The "Library Computer" column is new here at Last week we kicked off with a Valentine’s Day themed review and interview (and giveaway). But before we move on to more we thought we would take a look back at the books of 2007 and see where there were hits (and misses). Plus we gaze forward and see what you can look forward to be reading in the next year…join us will you?
2007…the year that was in books
TOS novels
Pocket entered 2007 with books two and three of David R. George III’s Crucible trilogy, the novel-line’s celebration of the fortieth anniversary of Star Trek The Original Series. Neither of 2007’s books quite lived up to the promise of the McCoy tale, "Provenance of Shadows" from 2006. The Spock-focused book “Fire and the Rose
” just failed to capture the iconic Vulcan and the third book, the Kirk-focused "Kirk: The Star to Every Wandering" genuinely ending the meticulously crafted tale with a thud.
Kevin Ryan raised the bar for Original Series tales with "Demands of Honor", the second book of the "Errand of Fury" series. His penchant for vibrant and detailed storytelling really came through in this year’s entry, and the third book of the series is currently on tap for 2009.
William Shatner (together with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens) brought us back to Kirk’s roots with "Collision Course", a young Kirk novel that arrived to mixed reviews. Unfortunately, because of the realities of business, Shatner was unable to produce an audio version of the tale, which could have transformed a relatively trite outing into something a bit more interesting.
Pocket’s other fortieth anniversary project for 2008, "Mere Anarchy", was, unfortunately, relegated to eBook release. While Pocket must make enough to justify continuing the Trek eBook line, it automatically excludes those who don’t have an eBook reader or a desire to stare endlessly at their computer screens. (We can only hope that the "Mere Anarchy" six-part series will be reprinted at some point down the road in the beloved dead-tree format.)
Vanguard, Enterprise, Mirror and Short stories
While not strictly a part of the Original Series line, David Mack kicked the Star Trek: Vanguard series up a notch with one of the best novels of 2007, "Reap the Whirlwind". Mack’s effort was quite possibly the most notable novel in any of the Star Trek lines last year. Also well received was the Mangels and Martin Enterprise project, "The Good That Men Do
". This ‘relaunch’ tale really redeemed the end of Star Trek: Enterprise, and provided an outstanding springboard for the future of the crew of the NX-01.
The tenth and final edition of the "Strange New Worlds" short-story collection was issued, marking the end of a decade of fan-generated fiction from Pocket. Many outstanding writers were first published in the pages of various volumes of this series, but sales were not strong enough to continue the series. On the other hand, sales of the two-volume trade paperback series "Mirror Universe" ("Mirror Universe Part 1: Glass Empires
" & "Mirror Universe Part 2: Obsidian Alliances
") must have done pretty well… fans were talking about these two volumes right up to their release, and follow-up releases have already been planned.
Next Generation
Several other projects were released throughout 2007, but before looking ahead to 2008, I’d be remiss if I didn’t comment on the beginning of the Star Trek: Next Generation’s twentieth anniversary. First, let’s begin with the neutral. One of the most interesting projects of the TNG 20 celebration is the "Slings and Arrows" eBook series, set in the time between the commissioning of the Enterprise-E and the film "First Contact". This is a project that sounds excellent, but, as noted, will enjoy a rather limited exposure because of its eBook format.
Moving to the positives, "The Sky’s the Limit", a short story collection, arrived in stores in October to very favorable reviews. Also arriving in stories in October was Keith R.A. DeCandido’s Next Generation work, "Q&A
". In spite of its position in the midst of what may be the two most disappointing Star Trek novels I have ever read, "Q&A" managed to be the shining star for TNG this year. Unlike any print effort for the year with Jean-Luc Picard and his crew, "Q&A" was true to the spirit and feel of The Next Generation, while actively developing a new dynamic aboard the Enterprise-E. Another highlight was the great summer reading book "The Buried Age
" where Christopher L. Bennet takes us on a multifaceted tour of Picard’s ‘lost era’ after his time on the Stargazer and before the Enterprise.
Now comes the other side of the coin. Sadly, J.M. Dillard’s "Resistance" was little more than filler and Peter David’s "Before Dishonor
" was utterly unreadable. Pocket elected to mine to Borg one time too many, resulting in disastrous results for fans of TNG. To make matters worse, the lack of new Star Trek: Voyager novels (as well as the inclusion of Admiral Janeway in "Nemesis") prompted Janeway’s very frequent inclusion in last year’s Next Generation novels. It was bad enough that neither Dillard nor David were able to actually channel our Next Gen favorites, but to push Janeway (and Seven of Nine) into their stories in a way that didn’t honor Voyager served only to sour two already poor efforts.
