According to a new report, Paramount Pictures has shuffled their production schedule and moved the shoot for their planned Jack Ryan reboot (starring Chris Pine) into 2012. The studio hoped they could film Moscow before the Star Trek sequel, but script problems for the Jack Ryan film have forced them to swap the order around. So far it looks like the Trek sequel is still on track to shoot later this year.
Paramount puts Chris Pine’s Jack Ryan reboot after Star Trek
One thing concerning Paramount execs this year is managing Chris Pine’s schedule. The studio has the actor set to return as Captain Kirk in their twelfth Star Trek film and to star in the their fifth Jack Ryan movie (titled Moscow). Like he did with Star Trek in 2009, Paramount hopes Pine can help revive the Tom Clancy novel-based Ryan franchise which has been dormant since 2002’s The Sum of All Fears. The original plan was to do the Jack Ryan movie this spring and then move on to the Star Trek sequel, but a new report states Paramount has flipped the order around. According to Deadline there has been a "creative setback" with he Moscow script and they are now looking for a new writer, noting "The slow process of nailing the Ryan script has prompted the studio to focus on getting Pine at the helm of the USS Enterprise first."
According to the report, the studio plans to start production on the Star Trek sequel this fall, with the Jack Ryan reboot to follow (presumably in 2012).Other recent reports and actor comments have pegged the Trek shoot to start as early as August, so it isn’t clear if this "fall" report is a change or just a conservative estimate. The release date for the Star Trek sequel is still fixed to June 29, 2012.
Deadline’s article is consistent with other recent TrekMovie reporting that JJ Abrams is still not confirmed to direct his second Trek production. Abrams has previously stated he expected to make an announcement in March following receipt of the script draft. Over the weekend Star Trek co-writer Roberto Orci stated here in the TrekMovie comments that he estimates the script is 75% complete.
TrekMovie will continue to monitor events regarding the production of the Star Trek sequel, so stay tuned.
Following Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck, Chris Pine is the fourth actor to take on the role of Jack Ryan – but not until after he returns as Kirk
Jack Ryan REBOOT? I actually liked SUM OF ALL FEARS.
i am sorry but that does not work jack ryan left the marines and did not work for a russian billionaire it just don’t work in any way shape or form i would be very suprised if tom clancy actually backed this
Just have Tom Clancy write the new Star Trek movies and be done with it.
Take your time guys, you can’t rush perfection. Time showed that the extra months granted for Star Trek 2009’s development when the studio decided it wanted a summer release were helpful, so if you guys need a little extra time then by all means take it, just as long as you deliver to use another awesome movie. Rarely have there been two great Star Trek movies in a row (except for the Genesis trilogy).
Alec Baldwin is still my favorite Ryan (in Hunt for Red October), but after watching Pine in Unstoppable, I can easily see him in the role.
Should be a good flick… if they get the script ironed out.
The Jack Ryan movie might get delayed even further if JJ, bob and the team decide to film Trek 12 and 13 back to back ;) . Is that correct ?
I am pleased that Chris Pine won’t be rushing to do two major movies within a short space of each other. The man does need some R&R. So will it be the theatre again for Chris this summer? It’ll probably have to be shorter run that the one last year. The play The Lieutenant of Inishmore ran from 30 June to 8 August 2010, playing six days a week, twice on Saturdays and Sundays.
Of course, Chris could come downunder for a spot of skiing on Mt Ruapehu…Does he ski? I don’t/can’t, but that’s OK(?) Then again, he could head off to Hawaii for some summer surfing. Does he surf? Hawaii Five-O shows that place as looking pretty nice.
It is a bit sad that writers can’t seem to nail down the stories. What is going on in Hollylala land?
Who is Chris Pine again?
Yeah, they’d BETTER not bump Star Trek for some Jack Ryan flick.
We don’t want another fake-out like last time; making us wait an extra half year….
Hope he doesn’t sign on to star in any more huge movies within the next few years. It would suck if he hit that celebrity exposure saturation point and everyone got sick of him.
@11 Yeah, we wouldn’t want Chris Pine turning into the next Harrison Ford. Ummm…..
