Last but not least from our video updates from the Saturn Awards, TrekMovie had some quick moments with three of Star Trek’s most famous guest stars: John deLancie, Malcolm McDowell and Catherine Hicks. deLancie talked Star Trek: The Music and the new movie, McDowell talked about killing the original Kirk and the new Kirk, and Hicks talked about how she is "Leonard Nimoy’s girl."
Video chats with Trek Guest Stars at Saturns
highlights from each
John deLancie (Q – TNG/DS9/VOY)
- Describes "Star Trek: The Music" as a "wonderful production", unsure when the next performance will be done
- Thinks the 2009 Star Trek movie was "very good" and "a necessary jump that the franchise needed to make"
- And is Q in the new universe? "of course, Q is just around the corner"
Malcolm McDowell (Dr. Tolian Soran- Star Trek: Generations)
- Was presenting award for Best Sci-Fi Movie and predicted Avatar would win (which it did)
- Thought the 2009 Star Trek movie was "brilliant" feels "JJ Abrams really reinvented the franchise"
- Is "hoping to be in the next one"
- Interested in killing off the new James T. Kirk? "I would love to do it, I volunteered to kill off Picard because I thought he was an old bore, but there were no takers on that one."
- On Nimoy: “I am a tremendous fan…terrific guy, brilliant actor, brilliant director.”
- On killing the first Kirk "why do we keep on having to repeat this. I killed Kirk. Get over it!"
Catherine Hicks (Dr. Gillian Taylor – Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
- Apologized for having to cancel her appearance at next weekend’s screening of Star Trek IV
- On bringing back Dr. Taylor for Star Trek V or VI "everybody (fans) wanted her to come back but whenever you have a new film and new director, they want to do their own thing…I was Leonard [Nimoy]’s Girl, the next director was Shatner and he wanted to do his own thing"
- On Leonard Nimoy "I owe him everything, he found me"
- Says she has grown to appreciate Star Trek more over time, didn’t first realize “what a legacy I became a part of”
John deLancie on the Saturn red carpet
Malcolm McDowell on the Saturn red carpet
Catherine Hicks in the Saturn press room
Photos courtesy of Albert L. Ortega
It would be cool if JJ referenced other Treks in the new movie. Q would be perfect and could be useful as a plot device to set something difficult up and running.
Malcolm McDowell on killing the first Kirk “why do we keep on having to repeat this. I killed Kirk. Get over it!”
Thank you for that sentiment! Seriously, best advice to Trekkies ever…
Viddy well, little brothers, viddy well….
Wow, Catherine looking hot. I really had quite the, er, soft spot (yes that was a euphemism!) when she did TVH.
and having just watched the video I wil add she is also a lovely, lovely lady it seems. I’m in love!
3: @Buzz Cagney: Yes, Catherine is a doll!
Is it just me or does she look even more attractive now than she did 24 years ago?
Its great that they are liking the new Trek movie.
The only thing that was annoying me was mainstream reaction that seemed to put our Trek in an unfavourable light.
I have been hoping to convert more of my friends into the Star Trek (ie the Prime Universe) I grew up loving as a result of this movie.
I have friends who only seen new movie and some TOS, I want to to show them more TOS and the spin off shows. Eage r for them to see the 24th Century.
Guys I am sorry for moaning abooutthe changes in the movie but I hope understand my gripes with the changes in the new movie.
Malcolm wants to indulge in a bit of the old ultraviolence toward the new Kirk – haha! And he wanted to off Picard, too. You will never change your ways, my little droogie!
great interview pls can we have more like them and i so want to see and well hear that music with q how cool would that be
Now if Soran had of killed Picard instead and James T Kirk went on to captain the enterprise again with the new crew for the rest of the tng movies that would have been awesome.
Spock could have joined the crew and it would have been interesting how the dynamic for the rest of the crew changed under a different leadership style.
# 9, good idea, but sadly the leadership behind the camera would not have changed and we would have had the same old tired Berman style Trek…which mixes with TOS style Trek like oil and water.
I get tired of the Berman hating on this site.
I happen to like a lot of Trek under Berman’s watch.
But #11, B-hate is like Pepis~light. I’ve very unhealthy but you smoke it anyway…
*Happy 4th of July!!!*
wow…. where did my thinking go. I’ve for It’s?