While things still aren’t firing on all warp coils on the Enterprise E, it is a different story on the USS Titan. November’s fourth book in the series, "Sword of Damocles", written by Geoffrey Thorne was a fun read. Riker and his crew of familiar and new faces seem to have settled in and the series now feels like it has more of its own tone and feel instead of just being an off shoot of TNG (if anything it is more like TOS with its emphasis on exploration). As an extra bonus the book came with a fold out set of detailed exterior design sketches of the ship.
This year is looking up
Looking back, 2007 was a mixed bag when it came to Pocket’s Star Trek line, but 2008 holds many intriguing possibilities for fans of Trek literature.
Kick off with Sulu and Klingons
Entering 2008, the Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels duo started the year’s novel lineup with the much anticipated Excelsior adventure "Forged in Fire", which features some familiar Klingon guests and one absolutely-unforgettable belly-slug. The novel, set early in Captain Sulu’s command of the Excelsior, touches on themes from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, while at the same time drawing heavily from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Blood Oath".
This February has a return to Keith R.A. DeCandido’s look into the heart of the Klingon Empire with "A Burning House". The series (originally named I.K.S. Gorkon) follows the adventures of a Klingon warship, and this year’s installment sees the Gorkon returning to Qo’nos in what is promised to be ‘a sweeping tale of intrigue, love, betrayal, and honor.’
DS9 big in 2008
Speaking of DS9, Trek’s third series will be getting a fairly extensive treatment in books, with a prequel trilogy, Terok Nor, telling the stories of the Cardassian occupation of Bajor that preceded the events chronicled on the television series. The three installments, "Day of the Vipers" (April), "Night of the Wolves" (May), and "Dawn of the Eagles" (June), journey from the initial Cardassian encounter with the Bajorans and their repression in the name of Cardassia’s future to the construction the Terok Nor station, while at the same time telling the personal stories of Kira Nerys and Odo during their formative years on their respective sides of the occupation.
In addition to the Terok Nor trilogy, the long-awaited continuation of the Deep Space Nine relaunch, "Fearful Symmetry" by Olivia Woods is due in July. The events of Wood’s unique ‘flip-format’ novel, delayed (and reassigned) over two years, delve deeply into the story of Iliana Ghemor, a Cardassian agent who had been surgically altered to resemble Kira Nerys. Ghemor, who appeared on-screen in the DS9 episodes "Second Skin" and "Ties of Blood and Water" also appeared in David Mack’s 2006 novel "Warpath". It is upon this most recent work that Woods builds, with elements of the story taking place in the ‘normal’ universe as well as in the Mirror Universe.
TNG and Enterprise still going
Both the Next Generation and Enterprise relaunch series get new tales in 2008, with August’s "Greater than the Sum" picking up the adventures of Captain Picard’s crew and September’s "Kobayashi Maru" adding to Enterprise line. Christopher L. Bennett pens the Next Generation tale that picks up from the events of "Before Dishonor", taking the crew on a dangerous mission while, at the same time, forcing them to cope with personal issues that will leave their lives irrevocably changed. Mangels’ and Martin’s voyage with Captain Archer promises to delve into the origins of the Kobyashi Maru scenario, the standard test of command prowess for all cadets in leadership tracks at Starfleet Academy. Coming half a year before the release of J.J. Abram’s new movie, it will be interesting to compare and contrast the authors vision with what we learn next May.
Mirror Universe is back
Mirror and other Alternate Universes will be making another appearance in 2008. After the success of 2007’s two-part Mirror Universe books, April sees a third installment, "Shards and Shadows". Where the 2007 outings were novellas, this year’s edition takes the form of a short-story collection featuring twelve tales by various authors, including several stories from series that only exist in book form. Along a similar vein, July and August deliver the "Myriad Universes" series ("Infinity’s Prism" & "Echoes and Refractions"), containing six alternate timeline ‘what if’ tales.
