Today the BBC, CBS and IDW (enough acronyms?) made official what was leaked last week…the Star Trek and Doctor Who franchises are headed for a mashup collision in a new comic book. We now have new details (and the first cover) from the the "Assimiliation2" comics which will tell the tale of how the crew of Star Trek: The Next Generation and the Doctor will face off against the Borg and the Cybermen.
Details on Star Trek: TNG/Doctor Who crossover comic
Two giant sci-fi franchises are coming together to fight cyborgs. Star Trek: The Next Generation and Doctor Who will join forces in a crossover comic book series titled "Assimilation2," where they will be fighting Who’s classic baddies the Cybermen along with TNG’s Borg. The eight-issue series will kick off in May. "Assimilation2" is being written by Star Trek comic writers Scott and David Tipton (authors of TrekMovie’s 2011 comic of the year pick "Star Trek: Infestation") and Doctor Who writer Tony Lee. J.K. Woodward is doing the artwork and Joe Corroney will be doing a variant cover.
"Assimilation2" will be IDW’s first TNG comic since the five issue series "Star Trek: The Next Generation: Ghosts," which launched in November 2009. This will be IDW’s third crossover with Trek, with the first being the original series zombie-crossover "Infestation" from early 2011 and the currently running Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes series.
press release
First Ever Star Trek®/Doctor Who Comic Book Crossover Coming in May
Star Trek: The Next Generation® crew and the Doctor face off
against the Borg and the Cybermen
San Diego, CA (February 13, 2012)—In conjunction with BBC Worldwide Consumer Products and CBS Consumer Products, IDW Publishing will make history when two of the greatest science-fiction properties of all time come together in a comic book for the first time. The world’s most popular time traveler teams up with the U.S.S. Enterprise crew in STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION/DOCTOR WHO: ASSIMILATION2, taking fans on an adventure where no man has gone before.
“By joining these two sci-fi powerhouses, fans will be taken on the ultimate adventure through time and space,” said Liz Kalodner, executive vice president and general manager of CBS Consumer Products.
Launching in May, STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION/DOCTOR WHO: ASSIMILATION2 will feature fan-favorite villains the Borg and the Cybermen as they create an unholy alliance resulting in potential disaster for all humanity. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise find themselves joining forces with the Doctor and his companions, with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance.
“We are excited about this new adventure for the Doctor and the fact that he will be travelling with Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his iconic crew. This is a perfect partnership for not only Doctor Who’s incredible fans, but also for the brand. We have just celebrated our most successful year yet. Doctor Who’s latest season delivered record ratings for BBC AMERICA and it was most downloaded full TV seasons of 2011 in the U.S. on the iTunes Store,” says Soumya Sriraman, executive vice president Home Entertainment and Licensing.
This eight-issue series will be written by Scott and David Tipton, the authors of critically acclaimed Star Trek: Infestation, with a helping hand from longtime Doctor Who writer Tony Lee, and will feature fully painted artwork by J.K. Woodward (Fallen Angel).
Fans are encouraged to ask their retailers about the rare wraparound photo cover. Plus, artist Joe Corroney (Star Trek Ongoing) will provide a variant cover featuring the Doctor and friends aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise.
Doctor Who and Star Trek are two hugely successful franchises that began as television series, and have expanded into a number of other media, including comic books, which continue to captivate fans all over the world. Nearly five decades and 1,500 episodes in the making, this is the moment that both Trekkers and Whovians have waited for all their lives!
STAR TREK TNG/DOCTOR WHO: ASSIMILATION2 ($3.99, 32 pages, full color) will be available in stores in May 2012.
Words cannot adequately describe how much I love this.
I have to admit. This is looking pretty fantastic. We are getting the Best of both worlds here. Having the Dr. and Capt Picard together will be exciting. Can’t wait.
Can you say Geek Heaven.
I have to admit. This is looking pretty fantastic. We are getting the Best of both worlds here. Having the Dr. and Capt Picard together will be exciting. Can’t wait.
Can you say Geek Heaven.
best possible crossover?
It’s a great combination, the Borg and the Daleks
Picard’s lips look like they’re on backwards but other than that the artwork looks good.
Inordinately excited about this. XD
Are comics considered canon? They mentioned Star Trek on Dr. Who recently. I think it was that episode where the Doctor with helping this guy with his son.
Borg and Cybermen. I knew it!
I would rather see a comic with David Tennant as the Doctor, after all both he and Patrick Stewart worked together on 2009 BBCs production of Hamlet.
