Articles by Kayla Iacovino

Science Friday: Summer Solstice Edition

Phoenix has continued to dig on the surface of Mars in search of the oh-so-elusive water ice, with some new trenches and new glitches. NASA is hard at work designing the next generation of space suits that will take our astonauts to the moon and beyond. New nanotube technology looks promising in defeating cancerous cells. Also, TrekMovie celebrates the Summer Solstice with you! All this plus our gadget of the week: the futuristic Kohler Crevasse sink.

Science Friday: Friday The 13th Edition

It is Friday the 13th and human beings have a robot digging up stuff on Mars…will it find a haunted ancient burial ground? Probably not but it is finding good science. We also have the final word of the status of what the heck to call Pluto. Plus there is planetary weather, the launch of a new satellite, an early holodeck and NASA is planning a mission to the sun…perhaps they will go at night (rimshot).

Science Friday: Digging Mars, Hunting Superplanets, Flexing Computers, Walking Machines + more

The Phoenix mission team is on the move (while the lander stays firmly in place), and news just keeps flying in from all directions about our newest Martian arrival. Today in Science Friday, read about martian soil, ice, and weather, flexible computers, real life cyborg implants, the hunt for superplanets, and our gadget of the week: Six-Legged Logger, another totally creepy walking bot.

Science Friday: Phoenix Preview and Give-away Edition

This week here at TrekMovie, we are celebrating the upcoming landing of the Phoenix Mars mission with information about where to watch the events unfold live, a special Phoenix Mars Lander giveaway, and a sweet video! Also, we’ve got a new Cassini watch, a supernova seen in action for the first time, the truth behind the “crystal skulls”, and our gadget of the week: The Telectroscope.

Science Friday: From Novas To Dust, and Beyond

This week in Science Friday we bring you observations of Titan by Cassini’s radar, a possible visit to a killer asteroid, a new web app that brings the universe to your computer screen, the always stunning discoveries of the Chandra X-Ray observatory and the VLA, and why astronauts should be afraid of dust. All this plus our gadget of the week: the TUIST instrument. Check it out!

Science Friday: Enceladus Water, Solar Wind, Healthy Coffee and…um…Ancient Poop?

This week’s Science Friday is full of interesting science news, but, isn’t it always? We bring you a look into future Enceladus missions with the Cassini Watch, a lesson in ancient Bajoran inter-planetary travel thanks to a new discovery about our Sun, how coffee can keep you healthy, and the “poop” on 14,000 year old fossils, along with an exciting new gadget of the week: the Senisphere.

Science Friday: Titan’s Ocean, Mars’ Water, Jupiter’s Lights + Real Tricorder and Robodog

It’s Friday and you know what that means! Time for a round-up of what’s happening in the science world this week. Today we bring you a new discovery about Titan’s underground oceans, possible beginnings for the tricorder, the reason why you need a salt shaker on Mars, a new place to see the northern lights, and a mans best friend gets upgraded for the gadget of the week!

Science Friday: Pi Day Edition

This week in Science Friday we bring you news from the recent Enceladus flyby from the Cassini crew, a look at some baby stars, why the NASA chief refuses "to boldly go", whether or not the Grand Canyon is lying about its age, a new book outlining Trek possibilities, a gadget to solve all that talking when on the phone, and a tribute to an infinite day. Read on!

Cassini Enceladus Flyby Happening Now has ‘adopted’ the NASA Cassini mission, something near and dear to the heart of Star Trek’s science advisor Caroline Porco. Today Cassini is in progress of making an unprecedented “in your face” flyby of Saturn’s geyser-spewing moon Enceladus in order to gather key data. More details on how you can keep up with today’s event below.

Science Friday: Buzz A Moon, Make A Black Hole, Save NASA and more

This week’s Science Friday brings you another Cassini Watch in preparation for the March 12th Enceladus flyby. Also, a Martian avalanche, tabletop black holes, a possible close-by plnaet, a bit of science politics, and a very special “Gadget of the Week” which features a top ten list of the best Trek Tech ever to come into existence thanks to Star Trek The Original Series . Plus we have some new Science Quickies for even more science fun!

Science Friday: Space Geysers, Space Hotels, Space Diamonds and Space Anomalies

Happy leap day and welcome to a special “leap-edition” of Science Friday! This week we bring you a new Cassini watch, how to book your next space shuttle flight, the key to fighting reptilian captains, mysterious space anomalies, and a new gadget of the week! Also check out our Science Quickies for some extra science tid-bits which we feel deserve honorable mention.

Science Friday: a moon, a cloak, a meteor , a laser and ‘Spock’s Brain’ a reality?

Kayla, your TrekMovie science gal here bringing you your weekly dose of Science Friday! We have Cassini headed for the geyser-filled moon Enceladus, new developments in material science from cloaking technology to something (allegedly) resembling a Klingon disruptor, a meteor caught on video and a “Spock’s Brain” themed gadget of the week. Yes, something good came of “Spock’s Brain”! Don’t believe me? Read on!

Total Lunar Eclipse Tonight

Kayla the science girl here with a special mid-week science mini-update. This evening, February 20th, the full Moon over Europe and the Americas will turn a delightful shade of red. It’s a total lunar eclipse — the last one until Dec. 2010. And, while the red is spectacular, it isn’t the only color to look for when the Moon glides through Earth’s shadow.

Science Friday: New Galaxies, Dimensions and Planets…plus Power Clothing

Once we finished mourning Trek’s new release date (actually we just ran out of tissues), we were able to pull it together to bring you this week’s Science Friday! It’s a great one! We’re introducing our ongoing ‘Cassini Watch’ to see what’s happening with Dr. Carolyn Porco (Trek’s new science advisor). Also, a new galactic discovery, Steven Colbert’s opinions of other dimensions, and some pretty electrifying outerwear. Not to mention, our latest gadget of the week!