In addition to the the female lead, Zoe Saldana (Uhura), JJ Abrams’ new Star Trek film has quite the bevy of beauties. Two of the women headed to the 23rd century we haven’t heard much from are Jennifer Morrison (best known as Dr. Allison Cameron on House) and Rachel Nichols (aka Rachel Gibson on Alias). Both play key roles in the life of Kirk and both talked a little Trek in recent interviews.
Morrison…no idea what Trek is about, but loved it
In an interview with the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv, Morrison speaks of her role in the successful series House and a bit about her upcoming role in Star Trek . No new details on the film or even a mention of Morrison’s character (which TrekMovie confirmed to be Winona Kirk, Kirk’s mom), but she does talk about her time on the set:
This has been an amazing experience. It is a huge set and I loved every minute of it. Everything was top secret, thus we ended up riding in cloaked vehicles and were dressed in black robes over our costumes so that no one can see our make up or our costumes. Each morning I received the script with only my scenes of the day, so I have no idea what is the general plot of the movie. I couldn’t believe I was a part of this production.
And did Morrison grow up with Trek?
Not really. When I was a kid I didn’t really watch it and didn’t connect to this world. I only now realize how vast this fiction universe really is, how everyone know the different languages and terms. It’s sheer madness.
Kirk’s Mommy (Morrison) at the “Cloverfield” premiere
Nichols is ‘memorable’
Another one of Abrams Beauties for Star Trek is Rachel Nichols (who was also a recurring star on his show Alias). Nichols is featured in The Times Online on her recent horror movie P2, but also talked a little Trek:
They’ve done a very good job in keeping the character I play under wraps. All I can say is that it’s a memorable role.
They have? Well revealed months ago that Nichols will be playing a (non slave girl) Orion at Starfleet Academy…we even have an ‘artist rendition’ of what you may expect to see from Rachel…
Photoshop simulation of Rachel Nichols in “Star Trek”
Thanks to Shmuel Loutaty and Vered Klein of StarBase972 (the Israeli Star Trek fan club), for the tip and translation.
Morrison is a MILF!!
Ahh, two lovely ladies! Hmmm, I’m first?
Harry that is a bold statement on your part a “MILF!”
Well, then again its you!…..LOL!!!
Captain Kirk’s mom is a knockout!!
That orion will put me down for the 10 count!!!
What I really want to know about that green color is..Now I want to say this tastefully without getting in trouble… “How much of her is GREEN??” Harry can you answer that one??
Batts…..just think, when she’s older people can honestly say she looks like a million bucks!
Yeah, green and wrinkled!
They’re just like every girl I dated in High School.
When you mention Trek, they smile and make small talk.
Oh, and they’re a little prettier than some of my dates.
Yeah, and with real live women you don’t have to waste your breath blowing them up…..CmdrR
(runs and hides)
I hope two things. A.) Morrison never reads or hears these comments, and B.) if she does, I hope she doesn’t know what “MILF” means. :-P
Then again, she’s a great-looking Hollywood celebrity… so maybe she’s used to it. Heck, she’s probably heard worse. :-/
This from a man who can’t lift 25 lbs. with his left hand, but can crush a Volkswagen with his right. *
* Yes, that is vintage Woody Allen.
Hey, I don’t pick on YOUR hobbies!
(vintage Allen)
“I teach a class in masturbation. If I’m late, they start without me.”
“Morrison…no idea what Trek is about, but loved it”
That’s okay, I have no idea what ‘House’ is.
Kirk’s mommy is pretty hot. He always did have more than his share of luck with the ladies.
As for an Orion girl at Starfleet, when did Orion slave girls get domesticated? Something tells me Kirk will ‘boldly go’ and discover why “no human male can resist them” (to quote the ‘illusion’ of Commodore Mendez in “Menagerie”). And loved Morrison in “HOUSE”; she provided the ultimate in guilt-driven, passive/aggressive technology! Quite a performance. She should be stellar as Kirk’s MIL–er, mom! Must be rubbing off on me.