Kidding! Chris does look a little bit scruffy though. ;)
Looks good. I love all of the Jack Ryan movies. The Hunt for Red October and Clear and Present Danger are my top 2. Chris in my opnion is now an A list actor. That is GREAT!!!! FOR TREK.
I had to Threten Bob Orci with the Agoniser Booth set on high for 48 hours to get him to tell us how much of the script he had done. Bob Orci was very smart to Answer the question. Lol
FALL??? … wow … will be CP doing another film before Star Trek?? … there are some rumors … nah … he should go on vacation … :-)
FALL??? … so is that why Mr. Bob Orci seemed so calm … they have
:-) :-)
15. Actually, no he dosen’t. Tons of back end work needs to be done. Studio has to sign off of the script, gotta build the sets, get permits, blah blah blah. That makes for a busy six months before the first frame is shot.
In fact the script for Jack Ryan seems … convinced no one so far … so better to postpone!
Chris Pine is quickly establishing himself as THE breakout star of the Trek cast!
Good for him!
@14 – I can imagine Bob Orci like Michael Douglas in Wonder Boys – in his pink rob, typing at his desk, remembering that he initially started out writing the sequel as a small screenplay that’s gotten larger in scope and promising others that it’s nearly done, some tinkering in places, etc.
More than 2,600 pages later…. :-p
…and then his partners Kurtzman & Lindelof pull up in a Ford Galaxy…
So who’s going to star in the TJ Hooker reboot?
20. William Shatner…
Wonder Boys was a great flick!
#4 Dances with Klingons
Awesome nic, I’m still laughing!
#16 -Phil
Actually, I was being… a bit ironic! … My guess is that they have already finished the script… maybe they just review something … the predictable!
And until the autumn comes … I hope at the end of summer … lol … after they have promoted their other projects…
…. finally will filming STAR TREK SEQUEL! … LOL
:-) :-)
Awesome news!
With the exception of “The Hunt for Red October” none of the Jack Ryan films have been very good…Why would Pine even want the role that has been played by so many others? I would think he has better options on his plate.
Well, it worked for the Bond franchise….
Hunt for Red October was teh best of the worst in the series, but they are all horrible when you contrast the films to the books. Clear and Present Danger was hardly anything like the book as was all the other movies. If Hollywood cant get any original ideas, well then they should stick to the source material and reallt make a movie based on an actual book in the Ryan series. I mean just having a movie that just has the title in common with the book is a joke, and does nothing to make me interested in seeing a “reboot”, no matter how great the actor is..
Maybe Chris Pine likes Tom Clancy books and the character Jack Ryan. Just a guess, that’s all.
@28. You’ve got to be kidding! The Hunt for Red October and Clear and Present Dangers are movie classics. The other two movies were just OK — I’ll give you that. FYI — I’ve read all the Ryan novels as well.
Best Cold War Movies:
7 Days in May
The Hunt for Red October
The Russia House
From Russia with Love
(FYI — Dr. Strangelove is overated IMHO)
I have not read any of the books but the movie The Hunt for Red October is one of my favourites. What is odd is that, until recently, I did not know who Jack Ryan was. I know now, but Alec Baldwin’s interpretation of Jack Ryan was so unmemorable. The ones who stood out for me was the Russian captain (Sean Connery) and his first officer (Sam Neill).
Given that Jack Ryan is not really known to me, Chris Pine might just as well be the first actor to play Jack Ryan. I’m sure he will play the character well, when and if they get to do the film.
Geez, just hire a different actor to play Jack Ryan. If they can’t get Pine, then they can’t get Pine – it’s not like the character hasn’t been played by a bunch of different guys before. And if they want someone who has the Pine look, there’s tons of guys in Hollywood who have his face. Hell, I can hardly tell Chris Pine apart from people like Ian Somerhalder.
Well, when you share the screen with Connery pretty much any actor is going to come off as unmemorable in the end.
As for Sam Neill—in my opinion, he’s the most under-appreciated actor in the last twenty years. Would like to see him in more (bigger) films… maybe a role Star Trek… as one of those crooked admirals that seem to pop once in awhile.
Yeah, I could see that.
Well, when you share the screen with Connery pretty much any actor is going to come off as unmemorable in the end.
