On February 14th the first ‘engagement’ of Star Trek The Exhibition, makes its Midwest debut at the Detroit Science Center. The Exhibition features genuine Trek memorabilia along with recreations and motion simulator rides. TrekMovie has full details along with other related activities at the science center and comments from Star Trek vet Mike Okuda who is helping put it all together.
Trek hits Motown
Star Trek The Exhibition is a multi-city touring exhibition of most comprehensive collection of authentic Star Trek ships, set recreations, costumes and props, spanning the entire Trek franchise, including all 5 TV series and all 10 feature films.
Veteran Star Trek designers and historians Mike and Denise Okuda have been working with Premiere Exhibitions on Star Trek The Exhibition, helping put together the collections as well as the descriptions. Speaking to TrekMovie, Mike Okuda broke down what visitors can expect to see at the engagement in Detroit:
A detailed recreation of the Original Series USS Enterprise bridge (where you can get your photo taken superimposed with images of the TOS cast) [chair and nav console are screen-used from one of the DS9 or TNG episodes that showed the TOS era bridge]
Recreations of sets from Next Generation, including Captain Picard’s quarters and command chair, and Transporter room (another photo opportunity)
Recreation of The Guardian of Forever
Motion simulator rides, featuring a new movie with the voice of Michael Dorn (Worf)
Ten genuine filming miniature models including a 10-foot long Enterprise D, a TMP travel pod and a TNG Klingon attack cruiser
Over a dozen genuine costumes, including hero costumes from all five Trek captains (Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, and Archer), along with more TOS consumes from the 60s, a 7 of 9 catsuit and more
A large collection of genuine screen used props, including a photon torpedo
Genuine Trek set pieces, including a Klingon command chair and a USS Enterprise D Captain’s chair
This ‘engagement’ of The Exhibition is the same one that opened in San Diego last summer, the second engagement is still at the Arizona Science Center in Phoenix. The two traveling ‘engagements’ of ST: The Exhibition evolved from ST: The Tour which never got past its first stop at the Queen Mary a year ago. Mike Okuda explains how The Exhibition is different than The Tour:
For the museum setting for The Exhibition they have taken the time to properly label the artifacts to explain their significance and their scientific context better.
Pricing for The Exhibition is $18.99 for adults and $14.99 for kids and seniors, and that includes entry to the rest of the Science Center. There are additional charges for the simulator, audio tours and photos. Group pricing is also available. More info at detroitsciencecenter.org.
TOS bridge recreation now at ST: The Exhibition at Detroit Science Center
Borg drone hardware and Constellation-class model now at ST: The Exhibition at Detroit Science Center
But wait, there’s more
The Detroit Science Center is doing more than just adding the Exhibit, they are creating a number of other activities within and around the exhibit to enhance the experience.
Star Trek Costumed staff
In order to create the most Trek-ified atmosphere, the Science Center has purchased a number of Star Trek uniforms to be worn by their staff working around The Exhibition. In addition, they have arranged to have a number of volunteers from local Star Trek clubs, especially the USS Intrepid from Dearborn, MI. Staff and volunteers will be dressed in Starfleet (both humans and Vulcans), Klingons and additional aliens.
Treknology education
There will also be regular educational activities around the museum (check the schedule), where science educators will highlight various ‘Treknologies’ and explain how some are coming to be (like cell phones and tricorders) and they will also explore how some are still to be discovered (like transporters and warp drive.
Star Trek Planetarium show – ‘An Enterprising Journey’
The Science Center has created a new Star Trek-themed planetarium show called ‘An Enterprising Journey.’ The show will highlight real life destinations visited in Star Trek, including stars, nebulae and black holes, such as the galactic core (visited in Star Trek V), Wolf 359 (from "Best of Both Worlds"), many others.
Star Trek Weddings
The Science Center will also be renting out The Exhibit for weddings and receptions, so if you want to get married on the bridge of the Enterprise, this is your chance.
And there is much more in the Science Center itself including the IMAX theater, the regular shows at the Planetarium, the new Engineering theater, and permanent exhibits which include original an Apollo trainer and 1/10 scale models of a number of rockets from past and future NASA missions.
Staff training at ST: The Exhibition at Detroit Science Center
Let this be your gateway…at ST: The Exhibition at Detroit Science Center
Propose this weekend – enter to win a free wedding
Anyone in the area who has been thinking about popping the question, may want to do it on Saturday. In honor of opening day coinciding with Valentine’s day, the Detroit Science Center is giving any couple who get engaged at The Exhibition on Saturday a chance to win a ‘ultimate wedding package’ which includes private use of the exhibition, reception space at the Detroit Science Center for 200 guests and two night’s accommodations for the wedding couple at the Star Trek Suite at the MGM Grand Detroit Hotel and Casino. More info on the contest at detroitsciencecenter.org/ultimate wedding.
Beam in your wedding part at ST: The Exhibition at Detroit Science Center
Star Trek The Exhibition opens to the public on Valentine’s Day February 14th and will run until September 7th, 2009. There is a special preview on Friday night for Science Center members. More info at detroitsciencecenter.org.