I’m not a fan of the Doctor, but I’m not a hater either. Just don’t really watch it.
But I think these crossovers are great fun & any new TNG material is a good thing.
Archer & crew vs. Predator next, please!
I would love to see the Enterprise E meet a Cylon Base Ship. Hmm.
If mash ups are the rage now, I’d like to suggest that the classic Enterprise should visit….The Planet of the Apes.
Somewhere is a landfill, there is a 22-page, crudely drawn comic book around this idea that I did circa 1974. (Captain Kirk wound up in situations that were oddly similar to what Charlton Heston experienced in the original Apes flick.) And maybe somewhere in a basement closet there is a cassette tape of me and my friends acting out the adventure. Complete with sound fx and score. And it was really hard to grab soundbites from a television speaker on a cassette recorder. (I think there was a longer, clean bridge sequence from “This Side of Paradise” I was able to loop over and over.
Good grief! We were nerds!
(My wife is wondering what I meant by “were.”)
I remember thinking “this would have made my life a lot easier” when soundtracks of episodes and official sound effects were released on CD in the mid-80’s.
The kids don’t know how good they’ve got it theses days. :D
Don’t watch “Dr.Who”, but I’m looking forward to this nonetheless!
This sums up my feelings quite succinctly:
How about the Borg visit Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
THAT would be cool. Imagine the rabbit!
Great cover! So is the Enterprise-D gonna blast the Tardis to bits, or what?
Seriously, though. Neat concept!
No one can hear you make a phone call in space!
Not sure how I’m going to get through reading this series…. Every time I read news about it I get dizzy and pass out….. ;) This is going to rock!! Can’t wait!
To #16, AJ – ROFLMAO!!
Hey, I read about police boxes in Britain. They were like mini-jails or mini-police stations. I don’t thihk we had those in the good ol’ U.S. of A. This was before radio cars and such.
Seriously, police boxes were really cool, kinda, if you’re into law enforcement.
In the U.S., I think they just basically bashed the guy on the head with a club and waited for backup.
My wife and her friends just had a fangasm!
It’s about time! Although ideally this should have been either William Hartnell meeting the original Kirk and crew or Smith meeting Abram’s version…jumping back to Next Generation doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense, except to use the Borg as villains with the Cybermen, that’s kind of cool. But they could have done it in the new timeline, no problem.
Hopefully there will be some kind of acknowledgment that Star Trek is fiction in Doctor Who’s universe…can’t wait to read this!
I wonder where the Tardis will appear on the Enterprise, the bridge the transporter room?
I guess I’m the only one that is going to tell the truth……
…..the is the dumbest thing since DS9.
Besides it’s the wrong doctor – David Tennant was the best doctor of all time.
Weirdly enough, Matt Smith actually looks a bit like Jon Pertwee in that cover illustration. That’s cool because Pertwee’s actually my favorite doctor anyway! I bet Pertwee would actually get on well with Picard.
How’s the weather in trollsville?
This actually sounds promising!! Ask and ye shall receive… by the way, RE #25… his alias here is rather suspicious…perhaps Fred Figglehorn of YouTube and now Nickelodeon fame? (smh)
My eyeballs need this in front of them, pronto.
@4: Spock beating the crap of the Xenomorph Queen with a lirpa? Yes, PLEASE!
^”OUT of the”, darn it!
I think it is very very silly.
But i also see there would be money in it and i don’t begrudge anyone making a dollar if the opportunity is there.
Let me know when the tng/scooby doo crossover happens. You know that would be money too.
Such as shame that it wasn’t the last doctor, David Tennant. He had a certain Q quality.
Picard wouldn’t have been able to stand the 10th Doctor’s manic/depressive personality (mostly manic). Though maybe Crusher could have helped him.
I am going to die of happiness now. Goodbye.
Who’s the bloke on the cover next to Picard??
Doesn’t look anything like David Tennant!
Alien vs the muppets!
I’d like to see that
Now can we have some pictures from the set of a certain new Star Trek movie please?
I think we’ve all been very patient, sitting on here daily for the last 3 years waiting for production to start. It’s now been a month since it did and all we’re waiting for is 1 measly new picture. How difficult can it be in this day and age with all the gadgets available. Go on, be brave guys, post just 1 picture. Come on
I’m wound up so tight I am Gallifreying at the edges!
I love the idea of this.
I hope K9 appears during a punch up on D7.