Destiny crossover event
David Mack helps to crown the year with his Destiny crossover trilogy (October-December). The first book, "Star Trek: Destiny: Gods of Night" will feature the crews of the Enterprise-E and Titan, as well as some of the DS9 relaunch cast and a ‘notable persona’ from the past. Book two, "Mere Mortals
" is set in two separate times, while book three, "Lost Souls
" promises a look at the distant past and a forging of the future of the Star Trek literary universe. Beyond this, Pocket and Mack are keeping the details of the project super-secret, making Destiny the most anticipated work-in-progress on the current schedule.
Trek non-fiction is back
Last week we reviewed the non-fiction (and rather tongue-in-cheek) book "Captain Kirk’s Guide to Women." But 2008 will also include a rather surprising entry into the publishing queue – given the sales of reference material over the past decade – the new Star Trek primer, "Star Trek 101". Terry Erdmann and Paula Block, probably best known for the excellent "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion," have been working on this guide for nearly three years, and it will reportedly cover every single aspect of the Star Trek universe. "Star Trek 101" is currently slated for a September release.
In addition to all these works, there will be the usual smattering of hardcover reprints in paperback, eBook releases (both online and in compilation form), and omnibus collections of previously issued works. 2008 promises to be a busy year for the folks at Pocket Books, and for those who love Star Trek fiction, wherever they may be.
Yippee some trek to kill the wait til the movie…
Can’t wait for Star Trek 101. Although, at only a little over 300 pages, I must wonder how in-depth it will truly be.
I’m also excited about the future for Pocket. If the new film is successful, I hope we’re in for a real explosion in Trek novels. I miss not seeing them so much on the bookshelves anymore.
Yeah, those Next Gen novels really weren’t the best – with the exception of Q&A, which was completely awesome. It was the cherry on top of the cherry on top of a delicious chocolate fudge sunday with nuts. Highly recommended, even if the other two aren’t.
The Titan/Enterprise-E book sounds cool. Speaking of Titan, I hope they announce another book following the Sword of Damocles. I feel like Titan is really getting off to a slow start when it should be getting at least two or three books a year.
What’s the point in relegating Mere Anarchy to eBooks release only? Don’t people read books the old way anymore? Another thing I missed, I suppose.
This could also be a big year for Trek novels in Germany. Besides Shatnerverse there haven´t been any books for almost two years. The last publishing house really had a faible for not picking the good novels. Now CrossCult is going to publish the Vanguard Series and I hope that the upcoming movie will help relaunch the printing of the other series as well. I still remember when nearly every Trek novel published in the U.S. came out in Germany only a few months later.
This is gonna be a great year for books!! I can’t wait to read them all.
I enjoy reading the novels, but I a;so have a love for book cover-art and the Trek novels have definitely lost their appeal in that category. The covers are, for the most part, dreary and un-inspired.
Great round-up. I will probably take a look at the Errand books when they’re all completed rather than waiting a year or so in-between them. I’m sad there’s no new Vanguard this year–that’s easily my favorite Trek series of the past few years, it’s really quite good (especially the David Mack-penned books).
I have to say, this is yet another terrific feature of, in addition to the comics, science, and toys coverage (in addition to the movie itself, of course). Been a visitor here since the beginning and you guys keep finding new areas to cover. Awesome! Keep up the good work.
I have been away from the trek books both Original and next gen for quite some time, I have to admit some those listed above sound quite promising. I lost interest in trek novels because from a story standpoint they just got be rather bland .
What’s the word on Peter David’s New Frontier series?
Many thanks for the reviews. Death in Winter put me off TNG books, big time, (why bring Picard and Bev together now?!) but I think I’ll check out Q&A.
#4: Iowagirl:
My sentiments exactly. I sit at a PC most of the day designing and adding content to websites, answering E-mail, etc. After a long day of work I love a good book that I can read away from an electronic device of any kind.
-terek nor..?
In his Cosmos series Carl Sagan at one point demonstrated just how little of the Library of Congress the average reader could expect to get through in a single lifetime. While I’m sure that many of them are worthwhile, I realized then that life–at least, my life–is just too short for Star Trek novels.
#12 – Yes, they really should have done that a long time ago. I didn’t bother with Death in Winter because it sounded so bleh. Resistance started out fun, and it probably should be read because it introduces a new major character, but I felt like too much of it was like a retelling of Best of Both Worlds. I could do without more of the borg for a while, personally. It was a cool concept, but I think its been milked for all it’s worth.
I don’t understand the attraction to paper books. I’ve heard it from many different people how they enjoy the tactile feel of the book.. turning the page and such..