Since ST: The Experience has closed, this has got to be the most comprehensive Trek exhibition going. Way to go!
Lucky Midwesterners!
Despite the abolsutely huge, and expected, cheesebag factor, this looks great.
Any schedule? Like NYC?
Belay that, AJ! We need it on the West Coast. The West Coast needs science, Treknology, all that good stuff. THEN you guys back East can get it.
All Global Trends Start in California. It’s not just a good idea. It’s the law.
Hmm…TOS phasers on what looks like a Galaxy-class starship with folks in TNG uniforms…maybe they are members of the RetroFleet Club. :-P
But seriously, have you ever stopped to think for a moment about how cool it is that some three-season TV show in the 1960’s has extended its reach to countless millions of people over four decades, spawned other ST series, movies, countless websites, fan clubs, endless discussions ranging from where the original Galileo 7 prop ended up to Data’s eye color to exhibitions like the one above? It’s mind-boggling to see how many people have been touched in a positive way thanks to Star Trek.
Sorry, just had to get that out…lol Thanks for the post, Anthony. :-D
wonder what makes the Star Trek Suite at the Hotel “star treky” ??
6, it’s probably an “homage” to Riker and Troi’s famous love scene in Nemesis plastered all over the walls. (Can you get that out of your mind? I dare you! ;-) )
its funny how on all of these things they never seem to get the uniforms right. Plus, I mean I know people know its not real, but seriously, how often do people wear glasses in the future? Except for Kirk, everyone seems to do fine with medication, so you’d think the people working there would wear contacts, but then again, that might be taking the job a bit too seriously.
Some people can’t tolerate contacts. Besides, IDIC. Glasses CAN be a fashion statement. :-)
Those costumes look horrible on those people.
Very cool
Devon, you know what, that is just uncool.
I really worry about some Trek fans, so negative…
I loved the ST Experience! I can’t wait for this to come to Seattle. I will be in line. We have a great science fiction museum in Seattle, so it would be a great fit for this! How cool.
Absolutely. To me, it’s a no brainer (no comments) for this to come to Seattle. Nestle it right there near the Science Fiction Museum and Seattle Center and EMP.
If funds allowed, I would definitely attempt to book a flight to Detroit for a day or two before Sept. Although, I’m hoping the exhibit will open somewhere on the east coast sometime in 2010.
BTW #13 – Excellent work on the Treks in Scifi podcast!
@ 13, Yea , I actually volunteered at the Star Trek 40th gala in 06, best time of my life there. Met the stars up close and got their autographs… FREE OF CHARGE!
wow…you know its a warm day on andoria when the cheap 1960s-eswue sets/props look more authentic than stuff since LOL
typo— meant to read ‘1960s-esque’ lol
No. 7 Hat rick
Don’t forget …………………..IDIC…………;o)
(Yes, I know, I’m breaking with formula and using the original English no. to represent ‘Number’ and not the accepted ‘hash’ or noughts and crosses symbol either..erm sorry ‘tic tac to’?)
Anyway IDIC
:)))..or is it :o))))
@ 10 – I think i am going to rush headlong into Devon’s defence here, it seems when u watch Trek everyone’s uniforms look loverly and tailored and perfect fit, but when Trekkies start breaking theres out, or a group of unwitting employees are forced into wearing uniforms, they sometimes look baggy, poor fitting and sometimes rubbish…notice the SOMETIMES! How much more effort is it to get a well fitting, tailored good quality uniform…hmmm!?
Not that I am moaning or trying to put any of you down or anything at all or anything, just saying…I am sure deep down you all agree! I am not negative, I am super positive about everything, just saying……
On another note, any chance this’ll come across the pond to good old Blighty???????? Would be schweeeeeeeeeeeet!
The problem with the uniforms is that they made the mistake of buying them from Rubie’s. They mass produced and loose pretty much all detail of the originals. It would have been much more beneficial for them to even buy the deluxe versions from rubies or even some other company, like warp-one.
Sounds good to me, i also hope it might come to the UK :)
TOS phasers in the hands of TNG uniformed people on a TNG ship is just wrong.
Fortunately, the inclusion of the gorgeous TOS bridge more than makes up for it! I hope it makes it’s way to Texas.
so… there’s a Star Trek suite at the hotel? is that a constant thing? Can we book that for a couple of nights? I can’t find anything on the MGM Grand website about it… ???
just curious, planning a trip to the USA for later in the year… can’t wait!
#23… yeah, it’s kind of like today’s SWAT teams carrying Winchester rifles. Oh well, they’re having fun. :-)
Is’nt that ship the Valkyrie, from TNGs “Redemption” two-parter, written by Ron Moore?
@23 – Who’s to say that some ship didn’t issue its crew TOS-era phasers due to budget constraints? Some of our military men carry revolvers, after all (although I think in most cases it’s their personal gun and not standard issue).
