IDW Publishing has revealed their second tie-in to the Paramount+ original series Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. We have details on that plus more Trek comics coming in August including middle issues from the 5-issue “Day of Blood” crossover event, the final issue of the Deep Space Nine – The Dog of War mini-series, and the penultimate issue from the brand new Star Trek: The Motion Picture – Echoes miniseries. The publisher is also celebrating their first Eisner Award nominations for Star Trek comics. (NOTE: RI Covers not yet available)
Scorpius Run arrives after Strange New Worlds season 2 finale
The new Strange New Worlds comics mini-series is titled Scorpius Run and the first issue arrives on August 23, which is one week after the season two finale. Here is the official synopsis:
Set course with Captain Pike and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise to the Scorpius constellation! As they venture into the unknown, the Enterprise crew learn what it truly means to traverse through the strange and unfamiliar when they lose contact with Starfleet and find themselves trapped in unexplored space!
The series is being written by the same team behind Strange New Worlds – The Illyrian Enigma, SNW co-executive producer Kirsten Beyer and veteran comics writer Mike Johnson. The art is being done by artist Angel Hernandez who worked with Beyer and Johnson on previous tie-ins, most recently Star Trek: Picard – Stargazer.
The series will include multiple covers with Hernandez doing the A covers. IDW has revealed the three covers for issue #1.
“Day of Blood” continues in August
In July IDW launches the 5-issue “Day of Blood” crossover with a one-off Day of Blood issue that is followed up with four issues between the ongoing Star Trek and Defiant comics. This includes Part Two in Defiant #6 and Part Three in Star Trek #11 coming in August and Part Four with Defiant #7 in early September.
Star Trek: Defiant #6
(August 2 – $4.99)
Written by Christopher Cantwell; art by Angel Unzueta
The crossover event between Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant continues here in part two of DAY OF BLOOD! Worf and Sisko begin their trek to Kahless’ spire to stop the false prophet’s siege of Qo’noS with each other being the last man either wants to rely on. Meanwhile, Spock takes the bridge of the Theseus, reuniting with his old friend Captain Montgomery Scott and desperately attempting to keep the Red Path’s Bloodwings at bay.
NOTE: Cover C by Liana Kangas not yet available
Star Trek #11
(August 23 – $4.99)
Written by Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing; art by Mike Feehan
“Day of Blood,” Chapter Three! Only emissary Sisko and his crew of Starfleet’s finest and disgraced ambassador Worf and his band of insurgents can save the universe. But they are divided in every sense of the word… In space, Lieutenants Paris and Torres fight over control of the Defiant while Spock and Scotty do everything they can to keep the Theseus from being cleaved in two. On the ground, Ro and Sela have given up hope, and siblings Data and Lore can’t see eye to eye-all while their captains resist the urge to tear each other apart. Can they defeat Kahless and his Red Path when they cannot overcome their own differences?”Day of Blood,” Chapter Three! Only emissary Sisko and his crew of Starfleet’s finest and disgraced ambassador Worf and his band of insurgents can save the universe. But they are divided in every sense of the word… In space, Lieutenants Paris and Torres fight over control of the Defiant while Spock and Scotty do everything they can to keep the Theseus from being cleaved in two. On the ground, Ro and Sela have given up hope, and siblings Data and Lore can’t see eye to eye-all while their captains resist the urge to tear each other apart. Can they defeat Kahless and his Red Path when they cannot overcome their own differences?
Star Trek: Defiant #7
(September 6 – $4.99)
Written by Christopher Cantwell; art by Angel Unzueta
“Day of Blood,” Chapter Four. Thousands of years ago, Kahless the Unforgettable led his people to glory and raised an empire of honor. But his clone, Kahless II, has gone too far, murdering innocents in cold blood and hungering for power that can no longer be sated by Qo’noS and the Klingon people. He now stands alongside Alexander in front of Worf and Sisko, pitting father and son against each other and making a mockery of the Bajoran Prophets and their emissary. Meanwhile, the power of the Orb of Destruction surges from his ship above. Can Kahless be stopped, or will he once again prove to be the greatest warrior of them all? Find out in the penultimate chapter of the crossover between Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant!
More August 2023 Trek comics
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Dog of War #5 (of 5)
(August 2 – $4.99)
Written by Mike Chen; art by Angel Hernandez
With stolen Starfleet data on its way to the Dominion, Captain Sisko dons the mysterious Borg headset in an attempt to stop the transmission! Meanwhile, Major Kira and Lieutenant Commander Dax race to keep their new crewmember and prized corgi off the black market.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture – Echoes #4
(August 9 – $4.99)
Written by Marc Guggenheim; art by Oleg Chudakov
Tensions are at an all-time high with Chekov in a dire medical state while his evil doppelgänger, Akris, is supplying the Romulans with the Nightbringer weapon. The Enterprise crew’s mission is clear: infiltrate the Romulan dreadnought and destroy the Nightbringer before Akris can bring the destruction he’s inflicted upon his universe into theirs. But can Kirk and Nyota set their differences aside to ensure a peaceful resolution and avoid sparking a war with the Romulans?
Star Trek comics nominated
The Will Eisner Awards presented annually at San Diego Comic-Con are the Oscars for comic books and this year IDW picked up a total of five nominations, including two nominations for Star Trek comics. These are their first-ever nominations from their Star Trek tie-in line.
Star Trek #400 (edited by Heather Antos) is nominated for Best Single Issue/One-Shot, going up against Batman: One Bad Day: The Riddler (DC), Mary Jane & Black Cat Beyond (Marvel), Moon Knight: Black, White, and Blood #3 (Marvel), and A Vicious Circle Book 1 (BOOM! Studios). And the ongoing Star Trek series (written by Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing with art by Ramon Rosanas) was nominated for Best New Series. It is going up against The Atonement Bell (Red 5), Love Everlasting (Image), Public Domain (Image), and Traveling to Mars (Ablaze).
- Cover A
- Star Trek #1 cover A by Ramon Rosanas
The Eisner Award ceremony will be held at the San Diego Hilton Bayfront Hotel during Comic-Con on the evening of July 21.
Pre-order Star Trek comics
You can pre-order upcoming IDW Star Trek comics at TFAW. You can also pre-order digital editions at Amazon/comiXology.
Keep up with all the Star Trek comics news, previews and reviews in TrekMovie’s comics category.
I’ve not always enjoyed Beyer’s comics as much as her books, but it’s great to have a close relationship between the writers rooms and the tie-in fiction.
I also find it interesting and a real positive that the IDW comics are profiling the work of a lot of women artists in their Star Trek comics. Comics are notoriously difficult to get into, and the lack of diversity/representation in the artists and writers is a longstanding issue.
Angel Hernandez is solid, and I find Rachel Stott’s line drawings really well done. Nice to see alternate covers by a few others too.
¿Por qué el arte de estos libros es casi siempre tan malo? Hay pocas excepciones.
The artwork is excellent.