Last month TrekMovie reported that the first theatrical trailer for JJ Abrams Star Trek movie was edited, awaiting some effects shots, and should be shown sometime in 2008. Now at AICN has a report from a UK press screening where Paramount showed off portions of a number of their 2009 films.
Description sent in to AICN
We saw the teaser trailer and then we saw what looked to be a very very early version of the full trailer – It showed more footage of [Quinto] as Spock, much more Chris Pine and also some John Cho and Simon Pegg footage. The film looks like immense fun and there seems to be a lot of action in it. There look of the crew and the bridge is spot on and the costumes look like the original but with a more modern and practical twist. We got to see Spock talking to his parent as well and Kirk being told to take more responsibility. There were also a lot of montage scenes involves spaceship battles, gun fights and hand to hand combat. I especially like a short clip where we see the crew running through the corridors of the Enterprise – reminded me of Next Generation loads.
Sounds like fun. TrekMovie is still trying to confirm a date for the trailer and will provide an update as soon as possible.
More on descriptions of other Paramount films, including GI Joe and Watchmen (which they are distributing internationally) at AICN.
I hope they have it right this time!
Must ….See ….Trailer…
“Star Trek – We saw the teaser trailer and then we saw what looked to be a very very early version of the full trailer – It showed more footage of Quito as Spock, much more Chris Pine and also some John Cho and Simon Pegg footage.”
This was curious wording. It definitely makes it sound as if there was footage of Quinto and Pine in the Teaser, which of coarse there wasn’t. Perhaps the teaser he spoke of was the new teaser that should be coming soon I would imagine? Or perhaps he’s just full of shit.
bring it on, bring it out! first
can’t wait!
This rocks!!!! I really hope this isn’t a joke. Cause it just sounds awesome. I can’t wait to see Pegg playing off Scotty!
Did someone thell this guy to spare us the details? or did he sign one of them confidentiality agreements?
Feel free to spill the beans! Details, details, details!!!!!
Must have details!!!!!
Oh great, “montage scenes involves spaceship battles, gun fights and hand to hand combat”…”the crew running through the corridors…”.
I can’t wait! I heard a rumor that Darth Vader was going to be Luke’s DAD! Do you think it’s true?
#3 – “This was curious wording. It definitely makes it sound as if there was footage of Quinto and Pine in the Teaser, which of coarse there wasn’t. Perhaps the teaser he spoke of was the new teaser that should be coming soon I would imagine? Or perhaps he’s just full of shit.”
Read it again… it said…. “We saw the teaser trailer (the one released with CLOVERFIELD) AND THEN we saw what looked to be a very very early version of the full trailer…” The footage he describes was NOT in the teaser… it was in the rough cut of the FULL TRAILER.
That little bit of information is making me geek out for this movie again, BIG TIME!
What are the speculations on what movie this could be attached to? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button???
Not sure about that last bit…. ;)
Wow, I would love to see a new trailer and the NEW Enterprise.
According to that AICN link above, the ‘movie’ will be attached to the ‘Transformers 2’ trailer…. ;)
I have goose bumps just thinking about it….and when a brit says “spot on” you have to believe that it is going to be “brilliant”…lol…
Honestly, I would be surprised if we got to see this by Christmastime. We are still what…8 months away?
Does anyone remember how long before the Dark Knight was released that we got to see the first trailer for it? Is this question relevant?
I say it’ll be a few months yet before the campaign for this movie really kicks into high gear.
In order to see “more footage” and “much more footage” of Quinto and Pine, you would have had to of seen some footage in the first place. I reiterate, the way he worded it sounds as if he was referring to the Teaser they showed before the unfinished trailer.
There was a teaser for TDK released a full year before the film, by December 07 there had been 1 full trailer and “The Dark Knight Prologue” was released in IMAX with “I Am Legend.”
Perhaps there is a new teaser trailer as well as a full trailer. Either way I can’t wait to see it!!!
Scrub what I said in post #14. It’s way past my bedtime and I misunderstood your question. I just hope it’s attached to the biggest Movie going, whatever that is at the time….
‘night all.
Me agrees with Prologic9. Sounds fake.
Sounds good. I like the fact he said the uniforms were “like the original but with a more modern and practical twist.” and the “bridge is spot on”…
That should make Trekies happy!
I hope Paramount takes a risk and buys some Superbowl air time!
we can have the most descriptive summaries down to the verymost detail… and still, SEEING and HEARING – especially the first, uh, I don’t know, 50 to 100 times – THAT is going to be …
yes, finally!
There’s gotta be a trailer before one of the holiday movies … I’ve been hoping there will be one during the Super Bowl.
Lets just hope the hype of this movie does not equal the Fringe hype of best show this year…cause that show sucked..imo
We need a bootleg youtube copy. Come on you Limies help us out!!!
