Trekkies are passionate about costuming and conventions. Earlier this year at New York Comic Con (NYCC) we had a chance to talk to a few fans about their costuming experiences and goals.
Nick from New York is well known among his friends for his Riker-like appearance. He’s enjoyed costuming as the famous first officer. “People had been telling me I looked like Jonathan Frakes for years, especially after I grew my beard. When I was deciding on my first cosplay for the 2012 NYCC, I was looking to make my first one easy and fun, so I picked Riker. In the last four years, it has been a lot of fun…I like impersonating a character who is so warmly regarded, and giving people a little thrill to get a photo with a ‘Pseudo’ Number One.”
Hal flew in for NYCC from Minnesota dressed as Ro Laren from Star Trek: TNG. She chose to cosplay Ro for a few reasons, “I was told I looked a bit like Michelle Forbes and I already had a red TNG uniform in the closet anyway. Plus the character’s personality works well with mine, so it’s easy.”
From left to right: Nick, Hal, and Michael Nguyen at NYCC
Evie from New Jersey embarked on her first Star Trek costuming experience at NYCC. Evie chose a Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) operations officer. For Evie it was an easy decision. “Because my favorite character is Data, and I’m thinking I might try to cosplay specifically him at some point. I also think of myself as a very ‘operations’ type person, being an event planner.”
Even though Nick, Evie, and Hal had great costumes already, they all have future cosplay plans. Evie wants to continue exploring TNG cosplay, “Not sure yet, but I’m currently thinking of getting another TNG uniform, perhaps one of Troi’s dresses. I want to come up with something interesting for [the Star Trek Las Vegas Convention].”
Riker look-a-like, Nick, has a few ideas across several Star Trek shows. “I have long joked about doing Riker’s blue silk pajamas when I get out to Star Trek Vegas. Another joke I make is the disco-McCoy from his first appearance in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. I prefer cosplaying specific characters over generic crewmen, and there are few characters in Star Trek with beards. One of my other wish list costumes is Admiral Kirk’s short-sleeve outfit from The Motion Picture. That would be really comfy at a convention too.”
Although Hal has several costumes, she still has a few more cosplay goals, “I’ve wanted to do a Jadzia Dax costume pretty much forever. I’d also like to put together a more traditional TNG/DS9 Klingon.”
In the end it seems like Trekkies pick costumes for a variety of reasons. They may relate to the character or be a stunning doppleganger. In any case, one commonality is that one costume is not enough, and we all continue to want to create!
Some good lovin’ on Trek right there.
OK. I admit it. I dressed up as a Star Fleet Science Officer – back in high school. Just like these Trekkies, it was fun!
I’d be really interested in how they do their makeup appliances (Ro’s nose ridges &c.).
Great-looking uniform, Michael!
I made the Bajoran nose ridges for Hal, I have a little cottage business
I kind of handmade a movie uniform from various pieces of clothing back in sixth grade or something. It was, well, homemade looking, but I’m prouder of it than the store bought types.
boo.. why can’t I zoom into the group pic?
#6 Jerr – just save the picture as an image then open it in a viewer.
The group picture shows that Trekkies aren’t bound by race or gender! It is good to see.
This activity should immediately cease and desist since Paramount and CBS own the copyright to anything Star Trek.