New Star Trek Blu-ray and DVD Sets Available for Pre-order

Last week we announced a number of new Star Trek DVD and Blu-ray sets coming this Spring and now all of the new sets are available for pre-order, with good discounts, at See below for links and prices.


Pre-order NOTE: Price Guarantee + no charge until ship date
All prices below are based on Amazon’s current pre-order price. Amazon offers a pre-order price guarantee, which means that if they lower the price between now and shipment, you will get that lower price. Also you are not charged until your order is shipped.


Star Trek: The Original Series – Season One [Blu Ray – April 28]

Pre-order available for $90.99 (discounted from retail price of $129.99)

All 29 episodes of the first season of Star Trek The Original Series, remastered in HD. Contains almost all the special features from the previous DVD and HD-DVD Season One sets. Offers new ‘seamless branching’ functionality to allow episodes to be viewed with the original special effects or the new digital special effects. [7 Blu-ray disks]   

Amazon pre-order: $90.99 [discounted $129.99]

Star Trek: Original Motion Picture Collection [Blu Ray – May 12]

Pre-order available for $97.99 (discounted from retail price of $139.99).

Theatrical versions of all six Star Trek feature films with the TOS crew (The Motion Picture, Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock, The Voyage Home, The Final Frontier, and The Undiscovered Country) in HD. Includes almost all the special features from the DVD ‘Special Editions’ plus new commentaries, new featurettes, new Blu-ray data features, and an additional disk with ‘Star Trek Summit,’ a new 70-minute roundtable featuring William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Patrick Stewart, and Jonathan Frakes, moderated by Whoopi Goldberg.  [7 Blu-ray disks]

Amazon pre-order $97.99 [discounted from $139.99]

Star Trek: Motion Picture Trilogy [Blu Ray – May 12]

Pre-order available for $45.99 (discounted from retail price of $65.99)

Theatrical versions of the three ‘Genesis’ Star Trek movies (Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock, The Voyage Home) in HD. Includes new commentaries and featurettes from ‘Original Motion Picture Collection’ (in HD) but without the original special features from the previous DVD sets or the new Blu-ray data features. [3 Blu-ray disks]

Amazon US: $45.99 [retail $65.99]

Star Trek: Motion Picture Trilogy [DVD – May 12]

Pre-order available for $27.99 (discounted from retail price of $39.98)

Theatrical versions of the three ‘Genesis’ Star Trek movies (Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock, The Voyage Home). Includes new commentaries and featurettes from ‘Original Motion Picture Collection’ but without the original special features from the previous DVD sets. [3 DVD disks]

Amazon pre-order: $27.99 [discounted from $39.98]

Best Of Star Trek: The Original Series [DVD – May 12]

Pre-order available for $10.49 (discounted from retail price of $14.98)

A TOSstarter kit containing four of the best episodes: "The City on the Edge of Forever," "The Trouble with Tribbles," "Balance of Terror," and "Amok Time." [1 DVD disk]

Amazon pre-order: $10.49 [discounted from $14.98].

Best Of Star Trek: The Next Generation [DVD – May 12]

Pre-order available for $10.49 (discounted from retail price of $14.98)

A TNG starter kit containing four of the best episodes: "The Best of Both Worlds" (Parts 1 & 2), "Yesterday’s Enterprise," and "The Measure of a Man." [1 DVD disk]

Amazon pre-order: $10.49 [discounted from $14.98].


See previous TrekMovie articles for more details on:

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Cool, I hope the price goes down soon!

I’m glad I waited for the Blueray TOS remastered. I will be pre-ordering the Tos series and movies.

What resolution am i watching the remastered standard def dvds when i play them on my BluRay player??? They look pretty frakkin amazing!

The price feels like more than TOS’ budget.

And what ever happened to SCI-FI Saturday?????????

How long do you think amazon will keep the pre-order price? Because that’s a good deal and I intend to buy TOS season 1 and the movie 6 pack, but I don’t know if I can spare $200 atm, but I’l definitely have more than enough squared away before April 28th/May 12th… Should I risk waiting awhile and end up paying an extra $80? Or should I lock in now?

why does the box for the Star Trek: Original Motion Picture Collection [Blu Ray] collection say “includes 6 motion pictures featuring kirk & spock”?

i mean, i like kirk and spock…but what is that all about?

7 – possibly because GEN features Kirk, but not Spock?

Re: 3. Bruce_Wayne – February 22, 2009

What resolution am i watching the remastered standard def dvds when i play them on my BluRay player??? They look pretty frakkin amazing!

You’re watching them in what is known as Standard Definition(480i). The reason it looks so good is that the source is HD. When you downconvert, the higher the quality of the source, the better the copy will look. However, since there are fewer lines of resolution in an SD video stream, you lose detail which becomes more noticeable the larger you attempt to display the image, so, while it looks great on your average 20″-36″ TV’s and computer screens, when you get up to things like large flat panels and even projectors in home theater set-ups, while it will still look good, it won’t look as good as it could were you to have an HD video stream instead!