Is it just me or should the last TNG film had involved Q ? He’s always been there during the premiere and finale of TNG. He was centric character to the TNG family.
Q should have been in one of the movies, that would have been awesome.
I have always hated Catherine Hicks. Thank God she’s just a footnote on the Trek legacy.
But Soran never killed Kirk Prime (except in the original ending). In the reshoot, Kirk died in an accident.
#14 and #15 But where would the real jeopardy and drama be in a movie, when you have a guy who can change everything by just clicking his fingers? All Good Things ended the Q and Picard antogonism, so he wouldn’t have been an enemy, and as their friend he could just reset any event in the movie and get them out of any trouble at the drop of a hat. Take away Q’s powers and you are recycling old episode plots.
Apologized for having to cancel her appearance at next weekend’s screening of Star Trek IV? She’s been scheduled for months to be at a convention in Baltimore next weekend. Sounds like someone’s agent didn’t look at the calendar.
But who shot at the bridge to make it unstable.
People criticise the death of Kirk but at least in the final cut of Generations Kirk dies a hero rather than just getting shot in the back.
You smoke Pepsi Lite? Maybe your ‘thinking’ is worse off than you realize!
That, as they say, is that…
Dr. Gillian Taylor, circa 1986
Worst. Delivered. Line. Ever.
She looks great and her acting has improved over the years but her performance in TVH was simply awful.
I loved her in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
If my idea in post 9 had come to be, the next film we could have had a sub plot where Q come along to wreak havoc with the mind of James T Kirk.
Kirk somehow finds a way to strip Q of his powers then dumps him on a planet to think about what he has done for the next 50 years.
Finally putting to rest that tired old argument that all true star trek lovers already know re who is the better captain.
I should have been a writer.
@ 17 (Dalek)
I think they could have done Q. There was a few questions left unanswered regarding the Q story-thread in the TNG finale. I think Q did mention that humanity’s trial or wtv was still on-going. He didn’t say it directly, but there was a few implications made there.
I think they could have found a great story with regards to Q. Nemesis was too much of Wrath of Khan being over-used and butchered.
You made a good point about the fantasy-element of the Q character. They could have re-designed the character a bit, to work it into the film. But oh well…. enough pondering….. lol
I thought she was very charming in ST:IV — a very good match for Kirk at that stage in his life.
i enjoyed Catherine Hicks role in TVH and would definitely have liked to have seen her again.An appearance by Q would be fun.
#19 Granted it was better than being shot in the back but I don’t think it was worthy of Kirk. A better ending would have been him saving the TNG crew from the exploding warp core, by having to pilot the battle bridge out of range (a bit like George Kirk letting the shuttles leave when the auto pilot had been disengaged), with the original timeline having the crew all die when the warp core exploded.
#24 Yeah not saying it’s impossible, but I have a suspicion other writers thought about Q but couldn’t find a way to make it work and have the jeapordy in the movie feel real without a “Q can click his fingers at any second to reverse or reset this”. It probably would have had to be a fantasy comedy type movie, and then you’d have the dilemma of a general audience shining to the character like the fans do.
Incidentally I did hear that De Lancie said at a con many years ago that he didn’t consider Star Trek proper science fiction.
He didn’t kill Shatner Kirk. The whole Next Gen history was wiped from existence never happened yet and likely wouldn’t in the same ultra lib, hippee commune way because this Trek’s future is decidedly more miltaristic. Sorry no Kinder care on a Federation Battleflagship and no Bay area empath shrink sitting next to the captain on the bridge. They can split hairs with a phoney alternate timeline thing all they want so a large number of Trekkers don’t have nervous breakdowns but this movie was a full blown reboot plain and simple. I’m cool with it
love catherine hicks!
No Q he was always a joke.
I agree, Catherine looks smoking hot now, eventhough shes practically 60. It wouldve been a cool send off as well in Star Trek VI TUC if she got a chance to say good bye to our favorite captain
Well, whether these Hollywood actors love ST09 or not, they’ll of course always say they do. JJ Abrams is a Hollywood director and he might wanna cast them in some project in the future.
Catherine looks HOT!!! ::drool::
Q would be a fun edition to a new movie. He’s a guy very like Trelane, but much more dangerous and serious.