I see it as an exclusivity thing pitting the reading community with the online community.. bridging the communities with ebooks creates an association that many would prefer to not be associated with.. Obviously people exist in both communities but the separation is becoming less and less distinct…
Be adventurous. I bought my ebook reader blind with all the skeptacism in the world and I havn’t looked back. Got my Kindle in mid December and I’ve read 6 books already and several first chapters of perspective buys (you can download the fist chapter or so of any available Kindle book for free!)…
If I wanted I could download Kirks Guide to Women from my Kindle in under a minute for $8…
I really enjoyed Shatner’s “Collision Course”. Any word if it has sold well enough for the second installment?
“Mere Anarchy” wasn’t “relegated” to anything. “Mere Anarchy” would never have existed without the eBook format. Neither would the “Corps of Engineers” series (which wasn’t mentioned in the article for some reason) or “Slings and Arrows.” They were all conceived and developed specifically for the eBook line. If there was no eBook line, they never would have happened.
And just so y’all know: I’m Keith R.A. DeCandido, the editor of the eBook line — and also the author of “Q & A” — so I know whereof I speak. “Mere Anarchy” and “Slings and Arrows” were both conceived and developed (and edited) by me. *grin*
There is something visceral about holding a book, a real book and turning its pages. It becomes a part of the experience, and it makes you in a way the master of the book even though you have no control over the story unfolding. It makes you aware that you could jump a few pages instead of reading in the order decided by the writer; yet, you restrain from jumping. It’s as if you and the author are one, and by holding a paper book, the gap is bridged.
Dear God I look at this supposed literary line-up and think “what tripe.” This is story telling?Vacuous vomit.
I absolutely loved the novella “The Sorrows of Empire” in “Glass Empires”. I’m currently reading the “Obsidian Alliances” and it’s looking pretty interesting. I also read “Before Dishonor” recently, and I was really disappointed by the ending. I skimmed through “Captain Kirk’s Guide to Women” at the bookstore yesterday, and I couldn’t stop giggling.
Glad to see the DS9 “relaunch” line is continuing. I haven’t read any since Unity, but all the ones I read were great.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure I’m actually all that excited about what’s being offered. The “Terok Nor” mini-series might be interesting, but I’m more interested in the DS9 saga looking forward, not backward. And surely, a show with DS9’s depth could produce better “post-TV” offerings than yet another story that involves the mirror universe.
DS9 was such a great show, but on those rare occasions when they came up with a bad idea, it could be excruciating. The continued use of the mirror universe, aside from the first couple of mirror episodes (which were quite good), would be prime examples. Each subseuqent mirror outing got worse and worse. Only Quark’s sex change, older feral Molly, and the bungling of Jadzia’s death were worse.
Well, I’ll take my DS9 wherever I can get it, since we’re never going to see these characters anywhere else. I’ll probably give those a try.
#18 – I don’t read much Trek anymore, but I did try Collision Course when I saw it on display at my local library. I’m glad you liked it, but I have to ask what exactly you enjoyed about it?
It sure wasn’t what I expected… I thought the dialogue was fun in parts, but it just seemed one ridiculous circumstance after another. I got the feeling Judy & Gar added the character of Mallory (the guy who’s pulling all the strings) themselves, just to make things not quite so unbelievable.
I’m not sure what I had a harder time swallowing, the fact that Sam was at the Starfleet brig to visit Jim and could’ve blown the whistle on the whole operation right then and there (he delivered the stolen car after all, and had just seen two Vulcans murdered right before his very eyes) OR that Jim had stolen the Enterprise as a teen, long before the events in ST 3. Sheesh.
The best parts of the book were the flashbacks to Tarsus IV and Kodos… Now THAT would’ve made for a more interesting book. If there’s a sequel to Collision Course I’m not going to bother. As someone else said here, life’s too short.
Please do expound on your views. From what do you form the basis of your opinion? Have you read these novels and if so could you lend some insight on why, specifically, they are to be avoided? I. myself, approach them with the presumption that they are diversions. Fun stories, if you will, that take place in a universe that I am familiar with and comfortable revisiting. But, understandably, Shakespeare they are not.
When I was a young high-school dweeb I wandered the halls with James Blish’s adapted TOS screenplay novels (you were really cool if you had “Spock Must Die”).
But as time went on, I began to limit my non-canon reading as it reduced my enjoyment of what I saw on the screen.