And @25, some of our military guys DO carry Winchesters – they still make one of the best sniper/hunting rifles out there. (Now I’m gonna get flamed by Browning fans…)
Back to @23 – Yeah, I hope it does, too – I’d take a ride over to Fair Park in Dallas just to see it. Hope the lighting is as nice.
19, good point about IDIC. Point taken. :-)
23. 27
I hope it makes it here too. With the Cottonbowl basically obsolete now that’d be one of the only reasons to make it out to Fairpark.
Like to see the TOS bridge. That’d be cool.
The uniforms are just so inaccurate…
But the Stargazer looks good!
Man, to stand on that TOS bridge would be a religious experience…
#8… don’t forget the transporter technician in “The Cage” that wore glasses, and rather think nerdly ones too! :)
The situation with the uniforms is not only the costumes being cheap but the staff are not movie actors with perfect bodies. They’re fans just like us and that’s how we all look in them. Glass houses and all…
which one is the Stargazer?
That Guy…
I would love to visit, but it’s pretty far away for me.
“Man, to stand on that TOS bridge would be a religious experience…”
My friend and I had our pix taken on the TOS Bridge when it was in Long Beach last year. It was so fun for this life-long Trekker! I smile every time I look at the photo.
Why is it that trekkies never can pull of the uniform, i mean look at then they look pathetic. I stopped wearing Star Trek uniforms when I was….I don’t know….12. The only good uniform is an expensive uniform not the 20 dollar one size fits whatever lol. I am just buggin, if they are having fun that is all that matters.
What is it with the glasses comments? Its all about being natural in the future, look at Picard, your telling me they don’t have a treatment for bald people 300 years in the future. Its all about aging gracefully, not lip injections.
Wow, some people need to lighten up a bit. They are not shooting a new movie or series here. They are employees (or fans) dressing for the occasion on a (I would guess) small budget. People tend to forget that the uniforms on the series/movies are professionally tailored for each actor on a much higher budget. They have different uniforms for different shots (sitting, action, etc.) They sometimes tape the costumes (unseen) for it to fit just right for a certain shot. As an entertainer, I have spent thousands per custom tailored costumes. I’m am sure that their budget is not that high.
I hope to get to Detroit this spring. Cant’ wait!
SPOCK: Weren’t those Glasses a birthday present from Dr. McCoy?
KIRK: And they will be again, Spock.
That’s the beauty of it.
As part of my work as a corporate finance consultant, and certainly for my volunteer work with a wealthy county’s department of emergency services, I have toured many command centers – including the super computers at Westinghouse’s nuclear division and numerous state-of-the-art commercial broadcast stations, radio and television.
The bridge of the USS Enterprise beats them all for sheer “wow”. Despite the distance, we may have to take the family on a road trip to see it in person!
C.S. Lewis
This is nice, but where’s the “more movie news” from yesterday.
I’m dying here.
Doubt if I can live another 90-days.
I hope it will sill come to to Charlotte, NC, like the original cities list said.
Those costumes look like the Standard variants of the Rubies Next Generation costumes.
Personally, I’d have gone with the Deluxe variants, and gotten my rank pins from Roddenberry.com.
Those costumes look better, since they have actual solid communicator pins.
#23, #27, #29—Add me to the list as well (people who want a stop in Texas).
Houston (would be convenient for me), Dallas, Austin, San Antonio…I don’t care. I’ll make the trip to sit in the TOS command chair and have my picture taken.
#12: Anthony, I’ve always wondered what it is about the internet that makes it so easy for folks to say such mean, nasty things… maybe their mothers didn’t give them chocolate chip cookies when they were young?
(besides the fact that anonymity is a horrible bedfellow to some people’s mouths)
Gee, Detroit is but three and a half hours away from home.. when I get there, that is.
This is flat – out awesome! Please, Lord, let me sit in this Captain’s chair on the TOS bridge! Then – and only then – I’ll be ready to “come home”. Oh, wait a minute, Lord. I also have to stand on a pad in a TOS transporter room. But this exhibit doesn’t have one! So, Dude of Dudes, Heaven will have to wait!
Just announced over here in Germany: a Star Trek Fan-Exhibition
in the museum of Eberswalde (near Berlin), Germany’s only Star Trek exhibition this year, titled “Fascinating”. Scheduled to open on May 7, 2009, 17.01 hrs. Following the opening of the exhibition, the new Star Trek movie premiers.
Nearly one thousand artifacts will be on view for five months in “Fascinating”. Mainly through licensed merchandise but also set used items, the fan-exhibition covers everything Trek from the first pilot to the latest production.
Including real world aspects, such as the Apollo moon landing and the story of the Mars crater Eberswalde. Because of traces of water, a proposed landing site for the future Mars rover Mars Science Laboratory.
Despite the exhibition opening not until May, the countdown to May 7 just began yesterday with a big Star Trek dinner. A number of events are planned, such as the celebration of First-Contact-Day on April 7.
I’ll be going multiple times and reporting about on my podcast! For once, it’s good to live in the Detroit area!