There hasn’t been a new Star Trek comic issued by IDW since February, and that was part of a multi-franchise cross-over. After concerns arose following no new Trek books being announced for the summer, today IDW’s Editor-in-Chief revealed that Star Trek comic books are coming in the fall. Details below
IDW Promises New Star Trek Comics Coming This Fall
With the exception of the two issues included in the multi-franchise crossover zombie series "Infestation," there have not been any new Star Trek comic titles launched in 2011. Following the recent announcement of IDW’s August titles (which again didn’t include an new Trek comics) some fans and retailers have been wondering what the future holds, so today IDW Editor-in-Chief Chris Ryall turned to Twitter to settle people’s concerned. Ryall stated (in two tweets):
Ahh, unfounded rumors, how you take over my days. September and October solicits should put an end to the "IDW’s done with Star Trek!" talk.
In even more specific terms: yes we’re still doing Star Trek comics. Exciting new things coming this fall.
Today IDW would not provide TrekMovie with any more specifics, but earlier in the year they did confirm that there would new Trek comics coming this year from both the new Star Trek movie universe and the classic universe. A good bet would be another book from the Orci & Kurtzman-led team that brought us "Star Trek: Countdown," "Star Trek: Nero" and the 2009 "Star Trek" movie adaptation, plus another original Star Trek series title from comic book legend John Byrne (who last year said he had some additional titles still to be released). The solicitations for September will be announced in late June, so we will know more than.
Even with two new titles coming in the fall, 2011 will likely be the slowest year for Star Trek comics since IDW took over the license in 2007. In their first year they put out four new series, with seven in 2008, ten in 2009 and five last year. The reasoning for this is likely the simplest – Star Trek comics have not been selling as well as IDW’s other franchise titles, such as G.I. Joe and Transformers.
TrekMovie will follow-up with updates on the upcoming IDW Star Trek titles when new information is available. Expect our usual previews and reviews in the fall.
In the mean time, you can catch up on the last few Star Trek series from 2010, which are all now available as trade paperback graphic novels, and all available at Amazon.
New Comics! Always cool!
I love their work and have every new comic they have put out.
Countdown would have made an awesome movie by itself!
Yes, new universe, please!
It’s amazing to me that it’s been two years and Paramount has done barely ANYTHING with this fresh, exciting new Trek universe they and Abrams created. Do they not realize how desperate fans like me are for more stories set there?
If those stories happened to get contradicted by future movies, so be it. Just give us SOMETHING to tide us over until the next movie.
Ditto. Something from the new universe please!
I’d buy anything drawn by Gordon Purcell or Jerome Moore or written by Peter David or Scott Tipton. I really miss a monthly Trek fix!
The new universe, you say? I might have a reason to buy comics again.
Yes! New universe! You listening, IDW?
Star Trek: Enterprise?
yes can’t believe they couldn’t do a story in the jj-verse.
the others titles were good but i would also like to see something based in the original series movie era as well as the original series & do something bold with some typical comic action…
John Byrne doing another TOS – yes, that’s what I wanted to hear!
#3 – Pocket tried. Paramount killed it.
Abramsverse means I save my money. OTOH, Primeverse means IDW will get some of it. :)
I’d like to see more TOS movie era stuff, as well, especially more “Excelsior”. Post-finale ENT, DS9, and VOY would be very cool, too, especially if it uses the material established in the novels. For that matter, I’d also love to see a “Vanguard’ and/or “Titan” story.
Just sayin’.
And more John Byrne Trek would be very welcome. :)
The Abramsverse could use this to its advantage and canonize those publications, meaning they would have to be taken into account when writing future movies. Publishing a bunch of novels/comics which do not actually count is merely same old, same old.
Of course, it would mean that JJ and Co. would have to review them, but it would pay off assuming there are a lot of fans who wouldn’t buy them if they aren’t canon.
Boborci, what do you think?
Every one of these IDW titles that I’ve read — with a few exceptions — have been very solid. I for one certainly hope that they continue with the classic lines, as they’ve done. I would have no problem springing for some material in the AbramsVerse so long as the commitment to storytelling and characterization remained as high as the work they’ve done with the original.
I’ve enjoyed most of the IDW comics especially the Alien Spotlight, TNG, TOS and DS9 comics, the movie adaptation and the countdown and I can wait for more.
I mostly hope for more DS9 comics taking place between the 4th and 6th season so all the original characters plus Worf can be there.
I also hope for a series of “what if” (I think it was anounced back in 2007 but it was postponed/canceled?).
There is an infinity number of parallel universes in Star Trek world and it would be great to see some of them in the comics.
For instance what if Tasha Yar didn’t die, what if Jadzia Dax didn’t die, what if Spock had died as a child like in the episode “Yesteryear”, what if the dominion didn’t exist (how would be the gamma quadrant exploration in that case), what if the voyager was not lost in the delta quadrant, what if the crew of the defiant had remained in Gaia in the episode “Childrent of Time” etc.
@ Jedi_master
Yes a what if series was anounced – it was called probability factor – and it would tell alternative timelines stories based on TOS and TNG eras. I would like to see such a series finally materialized. The possibilities would be endless and many fans love AU stories. Some of the best and most beloved episodes of every series have to do with AU. Yesterday’s Enterprise, Parallels, Yesteryear, Year of Hell, Children of Time, The Visitor and many more. There are many interesting stories to tell. I wish this could happen
I got the Original Series Omnibus just a week ago. Now I got some AbramsVerse to get hyped about. :D
I’d like some stories set in the new timeline as well.
New Universe Star Trek ongoing starting in September.
Link below
This will be better viewing and reading as far as Star Trek stories are concerned.
Eat your heart out Dennis Bailey, Starship Farragut, and Starship Ajax!