First Look at October Trek Comics From IDW

IDW has just released their October 2018 solicitations with synopses and covers for all their titles. There will be two new Trek titles for the month. This includes the 4th entry in Star Trek: The Next Generation mini-series Terra Incognita which is set during the fourth season of TNG and picks up after the events of the Through the Mirror series. October also brings the second issue in the Star Trek: The Animated Series and Transformers crossover, Star Trek vs. Transformers.

October 2018 Star Trek comics

Star Trek vs. Transformers #2 (of 4)  (32 pages • $3.99)

Written by John Barber and Mike Johnson, art by Philip Murphy

The Enterprise is burning, brought down by the united forces of the Klingons and Decepticons. Captain Kirk and Optimus Prime have a plan to strike back, but can they bring their scattered Starfleet crew and Autobots together before Megatron wipes them out? The no-holds-barred Saturday morning mash-up continues!

Cover A by Marcelo Ferreira

Retail incentive cover

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Terra Incognita #4 (32 pages • $3.99)

Written by Scott Tipton & David Tipton, art by Angel Hernandez

On the heels of the blockbuster THROUGH THE MIRROR mini-series comes a brand-new NEXT GENERATION series, featuring untold tales of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D! Wesley Crusher finds himself in a situation outside his comfort zone and must rise to the challenge.

Cover A By Tony Shasteen

Photo cover

Retail incentive cover A by Elizabeth Beals

Retail incetive cover B by J.K. Woodward

Previews of other upcoming titles:

July Star Trek Comics

August Star Trek Comics

September Star Trek Comics

Keep up with all the Star Trek comics news, previews and reviews in TrekMovie’s Comics Category.

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Riker is making me uncomfortable.

LOL, hysterical.

Star Trek: The Grooming *shudders*

So when do the Kelvin comics get a new series, or are they permanently canceled?
The wrap up to boldly go was rushed, and lackluster.

Looking at that drawing of Beverly Crusher reminds me of how much of a crush (no pun intended) I had on her growing up. She’s hurting for it.