CBS Consumer Products has just announced new Star Trek products coming over the next year, including Mr. Potato Head toys, Titan Busts, Bandai games, Mighty Fine apparel, Pez Candy. Details below.
Press Release
NEW YORK – May 4, 2011 – CBS Consumer Products is warping into 2011 with a new slate of Star Trek products hitting retail during the next year. Everything from apparel, board games, character busts and collectables to the first Star Trek-themed Mr. Potato Head will soon be available to Trekkies across the globe.
“The Star Trek brand has only grown in popularity in recent years thanks to a whole new generation of fans discovering the property through the film,” said Liz Kalodner, EVP and General Manager of CBS Consumer Products. “These new products, based on both the television and film versions, are just another great way for fans to connect with the franchise.”
Details of the upcoming Star Trek product line include:
PPW Toys will introduce the first Mr. Potato Head toy line based on the most popular characters from The Original Series and The Next Generation. The line will be available in the U.S. and Canada. First items will be Kirk and Kor set for $30, to be available in late 2011.
USAopoly will warp the classic Monopoly board game series into the Star Trek universe with Klingon Monopoly. The iteration will be available in the U.S. and Canada. Klingon Monopoly will be available in late 2011.
One of the two possible box covers for Klingon Monopoly
Titan Merchandise will create busts based on characters from all eras of Star Trek’s existence that will be sold across North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, India, the Middle East, Iceland and the Pacific Islands.
Bandai will offer deck building games based on The Original Series and The Next Generation in the U.S. and Canada.
Mighty Fine will create a line of Star Trek-inspired knit tops, t-shirts, hoodies and fleece for the U.S.
Pez Candy will release a Pez collector’s set in 2012 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Next Generation in the U.S.
Pretty lame licenses. Can’t somebody just make some good prop replicas or decent models of some starships?
Hey CBS, how about a new Direct to DVD series featuring the prime Trek universe?
Pretty lame licenses. Can’t somebody just make some good prop replicas or decent models of some starships that are reasonably priced and not too hard to find?
I still don’t understand why they canceled the JJ-prise model, the one thing from the movie I actually wanted that I can afford! Doesn’t look like that will be on the horizon.
TNG is going to be 25, and they’re getting a Pez set to celebrate? Compared to the hoopla from 1991, it seems a bit of a let down.
But I will still enjoy my TNG Pez.
No Action figures of any kind? No more Diamond Select, Playmates, or Retro cloth action figures????I’m still pissed that Playmates never released the 12″ line Uhura,Scotty & Nero with some of the best likenesses ever! And that Diamond Select never released the Yeoman Rand/ Nurse Chapel figures or the Retro cloth Vina and Chapel as promised! The toy companies have really failed to deliver in the past few years! Too bad a broad spectrum range of Trek figures from all series & movies couldn’t be released to fill in the gaps in the different Trek lines of the past in all sizes? Or at least,possibly a new MasterpieceStarfleet Series 12″ sized figures with cloth uniforms from all series & movies to celebrate over 45 years of Trek History!! What about Dragon’s Next Gen line of clothed figures… will this line continue with other Next Gen characters or is it now defunct too???
Haha! These may be a let down, but it still shows that despite Trek09’s success, nobody wants to merchandise it. Prime Time is where it is.
I second that!
I wonder whatever happened to the Diamond Select Enterprise-B/Excelsior…
I agree a hundred percent.
Props and starships.
Well, I guess that whole trying to reach a new generation of fans strategy has its consequences…
Now where’s the Trek licensed stroller and sippy cup?
Yawn… oh sorry, did I miss something? I was hoping for like was said above about ships or props, would have liked a Star Trek LEGO partnership. Since they’re going to continue with Star Wars it would’t go over well.
Oh please. Such commercialism. Osama’d be spinning in his grave…
To be perfectly honest, most of this sounds like utter shite.
@13, Get over yourself.
TNG will get some potato love too? nice!
All we need now is Hasbro and Lego and Star Trek merchandise will be back with vengeance in 2012
Meant @14 (Shatman)
Really this is pretty sad.
How about a good 3 3/4″ action figure line that spans all shows and movies like Hasbro has done with Star Wars?
I want the J.J Enterprise Model.
These are boring. How about Shatner-licensed toupees?
I’m glad the toy market has diminished. Tired of spending money on stuff I don’t need.
Star Trek lego (and, as an extension of that: a Star Trek Lego videogame in the mould of the recent Star Wars/Indiana Jones/Harry Potter/Etc games) would be like the ultimate thing.
