At The Disco 6: “Magic To Make The Sanest Man Go Mad”

Activate your time crystals; it’s time, once again, for the Shuttle Pod crew to assemble and discuss Star Trek: Discovery episode 7.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 1, Episode 7 – Debuted Sunday October 29th

Written by Aron Eli Coleite & Jess Alexander
Directed by David M. Barrett

In this episode of Discovery, the crew revisit a tried and true sci-fi trope: the time loop. In this episode of Discovery, the crew revisit a tried and true sci-fi trope: th- oh… sorry.

This week on the Shuttle Pod, crewmembers Kayla and Matt are able to break themselves free of the normal timestream to talk about Harry Mudd’s magic, whether or not we ship #Byler, and Stamets’ fun new demeanor.

Plus, as much as we want to, can we really trust Ash Tyler? Tilly is adorable as a would-be wing-man for Burnham, and is that beer pong? Is releasing someone who literally murdered a Starfleet captain approximately 55 times into the custody of an arms dealer a good idea? All these questions and more answered in this week’s podcast. Listen in!