Still, I pine for some work that would combine Larry Niven’s “Known Space” with the Trek universe. We had the “Slaver Weapon” episode in TAS, but I’ve milled the idea of Riker and the Titan dropping off Federation agent Louis Gridley Woo at the Ringworld, or better yet, the Dyson sphere that was discovered in TNG’s “Relics”.
Well, one can dream, Yes?
After 20 years I suppose title recycling is inevitable. I remember enjoying the 1989 “Kobayashi Maru” by Julie Ecklar. Chekov fails it miserably, Sulu plays it safe and saves his own ship. Kirk’s reprogram has the Klingons tremble at confronting THE James Kirk, and Scotty exploits bugs in the simulator to destroy about 20 Klingon ships before losing out.
#28 the best next Generation Novel for me was and always will be Vendetta by Peter David, My favorite original series novel was Dianne Duane The Wounded Sky.
i did like the shatner novels, up until Captain’s Peril, I thought that was pretty weak. The plot involving Picard and Kirk on Bajor was boring and the whole thing wasn’t as exciting as the previous trilogies. What do others think?
New Frontier was always brilliant, btw
29. Garovorkin
Agreed! Vendetta was awesome, would have made a terrific film.
#31 for some reason the studio did not see things this way. they gave us Star Trek generations instead. I often think that these novels are the one best suited to writng movie scripts for Trek movies. because I think we stand a better chance of getting the type of trek movie that we all want. I think also that the McKenzie Calhoun trek novels could serve as the basis for a new Trek series but I dont think Paramount would even consider such an Idea. Ill give you one better how about if Paramount allowed an anime company to turn some of these novels into anime movies or CGI movies notw that would be something wouldn’t it
As one of the writers in Strange New Worlds 10, I wouldn’t have minded a bit more coverage of that title (on a purely selfish level :)), but I appreciate that the site is at least giving an overview of the excellent work currently being done by Pocket Books…
There also doesn’t have to be any “rivalry” between the eBook format and the traditional printed format–especially since many of the printed titles are available electronically anyway (even on Amazon Kindle). IDIC, people…just choose whichever format works best for you. I know I won’t complain about how people read my work. ;)
#28: It’s hardly the first recycled title in Trekland. The titles “Triangle,” “Enterprise,” “Requiem,” “Perchance to Dream,” “Honor Bound,” “First Contact,” “Final Frontier,” “Emissary” (okay, one has a definite article, and the other doesn’t, but still…), “Demon,” “Resistance,” “Unity,” “Endgame,” “Sarek,” “Reunion,” “Violations,” and “Nemesis.” *grin*
Wow I’m sure pissed to hear there canceling the “Strange New Worlds” series. That was one of the coolest projects Trek had going.
IMO, I a little more advertising could have helped sell more books.
I felt that “Resistance” was well done and introduced a lot of new elements into the Next Gen crew, and “Q & A” continued that. But “Before Dishonor” was lacking big time. Some elements were done well, but the new crewmembers of the Enterprise somehow de-evolved and were completely re-written, and that ending….BLEAH!! Nothing against Peter David, but I hope that the next writer either ignores that book completely or uses a “Deus ex Machina” to retcon it out of existence.
More DS9 at last?! Darn it, now I’m gonna have to dig out my other books from the relaunch and re-read them. And we need more Titan!!
Titan will feature in the Destiny trilogy by David Mack, rest assured. It’ll pick up where “Sword of Damocles” left off.
sounds like a good year of trek novels to me !
Thanks for keeping us in the loop keith!
Star Trek Vendetta,
The Borg, meet the Planet Killer.
Hello,,, goodbye.
Good story!
You know, I havn’t read a trek book in years.. I think the last one was “The Return”… just picked up Titan Book 1 and am enjoying it so far.. just an fyi because it wouldn’t of happened if not for this thread..
man I wish TNG had ended better…
I almost forgot there another really god novell also By Dianne Duane It was called Dark Mirror and in this one the Enterprise Crew and ship suddenly find them selves in the Mirror vs where they encounter their evil counter part the most chilling of them were both evil Picard and evil Dianna Troi.
thanks for the kind words, anthony and adam. Just so you know–yes, 101 is in-depth in that it covers every show and movie (except for the upcoming one), but it wasn’t meant to be like one of Terry and my micro nitty gritty traditional companions. Let the title be a clue: Star Trek 101 is a primer about star trek, mostly geared towards people who like st when they see it but not to the point where they’d be willing to buy or read a st encyclopedia. In other words, the perfect book for your significant other or relatives who wonder why you spend so much time glued to your DVDs and trek chat rooms. It’s meant to be a fun summary of most things trek (alas some aliens wound up on the cutting room floor due to space considerations) for the lay person–but it also contains a synopsis of every dang episode of trek that ever aired, including the animated series. So hopefully worth a bit of the professional trekker’s time too!