Imagine if they made the best Trek movies into a Lego video game – WOK/SFS/VH for one installment say and then a best of Next Gen movies for the second.
There’s probably more chance of an Enterprise Direct to DVD than that, but one can dream…..
What a giant disappointment this licensing announcement is…All I can figure is that Trek doesn’t sell anymore. Tell you what…I’m certainly not indicative of the marketplace! Lame…
Don’t forget EMCE’s re-Mego of Pike and the Salt Vampire. 1st?
Don’t forget EMCE’s re-Mego of Pike and the Salt Vampire
Round 2 was making a model of the new Enterprise. Now they are not. What’s going on? Why was is cancelled? Did R2 lose the license? Why? Will a different company be producing one?
“The Star Trek brand has only grown in popularity in recent years thanks to a whole new generation of fans discovering the property through the film,”
Star Trek grew in popularity due to the success of the first few movies and then the Next Generation.
The new movie got fans that are only fans for the first week after they saw the movie. Then after that they go, ‘Oh yeah that movie, it was good. I liked the lens flares.’
95% (The other 5% being idiots) of Star Trek fans are fans because they were either
A) Around when the show aired in 66 and have been fans since
B) Discovered it in the 70s during reruns and fell in love with the movies
C)Discovered through TNG when it went on the air. They then started to watch the originals
D) Discovered it through some combination of TNG, DS9, VOY or ENT and the movies and are the current generation of fans.
The new movie was like a Star Wars movie. You just go, ‘Ooh I liked the explosions and the special effects. Due to my limited intelligence, that’s all I need from TV and movies.’
I hope this new universe (or nu as some people like to call it, apparently it isn’t cool enough. Go figure.) dies. If the next movie is like the last one, I hope it’s a box office failure.
More crap that I won’t buy. How about some decent ship replicas please? 1701-C, B, Defiant (DS9), Daedalus class, any and all ships shown in ST09, just to name a few. Is it so hard?
Yeah, I’d like to have heard from Diamond Select. Though they keep changing their release schedule. But, the TWOK communicator just came out and it’s great! Has the voice clips featuring the classic lines from the movie!
@28: Ooh! Ooh! Can I play “Let’s Make Sweeping, Ill-informed Generalizations ” next? I love that game.
That aside, I’m really hoping for some model kits. Prime-verse or JJ-Verse, preferably both.
The word uninspired comes to mind. looks like I’ll be saving some money in 2012.
All looks like all crap.
Paramout has failed in relaunching the brand- they didnt keep a close eye on it & the marketing of merchendise then put off the next movie with no adiitional trek (tv or animated) losing any inerest any new viewes had & stopped them from becoming fans.
Why do they look past worthwhile merchendise like models, prop replicas, the 1:350th scale models & toys of the Uss Enterprises from both universes, action figures, quality reference books & quality figures
or is that too difficult to Work out?
Instead they insult us with this crap that trivialises a well crafted sophisticated show/concept/brand
or is that too difficult to Work out?
Why doesn’t Lego pick up the Trek license? Just got some nice Star Wars lego sets for my birthday and was wondering because Trek would be PERFECT for Lego.
That, and I would LOVE a series of Lego Star Trek games.
Seems, that something is wrong in the marketing departments of the franchise-universe these days.
First we got a very dissapointing “frist look” on some lame Star Wars Blue Rays.
Second we got this totaly dissapointing statement from CBS and a first look on the perhaps most useless and ugliest toys ever produced for Star Trek. And a Klingon Monopoly is useless as well – except they sell four big bath’lets with it…
Titan actually make pretty decent Dr Who busts. So hopefully the Trek characters will get some good treatment too. Unlike the terrible busts Sideshow made….I want a McCoy that actually looks like De Kelly!
When I saw Bandai I thought ”Cool new Model kits” But it’s not models it’s a Game???
One thing I was upset about was the lack of decent Star Trek games, especially with the advancements in home gaming systems. Star Trek encounters wasn’t that great. Star Trek D.A.C. was boring. The one game that came out for PSP was Star Trek Tactical Assault and that game ruled! I think they could make amazing Star Trek games if they tried but Bethesda Games don’t really seem like they’re that interested in Trek. I’d love to see a “Next Generation” era sequel to Tactical Assault. I also thought in recent months how cool it would be to do what they did with James Bond when they made a “From Russia With Love” game and make a Star Trek Wrath of Khan game. I think a lot of game companies don’t know how to go about Star Trek games but Wrath of Khan could have ship battles with the “Tactical Assault” controls and have 3rd/1st person (Like Fallout 3) schemed away missions involving plenty of shooting phasers and solving puzzles and a Kobyasi Maru level.
