Star Trek: Discovery has picked up another award season nomination on Wednesday, carrying on from the excitement the cast has been expressing following yesterday’s big news.
GLAAD Nomination
Following on from last week’s Makeup Guild nomination, today 2022’s award season continued with Discovery picking up a nomination for a GLAAD Award. The GLAAD Media Awards are “to recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community and the issues that affect their lives.” Star Trek: Discovery was nominated for Outstanding Drama Series. This is the fourth year in a row the series has been nominated with their first win last year. For 2022 Discovery is going up against 9-1-1: Lone Star, Batwoman, The Chi, Doom Patrol, Good Trouble, Grey’s Anatomy, The L Word: Generation Q, Pose, and Supergirl.
Actor Wilson Cruz reacted to the news with his thanks to GLAAD for recognizing the diversity of the show, with the added message “Star Trek and Discovery, specifically, is here to remind everyone, that no matter who you are YOU can help save the galaxy!”
Thank you, @glaad, for recognizing #StarTrekDiscovery, again, for our fierce commitment to showing the true and beautiful diversity of our #lgbtq community. Star Trek and Discovery, specifically, is here to remind everyone, that no matter who you are YOU can help save the galaxy!
— Wilson Cruz (@wcruz73) January 19, 2022
The official Paramount+ Star Trek account also sent out congrats to the Disco team including a new behind-the-scenes shot of Ian Alexander.
Congratulations to the #StarTrekDiscovery team, nominated for Outstanding Drama Series at the GLAAD Media Awards! Thank you to @glaad for this honor 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
— Star Trek on Paramount+ (@StarTrekOnPPlus) January 20, 2022
The 33rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards ceremonies will be held in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hilton on Saturday, April 2, and in New York at the Hilton Midtown on Friday, May 6.
Disco cast celebrate season 5 pickup
Yesterday Paramount+ outlined their Star Trek plans for 2022 and beyond which included announcing Discovery had been picked up for a fifth season. Fans had been eagerly awaiting news as previous pickups had been announced closer to the previous season premiere dates.
Many members of the cast took to social media to share the official announcement images, including series star Sonequa Martin-Green (Captain Burnham) who added the message “Let’s keep this thing going shall we?”
View this post on Instagram
Actor Anthony Rapp showed his “Wooooooot!” excitement on Twitter, expressing how much he loves playing the role of Commander Paul Stamets and adding that he feels fortunate to “continue to do so with all my amazing friends” for season 5.
Wooooooot! I love playing Cmdr Paul Stamets, and I am very fortunate that I will continue getting to do so with all of my amazing friends on #StarTrekDiscovery in Season 5.
— Anthony Rapp SAG-AFTRA National & NY Board Member (@albinokid) January 18, 2022
Wilson Cruz (Dr. Hugh Culber) shared the renewal news with the message “Season 5! Coming at you, baby!”
I’m just going to leave this right here… 🖖🏽#StarTrekDiscovery SEASON 5! Coming at you, baby! @StarTrekOnPPlus @CBSTVStudios @paramountplus @StarTrek
— Wilson Cruz (@wcruz73) January 18, 2022
But later Cruz followed that up with a more pointed message responding to a tweet about certain outlets that have spread rumors about the show’s cancellation, noting “every season… and we just keep proving them wrong.”
Every season… and we just keep proving them wrong and putting out the garbage. 🖖🏽
— Wilson Cruz (@wcruz73) January 18, 2022
Disco does DnD
Some members of the cast of Discovery have been playing Dungeons and Dragons as a way to pass the time and now they are taking it online for fans to follow along. On January 16 the team launched a new campaign with Noah Averbach-Katz, Anthony Rapp, Blu del Barrio and Ian Alexander playing live on their Disco Does DnD Twitch channel. The plan is to play every week with the next stream scheduled for Sunday, Jan 23rd at 1 pm PT. More information about the campaign can be found on @DiscoDoesDnD on Twitter.
Reminder: Discovery returns in 3 weeks
Episode 407 of Star Trek: Discovery was a mid-season finale. The series will return with episode 408 on February 10.
Well deserved. :)
Well, I love THE WAY they keep cancelling DSC every year. By simply putting out another season. In a way the show is being constantly cancelled and reinvented… New leads, new eras, new uniforms… Remember those minor changes back in the day… Sisko baldly going, Seven of Mine, The Xindi arc… Disco does it so much better…
I just thought about this and the main argument the haters kept using is that the only reason Discovery exists today is it’s original deal with Netflix. That’s all they kept using as to why Discovery hasn’t been cancelled and fell into the abyss long ago by now.