Awesome preorder discounts…between the DVDs and all this other cool stuff coming in April/May – all preordered – everything’ll be coming at once…it’s like a second Christmas or birthday, except, well, I’m paying for it all. I watched a standard def. trek movie on my blu-ray and it looks awesome…i can’t imagine how good it’ll look when it’s released in blu-ray format.

My god all this Trek merchandise is going to hurt my wallet come May. But the pain will be worth it. :]

I thought the prices were going to be more in line with other series season sets. This is still too high especially considering how many times some of us have paid for this stuff. I for one will wait till I can get them deeply discounted through eBay or Amazon marketplace. I will not pay the MSRP. Also, while I like the idea of having the original versions remastered on the same discs as the CGI versions, I doubt I will ever watch them past the initial “let’s check out the feature” phase. I already have the 3 season sets and have seen these shows enough times over the last 30+ years that I can recite the lines by memory. The new VFX are the only part I care about because they are new and makes watching the shows interesting again. I suppose if I want to get a good price on them I should sell my 3 box sets on eBay now. Not having them in my collection might make me feel more urgency.

If only there were new Star Trek straight-to-DVD.

A decent Romulan War finale for Enterprise…


Thank you.

I DO have a 50″ flat HD tv, and it looks pretty darn good! MUCH better than digital broadcasts on TOS remastered weekend syndication…AND better than standard dvd res.

So, you’re saying that the BluRay dvds are going to be INSANE!!! I can’t wait! Will they fill the screen? Or still have the black bands on the right and left, leaving a 4:3 pic in the center?

The title for the Original Series Season One mistakenly says Original Motion Picture Collection. I noticed because I was looking for Season One by way of the titles and couldn’t find it, but when I looked again at the actual descriptions I found it.

I went ahead and pre-ordered the movies. Don’t really care about the series. Don’t need it in HD.

So what ARE the extras on the movie collection? Don’t tell me none when they just made a bunch only 5 years ago or so.

Oh, ignore me, misread.

I’m surprised they chose Measure of a Man over the likes of All Good Things for the best of TNG

It’s important to note that ST TMP is the theatrical version not the Director’s Cut. After the improvements Robert Wise made I’m not sure why you’d want the theatrical version. The problem is that it was rendered in 480P not HD. I’m sure they’ll reissue this with an HD master at some point.

Re: 14. Bruce_Wayne – February 22, 2009

Will they fill the screen? Or still have the black bands on the right and left, leaving a 4:3 pic in the center?

They’ll still be 4:3 ratio with the black pillar bars on the left and right sides of the image.

I’m actually hoping that if they get to a “TNG remastered” that they’ll remaster it to widescreen. They did it for the finale of Enterprise(the Ten Forward scene) so if we’re lucky we may get a more cinematic looking TNG… although, given that those shows were framed for 4:3, it’s unlikely we’ll see a widescreen format version of them(be it because of framing issues like lights being in the “wider” shot frame but not when they cropped for TV or some other reason).

Without going back and reading older articles….does this include the home movies the DVD’s had?

How much does a good Blu-ray player cost? Can I also hook it up with all the million of other things I have already plugged in?

re The Motion Picture trilogy – maybe it should be the ST motion picture ‘quadrilogy’..and include VI as there was ALOT of references to Treks II/III/IV in that and it served as a book end to TOS…

it looks to have been produced for newcomers to trek (like the best of TOS/TNG) so maybe it might have been best to include VI

Preordered the movie set and Season 1. Can’t wait!

Ok. I have my order in and I can’t wait to do my Mini Marathon of Tos Trek. Then ill do the Movies. So kool.Now come on May the 8th. just under 10 weeks to go

I want a ST:TMP,TDC in HD (badly!), therefore, I’m waiting to buy a damn BR player.
Yes, I have a notorious Toshiba HD-DVD A3… and the phaser remote. Woo-hoo.

They’re not getting another cent out of me. How many dips have been made into fans pockets already? Then they go and release TMP but no directors cut version. GRRR.

All the Blu-Rays i’ve bought up until now have been region free. Will the new Star Trek ones be region free too?

Damn. I already have all three restored seasons of TOS on DVD, and now they’re coming out with Blu-Ray ones… I think I’ll just get the movies. Ow, my wallet.


@gavin (#7)

Obviously, they’re expecting people who have never seen star trek get into it after the movie comes out, and those people will be like “Well the heroes of the movie are Kirk and Spock! Thus I should buy these movies blindly for more beautiful CGI and action like the trailer showed for this one!!!!”

i will be getting all trek on bluray. for those of you that have not seen blu ray, i can only say u need to. the difference is like imagine watching tv when you need glasses but dont know you need glasses. then watching it for the first time with glasses. its totally different movie. initially i bought the remastered dvd’s because i didnt have a blu ray, and i was like blu ray nah. but then i watched a blu ray movie. SOLD!!!!! A good blu ray will player will cost around 300, but you can get a ps3 for 400.

