TrekMovie has exclusive breaking Star Trek Into Darkness trailer news. In fact we have news on two different trailers for the upcoming movie. This weekend a new alternative "kids friendly" trailer will be shown with Oz The Great and Powerful. And the bigger news is that another trailer is coming with the new GI Joe movie in a few weeks. More details below
Two new Star Trek Into Darkness Trailers for March
TrekMovie has exclusively learned that March will have two new trailers for Star Trek Into Darkness. The first arrives in theaters tomorrow (Friday March 8th) attached to Oz The Great and Powerful. According to sources this trailer will be short (around 1:16) and is a mix of previously seen footage from trailers and the IMAX preview along with some new footage. Apparently this ‘alternative teaser’ has been tailored to be more kid-friendly to go along with the Oz audience. The 2009 Star Trek movie had its own kid-friendly trailer which premiered with Monsters vs. Aliens on March 29, 2009. It currently isn’t known if this alternative trailer will be made available online. In the case of the 2009 kids trailer, it was not made available online, but it was shown on Nickelodeon. (you can watch that below)
"Star Trek" kid-friendly trailer from 2009 – Into Darkness kid-friendly trailer airing this weekend with "Oz The Great and Powerful"
The bigger news is that TrekMovie has confirmed that a brand new Star Trek Into Darkness trailer will be released on Friday March 29th, attached to GI Joe: Retaliation. While Paramount is not confirming anything officially, sources tell TrekMovie this trailer with the GI Joe movie contains significant new footage and will be around 2:20 in length. This longer trailer should be considered the "theatrical trailer," akin to the trailer which was released with Watchmen for JJ Abrams 2009 Star Trek film (relive that trailer below).
"Star Trek" Theatrical Trailer released March 6, 2009 – theatrical trailer for "Into Darkness" coming March 29th, 2013
Nice to see two trailers are comming this month
Ace. Can’t wait to see the longer version.
Trailors are great. Buty I want to see the Movie. Lol. Can’t wait for May to get here. I already have my Ticket Punched.
I will be seeing Oz and G.I Joe. So a little extra Trek is always a Good thing.
The slow marketing campaign for this movie has me worried =(
It’s going at exactly the same pace as the 2009 film’s campaign did. It seems like everyone’s developed amnesia over the last 4 years.
Honestly you people panic more over this than things that are truly important. The campaign for Into Darkness is right on schedule and I’m sure the film will be financially and critically successful if it’s as good as it looks.
Anthony any word on if the OZ aleternate teaser will be online after this weekend?
I am seeing Oz this weekend, but at the Disney operated El Capitan in Hollywood, so they willl only be showing Disney Trailers, and not the trek teaser
I am being dragged to Oz this weekend. At least there will be something for me to see.
I am wondering what is going on with parts of the movie being shown in Brazil and France. Test runs?
9. Poor attendance there last time around.
I am not certain Oz trailer will be released online. As noted in the article this is a kids trailer like the one shown with MONSTERS & ALIENS in 2009. And that was never made available online although it was shown during the Kids Choice Awards on Nickelodeon. It is possible the same will be done this time. The KCA are in a couple of weeks.
I have swapped out the video above to show the ‘kids’ trailer for ST2009, which was recorded from the KCAs
It’s going almost exactly at the same pace as in 2009. Don’t have amnesia,just a short attention span,lol!
Could be fun!
Hmmm….I miss actual ALIENS and strange cosmic threats.
Thank you Anthony for answering my question.
I was afraid that might be the case. But the amazing picture and sound presentation not to mention the stage show before the movie, more than makes up for not getting to see the alternate teaser before OZ.
I guess the Romulans weren’t aliens the last time around?
Nah, not really. ST09 was slated for December 08 release before being pushed into Summer of 09. And STID was slated for a ’12 summer release before, well… summer of 2013. So no amnesia here. There have been legitimate hang-ups.
But yeah, I’m stoked that the marketing is aggressive now and that the movie will definitely kick butt as well. I also believe in the vision of this new movie franchise. So I agree with you on your last paragraph.
So I guess we have to resort to youtube and bad quality version for that trailer then,lol! Worked for those 9 minutes,someone will always get it out there. Gotta love the internet,lol.
They did the last 2 movies about Romulans, and even so they were about Arch Villains. I mean strange COSMIC THREATS beyond this boring broken record of crap.
Last time they tried a real cosmic threat we got The Motion Picture. Sorry don’t want to go back to that snoozefest.
Star Trek IV was good, but never saw it as a “threat” per se.
@19. mhansen0207
I think I know what you mean. The threat in Star Trek IV was dire and very real for those exposed to it, but the threat was not front and centre of the entire movie, unlike in The Motion Picture. So the story was about getting 2 whales from the past into the present (future – darn, time travel messes with my brain), rather than combating the threat directly.
