it on WTTE.
The above is Columbus, Ohio by the way.
Looks like it’s on in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) on Saturdays @ 3pm starting w/ The Galileo Seven on 9/15.
thanks for the input folks, but a reminder that we need three things for each update
location (city, state)
time (day + time am/pm_
station (call letters eg: WXXX or KXXX)
thanks for all your help
wnlo that shows in buffalo and toronto is showing TG7 now on Sunday at 7pm as opposed to Sat at 4pm
correction, according to WNLO’s own site, tg7 will be shown Sunday’s at 1pm.
So that is a change from Sat at 4pm to Sun at 1pm for WNLO.
Wabm 68 in Birmingham, Alabama also replays it at 2am Monday. I haven’t heard of any changes yet for this area.
re # 15 – KSTC 45 Mpls/St. Paul also shows a re’cast at Sunday 12 am-1 am
Yuma, Arizona
Saturday, 4:00 PM
(NOTE: May occasionally be pre-empted by Fox Sports coverage.)
Here’s an update to my previous post. WABM 68 in Birmingham, AL has
changed the time to Sundays at 11AM, with the replay still at 2AM Monday.
Colorado Springs/Pueblo, CO
Saturday 12:30PM
Subject to change with FOX sports coverage. It also appears that there will be no repeat on either KXRM-21 or KXTU-57.
It’s not on WMUR anymore, so you can take the whole state of NH off your list (GRRR).
Confirmed by IPG guide data and websites, WNLO Buffalo/Toronto Airing Sundays at 1pm…………please correct your listing (you still show sat at 7pm!)
Update to my previous post: Yuma’s local cable system offers an HD version of KECY, so please not that.
***NOTE. (see mispelled word above.)
Re: #6 , Albuquerque:
From today’s listing in the Valencia County paper, it looks as if we still get a Sunday rerun of the previous week’s episode, but it’s been moved from five pm to three pm.
So, KASY Saturdays and Sundays 3:00 pm.
Now I no longer need to edit out the Girls Gone Wild ads on Sunday mornings before I can watch it with my youngest.
Austin, Texas
Sundays at 9:00 PM
re-run Sundays at 10:00 PM
Further to my last (#23), it appears that KXTU-57 in Colorado Springs will be re-running the episodes at 2PM on Sundays, starting on the 23rd.
WDKY-56 Lexington Kentucky – –
4:00am Sunday Morning (1st run)
4:00am Monday Morning (repeat of previous weekend’s episode).
After singing the praises of WDKY all last “season” for airing the episodes at 1:00pm on Saturdays – – I have come not to praise them now but to bury them. Apparently we have been moved to match the early Monday morning timeslot which repeats the previous week’s episode, 4:00am.
It stinks. I will let them know how much we appreciate being on the great slot last season and voice my displeasure for this years graveyard zone. But it seems WDKY viewers will be of little help to for early episode breakdowns this season and will now move to the rear of the order. I regret our contribution to continue to make this site the world’s best Star Trek website has now come to an end. It now falls to others to pick up the slack.
I have a revision to make to the Columbus, OH schedule. It seems WTTE decided not to run Star Trek on the time I listed above, however, “The Galileo Seven” will supposedly air next Sunday (Saturday night), the 23rd, at 3am on WTTE 28.
The second episode of the new “season,” the “The Conscience of the King” will air first in Columbus Monday (Sunday night) the 24th at 12:05am on WSYX 6 (but they’ve been cutting off Smallville with Seinfeld for some reason recently so I wouldn’t be surprised to see the same occur with Star Trek). It looks like WTTE 28 won’t be aring that episode.
“The Man Trap” on WTTE 28 will show at 1:00 PM on Sunday the 30th, and on WSYX 6 on Monday (Sunday night) at 12:05am.
The bottom line for Columbus residents is to check your local listings every week, because it looks like they haven’t settled on a regular pattern yet.
“What Are Little Girls Made Of?” will air this afternoon (10/6/07) on KECY-TV’s digital channel DT-2, which can also be seen on Time Warner Cable channel 5.
^^at 4:00 PM.
response from the station:
Presently, we air the remastered “Star Trek” on Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. and Midnight. Unless it’s pre-empted by sports.
Mike Smith | Director of Programming and Operations | KSTP-TV & KSTC.TV | 651-642-4220 |
Another Columbus, Ohio update…
It seems WTTE 28 is still in flux as to when/if they’re showing the episodes. WSYX 6 seems to be consistently showing them Sunday night five minutes after midnight, with optional repeat showings at seemingly random times (such as your cable freezes 10 minutes into the episode and stays frozen well into the morning…. thanks Ohio University…). If you miss a Sunday episode, check or (I recommend the first) for upcoming repeats of that episode, as the time the repeats air seem to be different each week.
Hurr, doesn’t look like us in the UK are getting it anytime soon.
Meh, It’ll get onto the Sci-fi channel soon enough.
Tulsa, OK listing needs to be changed for 2nd season. Delete KTFO/KOKI and insert:
City: Tulsa, OK
Station: KQCW
Time: Sat 10:30 pm
NY (NYC) Metro schedule has recently went hay wire. “Season 2” was being shown at 11PM on Sundays on WWOR-9, replaying the following Sunday at 6PM. However, now the new episodes are being shown on Sundays at 6PM, although that is not always the case. Very annoying.
Is there any stations in canada that are playing the remasterd TOS???
I loved it when it was cheesy and Im tryingto find it now to see for myself
As of now, WVFX in Clarksburg, WV airs TOS remastered on Saturday night at 6pm, then Sun(mon) at midnight.
Are there any listings for foreign stations? For instance like the ones which may be viewed here:
or on the TVU Player?
I just checked the schedule for WVUE New Orleans …
sat night (1am central) then sunday night (12 central)
San Francisco KBCW Sat 11:00 p.m. Yes
Should be 3:00pm Sunday according to
And digital Yes is correct.
The re-mastered episodes are now run Saturday/early Sunday at midnight; still on WWOR, Channel 9. The timeslot has been consistent for the past two months, although episodes have turned up Saturdays at 2 p.m. and Sundays at noon.
Once the run of the re-mastered episodes is finished this September, what will happen to them? Will they remain in syndication?
I agree with RonB (#43), in June 2008, KBCW changed the time to 3:00pm on Sunday.
*Note – Time change – TOS-R is now on at 2:05am, Mondays in Pittsburgh, PA on WPXI, (For now).
I can’t find TOS anywhere in NYC or Long Island, despite listing on NBC-HD.
#47 – Here’s your info: TOS-R is still run Saturday/early Sunday at midnight in New York City. There’s a new New York station for it- the third in as many years. But, the venue is a familiar one – WPIX Channel 11. Which was New York’s “Trek” home from Sept. 1969 through August 1998, when the Sci-Fi channel grabbed exclusive rights. Now, TV Land runs the non-remastered episodes M-F at 6 a.m.
i wonder when coming up next star trek remastered season 3 on tv?
I find it strange how the first season DVD has been released here in the UK and yet it still hasn’t been broadcast on TV, what’s the deal there????