Well not only did Viacom buy back Discovery from Netflix to be exclusive to P+ worldwide, they also just renewed it completely on their own. So clearly the show is a hit and has been for awhile. You can still hate the show and think it’s the biggest disaster since the invasion of Iraq but I will never understand why people can’t separate their personal taste over basic reality? It’s not going anywhere, deal with it and move on.
I’m personally very happy to see the show continue. I hope it goes for several more years at this point because I do love the new setting its in and it’s nice to see a Trek show finally going forward in a big way again. Something many of us wanted for years now. And it’s actually getting better too. ;)
I’ll admit I am not the biggest Discovery fan but I would never make the ridiculous claim that it isn’t a hit for Paramount+ You don’t just renew shows for no good reason. As of Season 5 Discovery will have surpassed Enterprise in terms of show length and be 2 seasons away from TNG/DS9/VOY in over all length.
The irony for me is I’m not a huge Discovery fan either lol. Even now, it’s my second least favorite show in the entire franchise. It’s only above Picard which I thought had a dreadful first season. BUT I always said from day one I would support the show and just hope it improves which I honestly think it has a lot. I felt that since season 2, but it still has some really bad writing pitfalls IMO. I just enjoy the show a lot more today. And really like its new direction, not just the setting itself, but the rebuilding of the Federation story line is nothing we had before for obvious reasons.
But I always thought the show was fairly popular. Nothing amazing but I always thought it was the most watched show on All Access because frankly what other show on that site had nearly the hype and marketing that show had? But I always questioned was it as popular as they had hoped when it premiered and I think the honest answer was no. Or why make all these radical changes so soon? Why bring in Spock and Pike for an entire season when just a year before we were told we would never even see Spock on the show? And you don’t throw your show 900 years into the future in season 2 if everything was just peachy. ;)
But there is a huge difference in arguing the nuance of how popular a show is within expectations versus arguing it’s a complete dud that no one is watching even though it keeps getting renewed year after year. Even Enterprise made it to four seasons because it was doing just enough to justify keeping it on but no one was claiming it was a huge hit either, So nothing is black or white.
IIRC Enterprise was supposed to end after 3 seasons but it got a 4th because it was “Star Trek” and UPN wanted to give the producers a chance to wrap things up.
Discovery certainly isn’t that. It keeps getting renewed far ahead of it’s current season and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down.
I do like the fact that DISCO jumped away from being a prequel, I’m just not sure I like ho the 32nd century is being handled. I still can’t believe so far into the future the Federation was still so dependent on WARP and dilithium and I was not a fan of why the burn happened. But I am obviously in the minority there and I can accept that. Kudos to those who are happy with the show.
As for Picard, my biggest gripe was that we never learned more about the machine race that the Romulans were scared of.
Enterprise was at the end of a 18 year period of a long franchise that needed a break by then. Even Rick Berman advised the network to give the franchise a rest for a few years before making another show but $$$$ talks. Even I stopped watching it after it’s first season and I had watched every show live every week from TNG through VOY (with some exceptions obviously). I always thought if networks took in DVR data like they did today since that’s when that technology really started, it would’ve stayed on air longer but that’s not here or there.
Discovery is the first Trek show after a 12 year dry spell, so it was always going to get hardcore fans interested in it. And the irony is I promised myself I would support it even if I didn’t like it because I didn’t want it to be another Enterprise. But that was never a real issue. All Access was so bad and in dire need of subscribers it was going to have to dive really hard for the only show that had any real press behind it to get cancelled anytime soon. I’m glad it’s thriving now though even if people like you still seem pretty mixed on it overall.
And I agree with you about the 32nd century and whole warp/dilithium thing. I have said it many times too it makes no sense knowing what we know and we seen multiple FTL technology used back in the 24th century. I mean the new show Prodigy now has a ship that uses baby protostars to zip around the galaxy. Yes, it’s an experimental ship (and it’s probably from early 25th century tech…time travel) but it’s bizarre how NONE of these types of advance tech ever stayed around or became enhanced centuries later. None of it passes the smell test if we’re being honest….but you remember it’s still Discovery and shouldn’t over think it too much. ;)
As I said, I enjoy the show a lot more today, but the writing and plot holes remain forever flawed.