Yeah, exactly. Plus, the whale probe’s mission (as far as we know) wasn’t to destroy everything in its path, it was just doing that on accident.
It had no mandate that “Carbon units are not true life forms and must be sterilized”
The Motion Picture was the best of the bunch. Everything else felt short, rushed and uninspired, not that I want the same movie. The Motion Picture was Epic. Your “we” doesn’t represent everyone.
Nor does your opinion on The Motion Picture
I think that was implied, heh.
Just saw the trailer with Oz.
LOTS of new footage.
A bunch of the Kirk/Pike sequence(s.)
Did you like it? Any good?
Very good, but very short.
Seemed to end just as it was ramping up. (And, a conspicuously out-of-place Mr. Movie Voice saying “STAR TREK INTO DARKENESS” at the end.)
What’s the point in a kids-friendly trailer if the movie itself won’t be kids-friendly?
I’ve seen it too. It involves a Kirk-Spock interaction so it’s cool.
C’mon. You can’t possibly believe that they’re gonna show anything explicit with a PG-13 rating.
In the “all audiences” trailer Kirk takes the cat-women to a nice lunch.
I’m gettin my premiere tickets again for this!
“Kid friendly” is an excellent idea. Trek has rarely extended itself to invite preteens but should. How about if JJA cuts a PG version to be released along side the PG-13 version? I’m amazed that films aren’t presented this way more often. I know they did it with “The King’s Speech” last year and years ago with “Saturday Night Fever.” I’m no prude, but 2009’s Star Trek line about “sex with farm animals” was unnecessary and embarrassing to hear while viewing the film with my teenagers. By having the director go in with the mindset of the film being released in PG and PG-13 or even R allows them the artistic license to remove such crude lines and visuals while maintaining the message they wish to convey.
Cool. I am actually going to see both Oz and Gi Joe, so I will be seeing both new trailers. And I watch the KCAs every year with my kids, so maybe we’ll see the first TV ad as well.
BTW: Why did Nick get Josh Duhmal as host? What kid knows who that guy is, other than maybe from Transformers? It should have been Jerry Trainor. Anyway…
Kid friendly?
Your world is destroyed! Billions dead! Enjoy the show, Kiddies!!
Heck, the title should give young children shivers.
The teaser was awesome. Great sequence between Kirk/Spock! More words or encouragement from Pike to Kirk.
are there new bits with Bones in the new teaser? Uhura? Chekov, Sulu? (we saw these two only once!)
@33: Trust me T’Cal, unless you home school your kids and keep them in lockdown 24 hours a day, that farm animals line is TAME compared to what they’re saying and doing when you’re not in earshot. They’re teenagers, not china dolls.
@36: More sequences between Kirk and Spock? Can there be more?
I’ve given up the chance to see a film about a CREW…
Klang is right. TMP was at least one of the best Trek features for it felt really out of this world, not just a casual, run-of-the-mill action flick. Was it boring? Not on me. I’ve seen in time and again and it still holds up fine. It’s no TWOK or TUC, but it’s FAR better than TSFS or TFF or any NextGen outing but FC. It’s certainly one of my favourites, right after ST09, TWOK, TUC and FC…
looking forward MUCH MORE to GI Joe than ST2013… LOL ;-)
BTW: TMP is second only to TWOK =)
@33: Trust me T’Cal, unless you home school your kids and keep them in lockdown 24 hours a day, that farm animals line is TAME compared to what they’re saying and doing when you’re not in earshot. They’re teenagers, not china dolls.
Trust you? I don’t think so. I want to be able to make a choice and I’m not leaving that up to you or anyone else. But especially you… ;)
That line was the crudest line I can remember in Star Trek. Ever. It was completely unnecessary and could’ve/should’ve been cleaned up substantially. It is humor at its most base and I expected writing that was intelligent. Still, it was one line and I’m not writing off the very good film that it was.
Yes, Boborci et al made some VERY POOR choices, supposedly for humor’s sake…
…don’t see that changing this time… =(
no need for vulgarity from Star Trek… =(
Star Trek SHOULD BE for kids and gramma’s too!
I still want to know if Hasbro is going to announce any OTHER Star Trek Into Darkness toys…or are those F***ing Lego ripoffs and Kre-O toys it?! Come ONNN! Anthony or anybody? BOB?! Anything else with the Hasbro toys?
@ #45. What was shown is probably it for toys. All the toys would have been revealed by now.
I love Star Trek, but I am not going to watch the craptastic looking Oz movie to see the short trailer.
“I’m no prude, but 2009′s Star Trek line about “sex with farm animals” was unnecessary and embarrassing to hear while viewing the film with my teenagers.”
Teenagers? They don’t know about sex yet? Or farm animals?
Hey , I read Animal Farm in Junior high.
Kind of learned about both that way .
I’m not offended by the line or anything, but I agree that the “sex with farm animals” line was pretty low brow for Star Trek.