But… I think Q would have to be recast and I doubt anyone could portray a Q like John deLancie did.
31. Holger
Sometimes, just sometimes my cynical friend, we need to take things at face value.
Always loved Q in TNG and some of the best scenes in the series are between DeLancie and Stewart. It’s a shame they never brought him over into the films, but then again, how do you deal with an all-powerful entity and have the story be satisfying as a feature film?
@ Dalek
“Incidentally I did hear that De Lancie said at a con many years ago that he didn’t consider Star Trek proper science fiction.”
Wow, lol. I think everything of Trek up until Star Trek 09′ is proper sci-fi. I think star wars + trek 09′ is improper sci-fi.
Its stil lscience fiction but it takes the space fantasy element more from Star Wars this time round.
I do think the destiny card that Bob Orci plays is more into the comic book realm.
@ 37
Yea, thats a good point. Its still IS science fiction, but its very very weak science fiction.
Also, regarding the “destiny card”. I do think thats also one thing that was a weaker point of Trek 09′. I think adding more layers of reality into Trek 09′ would have been more enjoyable and believable, then Kirk randomly meeting Spock on Delta Vega (which isn’t supposed to be right next to vulcan). Not even our moon is that close, lol.
When a movie adds many layers of reality…. it gives the viewer the ability to BELIEVE in whats happening and to completely understand the motivations/relations.
I don’t think its too late for Q to appear in a TNG film. I just think they need to re-evalute how to do it, with a healthy budget. O don’t see TNG back in theatres any time soon, if ever, but I could see a VERY successful Direct t DVD series, or trilogy, being made. If Stargate and BSG can do it, surely so can TNG!
Probably the best thing to do would be a TNG “trilogy”, with the first and last one including Q.
One “quick” way to save Shatners Kirk would be to film a quick 5 min part with Leonard Nimoys Spock leaving the “new Trek” and zipping back to the Kirk, Picard and Dr Tolian Soran, fist fight, and have Leonard Nimoys Spock save the day.
Shatners Kirk is saved,Dr Tolian Soran is arrested,(and may return one day),and Picard rides off in the sunset.
There would be afew ways to save Shatners Kirk, but I see this as the best easy option.
you would only need 4 cast, and the same couple of props set up.
Gees I wonder what Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman think of that,,
#28 Lord Garth — this comment reminds me of a line from the much-maligned movie, “Sphere”:
So that’s what the little green men are saying now? “Take me to your therapist”?
Catherine Hicks looks great!
Interesting facial expression on Catherine Hicks when talking about Nimoy and Shatner. While talking about Nimoy her face is practically beaming, you can tell she loves the man. When she mentions Shatner, you can almost see her lip curl with disgust. Yup, the track record of every actor who ever worked with Shatner hating his guts is consistent to this day!
Its criminal that DeLancie never got to be in a NextGen movie. He was practically a regular – the Sideshow Bob of TNG. I would much rather have seen a Q-related movie in place of the truly heinous “Insurrection”. Someone turn back the hands of time!
Re: # 31, I think Holger got it exactly right – nobody with any sense of self-interest in Hollywood is going to say anything bad about anybody else’s work because they don’t want to burn bridges and knock themselves out of getting a job down the road. Hollywood is a small town with a very long memory, so OF COURSE everybody loved it! People gotta eat!
great video…enjoyed that.
I tried to find the bit where she was curling her lip in disgust as she talked about Shatner. Wasn’t there.
Will they ever produce a direct-to-Blu-Ray or Tv movie with Patrick Stewart as Picard and John de Lancie as Q?
“Nemesis” wasn’t a good ending and Q promised to return to Picard.
Also the Q/Picard dynamic was the best thing of TNG, Picard or Q in the first place.
With more modern SFX a lot should be possible with Q.
I wish they would have made a Q movie as the final TNG film instead of the clone story.
34 Anthony Thompson: I don’t know whether I’m your friend, but I’m not cynical but – I believe – just realistic. I agree with you wholeheartedly that sometimes things have to be taken at face value. My point here is that, realistically, Hollywood actors’ comments on Hollywood productions are not among those things.
47Aw, c’mon, Chris, it’s subtle, but just watch the expression on her face when she says, “Shatner”. You can see she’s biting her lip from wanting to say something more.