I hope these actresses are prepared for this level (and type, unfortunately) of attention for the foreseeable future…
Be still my Trekkie beating heart…*fans self*…
Mama Kirk is a MILF!!!
They said there’d be Easter Eggs in this movie. Didn’t know they’d look as good as Rachel Nichols.
Excuse me. I must boldly go.
Appears all the cliches are used up.
Yeah, we wouldn’t want to beat it to death!
Green with envy
pick your jaws up off the floor, guys.
they’re both hot.
Lets not forget the new Mrs Sarek.
these ladies are fine
Okay Harry, you finally got me on something – what does MILF mean?
I’d hit that with an inverse tachyon beam
CmdrR- LOL!
That last picture of Rachel Nichols is causing me some heart related issues. god is she unbelievably hot or what?
Okay, Harry is away, so someone tell me what MILF means. C’mon guys, step up!
They are actually two beautiful women. I am so not Worthy.
Wow. Nobody’s jumping on this. Ok, here goes…
The term MILF refers to women who are MOMS and are still in such hot shape that guys would LIKE to …
You can probably connect the dots. :-)
Ahh… thank you, Ky. You are a brave soul. I’ll zing Harry later.
You know, the description of green Orion women in The Menagerie depicted them as being wildly sensuous, to the point that hardly any man could resist them. So, how does this fit in with a green Orion girl being at the Academy? Would that not pose a HUGE distraction to the guys enrolled at that prestigous institution?
#35. My question exactly (ref. #16); having an Orion woman in class giving off unbelievably high levels of pheromones WOULD prove a serious distraction (unless Orions can just “turn it off” at will). Something tells me she’d get all ‘A’s with her male instructors and any lesbian female instructors. Something tells me there will be a Kirk/Orion girl scene somewhere in the film (note in “The Menagerie” when Kirk watches Vina in Orion guise on the monitor, he gets that ‘faraway’ look…)
#27: you really don’t want to know. It’s a purile male thing… perhaps the woman in here have the same sentiments for some of the members of the male cast, but do we really need to read it here for either gender?
Do Orion’s have to be green? Maybe its only the Green ones that are crazy…
With all this talk about being distracted, let’s not forget the Deltans. Unless, they too, aren’t CANON~. *LOL*
no worries about continuing the fine, age old sci-fi tradtion of hot space babes, woo!
it appears abrams has that coverd, at least!
So glad to see a Trek movie packed with beautiful women. In ten movies there’s been pretty much no sex appeal. Even Kirk’s libido was sidelined as he got older.
Great to see an Orion crop up as a cadet, especially played by the gorgeous Rachel Nichols. Doubtless Kirk will get involved with her: hell, maybe he persuades her to use her ‘charms’ to help him re-programme the Kobayashi Maru test for him! ;)
I don’t think I would ever miss a class
– I’m droooooooooooling..!
Kirks mom is very nice indeed :p
#35 Using a useful nuBSG term
Mother I’d Like Fracking
And there are countless variations….
Mostly Impossible Lay, Friend
25. Kirk’s Girdle: Never! Noni forever.
Dom#41- Kirk does not need some girl, green or otherwise, to help him reprogram the simulators – he is smart enough to do it by himself. Do you really think his character would stoop so low as to put another cadet’s career in jeopardy, knowing the academy inquisition he would inevitably face after the test was over? Think of Westpoint and the furor surrounding such a happening on its campus (of course, the 21st century version). Kirk stated in The Wrath of Kahn that HE reprogrammed the simulator because he did not believe in the no-win scenario. It is, IMHO, a matter of conviction to the young cadet – he does not believe he could be bested in that test, so he changes the conditions of the test so he could win.
#25 I heard a rumor about the new “Mrs. Sarek”. Her charactor is caught taking clothes from a prominant Vulcan Dept store without leaving behind the appropriate amount of Federation Credits, or Vulcan Euros, or even Romulan Pecos. This could help explain the disdain Spock experiences for being half human.
Lore#48- LOL!
Is it just me or does the green on Rachel just a tad bit un-Orion in shade?