And yeah, this is really Paula Block… (like someone would really want to impersonate me!)
Life is short, yes, but when you don’t have any new screen Trek then reading Trek fiction is a great solace for those Friday nights when you wish you could escape to the Federation.
I devoured many “official” Trek stories and fan fiction during the barren years between TOS’s cancellation and the ST:TMP (okay, there was the animated series for a brief period). That was a great time before the Internet began overwhelming the mind!
As for eBooks–I ran a used book store for almost 20 years (now my wife works and I am home with the kids–anybody need an experienced “bookophile” in the Ohio Valley area?) and throughly enjoyed the tactile feel of books but at the same time I have enjoyed the portability of my palm or laptop in bringing along a large variety of reading. While the experience of holding a book in your hand is like no other–the “sense of wonder” you get from a great tale is fantastic no matter what the medium (just ask Stephen King who recently reviewed the “Kindle” reader somewhere)!
#40: If you found NEMESIS disappointing (and I can’t blame you if you did), I very strongly and loudly recommend the nine-book miniseries Pocket did in 2004, and not just ’cause I wrote the final volume. *laughs* Said miniseries chronicled the year leading up to NEMESIS, and did some really really cool stuff with the characters. They should still be available at your local bookstore:
A TIME TO BE BORN by John Vornholt
A TIME TO DIE by John Vornholt
A TIME TO SOW by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
A TIME TO HARVEST by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
A TIME TO LOVE by Robert Greenberger
A TIME TO HATE by Robert Greenberger
A TIME TO KILL by David Mack
A TIME TO HEAL by David Mack
And the books have also picked up where NEMESIS left off, both on the Enterprise-E and the U.S.S. Titan:
TITAN: TAKING WING by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
TITAN: THE RED KING by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
TITAN: ORION’S HOUNDS by Christopher L. Bennett
TNG: DEATH IN WINTER by Michael Jan Friedman
TNG: Q & A by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Enjoy! *grin*
Gotta say that I’ll be disappointed if Trek 101 isn’t delayed release until summer of ’09 to include material from the new movie. If not, who cares? I already own the previous editions of the Trek Encyclopedia. Without new movie material – info on the uprated Enterprise, all the background info on Kirk and company covered in the film – all that’s ‘new’ in the book compared to the latest Encyclopedia is coverage of Voyager’s last years, Nemesis and Enterprise. And all of that has been old for a few years now.
#44 Thanks for the info.. I’m currently reading TITAN: TAKING WING and its been enjoyable enough so far.. but I have to say I was rather dissapointed when *SPOILERS* Riker learns that they won’t be able to actually “Explore strange new worlds”… and instead they have to take care of some business with the Romulens… *END SPOILERS* I guess I’m kindof tired with the politics of that era and want to get back to the “Exploring” part.. Maybe its just one of those “at the moment” opinions but I thought I’d share it nonetheless..
Thanks for the breakdown and thanks especially for your contributions to Trek.
#24 Yes, more interested in the ‘What happened next?’
That said the Terok Nor series lokks fantastic. glad to see Sulu get a story too. Haven’t actually read any of the Mirror Universe stuff so heres an excuse to take it up!
#46: Keep up with it. After the first book, the U.S.S. Titan does plenty of exploring, starting in THE RED KING when it’s kind of by accident, then in both ORION’S HOUNDS and SWORD OF DAMOCLES they actually go on the Beta Quadrant exploration discussed in TAKING WING.
#48 Keith hello I think Ideniftly my check out yor books, Ive been away from trek fiction for a long time, yous sound quite interesting actually. I have a suggestion for a novel A prequel story to the classic episode Obsession , The story of young James T. Kirk and his Ill fated assiginment on the starship Farragut. . I think that would make a great book.
#49: Actually a couple of novels, and a comic book, have dealt with Kirk’s time on the Farragut: My Brother’s Keeper Book 2: Constitution by Michael Jan Friedman; The Ashes of Eden by William Shatner, with Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens; and the graphic novel Debt of Honor by Chris Claremont & Adam Hughes.