As for Sam Neill—in my opinion, he’s the most under-appreciated actor in the last twenty years. Would like to see him in more (bigger) films… maybe a role in Star Trek… as one of those crooked admirals that seem to pop once in awhile.
Yeah, I could see that.
Oops, sorry for the double posting. Browser went crazy.
#32 They can get Pine. It is the Jack Ryan movie script that is the problem. Did you not read the article? It is likely now that Chris Pine will do the Jack Ryan film after Star Trek. It was hoped that Chris would do Jack Ryan before the Star Trek sequel. Besides, there is probably a contract between Paramount and Chris Pine lying around somewhere stating that the Jack Ryan role belongs to Chris Pine.
@34. In a similar fashion, William Defoe (as Clark) and Donald Moffit (as the U.S. President) really delivered in Clear and Present Danger.
@36. Hell, I could write a decent Jack Ryan movie script….how do you f**k up a Tom Clancy novel?????
Unless of course they are completely redoing the concept to update it…in which case, I would worry about them really botching it up.
Interesting that they cast Pine as a younger Harrison ford given the Han Solo was originally a James T Kirk knockoff to ensure Star Wars had an audience.
“Moscow” was never a Tom Clancy novel, so they needn’t worry about f**king it up.
Honestly that show is the lucky one. You know what happens if the guys turn in the script for Star Trek (X)II and it sucks something hard?
The movie gets made anyways.
bob when will the script for Trek XII be finished I’m really hungry for more :)
Methinks its about time they done that Rainbow Six film based on his novel.
41. Plenty of Star Trek out there to keep you going while you wait.
May I suggest Enterprise on DVD? The closest you’ll ever get from a series, to the big $$$$$$ effects in the last film. Prequel to the whole Trek universe, and apparently this series of films too.
Perhaps The Original Series on Blu-ray. 45 years old but it’s scrubbed up well, especially now it has CGI. Advantages being the same characters (more or less, give or take the alternative reality).
Sum of All Fears (terrible book, btw) was a good movie that was released just too soon after 9/11 to portray a city getting nuked. The producers managed to trim out the TWO lengthy how-to sections on building a multi-stage nuke and get to the story. Afleck was good as Jack Ryan.
Having said all that… um, do we need another Jack Ryan movie? There are so many good action/agent franchises out there. Moreover, in the books, Ryan is a family man who’s life advances. In the movies, he’s always 30-something and acts like he has no family to worry about.
Anyway, best of luck to Pine.
Well, now that Jack Ryan’s out of the way, there shouldn’t be anymore potential scheduling conflicts…right??
Hope they finish the script already. For a big special f/x driven movie, it’s going to be a tight schedule to deliver the movie by next June. They had a ton of extra time on ST09, not so much this time around.
Is Jack Ryan really a big franchise? Before Trekmovie started to report about Pine’s role, I don’t think I have heard that name before. Jack Ryan is definitely not James Bond.
As far as I know the trouble was always the script … seems that was initially written for another movie… I think, “Dubai ” or something… then, it seems that they decided to take the script for ” Jack Ryan “… and renamed to “Moscow”… and it seems that until now, the producers could not get a writer to solve THE TROUBLE with the script! … LOL … it seems …+LOL
And finally, Chris Pine is the best thing about it… maybe he should think again whether to continue attached to this project…. but I think he could be a great “Jack Ryan”… with THE RIGHT SCRIPT, of course!
Probably Chris Pine will be busy with other projects until the start of filming Star Trek 2 … when the actors bring the voices in Rise of the Guardians? … anyone know?
:-) :-)
I got the original series all three seasons:) and TNG and all 11 films I love it all but I really want a new Star Trek film :) guess it’s like waiting for Star Trek 2009 all over again but now it’s the sequel
@47 “As far as I know the trouble was always the script … seems that was initially written for another movie… I think, “Dubai ” or something… then, it seems that they decided to take the script for ” Jack Ryan “… and renamed to “Moscow”… and it seems that until now, the producers could not get a writer to solve THE TROUBLE with the script! … LOL … it seems …+LOL”
Wow, with all the great Clancy novels, this is what Paramount comes up with? How ridiculous is this???