Klingons and Kal Data, Davros and Daleks.
There is a realm of possibility waiting to be explored.
That would be kewl.
IMO Matt Smith is possibly the greatest Timelord since Tom Baker. Everyone of course is welcome to their own.
Doctor Who and Star Trek… it can’t get anymore fanboyish than that I suppose. Anyway, here are some of my ideas for comic crossovers.
TOS and The Ten Commandments: Kirk and Co. accidentally kill Moses while he is wandering the desert, forcing Kirk to step into his shoes. The Enterprise and her crew must make all the plagues and miracles happen to ensure biblical history is restored,
DS9/Babylon 5: Oh yes, I totally went there. During an experiment with some newly discovered orbs found on a bajoran moon. The wormhole spits out Babylon 5 during Babylon 5’s season 3. The height of the Shadow war. Um, that’s pretty much it for this one, everyone does the dance number from C&C Music factory for the next couple of sequences before B5 returns home.
Voyager/Alien – The crew are in the Delta Quadrant still, they come across a distress call. They find a dying jockey on a crashed vessel on a dead planet. The alien/jockey dies on them but has stowed aboard something sinister, it attacks a nameless character we have never seen before, creating an alien/alien hybrid. It takes Janeway a whole comics readthrough to figure out just to beam the thing into space and blast it to oblivion with the phasers and torpedoes. The end.
Enterprise/E.T. – The Federation accidentally destroy the planet that E.T. came causing him to take revenge on the first Federation starship he comes across, at first he plays nice while on aboard. Archer soon learns his plan while receiving a sensual massage from the horrific looking alien.
It seems like a huge sell out to me, and I’m a big fan of both series.
Sad day.
40. Same here.
Some things just aren’t meant to happen!
I like wine and I like beer, but I don’t mix the two in the same glass…….
21: There’s still the odd police box to be found in Britain. Go to Google Earth and explore Drumsheugh Gardens in Edinburgh.
I absolutely refuse to get my panties in a bunch… until it happens onscreen!
Seriously, it’s fine. I used to draw characters from both, on the back of my school exercise book all the time. Back when the Doctor wore a straw hat, cream jacket and red-handled question-mark shaped umbrella.
Even if it wasn’t, like Star Trek/X-Men, I could always ignore it!
It’d be cooler if it were David Tennant’s Doctor; as he and Stewart costarred in an handsome BBC production of Hamlet a few years ago which I have on dvd; it’s REALLY good. Sort of a ‘comic book reunion.’
Of the different versions of Hamlet I’ve seen (and own)? It’s my #2 favorite… just behind Branagh’s opus.
As for Doctor Who? I haven’t totally warmed up to Matt Smith yet. Fine actor, but I just prefer Tennant and Eccleston’s characterizations (of course, Tom Baker is still #1 in my book). Not terribly crazy about the Willie Wonka/Harry Potter tone the show has taken on the last few years, either….
I’m A Doctor, Not The Doctor.
@44 id have preferred Tom Baker or Peter Davidson or the early Dr’s Hartnell/Pertwee/Trouton, or even Paul McGann to Smith in this crossover (same goes for Tennant – in fact the whole of “nuWho” is too nutty/Wonka for my liking) and the thought of Amy and Rory on board the Ent D depresses me. i only hope Picard gives to order to OBrien to beam the pair into open space at some point
I would have actually loved to have seen the tng crew destroyed in a battle with Nero at the start of the last film.
To me that would have been both fitting, given that they will not be coming back anyway and a good way to pass the baton.
Plus it would have set up the framework that Nero’s ship was far more powerful than even the most modern era starship adding to the idea that Kirk and crew won the day on their wits.
But you cannot have everything and the death of Kirk senior so that Jim Kirk could live was the greatest moment in all of Star Trek.
I would just love to have seen risk taken with tng for the purpose of telling a better story. Instead they get saddled with dr who, it’s such a cheap option, sorry.
@47 – LOL i said that too!
see #160:
47 – You are comparing Trek 09 and a comic book special? Adding TNG to Trek 09 like they did with Countdown would have been cool, and probably confusing to causal watchers and definitely extended the running time beyond acceptability.
I agree the TNG deserves a true send-off, but Trek 09 was not the place, and this Dr. Who bit of fun is not meant to be such a vehicle.
Just for gits and shiggles, what about a Dr. Who/Star Trek/Star Wars triple crossover?
“I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Millennium Falcon!”
— THE Bruce Dickinson