I’ve always assumed that regardless of the underlying power source used for propulsion (whether it be anti-matter, a mini quantum singularity, or a protostar), dilithium is still needed for power regulation. Thus, at least in my own head canon, the potential plot holes of the Federation still be reliant on dilithium hundreds of years into the future are no longer plot holes.
Congratulations to all
Congrats to all involved including the fans who have supported the show.
Well, that’s nice.
Now if the kids could learn to act.
Let’s not drag the adults and minimise them as kids. Both Blu and Ian are adults and are really doing a really great and authentic job of portraying LGBTQIA characters
Shouldn’t they be doing an authentic job of portraying their characters?
While these awards are nice recognition for the diverse cast and issues the show has tackled,
I just wish Discovery was better! and nominated for proper awards like acting and drama.
Unfortunately Discovery is light years behind shows like For All Mankind, The Expanse, and Foundation and will never be even nominated for the truly prestigious awards, it is very sad as Star Trek used to lead the way for sci-fi shows in the acting and writing department.
….watching The Expanse for the first time now. It’s fantastic, imo. Cohesive storytelling, compelling, fleshed-out relatable characters, tight dialogue and a real feeling for how vast ‘space’ should be portrayed. Thrilled to have finally gotten around to checking it out.
I checked out of The Expanse when they moved on to the third book in the series (which I never finished either come to think of it) so I’ve not seen the fourth and fifth seasons- are they worth it? Would you recommend them?
I’m not sure what you consider “the truly prestigious awards”. No one has ever won an Emmy for acting on Trek. Leonard Nimoy was the only actor who was even nominated for acting but didn’t win. Trek hasn’t won an Emmy for writing either unless you count TAS which won as “Best Children’s Series” in 1975. TOS (2 seasons) and TNG (1 season) were nominated but didn’t win. The only place where Trek has ever been successful with the Emmys has been for “Creative Arts Emmy Awards”, i.e. things like makeup, visual effects, music, sound editing and so on. Discovery has been nominated for ten of those and won twice.If you want acting awards, Sonequa Martin Green has won a Saturn as best actress for Discovery twice (3 nominations) and was also nominated for a “Critics Choice Super Award” for Discovery. Doug Jones has also won a Saturn Award as best supporting actor 2 times (3 nominations). Jason Isaacs won an Empire Award as best actor and was nominated for a Saturn Award. Michelle Yeoh, Wilson Cruz and Ethan Peck were also nominated for Saturn Awards for their acting on Discovery. Discovery has also won a Saturn Award as Best Series three times.
It’s fine if you like For All Mankind, The Expanse, and Foundation more than Discovery. I like For All Mankind and The Expanse too (haven’t seen Foundation yet). But if you take The Expanse, the show seems to be doing pretty bad at awards, having collected 27 nominations and only 5 wins over its run, whereas Discovery has collected 65 nominations and 18 wins. The other two shows are obviously still much newer but For All Mankind has actually managed to score a Primetime Emmy already.
You make some good points the Emmy awards won are mostly on the creative side! however their has been quite a few nominations for acting and drama largely for the original series but the Next Gen and DS9 were certainty worthy of a few but sadly overlooked.
But can anyone honestly say Discovery should be up for these types of awards? My answer is never in a million years, the shows I have listed are better in every department – acting, writing, even technically with effects and wardrobe. I find this really sad as Star Trek was always about good storytelling first. Diversity was part of the show but it was background not the main thrust of the show.
I was not aware For All Mankind won an Emmy (well deserved) Ron Moore is a genius just think how much better New Trek would now be with him as the showrunner!
Like I said: It’s your personal opinion that Discovery doesn’t deserve to be up for these types of awards. That opinion doesn’t seem to be shared by the organizations who are actually handing out these awards.
And it’s not like the show is “only” recognized for its diversity. The GLAAD Media Awards (and probably the “Queerties”, too) are the only ones specifically related to the portrayal of diversity. That’s 4 awards nominations out of 65 Discovery has collected.
I don’t think Discovery is trying to be like those shows so I don’t see what the point of those comparisons are. Don’t get me wrong, I completely respect that this show is not your sup of raktajino. For me, the first two series are *very* rough (the first season in hindsight is appalling) but Season 3 and Season 4 (so far) have been great. I’d certainly watch Disco over Picard given the choice (never before has a season finale underdone an entire season!)