Yep, really wish there was a new game to equal A Final Unity are the brilliant TOS adventure games.
That’s meant to be “or”, not are! :)
Last merchandise I bought was just the other day –
The HAYNES Manual for the USS Enterprises
Star Trek Enterprise – Romulan War Book 1 small paperback
I’d certainly get Direct-to-DVD new adventures (especially ENT) even frankly… another Fan Collective if CBS did one. Howabout a 5-disc set featuring episodes around Vulcans and Romulans?
The trouble here is these are not for Star Trek fans at all, are they?
Monopoly obviously has it’s hardcore, who’ll collect any new variation of the game.
Mr. Potato-Head? Pez-dispenspers?
Trek had action figures for years, and the majority of them were close-out bin queens. I’m not dissing Trek, just stating fact. For some reason, they just don’t sell like Star Wars action figures. The market just won’t bear the “make every character in every costume” obsession that rules the Star Wars figs.
Maybe they should approach it “Barbie” style. Put out a set of characters, and then a whole realm of accessory/alternate costumes. I dunno.
These items are geared toward the average consumer, not fans (sort of like the new movie.) I’ll leave them on the shelves.
What a letdown. I am for sure going to write CBS consumer products and let them know what a absolute let down this junk is, I hope other fans follow suit. Beyond that I think I’m done with Star Trek, I think it had its day and it currently doesn’t getting the backing by CBS like Star Wars does from Lucas. This is sad.
Where are the ships?!?!?!?! You cant tell me they wouldnt make money on toys of the Excelcior/Enterprise-B or the Reliant! Those ships are some of my favorite collectables and to see that there wont be any new ones in the next two years is disheartening to say the least.
Um… I think there’s concensus here…
One word: SHIPS!!!
Next three words: “WHERE THE F[RICK]?!”
Maybe I’m confused, but I wasn’t under the impression that these were the *only* licensees, or the only products. I took this as just some announcements of new stuff. Licensees like Entertainment Earth, Pocket, IDW, etc. all are still developing products, as far as I knew.
OTOH, I do have to admit to wondering what’s happening on the prop replica and ship fronts, since I’ve not heard much about them lately, myself.
@28: If anything, Like TOS did and then TNG did, ST09 has indeed introduced a whole new generation to Star Trek.
Merchandise wise, I think CBS missed the mark in 2009 with mainly cheap tat being released.
Gimmick products like the Mr Potato Heads should do ok, as should the PEZ set.
What i’d like to see is some coherency to the licensing rather than these insignificant products coming out. Big name brands coming in and helping to put the Star Trek brand into the big high street chains right around the world in the same way Lucas Film gets the Star Wars brand into shops right around the world.
CBS could learn a lot from how Star Wars is marketed however, I feel there going for the WB Batman approach to the franchise in that less is more with merchandise only hitting stores around the time of movies.
Id say:
QMx – JJ Abrams Movie replicas
eFx – Gene Roddenberry/Rick Berman Star Trek replicas
DST – Collectable toys, ships and props from the entire franchise (a Marvel Select type range of figures based on Star Trek would be good)
Hasbro – The Master toy license with the initial and primary focus on toys, ships, role play and games based on JJ Abrams Star Trek. Hasbro would also be responsible for board games using established titles with a Star Trek twist
Lego – Construction sets and video games as well as novelty gift items
EA Games – Console games from the final frontier
Adidas – Apparel (did anyone see the SW ad?)
Sideshow/Hot Toys – 12 inch action figure replicas based on TOS, TNG and JJ Abrams Star Trek
And then smaller stocking filler companies releasing things such as bottle openers, shot glasses and novelties. I think the Starfleet Academy store idea is a really good idea and needs to be made more of.
Technology tie-ins should be a must – Star Trek should make the most of new technology as it represents a future with advanced tech. I would say that CBS should approach Apple to do some movie/Star Trek tie-in products – a communicator phone being one of them.
Perhaps companies like Motorolla and Apple could have the slogan “Inspired by Star Trek” on certain products selling the fact that had it not been for Star Trek, perhaps tech would look/work differently.
More needs to be made of Star Trek’s everlasting notion that our future will be bright.
All of this on a global scale.
Seriously? A Pez set? There had BETTER be more than that for TNG’s 25th Anniversary. It was a WAY more successful TV series than TOS, launched a period of 18 years where there was new Trek on TV, raised the bar for Sci-Fi TV and produced one of the best of the 10 previous Star Trek films (First Contact). iTunes? Maybe an HD treatment? Some more action figures? Something?