I’m still waiting for the Wesley Fan Collective. That’s the only DVD set I’d pay $50 for.

I was tempted to buy the HD-DVD first season but I figured I’d wait the war out. My PC plays HD and Blu Ray discs. I thought HD would win. People chose Video Cassette Recorders over Beta because it was cheaper and (oddly enough) they did not care about the higher resolution. (“I don’t need a fancy Beta thing, I just need a video recorder”.)

It was easy (sorta) to wait for the Blu Ray discs once HD went down.

If you have HD channels hooked up with HDMI cables to a large screen HD TV, you should know how much better it is over SD. About half the shows are still in SD, I.E. Letterman is in HD, Ferguson is in SD.

Sci Fi seems to look so much better. Sci FI and football for some reason. And the Blu Ray discs look much better than TV. As good as DVD’s look, it’s hard to believe they pale in comparison.

One of the things that make these discs worth getting is the fact that they underwent serious restoration(with TWOK getting extra TLC). They’ve all needed refurbishment for years.

I was sold on the Star Trek: Original Motion Picture Collection until it said it was narrated by Whoppi Goldberg

Re: 36 – Only the bonus disc with a panel discussion. William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes all together discussing Trek. How bad can Whoopi mess it up, baby?

She’s a fan. Try to cut her some slack.

Wow, I really need to get a Blu-ray player. D:
…But then again, I already have movies II, IV, and VI on DVD.
..Eh, whatever. I’ll get those… when I get a job!

In reference to 21:

It may be possible to reframe TNG for wide screen (it’s been previously discussed why the effects need to be redone since they were digitally composited on video).

Sony is remastering Seinfeld for HD by going back to the original film elements and reframing those. It won’t necessarily show everything the original 4:3 elements showed, but in some cases the frame was cropped and might be opened up some. It may be possible to do the saem for TNG and subsequent Trek series


TNG was mastered on video too. Gonna be tough to convert for HD.

It just bothers me that they are asking us to shell out the money for the original versions of these movies on Blu-Ray when you know that, somewhere down the line, they will roll out the extended versions to get us to re-buy them.

They made a mistake with me by not inlcuding the Directors Cut of TMP on Blu-ray. Based on that, along with the fact that ST5 is painful to watch, I’ve just ordered the Motion Picture Trilogy instead. I will wait until I can buy a single of ST6 on Blu-Ray for $25 (someone always splits these up and sells them on Ebay) and then wait for a future release of TMP-DC on Blu-Ray. I’m not falling for buying the whole original series on Blu-ray right now as well; I will wait several years and buy the whole 3 seasons for $100 and in the meantime I have the DVD’s still. Don’t let Paramount SUCKER you into all this folks…save you money to see the new movie 5 times instead.

re: 39

Yeah, that’s my hope, since they were able to do that for the Riker bits in the Enterprise finale. In my personal collection, I’ve gone in an edited pan-and-scan croppings of most of DS9. After looking through TNG to see if I felt it was worth doing the same to it, I realized one “flaw” in things. They blocked the actors together in most 2 shots to fit both on screen and, a side effect of the 4:3 ratio is that they are insanely close to each other(I’m thinking specifically of a corridor shot in Chain of Command between Geordi and Riker).

I’m still hopeful. Assuming they were to remaster, they would also have to go back to the original EDL’s assuming they had them and re-transfer the film, remaster the images color and contrast, and either recomposite the vizfx or just redo them in their entirety.

Of course, all that is doable for TNG and most of DS9 since they still used models. Unfortunately for those who want a “Voyager Remastered” in HD, they would definitely have to do all the vizfx from scratch since the outputs were only rendered out at SD resolutions from DD back in the day(I can’t find the direct link so just see his blog that I’ve linked, but Mojo, one of the key modelers/effects animators for DD posted a blog(or a response to someone) on what makes this the case, most of it having to do with all the hard-drives being sold off and wiped when production shut down).

I concur. I’m getting the trilogy.

I wish just they had remastered (HD+FX) those eps from the TNG sampler in blu-ray, just to promote the viability of TNG a remastering project.

When ST – TMP DC comes out on Blu-Ray then I will consider getting a suitable player.

Or should that ST – TMP DE?

I’m in for everything except the TNG set. While I understand the studio’s apparent desire to keep the original series and JJ’s new movie seperate, abandoning the original series font on the original series season one set is kind of silly and the packaging suffers for it.

And I agree, I would have MUCH rather had the far superior director’s cut of TMP. I just hope these are scanned off of the original negatives.

Amazon also shows something called “The Ultimate Star Trek Movie Collection Blu Ray” but without a price or the ability to pre-order. Anyone know what this is?

I usually buy from, since they beat Amazon on most discs. They list TOS Blu-ray for $80 (+ free shipping), but they’re a few dollars higher on the other sets. Maybe Amazon will lower their price to compete.

I was hoping for a bit more of a discount but it’s a lot cheaper than I thought it would be. Knowing Paramount, I figured it would be MSRP of $199.99.