Star Trek has a new and fun(ko) licensee who will be releasing Trek items designed to bring a smile to your face. A new line of Star Trek bobble heads and vinyl figures from venerable company Funko are on their way in April and May of 2009. provides details about the line and the company that makes these "60s Trek meets 2000s kitsch" items.
Funko is a company started in 1998 with the belief that not all toys needed to be electronic in order to be fun, and the company has grown to include licensees for Marvel Comics, South Park, Star Wars, and other popular franchises. Funko’s Star Trek license covers both classic Trek and the new Star Trek movie. Right now they are starting off with two lines from classic Trek which they hope to be out before the new Star Trek movie in May.
Star Trek Wacky Wobblers
The first Funko Star Trek line is something which Funko is most known which is bobble heads or "Wacky Wobblers." The first line of bobble heads will include Kirk, Spock, an Andorian, and the Gorn. These will also be "talking bobble heads" which means they will include voice and sound effects.
There aren’t images of the new bobble heads available yet, but Funko has released design sketches for their first four Star Trek Wacky Wobblers.
Sketches of Funko’s Trek Wacky Wobblers
To give you an idea what the final product will look like, here is one of the Wacky Wobblers from Funko’s Star Wars line.
Funko’s Darth Vader Wacky Wobbler
Star Trek Goes Urban
The second Funko line is a Kirk, Spock, and Orion Slave Girl set of urban vinyl figures. These figures are very stylized and about 5 inches and have moveable arms. The label "urban vinyl" was invented to describe stylized vinyl action figures originally designed by DJs and graffiti artists during the 1990s. The Funko versions are the first ever licensed Star Trek urban vinyl figures.
Again there aren’t final product images, but Funko does have design sketches for the vinyl figures.
Sketches of Funko’s Trek vinyl figures
The Star Trek Urban Vinyl figures will actually be part of Funko’s first ever figures of this type. However these type of figures, sometimes called ‘super deformed’ are growing in popularity and made by other companies. Here is an example of a Star Wars Super Deformed Vinyl figure.
Star Wars Vinyl Figure
Available for pre-order now + in retail stores in 2009
Funko’s products appeal mostly to a niche audience, yet unlike most specialty lines, Funko items are found at a great many retailers. Because they have licensees from incredibly popular lines such as Marvel and Star Wars (and now Star Trek joins this crowd), Funko products are available at many major retail and grocery stores such as Jewel Osco. This means that Star Trek should continue to be added to more and more stores during the next few months as it continues the return to mainstream attention.
However all seven new Star Trek Funko can be pre-ordered now at Entertainment Earth.
The Funko line is also good news in that it is similar to the Pez Star Trek product, a kind of collectible that could cross promote Star Trek. There are collectors of Pez, and the urban vinyl figures and Wacky Wobblers, who might be purchasing their first ever Star Trek products because they collect these specialty lines. Plus, urban vinyl figures and Wacky Wobbles appeal to younger fans, an audience that frankly Star Trek has ignored for far too many years. All of this only helps to promote the idea that Star Trek is back and to teach the world what we already know, that Star Trek is cool.
Collectors might remember ‘big head’ figures released by a company called Headliners in 2000 which featured Quark, Gowron, and a Talosian. However, the heads on these figures (pictured below) did not ‘bobbble.’ In 2004 Star Trek The Experience did do a set of Kirk, Spock and McCoy resin bobble heads (no pics available…but send us one if you have it).
Headliners Bobbleheads from 2000
The new Funko Star Trek items will actually not be their first Trek items. They produced a limited run of two Star Trek-themed Peanuts exclusives for the 2007 San Diego Comic Con.
Funko 2007 Peanuts / Trek Comic Con Exclusives
Also, for fans of William Shatner, there has been both a 2002 Shatner Priceline and a talking Denny Crane bobblehead (available from ABC).
For more on Funko visit (NOTE: They have not yet put up their Star Trek section, but you can take a look at their other products)
Pretty cool, but the vinyl figures look like the new cast for Star Trek. lol
indeed. kirk has blue eyes
1. Nothing wrong with that.
Just kidding.
Too Funny!
I have to have these.
they suck
Bobbleheads are the dumbest things ever, they are ugly and tacky!
