ST09 Tidbits (T-72 days): Pine Talking, Kelvin Confirmed, Trailer Animated, Nacelles Scrutinized + more

We have more bits of news related to the new Star Trek movie. We have Chris Pine talking new and classic Kirk (and Bones), a confirmation and more details on that Kelvin bridge shot, a QUOG version of the Star Trek trailer, the guy who wanted to be Kirk hanging with the new Uhura, and an amazing new magazine that you don’t want to miss.


Pine on old, new and Urban’s doppelganger
CNN’s Showbiz Tonight caught up with the new James T. Kirk, and Chris Pine told them how he is balancing his perforamnce with the original…

I think that with this Jim Kirk you’ll get the flavor of the old. I tried to bring my own take to it and do justice to what Mr. [William] Shatner did before, but you get to see the full spectrum of Jim Kirk. There’s the young, bold, brash, cocky [quality] and I think there’s a maturity that happens within the arc of the character in the movie that’s really fun that I think people will respond to.

Pine also opined on the new Bones, Karl Urban

Yeah, Urban is, oh, he’s fantastic. I think when people see what Karl did with the role they’re going to be blown away. I mean, it was a shock when I found out that he was doing it, he’s such a great-looking guy. He’s such a leading man and to take on this classic character role … he is like the doppelganger of DeForest Kelley. But he brings his own Karl sensibility to it so people will really enjoy it.

Pine thinks Urban is a looker

Behind-the-scenes Kelvin bridge shot confirmed + more details
Well last weekend’s MTV ‘exclusive’ Star Trek footage was a bit of a fizzle being that all the ‘new’ footage was behind-the-scenes, but we did note that maybe there was something significant and new and now it is confirmed (via our usual trustworthy sources). The image below is indeed JJ Abrams in front of the helm console on the bridge of the USS Kelvin, which is ‘a generation before’ the USS Enterprise with Captain Robau (Faran Tahir) and Kirk’s father (Chris Hemsworth) as officer. Like we have seen from the exterior, the Kelvin carries over a lot of the classic look of Star Trek. Also, we will see Jim Kirk on a version of this bridge. TrekMovie has previously reported that a ‘redress’ of the Kelvin bridge is used for the Academy scene of Jim Kirk performing the Kobayashi Maru test. 

JJ goes retro on the Kelvin bridge

Star Trek Theatrical Trailer via QUOGS
After launched their do-it-yourself Star Trek animation site using the new ‘QUOGS’ style character, I suggested that one of the better submitters (TM reader Doug who goes under the handle ‘pyxlboy’) should do a version of the theatrical trailer for the new Star Trek movie. And Doug delivered, check it out trek trailer long

Star Trek 2009 gets animated

Jackson and Zoe
In our first Tidbits we mentioned that Fringe star Joshua Jackson is still lamenting that he didn’t land the part of James T. Kirk, and in last weeks Tidbits we noted how Zoe Saldana, Star Trek’s new Uhura, was keeping Trek fashionable at Fashion Week. And this week these stories converge with Jackson hanging out with Saldana at New York Fashion Week last Thursday.

That is as close as you are going to get to being Kirk Joshua

Nacelles Monthly
Recently we noted how when the LA times asked JJ Abrams how he is dealing with getting earfuls from hardcore fans, the director started off responding thusly:

The key is to appreciate that there are purists and fans of "Star Trek" who are going to be very vocal if they see things that aren’t what what they want. But I can’t make this movie for readers of Nacelles Monthly

TrekMovie had never heard of this magazine and as you can imagine it is something we should know about, so after scouring the world, we finally found one of the latest issues, here is the cover…

Latest issue of Nacelles Monthly Magazine
(click image to scrutinize it in greater detail)

OK, we actually we made it up…sorry. I came up with the idea and asked resident artist Thorsten Wulff to put it together, who reached out to his countryman Tobias Richter for images of the Enterprise and Kelvin. I think Richter and Wullf did an amazing job (note the frayed corners and ‘edition’ details around the barcode). We actually shared this image with JJ Abrams, who thought it was "hysterical" and even noted "I’d buy that on the newsstand!"

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Looking at that picture with Karl Urban and Chris Pine almost made it look like it was with Bones and Kirk the way DeForest Kelley and William Shanter had done it.

Nacelles Monthly? Thank you, Thorsten. This has officially made my day!

LMAO at the Nacelles Monthly

Ha – good one

hahaha i’d subscribe to that magazine

Fantastic magazine! Where do I subscribe?

Well done with the magazine. Very funny. And I loved the animated trailor. The part with the crab as the monster from Delta Vega.. Priceless. lol

…Imagine the bra those damn things have to wear to keep trom sagging!

The decision to cast Urban as McCoy had me puzzled at first. Until i saw him in the theatrical trailer saying his lines. It was then when i realized this was the right man to take the mantel from the late great DeForest Kelly. Bones is my favorite TOS charater. Im happy that it’s in good hands.

On a side note. That naccels monthly had me going for a few seconds there hahaha. Very funny!

