Tomorrow is William Shatner’s 80th birthday, which is also the 3rd annual International Talk Like William Shatner Day. This afternoon The Shatner Project has released a new video with celebrities showing off their Shatners, including Will Sasso, Kevin Pollak and Jason Alexander.
Talk Like William Shatner Day is Tuesday – are you ready?
Here is the new Shatner Project Video celebrating March 22nd as Talk Like William Shatner Day.
Still time to enter TrekMovie/ThinkGeek Talk Like William Shatner Video Contest
Today is the last day to enter the Talk Like William Shatner Day video contest, which includes prizes from and ThinkGeek. We have extended the deadline to midnight Monday Pacific Time. We have also secured the services of Maurice LaMarche (founder of International Talk Like William Shatner Day) to help judge the winners. See previous article for prizes and submission details.
See previous article for details
More information on the Water Works/UNICEF/Giant Robot event at
Ha! I’m finally the first!
Looking forward to seeing the winner!
Damn Kevin Pollack sounds EXACTLY like Shatner! HahaAA!
Happy Birthday Capt. Kirk Prime!!
Long Live the Shat. Happy Birthday Jim.
The best tribute to a man, a husband, a father, an actor, a director, a writer, a singer. A legend.
But that doesn’t mean that there’s room for him in the sequel: Trek 12, for those with difficulty in counting. We’ve just been introduced to a new crew: we need to explore and challenge them. We need to see the triumvirate form. We need a great, fleshed-out villain. We need a proper engineering set which doesn’t take you out of the film and make you think you’re watching that awful film, Titanic, again.
You’re in the Captain’s chair, now, JJ. Make a difference.
¡¡¡ Happy Birthday ….Feliz Cumpleaños Bill Shatner !!!
BTW, Watched the Special Edition ST VI and they talked about Bennett’s “Academy Years” and possibly using younger actors and essentially rebooting the series in ’91. Who do you think they would have used if this had occured? I always thought Daniel Hugh Kelly in Insurrection was a dead ringer for a younger Kirk.
Incidentally, it’s “Pollak” and not “Pollack.”
Happy……………………..Birthday!WilliamShatner. May you, …CONTINUE to livelongandprosper.
Happy….Birthday, Mr….Shatner! Live long and continue to prosper.
” It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Happy Birthday, Mr. Shatner.
Will Saso = tease
Glenn Beck used the Savage Curtain tonight on his show, he even did a Capt. Kirk impression
My..messageisthis. Best wishes..on…your …birthday, Mr.Shatner! Overandout!
Happy Birthday to William Shatner
Guy with hat fails.
It was the best of times,it was the worst of times.Happy birthday Jim!
Right from Brazil, where your president Obama just came, I, in name of all my people, salute the wonderful man that is William Shatner…!
Eighty years is a lot of LIFE and to an artist, actor, director, writer, and much more, like him is a bless to us all…!
Best wishes and happy birthday…!! May he live yet long and bring joy to our lives…!!
Happy 80th Birthday William Shatner :) I hope your special day is filled with joy, love and happiness, you are the best
Happy birthday Bill.
Kevin Pollack #winning
The perfect solution: Bill Shatner as TIBERIUS KIRK but he’s got to lose the Toop. He get’s to be his own grandfather! And throw in Nick Frost as Harry Mudd for extra comic relief. BOLDLY GO, JJ!
Happy Birthday, Bill & Leonard! Enjoy the ride!
0:51-0:55 — I think that’s now the first time I’ve every seen this guy doing anything close to actual acting.