Why would anybody put those things anywere?
Darth “BubbleBAllz” Ballz
Not to sound too nit picky, but the insignia on Spock’s arrowhead badge is suppose to be the “science symbol,” NOT the the “command star symbol.”
Ordinarily, I hate bobbleheads.
But, when it’s Kirk and Spock?
I want!
I see lots of shelf warmers in the future.
The Delta Shield on Spock’s uniform has the wrong symbol in the middle! That’s the Command symbol, not the Science symbol! SHOCKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t get it. Maybe someone does, I don’t.
My god!! Spock has the wrong symbol in the middle and Kirk is missing the center braid on his sleeves. Thats NOT canon!!! LOL
#4. It’s cool. lol
Spock doesn’t have a gold flip-top on his communicator…
Dude Those Sketches are Awesome, And Funny.
Phahaha cute!
Anyone else think that the Orion Slave Girl could moonlight as a good cocktail waitress? XD
Not sure what will get me on an FBI watch list quicker:
a) buying ‘one’ American Girl doll for my niece a few years back, and now I get their magazines every few months :(
b) ordering a ‘vinyl slave girl’ online :) ( ?) <- that was a joke, if it actually goes somewhere?…well that’s even funnier :p
Actually, on second viewing, she looks a bit like Wilma and the Great Gazoo had a kid :D
These look awesome! I gotta have them! Is it weird that I’m mor excited about Star Trek toys, figures and models then I ever was as a kid?! I mean i’ve already been hounding my a sci fi store in Melbourne about the models and figures for the nes movie! I’m planning on checking in every week or so! :)
And at 28(and a half) i’m also getting the same stuff for Christmas that I got as a kid. Season One of Knight Rider and a remote control General Lee are the gifts I’m most looking forward to!
Is that an iPod that Spock is holding?
how can any of you miss the obvious. you missed it.
look at urban spocks thumb. its in. its suppost to be out.
it happens almost everytime a NON trek fan tries to to do a trek referance.
maybe the final ver will get it right.
Captain Kirk does not look a thing like Chris Pine.
LOL the sketch of the Orion…
“I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way. ”
And I’m liking the Woodstock Spock
Bobble-heads are for some of us who don’t take themselves too seriously. They’re fun. Period. I’m not a serious collector by any means, but I own a Boba Feet and an Iron Man, and I keep a Christmas Jawa at my desk at work.
Looking forward to owning a Kirk and a Gorn! Those babies are going side-by-side!
(Heh… that should read “Fett,” not “FEET.”)
Those vinyl figures are for the movie, as they are more likeness to Pine and Quinto than Shatner and Nimoy.
In fact, I think we have our first look at the cartoon version of the new movie version of the phaser and communicator, IMO.
although they have the movie license, all above items are ‘classic trek’ items and not movie items. that is what Funko is saying at least.
and the movie phaser doesnt look like that.
I’m just not a Bobble-head fan.
Count me in for the Gorn and/or the Orion Girl. The rest are just too silly.
women are always sexier painted green
co-er! I wish I was 40 years younger
Finally some cute stuff!!! Some of the things lately have been just a little too funky for me.
I hate Bobbleheads… I just don’t get them, I suppose. However, I’m all about getting the license out there!
And the vinyl figures are cute!
I’m not getting the feel of the self-described “urban” style of the vinyl line (based on stuff I see regularly at ToyTokyo) but it’s certainly a match in cuteness to Hasbro’s Heroes line.
24. BK613 – December 4, 2008
And I’m liking the Woodstock Spock
Don’t you mean WoodSpock?
The delta on the Spock figure and the lack of braid on the Kirk figure:
This is most likely to make it easier to manufacture, since they’d only have to use one mold for the body, and paint it blue or gold.
24. BK613 – December 4, 2008
And I’m liking the Woodstock Spock
Don’t you mean WoodSpock?
As far as the uniforms being wrong: it’s probably to make it easier to manufacture, since they’d only have to use one mold.
And if this post duplicates, AP, feel free to dump it.
I’m alllll over those urban vinyls – AND they could do a new enterprise in the same line and not have to change it much to make it look “super deformed”