Sorry, but this seems to be another case of “telling us everything and telling us nothing.” Until we here more detailed and accurate descriptions from more, varied sources, this rumor sounds like something that ANYONE could have made up on their own, with 5 minutes to spare:
“It showed more footage of [Quinto] as Spock, much more Chris Pine and also some John Cho and Simon Pegg footage.” Um, what KIND of footage exactly? Are they firing phasers? Running around on an alien planet? Playing Yahtzee? Picking their noses? What?
“The film looks like immense fun and there seems to be a lot of action in it.” NO! You don’t say! You mean, like, in EVERY “STAR TREK” film ever made???
“The look of the crew and the bridge is spot on and the costumes look like the original but with a more modern and practical twist.” Hasn’t this been confirmed for weeks/months? How about some DETAILS?
“We got to see Spock talking to his parent as well and Kirk being told to take more responsibility.” Anyone with any inkling of the supposed plot could have come up with this in 2 seconds.
“There were also a lot of montage scenes involves spaceship battles, gun fights and hand to hand combat. I especially like a short clip where we see the crew running through the corridors of the Enterprise.” Oh, Judas H. Priest… again: Seen in just about ANY “TREK” movie and/or episode ever made!
Stop jerkin’ our chain, AICN… either get a more detailed description or admit that “icaddyforjohnnydrama” just wanted to see his own moniker posted on your website. And c’mon, Anthony… this is so vague, I’m surprised you even posted this. This isn’t a description… it’s pure conjecture.
I guess Bob ‘O can’t tell us everything.
I tend to agree with #29… Just give me the damn trailer…
” especially like a short clip where we see the crew running through the corridors of the Enterprise – reminded me of Next Generation loads.”
Next Generation loads? What loads? What does that mean?
I think he meant it reminded him “loads” of Next Generation, meaning “a lot”.
Which is a VERY bad sign.
I’d just like to see the trailer. Also, how about a screen capture of the Enterprise or a movie poster with the new Enterprise. No need to keep that secret. We saw Batman’s new motorcycle 6 months before the movie.
Wow. A description of a trailer. How exciting.
HAHA I agree with #29 SPOT ON!!! That was the most intentionally vague description of a movie trailer or preview or whatever…..I have ever read! And exactly like what he described every single description sounded like someone thought…ok…now the new star trek movie should have running and guns and shooting and spaceships and battles and more action and a parent of spocks and for kirk to be responsible hehehe sheesh!
Anthony where is that alien you throw out every time somethings fake? Where is the General Colonel sanders or whatever he is was ???? BRING HIM OUT! HAHAHA
And if for some strange reason this guy really did see a trailer or preview of the movie..well this person should not be writing for a living….Except maybe for first grade weekly readers or dick and jane…..see dick go up a hill….what kinda hill? What angle was slope in? What color was the grass? Was it rocks? A Field WHAT??? ahahahah
lol. Maybe, who knows.
loads = lads . . . if not,, ewwwwwwww!! “gun fight” who brings a gun to a phaser fight!! PEW! PEW!
Well, I saw a part of a movie, but it was really just a buncha scenes together, then the short whatever it was ended.
AICN. Where making “there” and “their” interchangeable is our job.
For those asking how early we got to see a trailer for The Dark Knight…
The Dark Knight was a sequel to an already successful movie. I think they knew they were going to have a hit on their hands anyway. So, showing a trailer/pics/etc waaaaay early for that movie wasn’t going to affect anyway.
STAR TREK(2009) isn’t exactly in the same shoes. Of course we know it is a pseudo sequel/prequel/reboot/re-everything, but the general public doesn’t. So, they would most likely think of this as movie number 1.
With that in mind… Who knows if we’ll get to see things(trailers/pics/etc) as early as TDK since no one really knows how successful ST will be. If they reveal things too early to this fan base and receive a back lash of negative opinions… Then they’ve pretty much screwed themselves. I’d rather see the movie and be surprised.
Maybe we should have a contest for the best fake description of the unreleased trailer…
AICN again manages to make me not want to see this movie. The whole “Apple-esque bridge design” thing being the first. Now it reminds them of “TNG”? If that means what I think it means, it means me no likey.
Wow. 40-some posts and only one person so far touched upon the article’s TNG reference, following it with the inevitable, hackneyed slap at that show. I’m proud of you guys. I thought people would be jumping all over that comment and over-analyzing it to death by now. Good for you for taking the high road.
Any sign of Shatner in it ????
Oops. Looks like I may have spoken to soon. Two jabs at TNG now. Come on, people. Don’t turn this into another tired, old TNG-bashing thread. Rise above it. I know you can.
Thank god they didn’t say it looked like DS9. We would have been in real trouble.
oh yeah, the women…
#45 Nightmare — you don’t stay caught up with the news much, do ya? :)
And what the heck’s with the TNG bashing? Last time I checked, that was *still* the best of the Trek shows (though DS9 is quite up there, as well).
PLEASE let this trailer debut soon! I’m so sick of waiting, I need something new!