Yeah, but did you see the article about the new formulation for verterium cortenide and how it resists plasma deterioration 20% better than the old formula? Fascinating stuff.


… “Does it have a point?” Brilliant stuff, guys.

In the cartoon trailer is that John Hodgeman in the scene where Spock’s walking on Vulcan?

Nacelles Monthly is made of rich, Corinthian win. :D

People getting caught in mid-word makes for hilarious expressions.

And the lil’ cartoon Trek crew are adorable.

That animation is just hilarious! VERY COOL!

Love the mag cover, but wouldn’t be the Sol System edition?!

Of course…He’s looking at that Vulcan “Vista”.

Hey Anthony. Sign me up for nacelles monthly. Ill subscribe for a year and pay full price. Looks good to me. great article and Pine and Zoe and Urban. Can’t wait to see the young kirk defeat the kobioshi maru test in his own way and to see how he reprogramed the simulation so he could save the ship. Can’t waut to see the look on the other cadets faces as ge gets a commendation for cheating. LOL

Pine, Urban, Saldana… no Quinto again. They’re doing this to drive me crazy. Quinto is one of my favorite actors and Spock was my all time favorite fictional character.

I KNOW Paramount is keeping Quinto/Spock under wraps to tease me. Enough. I can’t take it any more. …

thorsten — you are da man!

I am with Mr. Sternbach- I want a subscription… But Rick, shouldn’t you be a contributor? I hope you have a monthly column at least!

I shamelessly pimp my own animation because I want more views. And I happen to like it.

“I don’t say ‘sabotage’…”

I love the “Nacelles Monthly”. That’s hysterical.
…Geez, how many times am I gonna change my desktop picture to something put out by Trekmovie? Every week!? Heheh.. Send a copy of that picture to Abrams. He might get a kick outta it.

And I got a big smile on my face seein’ that picture with Urban and Pine… I saw Urban’s expression, and went, “That is SO BONES!!!!!!” (Doesn’t help I’m reading “Shadows of the Sun” by Michael J. Friedman for the millionth time….)

And the animated trailer? Corny, cute, and utterly hilarious. x3


I felt the same way. Bones is my favorite as well. More so than the ship, the props, or any other character, I was the most apprehensive about an updated McCoy.

After seeing the promo images and then the trailer, it’s clear from Urban’s body language and delivery that he gets it.

Have to say the CG rendering of the new E look fantastic. But thos nacelles look like Prat & WHitney engines :)

Nacelles Monthly Magazine. Funny. Very well done. Love all those little touches. I love fan made projects that strive to trick the audience into believing it’s real.

There also needs to be a feaure in there called Dick York?Dick Sargent or Glenn Corbett/James Cromwell. Which do you prefer?

17. Thanks!



I can’t wait for Issue no.6!

Great job….good stuff.

#21 – Heh. I’ll contribute, and I’ll be like the food critic in Ratatouille, but these nacelles won’t remind me of my childhood. :)

Good work on the Nacelles Monthly! I’ve seen a few versions of it over on TrekBBS, but this one’s really amazing!


How many horse power is it?

In seeing the differences between the Kelvin and “new” Enterprise, would it be a stretch to guess that the Kelvin was attempting (unsuccessfully) to prevent the timeline from being altered, thus resulting in such a radically different-looking E?

Hopefully Nacelles Monthly will have a “yearbook” edition in December, like Starlog used to :D I’d buy that for a dollar.

I don’t get why people are saying the Kelvin bridge looks more TOS. It just looks like any old bridge but on fire.


23 – RE: Animated trailer. I agree with you so far as the “corny” and “cute.”

Thorsten, you’re getting famous! Are we allowed to say we knew you when?

Dear Chris, thanks for confirming you are a complete tool. Deforrest Kelley played dozens of leading roles during his career. If he didn’t measure up to your standards for pretty-boy leading men, then I suggest you leave your sexual proclivities at home and give the man the respect he is due. Karl Urban is in no way diminishing his talent or his looks by taking on the role of McCoy. Your statement actually makes me nervous that Urban makes McCoy much more of a character than Kelley ever did.

Re animated trailer: HELL YEAH.

Fantastic design on the magazine!!!

The animated trailer was THE BEST! I think they would have gotten a bigger response if they had released that in theaters, instead of E-surance commercials. Well done!

38. RD

WTF?. My God, man! Are you looking for this stuff? I didn’t read that AT ALL. All I heard was that Karl Urban is a good looking guy who does Deforest Kelly justice. As they say in the South, that be it.

Oh, nice magazine. That’s pretty awesome.

Kudos on the cover of “Nacelles Monthly.” I thought that was pretty hysterical!

God bless!

Well done mag cover, gang.

38. You do seem to be versed in “tool”.

Re: Nacelles Monthly

Finally, a magazine that covers the hard-hitting issues of our (future) time! But I’m still keeping my subscription to Deflector Dish Daily for the annual Swimsuit Issue.

38. RD

Chill man.. where the heck did you read ANY of that? Whoa.. you read WAAAAY too much into that.

42. The Governator
Well said…

Love the magazine cover! Keep up the good work!

How do you spell edition?